ISSN 0188-4611 |
Investigaciones Geográficas is a peer-reviewed journal. For a paper to be considered for publication, authors should observe the following norms:
1. One original and three photocopies of the manuscript must be sent with a letter in which the author(s) state that the paper is a contribution not previously published or submitted to any other journal, including internet, to the following address:
Lic. Martha Pavón
Technical Editor
Instituto de Geografía, UNAM
Circuito Exterior
Cd. Universitaria
04510 México, D. F.
2. We can only consider manuscripts with an extension of up to 25 letter-size pages, double-spaced and using font size 12, including text, figures and references.
3. In addition to the 25 pages mentioned above, authors should send one separate page including the title of the paper, followed by the author(s)'s name(s) in full, base institutions, contact address and telephone number. No other information should appear on this page.
4. The first page of the submitted manuscript should include the following information: title of the paper on top, followed by two abstracts: one in Spanish and another in either English, French or Portuguese, not to exceed 200 words. In each case, four to six key words should be provided two space lines below the abstract, defining the nature of the paper. Please note: names of authors should not appear on this page.
5. The different sections of the text, including introduction and conclusions, must be clearly indicated. In the introductory part of the paper, the objective of the work, the key issue that the investigation addresses and the importance of the study should be stated. This section should be kept to a maximum of three pages.
6. Acknowledgements, if any, should be included at the end of the paper, after the conclusions and before any notes.
7. Notes should be kept short and to a minimum, numbered progressively and included before the references.
8. Maps, photographs and graphs are named "Figures". Authors are strongly encouraged to submit figures in digital format separately of the manuscript. If digital files are not included, camera-ready originals should be provided, preferably at full page size. Please number all figures. Tables and charts should be numbered as "Tables". Captions are to be provided separately. For photographs and other raster files, TIFF images should be used with resolution of at least 300 dpi. Any other illustrations should be submitted as Corel Draw, Auto-Cad, Canvas, Adobe Illustrator or Freehand files. Encapsulated Postscript files (EPS) and Windows Meta File (WMF) are also accepted. Illustrations, maps and tables which do not meet these guidelines will not be accepted. Black-and-white photographs are acceptable. Color figures may be included, at the author's expensive.
9. References must appear at the end of the paper, as follows:Periodicals: Córdoba y Ordóñez, J. y A. García de Fuentes (2003), “Turismo, globalización y medio ambiente en el Caribe mexicano”, Investigaciones Geográficas, Boletín, núm. 52, Instituto de Geogra-fía, UNAM, México, pp. 117-136.
Books: Luke Gallup, J., A. Gaviria y E. Lora (2003), Is Geography Destiny?, Lessons from Latin America, Stanford University Press/World Bank, Palo Alto, Calif., Washington D. C.
Electronic sources: Similarly to the usual source, including the website reference between brackets [website reference and date of consultation], as in the following example:
Tort, J. (2004), "Hacia la geografía", Biblio 3W, Revista Bibliográfica de Geografía y Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Barcelona, vol. IX, núm. 538, 5 de octubre de 2004, [ 10 de octubre 2004].
CD: Aguirre Sacasa, F. X. (2003), Un Atlas histórico de Nicaragua/Nicaragua, An historical Atlas, Colec-ción Cultural de Centro América, [InForma/Conservation Imaging Systems Inc.], edición bilingüe, Nicaragua [cd-rom].
INEGI (2000), México en el siglo XX (panorama estadístico), México [cd-rom].
Throughout the text, authors should adhere to the reference system commonly used in many countries. For instance: (Coll, 2003:75).
10. The "Notes and Newsletter" are devoted to communicating facts, relevant academic events in the field of Geography at regional, national and/or international levels, as well as insights of interest for geographers. These contributions should not exceed three pages.
11. The "Book reviews" include critical reviews and/or informative descriptions of recently published books. In accordance with the Bulletin's editorial policy, preference will be given to books addressing geographical or interdisciplinary topics that are either novel or of social and economic interest; focused on the environment and geographic technology as well as on the territory's theoretical, historical and cultural thinking. These contributions should not exceed four pages.
12. The Bulletin's editors are entitled to reject any papers that fail to meet the provisions mentioned above.
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© 2010 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,
Instituto de Geografía,
Circuito Exterior, CU.
04510, DF., México.
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