ISSN 1405-0218
printed version



Form and preparation of manuscripts:

Thematic focus

Isonomía publishes high-quality academic articles containing original, un-published research. Its focus is on theory and philosophy of law, broadly understood, either general or brought down to specific areas (constitutional theory, philosophy of criminal law, etcetera). We also publish, although only exceptionally, translations into Spanish of articles previously published in other languages. Isonomía is published twice a year, in October and April.

Besides the section publishing research articles, the review includes two more sections for contents of another kind. In the "Notes" section we publish book reviews, research notes, brief essays and theoretical appraisals of judicial rulings or legislative novelties.

In the "Tribuna" (public gallery) section we publish contributions of variable extent that can be critical comments on recent developments or events, reactions to material previously published in the review or works providing information and viewpoints that, without following the style and methodological requirements of academic work, have a potential to stimulate theoretical reflection on the fields covered by the review.

Double Blind Peer Review

Research articles considered to be within the thematic focus of the review and fulfilling the formal requirements specified infra, once accepted by the Director and the Editorial Board, will be anonymously refereed by two specialists on the subject. The referees will evaluate the originality of the research piece, its relevance and its methodological quality. Information on authors and referees will be kept strictly confidential throughout and after the process. In light of the results of the peer review process, the Director will inform the author whether the article is accepted for publication, rejected o accepted on the condition that the author makes particular changes and improvements.

Manuscripts under consideration for the "Notes" and "Tribuna" sections will be refereed by anonymous specialists if the Directors and the Editorial Board consider it to be necessary to reach a final decision on their publishable quality.

Length and Formal Requirements

1. Articles. The title of the manuscript must be descriptive, informative of the article's content and not too long. The manuscript must be sent in electronic format, spaced oneand-a-half, in 12-point Times New Roman type and letter-size paper. The maximum length (including figures, notes and references) is 35 pages. The review admits longer manuscripts only on an exceptional basis.

A translation into English of the title of the article must be included, as well as a maximum 10-line summary of its content, both in Spanish and English, and a list of between five and ten keywords, in Spanish and English.

The author must attach to the manuscript a separate document with the following data: name, academic degree and correspondence data (institution, address, telephone and email). The publication will include these correspondence data. In the same document the author must express her interest in publishing the manuscript in Isonomía and assert it has not been previously published nor sent for consideration of publishing to any other editorial, review or digital publication platform.

2. Notes and Tribuna. Manuscripts for the "Notes" section must have a maximum of 20 pages, spaced one-and-a-half, in 12-point Times New Roman, letter-size paper. Contributions to the "Tribune" section can be longer but never beyond 30 pages, oneand-a-half spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman, letter-size paper. The author must attach to the manuscript a separate document with name, academic degree and correspondence data (institution, address, telephone and email). The publication will include these correspondence data. In the same document the author must express her interest in publishing the manuscript in Isonomía and assert it has not been previously published nor sent for consideration of publishing to any other editorial, review or digital publication platform.

Writing and Citation Guidelines

1. Citations must be done in the body of the text indicating in brackets the last name of the author, year of publication and page number(s). Example: "….(Habermas, 1987: 361–363)". If there is only a general mention, only author and year of publication will be included. Example: "…(Habermas, 1987)". Bibliographical references can be done in footnotes only if they are part of an explanatory note required by the argument.

2. References will be listed at the end of the article and they must include only works cited in the text (body or footnotes). They must follow this format:

1) Books: Foucault, Michel, 1989: Vigilar y castigar. Nacimiento de la prisión. Buenos Aires, Siglo XXI Editores.
2) Book chapters: Schauer, Frederick, 1995: "Amending the Presuppositions of a Constitution", en Levinson, Sanford (ed.), Responding to Imperfection. New Jersey, Princeton University Press: 145-162.
3) Articles in reviews: Siegel, Reva B., 2004: "Equality Talk: Antisubordination and Anticlassification Values in Constitutional Struggles Over Brown". Harvard Law Review, núm. 117: 1470-1547.

The author must carefully check her work to avoid omissions or inconsistencies among citations and references. Works by the same author will be listed in descending order of publication, using letters to distinguish works published the same year (2010, 2001, 1997a, 1997b, etcetera).

3. Use of non-Spanish words and unnecessary neologisms is strongly discouraged. If it is inevitable because no adequate translation or alternative expression exists, this fact must be clarified in brackets or in the footnotes, briefly explaining their meaning and use. Literal quotes to texts in languages other than Spanish are admitted, though the author is expected to include a translation into Spanish in the footnotes, indicating that it is her own or identifying the edition it is taken from. The Editors can direct the author to include the translation.

4. The first time an acronym appears, its meaning must be written down in extensor followed by the acronym in brackets.

Complementary Information

Manuscripts must be e-mailed to Francisca M. Pou Giménez, Director of Isonomía, to the Editorial Secretary address:

The opinions expressed in the published material fall under the exclusive responsibility of their authors.

The review retains the right to make the formal editorial and stylistic correction considered to be necessary to publish the article, including the title. Manuscripts will not be returned.

Authors will receive three issues of the review where their work is published.

The review retains all rights on published material. Publication in electronic platforms and copies are allowed only for academic and personal research purposes. Any other use, including translation of the published material into other languages, requires previous authorization of Isonomía. Full reproduction of published materials is prohibited. Citation of parts of text without previous permission is allowed provided the source is properly identified.


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México, Distrito Federal, México