ISSN 1405-888X
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TIP is a semiannual periodical which specializes in Chemical-Biological Sciences. It is edited by the Research and Graduate Studies Division at FES Zaragoza, UNAM.

It is mainly addressed to researchers, professionals and students interested in the development of chemical-biological sciences. Its objective consists of the dissemination of specialized information about Botany and Zoology, Ecology, Microbiology, Biochemistry and Physical Chemistry, Pharmacy, General, Organic, Inorganic, Molecular and Industrial Chemistry.

Papers on original unpublished scientific research, educational reports, reviews and essays of different types are accepted for publication. The results from research projects of graduate students are also admitted for publication.

All the articles proposed for publication which fulfill the requirements specified below are submitted to the arbitration of specialized scientists and to the judgment of the editorial committee. When a paper is received, an acknowledgment of it is given to the author. After the evaluation, the editor informs about the acceptance or refusal of the paper and makes suggestions concerning the text, as well. Papers which do not follow the instructions are not accepted.

1. Language

Papers may be written either in English or Spanish. They must be accompanied by two abstracts. The first abstract must be written in the same language as the text, while the second one must be written in the language not used in it. Both abstracts should contain five key words or phrases. The abstract will summarize the content of the paper in 150 to 200 words.

2. Content

The material published in the periodical may be reproduced totally or partially only by permission of the publisher and on condition that the corresponding citation be included in the references.

It is required that all papers proposed for publication be accompanied by a letter from the author or authors containing: a) an acceptance of the copyright transference to TIP and that TIP can publish it in printed or electronic version; b) a statement indicating that the paper is original and has never been published or submitted for total or partial publication previously; c) name (s) and signature (s). The author or authors should also indicate the abbreviated title for the paper which will appear in inner pages. The corresponding author, who will handle correspondence at all stages of refereeing and publication, should indicate his/her address, telephone and fax numbers and e-mail. No paper submitted for revision will be given back to the author, even if it is not published.

The title must be complete and brief, but, if necessary, it will mention higher taxonomic groups when referring to biological entities. Below the title, the author or authors' name (s) must be indicated. On the following line, the author or authors' academic assignment and postal and electronic address must be indicated.

The manuscript must be logically and clearly organized, with complementary and non repetitive sections. It will contain these parts: Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments and References.

3. Abbreviations and scientific names

Abbreviations must be explained only the first time they come in the text. International agreements must be followed in the use of anatomic, botanical, zoological, and chemical terminology. The scientific nomenclature and the family of biologic species must be specified when mentioned for the first time. Scientific names must be written in italics.

4. Manuscript

An original manuscript of the text and three copies must be sent (all the copies must be readable). A CD containing the text in Microsoft Word and the figure files must also be sent. In case of electronic submission, the attachment must include the original text file, the figures, and a PDF version of the whole manuscript (text file and figures).

Letter-size paper must be used for the articles. They must be written using double spacing. They must include references, charts, figures and captions. The font size must be 12 points.

The figures and the graphs must be sent on separate sheets of paper and they must be ordered as they are mentioned in the text. All the pages in the text must be numbered consecutively, including the title, charts and figures.

The length of the texts must be as follows:

ORIGINAL ARTICLES: 15 pages at least, 25 pages at the most, including no more than eight charts and figures.

REVIEWS: 15 pages at least, 30 pages at the most, including no more than ten charts and figures.

ESSAYS: five pages at least, 15 pages at the most, including no more than five charts and figures.

SCIENTIFIC REPORTS: five pages at least, ten pages at the most.

5. Charts and figures

When designing charts (tables) and figures (drawings, graphs, photographs), a possible reduction in the size must be considered. The headings and the captions must be clear enough to understand without referring to the main text. The headings and the symbols used in the figures must be readable even after a 60% reduction.

Figures must be numbered using Arabic numerals and the charts using Roman ones. If they are taken from another source, a copy from the publisher's authorization to publish them must be included.

Figures must be in a separate file from the main text, using JPG, PNG or a similar format, and with a minimum resolution of 600 dpi. The cost of color figures will be covered by the author.

6. References

Complete references must be included at the end of the article, according to the guidelines established by Nature. Specifically, references must be numbered and arranged as they appear in the text. A maximum of five authors may be included. However, if there are more than five authors only the first will be quoted followed by et al. Examples:

BOOKS. Author(s) (last name and first name initials). Title (editorial, city and year of publication). Schneider, D.C. Quantitative ecology: spatial and temporal scaling (Academic, San Diego, 1994).

BOOK CHAPTERS. Author(s) (last name and first name initials). Preposition "in". Title (Editor's name) pages of chapter, (editorial, city and year of publication). Harrinson, P.L. & Wallace, C.C. in Ecosystems of the world (ed. Dubinsky, Z.) 133-207 (Elsevier, New York, 1990).

JOURNAL ARTICLES. Author(s) (last name and first name initials). Title of article. Abbreviated title of journal in italics. Volume number and number of issue in bold letters, pages (year of publication). Buttke, T.M. & Sandstrom, P.A. Oxidative stress as a mediator of apoptosis. Immunology Today 15, 7-10 (1994).

7. Offprints After the printing of the article in the periodical, the authors and co-authors will receive a free paper offprint of the corresponding TIP issue, as well as a PDF file of their manuscript.

8. Address

Mail for further information and subscriptions must be sent to: TIP Revista Especializada en Ciencias Químico-Biológicas, Departamento de Publicaciones, Facultad de Estudios Superiores Zaragoza, Campus I, UNAM. Av. Guelatao no. 66, Col. Ejército de Oriente, Delegación Iztapalapa, C.P. 09230, México, D.F.

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© 2013 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Estudios Superiores, Plantel Zaragoza
Batalla del 5 de Mayo, esquina Fuerte de Loreto.
Anexo del Edificio de Posgrado e Investigación
C.P. 09230,
México, Distrito Federal, México