Culturales is a weekly published magazine edited by the Cultural Investigation Institute-Museum of Universidad Autónoma de Baja California that spreads the cultural problems of multiple disciplines and perspectives of social sciences and humanities through original research, theoretical and methodological reflection works, as well as thematic analysis. In its capacity as refereed and indexed magazine, it has a group of evaluators, both internal and external -national and international- specialists in the topics addressed in this publication. All entries received are audited anonymously by at least two assessors, whose favorable assessment is an indispensable requirement for publication of the articles.
The authors interested in publishing in Culturales must meet the following requirements:
a) Culturales receives and publishes articles, essays and reviews in Spanish, English or Portuguese.
b) Collaborations submitted to this magazine for publication must be original and unpublished. In this case, the authors undertake not to submit a simultaneous evaluation work involved in other printed or electronic publications.
c) The document must have a length greater than 25 pages but less than 40. The extension must include tables (charts), figures (graphics, pictures, images etc.), footnotes and references (in alphabetical order).
d) The document must have the structure and follow the editorial guidelines listed below.
e) Proposals should be submitted via email to:
For authors
1) The author responsible for sending the document must include an attachment with the personal file of each author, with no longer than 300 words (for each) including full name, nationality, academic degree (mentioning the institution where were obtained), institution of labor affiliation, business address, phone number, email, website contact if where the case, Facebook or Twitter. Must also specify their areas of research and the title of his last two publications.
2) The maximum number of authors per article should not exceed three. In the event that the article has more than three authors, it must attach the relevant documentation demonstrating that the work corresponds to a product of integration of thematic networks of collaboration between academic research bodies. This situation will be resolved by the Directorate of Culturales, which will review the documentation and decide the continuation of the article in the assessment process.
3). Copyright

The Culturales Journal of the Autonomous University of Baja California is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial-No Derive 4.0 International.
a) Every article proposal received will be assigned a sheet and a notification will be sent to the person responsible for this via email so he can monitor the process.
b) After receiving the proposal, the Directorate will make a preliminary review of the document to determine whether it meets the requirements of Culturales. Failure to comply with editorial standards the responsible will be notified if the article is rejected or if it needs some changes. In the latter case, the responsible decides whether modifications pointed are done.
c) Meeting the requirements, the manuscript will begin the process of academic peer evaluation (double blind system), where national and international experts will evaluate the work according to relevance (that belongs to the field of cultural studies), originality (article unpublished that has not been released or that is being evaluated by another magazine) and scientific and academic relevance established by Culturales (supported by the comments and observations of the evaluators) each evaluator issue a resolution stating whether the proposed article is publishable or not.
Note: This stage lasts approximately 60 days.
d) Upon completion of the evaluation process, the responsible will be notified and sent the results of the opinions issued. In the case of approving without corrections, the article will continue the editorial process; in the event it is approved with recommendations and / or corrections, the responsible will have 30 days (after notification) to forward the final version corrected.
e) Once the article is approved for publication, Culturales will send the format of transfer of rights where the authors give permission to Universidad Autónoma de Baja California through the Institute/museum of Cultural Research for publication, translation, distribution, dissemination and communication of the material in print and digital media. Each author must fill out, sign, scan and send electronically this document via e-mail to
Note: Non-digital signature and mailing of this document will be reason of delay in the publication of the article or rejecting it.
f) Following the evaluation and correction process, editing and layout stage of the article will begin (done by the editor). In that moment, the responsible will be notified of the volume and issue of the magazine in which the article will be published. During the editing process, the editor of Culturales will notify any changes and proofreading to the responsible.
