Print ISSN 0188-6649



Form and preparation of manuscripts

1. Goals. Tópicos is a philosophical journal; it will not publish informative, general, theological, or interdisciplinary papers, or essays in art or literary criticism.

2. Subjects. Tópicos is not restricted to any specific philosophical area. Papers on any philosophical subject or historical background are accepted.

3. Submissions. All submissions must be original unpublished papers, not already submitted for in any other journal. Submissions fall within three categories

1. Monographic articles between 3000 and 14000 words.

2. Discussions, or replies or objections to other articles or discussions previously published in Tópicos, between 2500 and 4500 words.

3. Reviews, between 900 and 2500 words.

4. Contributors. Tópicos receives contributions from graduate students, college and university professors, and independent researchers. It does not accept contributions from undergraduate students. Contributions must be written without any internal reference that might help to identify its author.

5. Evaluation. Every submission will be peer-reviewed by two referees. The average time to determine publication is between three and four months. In any event, the author will receive the votes of the referees in writing. If the submission is deemed worth of publication with suggestions the author is free to incorporate or ignore the suggestions provided by the referees. If the referees consider the contribution worth publishing with necessary corrections, the contribution will be published if and only if those corrections are made. If the contribution is rejected, the author is free to rewrite the paper and submit it again to Tópicos, without any commitment of the journal for publication.

6. Submission procedures and requirements. Every contribution must include a letter requesting its publication. Contributions written in English or Spanish are preferred, though some arrangements may be made to accept contributions in other languages. Submissions must include a 100-150 words abstract in both English and Spanish, with an index of keywords, in both languages, and notes, tables, and figures, at the end of the manuscript. Title, author, regular mailing and a valid email address must be clearly stated in a cover sheet or title page. A digital copy of the paper in an recognizable open format must be submitted; OpenDocument is recommended. Please encode your multilingual text in UTF8, and use the mathematical format provided by OpenDocument. Sources must be referenced following recognizable standards; for instance, fragments by pre-socratic philosophers according to the Diels-Kranz edition, Aristotle according to Bekker, Kant according to the Berlin Academy Edition, Marx and Engels according to MEGA, excerpts from the younger Hegel according to Nohl, etc. Mediaeval and ancient sources lacking a critical edition may be quoted according to their internal structure (book, quaestio, divisio, etc.). Conventionally accepted abbreviations may be used (Met. standing for Metaphysics, Ak for Kant’s edition, DK for the Diels Kranz edition, KrV for the Critique of Pure Reason, etc.) Other sources and critical literature must be quoted in a cite-note system as follows:

I. The first time a book is quoted:
Author's given name Author's last name: Book title, translator, place: publisher year, [volume], page, (original edition).


José Ortega y Gasset: Historia como sistema, Madrid: Espasa Calpe 1971, pg. 17.

I. M. Bochenski: Historia de la Lógica Formal, trans. Millán Bravo Lozano, Madrid: Gredos 1968, pg. 115 (German: Formale Logik, Freiburg-München: Veriag Karl Alber 1956).

First edition data is preferred, unless otherwise required.

II. The first time a journal is quoted:
Author's name Author´s last name: "Title of article", Journal's name, volume{Roman}-number{Arabic} (year), pages. Example: Alan M. Turing: "Computing Machinery and Intelligence", Mind LIX-236 (1950), pgs. 433-460.

III. In following references, use the author’s last name and the first two words of the title (or more if necessary) to simplify the identification:

Ortega y Gasset: History..., 42.

Bochenski: History..., 27.

Turing: "Computing Machinery...", 444.

Other materials (manuscripts or electronic, for instance) may be quoted following the guidelines provided by Turabian, save for the use of small capitals in family names, and the punctuation rules outlined above.

As an option any author-date system documented in the Chicago Manual of Style, is accepted.

Transliteration of words or phrases originally in non-Latin writing systems is considered correct, if following some recognized (e.g. an ISO or Library of Congress) standard; long passages whose discussion is essential for the exposition should include a verbatim reproduction of the passage, according to Copyright laws and conventions. If the author cannot provide a digital version of the contribution, or a copy of the original, he or she must indicate the name of the source that was used and instructions for access.

All correspondence should be addressed to:

Tópicos, revista de filosofía
Facultad de filosofía y ciencias sociales
Augusto Rodín 498 Insurgentes
Mixcoac 03920 México, D.F.
Editor: Luis Xavier López Farjeat
Associate Editor: Karen González Fernández


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© 2014 Universidad Panamericana, Facultad de Filosofía y Ciencias Sociales.
Calle Augusto Rodín 498, Colonia Insurgentes Mixcoac
C.P. 03920,
Distrito Federal, México