ISSN 1870-3569
versión impresa



Magazine Posting Rules

CONfines de Relaciones Internacionales y Ciencia Política is a bi-annual peer-reviewed journal with publishes work from different areas or research within thesocial sciences, particularly Political Science and International Relations.

By sending their work to this journal, authors committ themselves to not submit the same work similtaneosly to other journals or publications. The author is solely responsible for the intellectual content of that work and authorizes to CONfines for its inclusion in the journal's website, in collections and any other media that the Committee regards as opportune to provide a better and wider diffusion.

Those works which will be considered for publication must meet the following editorial criteria and standards:

1. Submissions are accepted under the condition that the intellectual work has not been previously published in other journals, books, or other formats, therefore not be accepted completed research but have to be research in progress and subject to modification.

2. Submissions are accepted in the languages of Spanish, English, or French, and will be published in the language of submission.

3. Works should be written in the Ms Word format.

4. Texts should be sent to the following electronic address: Acknowledgement and response to the reception of the submitted work will occur within 15 days.

5. Articles should be research papers that contribute to the debate, generation and development of theoretical and/or applied knowledge in the correponding area. They should have a length of 20-25 pages in Times New Roman font (size 12), with one and one-half line spacing. This space limitation includes abstracts in Spanish and English (no more than 120 words), 4-7 keywords in both languages, footnotes (only the necessary), tables, graphics, and the bibliography.

6. Book reviews should be critical valuations of recent publications in which their relevance and limitations are duly indicated. They should have a length of 5-8 pages in Times New Roman (font 12), with one and one-half line spacing.

7. The title of the work should be written in bold. The name of the author(s) and their corresponding institutions and/or academic departments, should be written at the beginning of the article, in italics, following the title.

8. All submitted texts should include the following information: name of the author(s); institution adscription (including city and country). A brief curriculum of the author(s) (five lines maximum) which includes academic degree, institution that granted it, most recent publications and current fields of study, as well as telephone number, electronic address, and home address.

9. In case the author uses graphs/images, these should be sent as as separate files, either in JPEG (.jpg) or TIFF (.tif) format at 300 dpi of resolution, grayscale (B/W).

10. Direct quotations which exceed 40 words should be placed in a separate paragraph, without quotation marks, and indented by five spaces.

11. Cited books and journal articles should adhere to the Harvard format follows:

a) Quotation of a book, referencing an specific page: (Beck 1998, p. 327).
b) Quotation of a book published in a collective book or journal: (Piette 1992, p. 165).

12. For articles and book reviews.- Bibliographic references should be listed alphabetically and numbered at the end of the manuscript. Footnotes should not include bibliographical references, but only additional comments to the text.

13. Bibliographic references should be cited as follows

Beck, U 1998, La invención de lo político, Fondo de Cultura Económica, México.

Chapter in book
Zizek, S. (1993). "Más allá del análisis del discurso", en E. Laclau (ed.) Nuevas reflexiones sobre la revolución de nuestro tiempo. Buenos Aires: Nueva Visión.

Piette, A 1992, "Les rituels: du principe d'ordre à la logique paradoxale. Points de repère théoriques", Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie, no.92, pp. 163-179.

Online journal
Arnold , K.E. y Owens, I.P.F. 1999. "Cooperative Breeding in Birds: The Role of Ecology", Behavioral Ecology, vol. 10, no. 5, consultado el 4 de agosto de 2001,


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