The papers submitted to the magazine must meet the following editorial guidelines:
a) All text of the document should be full justified and written in Times New Roman size 12 with double spacing.
b) The paper should be letter size (21.59 by 27.94 cm. or 8 ½ "by 11") and should maintain normal margins predefined by the word processor (Word). All pages should be numbered (bottom center with Arabic numerals) and should not have any notes or designs of the sheet (headers, letterhead, etc.).
c) All documents must contain a main title (maximum 16 words and in bold) followed by its translation to either English, Spanish or Portuguese (as applicable).On the same page must contain the name of the author followed by the institutional affiliation and email of each. All these data should be centered. Example:
Entre la indiferencia y la satanización. Representaciones sociales del narcotráfico
Between indifference and demonization. Social representations of drug trafficking
Name of the author or authors
Name of the institution of affiliation
d) The document must include an abstract no more than 150 words accompanied by translations (English, Spanish [resumen] or Portuguese [resumo], as appropriate). Note: In the event that the abstract exceeds 150 words, this will be reason for returning the document for modification.
e) Along the abstract should include three to five keywords (maximum) describing the fields of study the work approaches (must be noted in English, Spanish [palabras clave] and Portuguese [palabras-chave] as applicable). Note: No documents that on its front page include footnotes or additional information related to the title, author or abstract will be accepted.
f) All additional data related to the title, authors, abstract, acknowledgments, or references to a research project must be added at the end of the document, clearly specifying to which corresponds.
g) All contributions must be submitted following the standards set by the Manual de Publicaciones of the American Psychological Association (APA), third edition in Spanish published by Editorial Manual Moderno ( or sixth in English APA Style Guide to Electronic References, Sixth Edition (
Note: Any work not published under the APA format will not be accepted. This will be
reason of return of the document for modifications.
h) Presentation of tables and figures (charts and images): As for the presentation of graphic materials requires attention to organization and content. Charts, tables, graphs and illustrations should be integrated into the text. In the case of charts and figures, they should be numbered using the Arabic system: chart 1, 2, 3, etc. and figure 1, 2, 3, etc.
The illustrations should be presented in grayscale, with a minimum resolution of 300 DPI, in JPG format. The graphics support must be originals or, where appropriate, should quote the original source and indicate a title of them. If a copy or adaptation of a table, figure, questionnaire protected by copyright source is used, the author of the article must have the written permission of the owner of the rights to reprint and reuse.
Examples of quotations:
1. When making a quote, always indicate in the text: paternal surname of the author, year of publication and page number where the quote is located.
[...] "Building the partnership began in 1957" (Cañez and Hernandez, 2010, p. 149). To Cañez and Hernandez (2010, p. 149), "building the partnership began in 1957". In 2010, Cañez and Hernandez, "building the partnership began in 1957" (p.149)
2. When the quote is less than 40 words (three lines in a paragraph approx.) Is written as part of the text, using double marks at beginning and ending of the same. It is not written in italics.
When speaking of trans boundary water management should remember that "a key moment in the recent history of bilateral relations between Mexico and the United States was the agreement reached for the establishment of a binational water management framework" (Cortez, 2010, p.10).
3. In the case of quotations bigger than 40 words, (more than three lines approx.) It must be segregated in a separate paragraph of the respective text block, adding left indentation (not right), without quotation marks or italics. All quotes must be written in font size 11. In case of a space within the quote, they must be identified by an ellipsis between bracket parentheses.
Gimenez (2009) concludes its ranking, stating that, [...] Collective identities constitute a strip specifies the identity of individuals through its network of belongings [...] they are not a kind of essence or attribute specific subject but a mobile system of multiple relationships focusing on the subject in a certain social status (p. 11).
4. When including a paraphrased quote is mandatory to include the author's name and the year of publication. No quotation marks are used or the page number noted.
According to Meza (2010) on the relationships, conflict is not always negative or positive.
5. When the quote is for more than three authors, the first time the names of all are written down; on subsequent quotes only the first name followed by et al.
"[...] In some experiments such circumstances are evident" (Reimers; McKemmish; and Mark Mckenzie,
2009, p. 250).
[...] But no other possible paths are suggested (Reimers et al., 2009)
6. When authors are six or more, you can use et al. From the first quote.
Diaz et al. (2006) state that "[...] in various experiments such circumstances are evident" (p.8).
