ISSN 0065-1737
printed version






Each manuscript presented for publication must conform to the following rules and instructions for authors:


1) AZM publishes studies in Spanish, English and French that describe the results of original research on terrestrial fauna.

2) Manuscripts sent to AZM for possible publication must be unpublished (not published previously in any journal, with the exception of abstracts published for a conference). These manuscripts must not have been sent for publication to other journals, either in anticipation or simultaneously.

3) The manuscript must be accompanied by a letter of presentation that includes the complete postal address of the author for correspondence, as well as his or her email address and telephone and fax numbers. If there is more than one author, the letter must be signed by ALL authors and must identify the author for correspondence and the consent of the coauthors to his or her designation as such.

4) Studies presented separately as small contributions or numbered notes that can be integrated into one unit will not be accepted.

5) The accuracy of the information in each manuscript, including the figures, graphs and bibliographic citations, is the sole responsibility of the author or authors.

6) The Editorial Committee of AZM will consider the presentation, content and style of each manuscript. On meeting these criteria, the manuscript will be submitted to a system of arbitration with two specialists in the theme, who will give their opinion regarding acceptation or rejection of the study. In the case of a discrepancy of opinion between these referees, the manuscript will be submitted for revision by a third referee or a member of the Editorial Committee of AZM. Acceptation will be based on both the scientific content as well as the presentation of the material.

7) Proof of receipt for each manuscript received by the Editor will be sent by email.

8) Manuscripts will be rejected if they fail to comply with the instructions for authors (see below) or on the recommendation of the referees.

9) Manuscripts that have been rejected will not be subsequently accepted by the Editorial Committee of AZM.

10) Publication will be ordered according to the dates of receipt and acceptation of each manuscript.

11) Authors who submit manuscripts should be aware that, if these are accepted for publication, the "copyright" is ceded to AZM, including the right to reproduce the work in any form and medium. For this reason, authors will be required to sign a copyright form.

Instructions for authors

Manuscripts should be sent to the Editor General of AZM as electronic files in PC compatible Microsoft WordŽ format by email or by using the soon to be available Open Journal System (OJS) of the journal. Files of the figures in high resolution should NOT be sent in the first instance, but only once the manuscript has been accepted for publication or on the request of the AZM Editorial Committee. Please include a Letter of Presentation for the contribution, including the consent of the coauthors to the designation of the author for correspondence and their agreement with the content of the manuscript.

The text should be presented in letter size (21.5 x 28 cm) with margins of 2.5 cm and all pages numbered consecutively, written in Times New Roman font at font size 11 and double spaced. Figures and tables should be sent in consecutive order as independent files.

In the case of acceptation of the manuscript for publication, the corrected document should be sent electronically as a file in Microsoft WordŽ format. Avoid the use of various font types, small-case capitals, bold text and unnecessary codes. High-resolution versions of the figures should be sent in files (see requirements) together with the text file. If necessary, include a Letter of Justification or comments on recommendations of the referees that have been rejected by the authors.

The author for correspondence will then receive notification of acceptation and the galley proof copies. These galley proofs should be revised thoroughly and returned within the time period indicated by the associated Editor. The copyright form, signed by the author for correspondence, must be included at this time.

Original research articles

Title and credits of the study. The title and author credits of the study should be presented on a separate page. The title should be written mainly in lower-case letters (upper-case only where necessary) and the names of genera and species should be presented in italics where necessary. Titles should be concise and accurate and must include the names of the higher taxa to which the organisms in question belong, either in the text itself or at the end in parentheses, e.g. (Diptera: Sciaridae).

Two spaces below the title should be presented the name(s) of the author(s), beginning with the first names in full and followed by the surname(s), according to how the work of that author is customarily signed, with one author following another according to the desired order, using upper and lower-case letters. Designate numbers in superscript after each name to denote the institutional adscription of each author and any other necessary contact details (e.g., author for correspondence). In the subsequent lines, annotate the institution(s) to which the author(s) belong(s) with full postal address and, where possible, the email address of each author, only where these details differ. Each institution should be detailed on a separate paragraph. Use superscript numbers to denote the institution address of each author in order of appearance, i.e., 1, 2, etc. Do not use footnote indicators for these details. Suggest a short title that will be used for the page cornice. Write this on the lower part of the presentation page. Always indicate the name of the author for correspondence. For example:

Abstract. The manuscript must first present an abstract written in the language in which the principal text is presented, followed by an abstract in another language. For example, if the manuscript is written in Spanish, the first abstract must be in Spanish and the second abstract in another language (preferably English, but French and Portuguese are also acceptable), but if the manuscript is written in another language (English, French, Portuguese), the first abstract must be written in that language while the second must be in Spanish.

