Revista Cuestiones Constitucionales
One of the traditional methods for spreading academic information is through periodical publications, which comply with two functions, among others: to report promptly, and to do so from a particular viewpoint. The purpose of magazines is, in effect, to report immediately on intellectual debates currently taking place, those which will take place in the future or those which have just occurred in our Society. This debate can be approached from the viewpoint of a particle of knowledge, in this case a knowledge of legal matters and, taken from there, will cover a more specific environment.
The birth of the present publication is surrounded by special circumstances. On the one hand, the Constitutional Law to which reference is made has not, strangely enough, formed the subject matter of a journal up to now, since to date, the magazines presently in existence have occupied themselves with legal disciplines which have little to do with Constitutional matters, or have done so from the viewpoint of a sector of law, public law, in which our area of interest is located.
In another connection, it should also be remembered that the institution that supports the creation of this new journal, the Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas (Institute for Legal Research) of the UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico), possesses an important tradition in editorial activities. At the Institute, periodical publications have been created and maintained, such as the Boletín Mexicano de Derecho Comparado (Mexican Bulletin on Comparative Law), the Anuario Jurídico (Legal Yearbook) , the Revista de Derecho Privado (Private Law Journal) and the Anuario Mexicano de Historia de Derecho (Mexican Yearbook of Legal History). It is, moreover, an Institution in which private law and, specifically, Constitutional Law, have been one of the areas most cultivated in research. We can say that it is an Institute with an outstanding record in the field of publicism, and one which represents an obligatory place of reference for numerous universities abroad. For this reason, the fact that this is the ideal place for a magazine of this nature, corresponding to those already existing in other countries, to appear, is a natural situation which has only been delayed by the passage of time.
The title we have given to this new publication, Constitutional Matters, is a clear evocation of one of the magnificent works of the jurist Ignacio Luis Vallarta, in which he made known his Votos in the principal decisions in which he took part during his time as a Justice of the Supreme Court, finally presiding over same. We have also, moreover, wanted the journal to represent the nation as a whole, and therefore the Editorial Board is made up of constitutionalists from all parts of the country. What is most important is that it is addressed to all cultivators of Constitutional Law. For this reason we decided that it should carry, as sub-title, that of the Mexican Journal of Constitutional Law.
The subjects we intend to cover in Constitutional Matters are related to a clear intention of reflecting the giddy changes presently being witnessed in our public legal institutions while, at the same time, promoting what is already considered a new Mexican Constitutional Law.
Constitutional Matters will have four sections. One of these, the first, will be dedicated to the publication of Articles of doctrine. Our intention here is for the appearance of original studies, the result of deep and serious research. This is, in some ways, the central core of this new magazine. We also plan, in this section, to publish research carried out by foreign jurists with a wide experience in the matters on which they write.
Another section, the second, will be dedicated to the publication of Jurisprudential Commentaries made with regard to the resolutions of certain courts coming within Federal Judicial Power, i.e., the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, the Electoral Court and the Collegiate Circuit Courts. We will also comment on the relevant decisions of other courts in connection with the contents of Constitutional Matters; we are thinking here of some Supreme Court, such as that of the United States or the Spanish Constitutional Court, to give some examples, or the Interamerican Court on Human Rights the competence of which in litigious matters was recently (December 1998) recognized by Mexico. We believe that in this way we will be complying with one of the basic aims of any publication, that of contrasting investigation with daily reality, in order to enrich both versions of law. Articles appearing in the foregoing section will also, insofar as this is possible, analyze the criteria of jurisprudence.
A third section will consist of Legislative Comments, given on constitutional and legal documents. Account will be given here of plans and bills, as well as of texts already published and in force. Of special interest will be the publication of the legal provisions by which we are to be governed, together with any comment which contributes an unknown viewpoint or examines that already existing in depth, once again contrasting theory and practice.
The fourth ad last section represents a minimum part with regard to the general contents of the journal, and will be dedicated to Biographical Sketches and general information. As exposition will be given here of the contents of the most important recent books, both Mexican and foreign, in connection with Constitutional Law. We consider that this magazine has an obligation to make known books oriented toward the new Mexican Constitutional Law, together with all those having something to do with Constitutional Law in general. On another matter, we will eventually include information on activities connected with the contents of the journal, such as courses, seminars and congresses, both Mexican and foreign.
With regard to the formal side, we should indicate two different aspects. One of these consists of the presentation of articles. We have, for this purpose, prepared Guidelines for submitting manuscripts, in which we indicate the characteristics to be complied with by works for publication. We have taken these rules from those called for by the Institute for Legal Research of the UNAM, as well as those recognized at international level. These articles will be preceded by an abstract in both Spanish and English. The second part consists of the fact that this can be a periodical single theme publication, when the characteristics of the subject matter so require.
In connection with the organic aspects, the magazine possesses, in addition to management which is handled by a researcher, Ph. D. Edgar Corzo Sosa, two Boards; one editorial and the other advisory.
The Editorial Board is made up of our country's most distinguished specialists on Constitutional Law who, in some cases, represent various academic institutions. We will also find here persons having a long academic experience in other countries.
The Advisory Board consists of well-known Mexican jurists with an outstanding academic background, who will assist in the task of deciding what articles should be published. This publication is intended to be outstanding for its quality, and here this Board will provide assistance. Records will be kept of the opinions.
The frequency of the appearance of Constitutional Matters, will be six months. We intend in this way to begin calmly an activity, which we know will not be easy, and whose permanence will depend on the attention of our readers.