7. When the author is anonymous, instead of the author's name, place the word Anonymous considering all previous rules.
Examples of bibliographic references
Books with one author
Paternal surname, name or names initials. (Year). Title. City, Country: Publisher.
Goleman, D. (000). Emotional Intelligence: Why is it more important than IQ? Mexico City, Mexico: Ediciones B.
Books with editor
Paternal surname, name or names initials. (Year). Title. City, Country: Publisher.
Wilber, K. (Ed.). (1997), The holographic paradigm. Barcelona, Spain: Editorial Kairòs.
Books in electronic version
Paternal surname, name or names initials. (Year). Title. Available or recovered at
Jesus Dominguez, J. (1987). The administrative autonomy in Puerto Rico. Recovered from
Books in electronic version with DOI (Digital Object Identifier)
Paternal surname, name or names initials. (Year). Title. doi: xx.xxxxxxxx
Montero, M. (Ed.). (2009). Psychology of Liberation. doi: 10.1007/978-0-387-85784-8
Book chapters
Paternal surname, name or names initials. (Year). Title of chapter or entry. In A. A last name. (Ed.), Title of the book (pp. Xx-xx).City, Country: Publisher.
Guba, E. Lincoln, Y. (2000). Competing paradigms in qualitative research. In CA, Denman and Haro, J. A. (Compiladores), In the corners. Anthology of qualitative methods in social research (pp.113-145). Hermosillo, Mexico: El Colegio de Sonora.
Printed articles
Paternal surname, name or names initials. (Year). Article title. Name of the magazine, volume (number), pp-pp.
Chavolla, J. (2014). Reconciling the religious heritage in Jiquilpan. Culturales, 2 (20), 81-107
Electronic articles
Paternal surname, name or names innitials. (Year). Article title. Name of the magazine, volume (number), pp.-pp. Available or recovered at
Mota de Cabrera, C. (2006). The role of writing within the curriculum of teaching. Pedagogical Action, 15 (1), 56-63.Recovered from
Thesis and undergraduate works:
Paternal surname, name or names initials. (Year). Title of thesis (master's or doctoral thesis).Institution Name, Location.
Hippolytus, A. (2010). The old center of Mexicali. Collective memory of its inhabitants at the beginning of the XXI century (Master`s Thesis). Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Mexicali, Mexico.
Websites references
Author's name (surname and name) or name of the institution. (Date). Job title or manuscript [describe the message].Available or recovered URL.
Comisión Ecónomica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL). (March 9, 2015). Mexico City and ECLAC ask guaranteeing rights, autonomy and dignity of older people [news].Recovered from
General notes
1. The use of footnotes should be used only to contextualize or make a comment that expands or clarifies any of the information presented by the author. They must be numbered and their entry should appear after a punctuation mark, except in cases that deserve being next to a word. The text footnotes must be written in Times New Roman, size 10 and single-spaced.
2. References are included at the end of the document and correspond only to the works quoted in the body of the same. They must be in alphabetical order by last name of the authors (with indentation).
3. In the references or footnotes page do not use idem, ibid, op. cit.
4. When quoting several works of an author the same year, differentiate them with letters starting with the "a". Example: 2014a, 2014b, 2014c.
Bibliographical reviews will have a length of 4-8 pages and will examine works related to the study and research of the sociocultural phenomena. The reviews should include an index card of the book reviewed and data of the reviewer: full name and institutional affiliation. It
should also be sent in a separate file, the image of the book cover in JPG, in grayscale and minimum resolution of 300 DPI. All reviews submitted to the magazine should include the ISBN of the books reviewed.
Culture is in the process of affiliation to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), which is committed to their community to ensure, in accordance with the Code of Conduct and Best Practice of COPE ethics and quality of published articles.
Culturales Magazine
Cultural Research InstituteMuseum, UABC.
Reforma y Calle L, s/n. Colonia Nueva, 21100.
Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico.
Phone: +52 (686) 554-1977 and +52 (686) 5525715. Ext. 106
Email: |