ISSN 1665–2673
printed version




Manuscript submission guidelines

Innovación Educativa is a four monthly journal published by the Instituto Politécnico Nacional (National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico). It publishes works specialized in research and innovation that span the current educational reality. In a broad sense the scope of this publication is Humanities. Its specific scope is narrowed down on new interdisciplinary approaches for current problems in Educational Research, Innovation, Philosophy of Education, Psychology and Sociology of Education, especially thinking on key–facts affecting education and new approaches to these problems.

We accept year–round contributions in Spanish and English for the sections Innovus (research articles, critical studies), A dos tintas (discussions), and Ex–libris (critical summaries). Innovación Educativa includes a thematic section, Aleph, in each issue. Contributions to this section will be requested three times a year through callsfor– articles. Originality, intelligent argumentation, and rigor are expected from the contributions.

Innovación Educativa accepts only academic –not journalistic– works. In order to facilitate editorial management of texts, the authors must fulfill the following structure, style, and presentation requirements.

Types of collaboration

Research. Manuscripts must take into account criteria such as relevant research design, theoretical and methodological congruence, rigorous handling of information and methods, veracity of findings or results, discussion of results, conclusions, limitations of the study, and, if necessary, future possibilities. The manuscript must be between 15 and 30 pages, including graphs, notes, and references. Pages must be numbered, and text must be 1.5–spaced. These contributions will be sent to the sections Aleph and Innovus.

Educational interventions. Manuscripts must include a theoreticalmethodological basis aimed at demonstrating educational innovations. The manuscript must be between 15 and 30 pages, including graphics, notes, and references. Pages must be numbered, and text must be 1.5–spaced. These contributions will be sent to the sections Aleph and Innovus.

Article discussions and rebuttals. Manuscripts must be recent research contributions or systematic counterarguments to specific concepts and ideas presented in articles in Aleph and Innovus. The objective is constructive discussion, and they must not exceed 3,000 words, according to the word count in Microsoft Word, including graphs, notes, and references. Text must be 1.5–spaced, and pages must be numbered. These contributions will be sent to the section A dos tintas.

Book summaries. Manuscripts should critically approach the ideas, arguments, and themes of specialized books. They must not exceed 3,000 words, according to the word count in Microsoft Word, including graphs, notes, and references. Pages must be numbered, and text must be 1.5–spaced. These contributions will be sent to the section Ex–libris.

Submission requirements

–Manuscripts must be on a letter–sized paper, in 12–point Times New Roman font, in a single column, with correct use of capital and lower–case letters.

– The title must be bilingual (Spanish and English) and must not exceed fifteen words.

– All contributions must include a 150–word abstract in Spanish, with five or six keywords that are included in the vocabulary database of the IRESIE, as well as a translation of the abstract and keywords in English. The vocabulary database can be consulted at

–All manuscripts must include conclusions.

–Graphic elements (charts, graphs, diagrams, drawings, tables, photographs) must be numbered in the order in which they appear, with correct placement in the text, with captions and credits to the original source. They should not be inserted as images into the body text. Photographs must have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi, and a width of 140 mm.

–Footnotes should be avoided, unless absolutely necessary to clarify something that cannot be inserted into the body text. All bibliographical references (textual quotations, ideas, or paraphrases) should be added as endnotes in accordance with the American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines, respecting the correct font usage (roman and italic). If your article is in Spanish all terms should be in this language. Otherwise, all should be in English. All articles from digital journals should include the correspondent doi [Digital Object Identifier]. Texts from modifiable Web pages must include the retrieval date. The format can be seen in the following examples:


Skinner, B. F. (1971). Beyond freedom and dignity. New York, NY: Knopf.

Kalish, D., and Montague, R. (1964). Logic: Techniques of formal reasoning. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Book chapter

Helwig, C. C. (1995). Social context in social cognition: Psychological harm and civil liberties. En M. Killen y D. Hart (Eds.), Morality in everyday life: Developmental perspectives (pp. 166– 200). Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.

Journal article

Geach, P. T. (1979). On teaching logic. Philosophy, 54(207), 5–17.

Digital journal article

Williams, J., Mark G., y Kabat–Zinn, J. (2011) Mindfulness: Diverse perspectives on its meaning, origins, and multiple applications at the intersection of science and dharma. Contemporary Buddhism 12(1), 1–18. doi: 10.1080/14639947.2011.564811

Electronic sources

Bakó, M. (2002). Why we need to teach logic and how can we teach it? International Journal for Mathematics Teaching and Learning, (October, ISSN 1473–0111.). Available at:

Ceragem. (n. d.). Support FAQ. Retrieved on July 27, 2014 from:

Manuscript submission

The author must attach the following documents to his/her manuscript:

– Document with author's biographical and contact information: name, academic degree, institution where he/she works, address, e–mail, telephone and fax number.

–Document requesting manuscript evaluation.

–Document with statement of individual or collective (in case of works submitted by more than one author) authorship; each author or co–author must certify that he/she has directly contributed to the intellectual elaboration of the manuscript and agrees to its publication.–

–Document stating that the manuscript has not been previously published and has not been submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere.

–Author's complete C.V., as a separate document.

–The manuscript and the requested documents should be submitted electronically to, with a copy to



© 2015 Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Coordinación Editorial
Av. Luis Enrique Erro s/n, edificio de la Secretaría Académica, Colonia Zacatenco, México, Distrito, MX, 07738 (52–55) 5729–6000 ext. 50403