Each abstract should begin with a format in which the work is cited in terms of the names of the authors and title of the study (in the language corresponding to that abstract). The name of each author must be presented in the designated order, with each author´s name beginning with the surname(s) (as customarily cited), followed by the abbreviated first name(s) and then the title of the study in the language corresponding to that particular abstract.

Abstracts should be concise and clear, describing the most important results and conclusions of the research, for which reason they should be proportional to the size of the study, without exceeding two pages in length. On a separate line, present three to eight key words for each abstract in the corresponding language.

It is recommended that the text be redacted or revised by people, preferably scientists, with clear fluency in the languages employed.

Example of abstract of an original article

Ruiz-Galván, I., Bautista-Martínez, N., Sánchez-Arroyo, H. & Valenzuela Escoboza, F. A. 2015. Chemical control of Diaphorina citri (Kuwayama) (Hemiptera: Liviidae) in persian lime. Acta Zoológica Mexicana (n. s.), 31(1): 41-47.

ABSTRACT. The effects of six commercial insecticide formulas for the control of the different stages of Diaphorina citri (Kuwayama) on Persian lime were evaluated under greenhouse conditions and in the laboratory. The studied insecticides were: imidacloprid+betacyflutrin, spirotetramat, imidacloprid, thiametoxam+ lambda cyhalothrin, imidacloprid+ lambda cyhalothrin, petroleum paraffin oil (mineral oil), and an untreated control. The specimens used were from a strain of D. citri brought from Cuitlahuac, Veracruz in January, 2012. They were established on Persian lime plants that had a year without insecticide applications. The evaluated parameters were insecticide toxicity on eggs, nymphs, and adults. The essays were set up in a totally random design, with 10 replicates for each treatment. The data were subject to a variance analysis (ANOVA) and Tukey's mean separation method (P = 0.05). Petroleum paraffin oil caused mortality in eggs; although, imidacloprid delayed egg emergence more than the other insecticides. Nymphs were susceptible to all the evaluated insecticides, with a higher mortality resulting from imidacloprid and imidacloprid+betacyflut rin. Mortality was greater in adults than in nymphs. At different dates after application, 100% mortality rates were registered for these two biologic stages. Key words: Insecticides, egg, nymph, adult, Asian citrus psyllid.

Example of abstract of a short communication

Bravo V., M. G., Mireles M., C., Zúñiga M., J. & Carreón H., E. 2015. Golden eagle diet composition and breadth in Chihuahua, Mexico. Acta Zoológica Mexicana (n. s.), 31(1): 116-119.

ABSTRACT. We assessed golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos canadensis) diet and breadth composition during the breeding season 2010 in Chihuahua state, Mexico. We collected old and fresh prey remains and observed prey delivery in active territories. Diet was diverse and composed of small mammals, mainly, but includes birds and reptiles as well. Hares and rabbits were the most important in terms of relative abundance and biomass.

Text. All text must be written with upper and lower case letters, with no footnote indicators, in the following order of presentation: Introduction and/or Background, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Comments or Conclusions, Acknowledgements and Literature Cited. Figures and tables must be referred to in order within the text. At the end of the text, the figure legends must be presented in consecutive order. A single space must be left after each punctuation mark. The citations that appear in the text must be the only citations that appear in the Literature Cited section and the references given must be complete. In the text, citations may be expressed as Marín (1998) or (Marín 1998), according to context. In the case of two authors, citations may be expressed as Lara-Rivas & Benítez (2001) or (Lara-Rivas & Benítez 2001), according to context. In the case of three or more authors, the citation must be expressed as Pérez et al. (2001) or (Pérez et al. 2001), according to context. Special symbols in the text and formulas, such as ♂♀π χ µ etc., must be verified with care.

Literature cited must be presented in alphabetical and chronological order. Lists of authors must be presented in their entirety (never using "et al."), in all cases presenting the principal surname first followed by the abbreviated first names. The complete names of the journals should be referenced in italics, while in the case of books, the title must be highlighted in italics. In the case of book chapters, the title of the book must be presented in italics. Citations obtained from an internet site must include the URL address and the date of consultation, including the digital object identifier (DOI) where possible. Examples of each case are provided:

Scientific article:
Eckerlin, R. P. & Painter, H. F. 2000. New records of fleas (Siphonaptera) from eastern West Virginia. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 102: 969-1009.

Jaffe, K., Lattke, J. & Pérez, E. 1993. El mundo de las hormigas. Equinoccio Ediciones. Universidad Simón Bolívar, Venezuela, 196 pp.

