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Search on : BANDY, WILLIAM L. [Author]
References found : 3 [refine]
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 Galindo Domínguez, Roberto E. et al. Geophysical-Archaeological Survey in Lake Tequesquitengo, Morelos, Mexico. Geofís. Intl, Sept 2013, vol.52, no.3, p.261-275. ISSN 0016-7169

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 Peláez Gaviria, Juan Ramón et al. Morphology and magnetic survey of the Rivera-Cocos plate boundary of Colima, Mexico. Geofís. Intl, Mar 2013, vol.52, no.1, p.73-85. ISSN 0016-7169

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 Bandy, William L. and Mortera Gutiérrez, Carlos A. Gas Hydrates in the southern Jalisco subduction zone as evidenced by bottom simulating reflectors in Multichannel Seismic Reflection Data of the 2002 BART/FAMEX campaign. Geofís. Intl, Dec 2012, vol.51, no.4, p.393-400. ISSN 0016-7169

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