ISSN 1405-0099
printed version



Guidelines for Authors

Cirujano General is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the diffusion of articles related to the general surgery to special emphasis in the native (Autochthonous) diseases of Latin America.

It is official publication of the Mexican Association of General Surgery, A.C founded on 1973 and publishes quarterly.

Papers must comply with grammar rules, using standard scientific and technical terminology.

Preparation of manuscripts. Use white bond paper, 8.5 x 11 inches (21.6 x 27.9 cm). Manuscripts must be typed double-spaced, using upper and lower cases according to the language (do not type uppercases only). Number pages consecutively (upper right corner) and identify them with the first authors' surname (left upper corner). Start each section on a new page. If using a word processor, send the disk (CD or DVD) with the manuscript in either ASCII or Word, together with a hard copy of the manuscript.

Title page. Include: Title of the article, bold typed, it should be short and concrete. Name(s) and surname(s) of author(s) in the appropriate order for publication. Do not abbreviate names or surnames. Name of the institution(s) where the work was done, including name, address (include zip code), telephone(s), fax, e-mail and Internet address (if available). Running head.

Authors. All authors should qualify as such. Each author must have contributed substantially to the work to take public responsibility for the contents. The editor can request justification of authorship.

Abstract and key words: The abstract should be structured, not exceeding 250 words, and must include the objective of the study, setting, design, type of statistical analysis (if used), patients and methods (clinical works) or material and methods (experimental research), results (the main ones), and conclusion(s). For review papers, the structured abstract must be organized as follows: Purpose or main objec tive of the review; data obtention; selection of studies; data extraction; results and conclusion(s). The abstract in English can be prepared by the author, but the editor's office has the right to corrector elaborate it when detecting discrepancies with the contents of the manuscript.

Key words must correspond with those accepted by Bibliomex Salud, in its section Index of Health Sciences Descriptors (DECS) (for the Spanish language) and to those of the Index Medicus, in its section Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) (for English). Provide three to five key words. The editor's office has the right to choose them if they do not comply with the aforementioned.

Text. Must be written using the corresponding upper and lower cas es (do not write the whole text in upper cases). It must be divided into the following sections: Introduction (include the objective of the study); Patients and methods or Material and methods; Results; Statistical Analysis (if used); Ethical considerations (if required); Discussion; Conclusion(s); Acknowledgement(s), and References. Start each section on a new page.

References: They must be arranged and numbered sequentially according to their appearance in the text, with the corresponding number written as superscript in the text, do not use parentheses. Reference to non published data" or "personal communications" will not be accepted; articles in press will be accepted if the corre sponding journal is cited. Journal articles must be cited as follows: Write out completely the surname, followed by the initials of the first and middle names in upper cases, of each author. Title of the article, in the original language, do not translate it. Name of the journal using international accepted abbreviations (as they appear in Index Medicus). Year, volume, initial and last page. Example: Murray JE, Merrill JP, Harrison JH: Kidney transplantation between seven pairs of identical twins. Ann Surg 1958; 148: 343-59. Remember to maintain the complete surname, which for most Spanish speak ing authors is composed of two, if the original citation has a hyphen between the surnames, keep it. Examples: a) Tapia Jurado J, Murguía Corral R, García Correa G, Villazón Zalum S, Arriaga Díaz G, Ramírez Arrellano AL, et al. Intestino corto. Experiencia y tratamiento médico quirúgico actual. Cir Gen 1997; 19: 20-6. b) López Neblina F, Páez-Rollys AJ, García-Criado EJ, Misawa J, Toledo-Pereyra LH. El óxido nítrico exógeno previene el rodamiento y la adhesión leucocitaria en isquemia mesentérica en la rata. Cir Gen 1995; 17: 90-3.

When the number of authors is less than 6, all should be listed in the reference, when there are 7 or more, only list the first six, followed by the expression et al.

If the reference was not directly reviewed but taken from another article or book, the source must be clearly indicated, give the complete reference of the original citation, followed by "Cited in" providing the complete reference of the source from which the original citation was obtained.

If the reference is from a book, cite as follows. Surname(s) and initials of all authors. Title and subtitle of the book; Edition (if not the first one); City where the book was printed; Publisher; year; pages. Example: Nora, PF Cirugía Técnicas y Procedimientos. 3rd Ed, Mexico, D.F. Interamericana McGraw-Hill, 1993, pp 1559. References to a chapter of a book must be cited as follows. Surname(s) and initials of all the authors of the chapter; Title of the chapter; editors, authors, or compilers of the book; title of the book, edition (if not the first); City; Publisher: year and pages. Example: Jenkins RL, Diflo TA, Lewis WD. Hepatic and biliary resection for neoplasia. In: Ritchie WP, Jr, Steele G, Jr, Dean RH (eds) General Surgery, Philadelphia, PA, 1995; pp 978.

Tables: Type each table on a separate sheet. Number them with Roman numbers, consecutively according to their appearance in the text, provide a short title for each table. Do not use vertical or horizontal lines to make the table.

Figures: Must be photographs, 5 x 7 inches, black and white well contrasted. Avoid colour photos, the journal is unable to publish them. Use a maximum of six photographs. On the back, indicate the name of the author, short title of the article, and the corresponding figure number. With an arrow indicate the position of the figure, use a label pasted on its back. Avoid pen or markers. Do not attach them to a white page. Place them separately in an envelope, also adequately labeled. On a separate sheet type the figure legends.

Articles must be sent by mail, e-mail, delivery service, or personally, faxed transmitted material will not be accepted.

In-extenso instructions for authors are published yearly in the first issue, Nr. 1, January-March, of each corresponding volume.

Correspondence: The manuscripts and correspondence should be mailed to:

Asociación Mexicana de Cirugía General.
Calz. General Anaya No. 330 Col. Del Carmen Coyoacán 04100
México, D.F. Tels. 5558-24-31, 5658-22-63, 5658-24-17, 5658-24-92
Fax: 5658-21-93.

Publication cost: The cost for publication will be: $50.00 UDS per
printed page. Color graphics and fi gures cause an additional charge.


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© 2012 Asociación Mexicana de Cirugía General
Calzada General Anaya No. 330,
Colonia del Carmen
C.P. 04100
México D.F., México