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1. The RMCG accept contributions in the form of Original research papers, Review papers, Short notes, Comments and Replies, written in Spanish or English. 5. The entire manuscript should be paginated, starting by the title page. Manuscripts must contain an abstract in English and its translation into Spanish. By request, a member of the editorial board can translate the abstract into Spanish. Besides the requirements specified under "Manuscript Preparation ", for the revised version returned to the editors:
Consult a recent issue of the RMCG or the web site <> for style. Title : Title should be short, specific and informative, and be written in capital and lower case. Authors : Write the full name(s) of author(s), followed by affiliation(s) and complete postal address. The e-mail address of the corresponding author must also be included. Abstract : The abstract should be presented in English and its translation into Spanish, must not exceed 500 words, and should not contain abbreviations or reference citations. The abstract should be brief and objective, and represent a summary of the paper that includes the methods used, the main results and conclusions. Keywords : Five to six keywords in both languages used in the abstracts should be given below the abstract. Main text: 1. Follow the structure shown bellow for the headings:
2. Italics should be used for terms or abbreviations in other languages (et al., ca., etc.) 3. Chemical and isotopic analyses, as well as radiometric or paleontological datings must be referred to sampling locality and include coordinates. 4. Measure units must be represented by their symbol in the International System of Units (BIPM, 2006). 5. If the manuscript contains a Systematic Palaeontology section, please refer to the appended document. 6. Equations must be numbered consecutively and all parameters must be explained immediately after the equation. 7. Acronyms and abbreviations should be clearly defined on their first occurrence in the text 8. For proper usage and capitalization of stratigraphic terminology and concepts follow the North American Stratigraphic Code (NACSN, 2005), the International Stratigraphic Guide (ISSC, 1994), The International Stratigraphic Chart (ICS, 2010), and the GSA Geologic Time Scale (Walker et al., 2012). 9. References cited
References 1. Include only references cited in the text, figures, captions, and tables. 2. Arrange the references alphabetically by first author and then alphabetically by second author. If more than one reference of the same author(s) is included, arrange them chronologically. 3. For references with more than two authors, list alphabetically by the first author and then chronologically. 4. Corporative authors (Universities, companies, government departments, etc.) should be included with full name, followed by initials in parenthesis, year, etc.: "United States Environmental Protection Agency (US-EPA), 1996,……..". 5. Do not abbreviate journal titles or publisher names. 6. For the most common cases, follow the examples:
Figure captions A list of all figure captions should be supplied on a separate sheet(s), numbered consecutively, and printed with double space. In the electronic file with the main text, the captions can be included after the list of references. Figures
REFERENCES Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM), 2006, The International System of Units (SI) (en línea): Sèvres Cedex, Francia, Bureau International des Poids et Mesures, SI brochure (8th edition), <> Estivill A., Urbano C., 1997, Como citar recursos electrónicos (en línea), ver. 1.0: <>, 30 Mayo 1997, consulta: 15 Noviembre 2002. International Commision on Stratigraphy (ICS), 2010, International Stratigraphic Chart (en línea): International Union of Geological Sciences, International Commision on Stratigraphy <> International Subcommission on Stratigraphic Classification (ISSC), 1994. International Stratigraphic Guide –An abridged version (Amos S., Murphy, M.A. eds.), (en línea): International Subcommission on Stratigraphic Classification of the International Union of Geological Sciences, International Commission on Stratigraphy, <> North American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature (NACSN), 2005, North American Stratigraphic Code (en línea): The North American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature, <>, actualización april 7, 2006. Walker, J.D., Geissman, J.W., Bowring, S.A., Babcock, L.E. (compilators), 2012, Geologic Time Scale v. 4.0: Geological Society of America, doi: 10.1130/2012.CTS004R3C |
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© 2007 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Centro de Geociencias, UNAM,
Campus Juriquilla,
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