Madera y Bosques (Wood and Forests) is the publication of the Department of Forest Products and Forest Conservation of the Instituto de Ecología, A.C. (Xalapa, México), which publishes essays, original papers of technical or scientific nature, features articles (forum), states-of-the-art and technical notes of the subjects related to forest products and forest management and conservation. Manuscripts are accepted written in Spanish, English and occasionally in other languages.
The manuscripts submitted must be presented in three copies in letter-size paper (216 x 280 mm: 8-1/2" x 11"), typed double-spaced, with a letter size of 12 pt., with a left margin of 30 mm and the rest of 25.0 mm numbered at the upper right corner. The maximum extension of the papers will be 35 pages written on a single side for the full-length papers (research and forum) and 15 pages for technical notes.
The manuscripts must contain the following sections: Title, Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion and Conclusions, Acknowledgements (optional) and References.
a) The title page must include the title of the article, name(s) and affiliation of the author(s). The title must not exceed of 70 characters.
b) The abstract (250 words maximum for papers and 75 for technical notes) must give a brief description of the objectives, main points and achievements or conclusions. After each abstract 5-10 key words related with the methodology or results must be included.
c) In the introduction a brief description of the state of knowledge of the subject matter of the paper must be given, with the appropriate review of literature and the importance of the study reported must be highlighted. In this item, no tables or figures are to be included.
d) In objectives, the purposes of the study will be clearly and concisely stated.
e) In methodology, it will be carefully explained how the work was carried out. In a precise and complete form, a clear vision of the methods applied and the materials used shall be given. When the methodology is not original, the sources of information shall be clearly stated. Tables and illustrations can be given that are not repeated in any other part of the text.
f) The section on results will be reserved for all the technical information obtained, statistically supported. Comments included here will be only those necessary to clarify the information presented. The comments included in this section will be only the necessary for the easy understanding of the information presented.
g) In discussion, the results obtained will be analyzed, as well as their limitations and relevance; they will be related with the bibliographic information previously gathered and the eventual necessity of further work which could augment the state of knowledge on the subject could be disclosed.
h) Conclusions The conclusions will highlight the most valuable or consistent aspects of the work reported along with those aspects deemed the weakest which require further work or investigations.
i) Acknowledgements are an optional point, reserved for credits to collaborating institutions, financial sources, etc.
j) In the references, only those quoted in the paper will be included. They must be listed alphabetically by authors' last names. In the text, they will be cited by author and year of publication; when there are three or more authors, only the first will be cited and et al. in italics will be used. When the individual author cannot be ascertained, it will not be cited as anonymous but instead, the institution responsible for the work will be named. The references will be made according to the following examples.
Journal papers: Author, year. Title. Journal name. Volume and number in parenthesis and pages. Example:
Dao, T. N. and J. W. van de Lindt. 2008. New nonlinear roof sheathing fastener model for use in finite-element wind load applications. Journal of Structural Engineering 134(10):1668-1674.
Book: Authors, Year. Title. No. of edition. Publisher, City, Pages. Example:
González Elizondo, M.S., M. González Elizondo and M.A. Márquez Linares. 2007. Vegetación y ecorregiones de Durango. Plaza y Valdés, S.A. de C.V. México, D.F. 221 p.
Book chapter: Author, Year. Title. In: Name of editor. Title of the book. Publisher, City, Pages. Example:
Bárcenas Pazos, G.M and V. R. Ordóñez Candelaria. 2008. Calidad de la madera de los árboles de sombra. In: R. H. Manson, V. Hernández-Ortiz, S. Gallina and K. Mehltreter, eds. Agroecosistemas cafetaleros de Veracruz: Biodiversidad, Manejo y Conservación. INE-INECOL, México, D.F. p: 235-246.
When the institution is the responsible of the publication: Name of the institution. Year. Title. Publisher, City. Pages. Example:
US Forest Products Laboratory. 1999. Wood Handbook. Wood as an engineering material. General Technical Report 113. USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory. Madison, WI , 463 p.
In no case it will be utilized, for the titles of books or papers, names of journals and authors, underlined, bold type, italics or quote marks in the references, except for botanical names.
k) The tables must be utilized to present results. The heading will come on top with lower case letters.
l) The illustrations (pictures, diagrams, graphs, etc.) must be utilized when they contribute to present the information in the clearest way, which must be drawn in blank or gray scale. Photographs in black and white or color with excellent resolution and contrast will be accepted. The illustrations may be drawn with black ink on appropriate translucid paper or with some computer program or spreadsheet. The figures feet shall be written on the bottom and with lower case letters; in the text they will be mentioned as "figure X" or in parenthesis as (Fig. X).
m) Units. SI system will be used. For details on the SI system, please refer to: http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Units/index.html
n) Notation. All symbols must be written in italics. In manuscripts of certain size, with an abundance of symbols, it is useful to include a list of those utilized, which will be ordered alphabetically, placing the upper case letters first, then upper case letters with sub-indexes, then lower case letters and lower case letters with sub-indexes. Finally, Latin and Greek characters. The list must be included as an appendix at the end of the paper.
The manuscripts that do not conform to the format will not be sent to the reviewers. Also, the authors must sign the format of ‘Confirmation of unpublished manuscript'.
All matters related to possible publication of papers should be sent to: Revista Madera y Bosques, Instituto de Ecología, A.C. •Km. 2.5 Carretera Antigua a Coatepec No. 351 • 91070 Xalapa, Ver.• México • Tel. (228) 842 1800 x 6106, 6102 • Fax (228) 818 7809 • e-mail: mabosque@inecol.edu.mx.
The journal's production department requires that all manuscripts accepted be delivered in digital format and a single hard copy. The manuscripts should keep the original format of the revised version: paper size, letter type, page numbering, tables and figures, although single line spacing can be used at this stage. Figures and tables must not be integrated to the text. A letter must accompany the package, mentioning software and version used for manuscripts, tables and figures. No documents will be accepted other than those presented in Windows environment.
To submit papers for possible publication mailing should be sent to:
Revista Madera y Bosques
Instituto de Ecología, A.C.
km 2.5 carretera antigua a Coatepec No. 351, Congregación El Haya
91070 Xalapa, Ver., México
Tel. (228) 842 1835, Fax (228) 818 7809 ext. 6102 y 6106
e-mail: mabosque@inecol.edu.mx