ISSN 1405-9274 printed version |
Form and preparation of manuscripts:
1. Desacatos is a plural and multidisciplinary journal that divulges research advances and results on the fields of Anthropology, History, Linguistics and other related Social Sciences like Geography, Sociology and Political Science. Desacatos has two large sections: the first is "Knowledges and Reasons", a thematic section that constitutes the core of the journal and is elaborated by a team formed specifically for each theme. The second one is "Corners", a section that offers a wide assortment of independent viewpoints on diverse subject matters. Desacatos also has other smaller sections that publish testimonies, legacies and reviews. 2. Desacatos considers the possible publication of original papers and reviews that have not been published and aren’t currently being reviewed by other media. 3. Desacatos will acknowledge receipt of each manuscript as soon as they are received. The acceptance of every manuscript will depend on the confidential evaluation made by anonymous specialists. Based on that evaluation, Desacatos will decide if the paper can be published and will inform its resolution to the authors within a period no longer than a year. 4. Once a manuscript is approved for publication, the author automatically renounces its proprietary rights over his paper and authorizes its printed and electronic publication. When a manuscript is turned down for publication, Desacatos will inform the author the reasons for its rejection. 5. Manuscripts (including footnotes, citations, charts, graphics and bibliographical references) must not exceed 54,000 characters, including spaces. All submissions must be typed using Times New Roman font and double-spacing. Book reviews must include the book’s complete bibliographical information and cannot exceed 20,000 characters, including spaces. 6. All manuscripts must include the following information: A uthors' full names. N ames of Institutions represented. Short curriculum vitae (no more than 10 lines). H ome address, telephone number and email address. A n abstract (preferably in English and Spanish) that highlights the paper's most relevant features (using 100 words or less). Five keywords. 7. The thematic section "Knowledges and Reasons" is limited to four papers and one critical commentary. The section’s Coordinator must submit a brief and well founded written presentation about the selected subject matter, in which he states its relevance within the contemporary anthropological debate, as well as a tentative index. The Coordinator can only author two papers: the section's presentation and another one if he deems it pertinent. The Coordinator must propose a document for the "Testimonies" section. 8. Intext citations must be made in this manner (Sámano, 1982: 181). A t the end of the paper, the reference list must be alphabetized in the following manner:
9. When a paper includes tables or charts, the author must verify they are clear and state the sources. The author must indicate the precise place in which they should appear within the text by typing: (Place here Table 1 or Chart X). |
Juárez 87, Col. Tlalpan, México, D.F., C.P. 14000, Apdo. Postal: 22-048, |
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© Desacatos. Revista de Antropología Social - Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social
Juárez 87, Col. Tlalpan, México, D.F, C.P. 14000, Apdo. Postal: 22-048,
Tels.: 5487 3600, Fax: 5655 5576