Book chapter:
Navarrete-Heredia, J. L. & Newton, A. F. 1996. Staphylinidae (Coleoptera), pp. 369-380. In: J. E. Llorente-Bousquets, A. N. García-Aldrete & E. González-Soriano (Eds.). Biodiversidad, taxonomía y biogeografía de artrópodos de México: hacia una síntesis de su conocimiento. Instituto de Biología, UNAM, México, D. F.

Internet citations:
FAO. 2007. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Statistics. Available at: (accessed on November 2011).

Penttilä A, Slade E. M., Simojoki A., Riutta T., Minkkinen K. & Roslin T. 2013. Quantifying Beetle-Mediated Effects on Gas Fluxes from Dung Pats. PLoS ONE 8(8): e71454. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0071454

Scientific names. Without exception, all scientific names of genera and species must be written in italics in the text and must comply with the rules of the latest edition of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. The first time a species is named in the text, the scientific name must be written in full and must be accompanied by the author and year of original description, for example: Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus, 1758) or Chrysocharis absentia Hansson, 1997. Subsequent mentions of that species can abbreviate the genus and omit the author and year. However, genera must not be abbreviated when they begin a new sentence, e.g., "...of its biology. Chrysocharis absentia is a ...", or in the case where species of two genera that share a first letter are mentioned.

Taxonomic articles. These must comply with the rules of the latest edition of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature and follow the indications given above for "Scientific names". In addition, the article must clearly specify the typical location of the new described species, the museums or specimen collections and the etymology of the proposed name. It must also clearly discuss or comment on its differences with the already described taxa to which it is related.

Units of measurement. Abbreviations must be written in lower case letters and without periods. Numbers from one to ten cited in the text must be written in letters. The decimal metric system must be used.

Figures. Once the article has been accepted and the illustrations (photographs, maps, diagrams) requested, these must all be presented separately from the text in independent files and must be of optimum quality in order to allow adequate reproduction. Files must be in TIFF format at a resolution of at least 300 dpi and in proportion to a letter-sized page. Numbers and letters included in the illustration should be in the fonts "Times New Roman, Helvetica" or their equivalents.

In the case of illustrations comprising various figures, these must be presented such that they do not waste space and together form a balanced illustration. The numeration of each figure in such an illustration should be consecutive and in Arabic numerals, or in letters if the main illustrations are already numbered in Arabic numerals, preferably located in the lower right corner. Such illustrations comprising various figures must be presented in a file in TIFF format at a resolution of at least 300 dpi.

Photographs must be well contrasted and in perfect focus and presented in files in TIFF format at a resolution of at least 600 dpi.

In cases where color printing of figures is required, prior permission must be obtained from the Editor. It should be understood that requirement this will incur an additional cost.

These should be supplementary and must not simply duplicate information presented in the text. They must be presented separately from the text and must present the same typography as utilized in the text. Table headings must be integrated above the corresponding tables, which must be presented in consecutive order at the end of the text. Where possible, avoid tables in landscape format and of excessive size.


Unlike articles, an essay presents an extensive document on a theme that contains well-documented novel, unpublished and original analyses. While the structure can be free or presented in chapters, it is recommended to follow the same format as applied to the articles: Abstract (two versions in different languages as specified above), Introduction, Conclusions and Literature Cited.

Short communication

Short communications must be brief and direct. For this reason, they should not exceed four printed pages of the journal, including figures and tables; this length corresponds to not more than five pages following the instructions for margins and font size provided above. "Short communication" must be indicated on the upper left margin. Below the title must be presented the full citation under which the short communication should be referred (see instructions in the section above referring to abstracts), beginning with the surname and initials of the author(s) and the complete title. For short communications, only one abstract is included, in a language that differs to that employed in the main text, and no key words are included. The text should follow two lines below the abstract, presenting precise information and following the same editorial process as that outlined for the original research articles. The text must include references in the same manner as that indicated for the full articles. At the end of the text, the list of bibliographic citations should be presented based on the same precepts as indicated previously. Finally, the complete names of the author(s), institution(s) of adscription and email addresses should be presented.

Book reviews

Book reviews are also accepted by AZM; these may be critical or disseminative. Their length must be similar to that of a short communication or technical note and must include the complete citation of the book, the text and finally the name of the commentator and his or her institution. This type of contribution must comply with the basic norms of AZM and its processing will be similar apart from the fact that in this case the contribution is not sent out to referees and is only subjected to an editorial review by the Editorial Committee of AZM. Publication of this type of contribution will be subject to the availability of space in the journal and will only occur if there has been no previous publication of a review of the same book.


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Estado de México, México
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