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Revista mexicana de física

versión impresa ISSN 0035-001X

Rev. mex. fis. vol.67 no.4 México jul./ago. 2021  Epub 14-Mar-2022 


Gravitation, Mathematical Physics and Field Theory

New shape of the chirped bright, dark optical solitons and complex solutions for (2+1)-dimensional Ginzburg-Landau equation and modulation instability analysis

A. Houwea  * 

M. Incb  c  d 

D. Baleanue  f 

H. Rezazadehg 

S. Y. Dokah 

a Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, the University of Maroua, P.O Box 814, Maroua, Cameroon.

bBiruni University, Department of Computer Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey

cFirat University, Science Faculty, Department of Mathematics, 23119 Elazig/Turkey.

dDepartment of Medical Research, China Medical University, Hospital, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan. †e-mail:,

eDepartment of Mathematics, Cankaya University, Balgat 06530, Ankara, Turkey.

fInstitute of Space Sciences, Magurele-Bucharest R76900, Romania.

gFaculty of Engineering Technology, Amol University of Special Modern Technologies, Amol, Iran.

hDepartment of Physics, Faculty of Science, the University of Ngaoundere, P.O Box 454, Cameroon.


The investigation of the Ginzburg-Landau equation (GLE) has been done to find out and investigate new chirped bright, dark periodic and singular function solutions. For this purpose, we have used the traveling wave hypothesis and the chirp component. From there it was pointed out the constraint relation to the different arbitrary parameters of the GLE. Thereafter, we have employed the improved sub-ODE method to handle the nonlinear ordinary differential equation (NODE). In the paper, the virtue of the used analytical method has been highlighted via new chirped solitary waves. Besides, to emphasize the confrontation between the nonlinearity and dispersion terms, we have investigated the steady state of the newly obtained results. It has been obtained the Modulation instability (MI) gain spectra under the effect of the power incident and the transverse wave number. In our knowledge, these results are new compared to Refs. [28-34], and are going to be helpful to explain physical phenomena.

Keywords: Chirped bright and dark; Complex solutions; (2+1)-Ginzburg-Landau equation; modulation instability

PACS: 42.81.Dp; 42.65.Tg

1. Introduction

The search for exact solutions of nonlinear systems has reached an unprecedented speed these days. The best known solitons solutions have found their applications in various fields just to name a few such as optical fibers, plasm, biology, quantum physics . Thus, solitons did not remain anonymous for a long time because of their direct implications in trans-continental and trans-oceanic data transport [1-24]. Without doubt, soliton is the one important wave which marveled in the field of data transport and securing it. It should also be noted that the most moving side of solitary waves comes from the fact that they are associated with chirped pulses. These chirped pulses, have been widely investigated in diverse shape in recent years by [27-29].

From this, many results in theoretical and experimentally have been followed with the mathematical tools to handle them [10, 35, 36]. These analytical methods facilitated the success of these results are among others, the Sine-Gordon expansion method, the modified exp(−ψ(ξ))expansion function method,(G’/G)-expansion scheme, the trial expansion method, the new mapping method, the auxiliary equation method, the rational function method, and the Riccati-Bernoulli sub-ODE method [25-30,35-45]. In this present work, an investigation will be carried out in order to formulate new shape of the chirped soliton solutions to the famous (2+1)-dimensional complex GinzburgLandau equation (GLE), of which skeletal structure is as follows [29-33]:

iψt+12ψxx+12(α-iG)ψyy+(1-iλ)|ψ|2ψ+iγψ=0, (1)

ψ(x,t) represents complex wave profile on (2+1)dimensional space time R 2+1, while t represents the temporal variable and x,y represent spatial variable. α, λ, γ and G are real. The set of the CGLE Eq. (1) was recently used to depict the beginning of stationary periodic solutions in nonlinear stability problems. It takes the name of real Ginzburg-Landau equation when (α = λ = 0) [30]. To get right to the purpose, the work is organized as follows: Section 2 is devoted to the traveling-wave solution. Section 3 is used the linear stability technic to study the modulation instability gain spectrum. Section 4 will depicts the obtained analytical results with their physical explanation. The last part of the work will present the conclusions of this work.

1.1. Analytical investigation and traveling waves solution

The following envelope transformation is used to build soliton solution

ψ(x,y,t)=ϕ(ζ)exp[iξ+Aζ], (2)

where ϕ(ζ) is real function and the chirp component is A(ζ)), with ξ and ζ given by ξ = kx + ly + vt + ξ 0 and ζ = nx + my + ωt + η 0, respectively. Inserting Eq. (2) into Eq. (1) splits imaginary and real parts as


+2(nk+ω+αl)ϕ'+2GmlϕA'+(Gl2+2γ)ϕ-2λϕ3=0, (3)



-2(nk+ωαml)A'ϕ+2Gmlϕ'-(k2+αl2+2v)ϕ+2ϕ3=0, (4)

Suppose that the chirp is given by

A(ζ)=A0ln(|ϕ(ζ)|), (5)

where A 0 is an arbitrary constant to obtain later. Plugging Eq. (5) into Eq. (4) and Eq. (3), we get

l1ϕϕ''+l2ϕ'2+l3ϕϕ'+l4ϕ2-2λϕ4=0, (6)


Λ1ϕϕ''-Λ2ϕ'2-Λ3ϕϕ'-Λ4ϕ2+2ϕ4=0, (7)




To deal with an analytical solutions to Eq. (7) and Eq. (6), we suppose that Λ3 =l3= 0. Consequently it is recovered

A0=Gmlnk+ω+αml. (8)

Then Eq. (7) and Eq. (6) become

l1ϕϕ''+l2ϕ'2+l4ϕ2-2λϕ4=0, (9)

Λ1ϕϕ''-Λ2ϕ'2-Λ4ϕ2+2ϕ4=0, (10)

It has become easy to investigate soliton-like solutions now. For this purpose, we considered the following expression as solution [45]

ϕ=μFn(ζ),μ>0, (11)

and n an arbitrary constant, while F(ξ) is taken like solutions of the following ordinary differential equation [45]

F'2(ζ)=AF2-2p(ζ)+BF2-p(ζ)+CF2(ζ)+DF2+p(ζ)+EF2+2p(ζ).p>0. (12)

With the homogeneous balance principle between ϕϕ’’ and ϕ 4, it is obtained n+n+2p = 4np = n. From which Eq. (11) turns to

ϕ=μFp(ζ). (13)

Using the set of equations given by Eq. (13) together with Eq. (12) and make use of into Eq. (10) or Eq. (9) gives the set of system of equation in terms of F jp (ζ)(j = 2,3,4,5,6,8)



+(2l1μ2p2A+4l2μ2p2A)F2p(ζ)=0. (14)

Thereafter solving the obtained set of system of Eq. (14) by using the mathematical software Maple 18, it is revealed.

A=0,B=0,C=-14l4p2(l2+l1),D=D,E=E. (15)

We can thus unroll the types of solutions of Eq. (1), as well as the corresponding chirped solutions

Case 1: If A = 0, B = 0,D = 0, it is recovered bright soliton of Eq. (1):


C>0,E<0,ε±1, (16)

and the bright chirp is

A1,1(x,y,t)=A0ln|μ[ε-CEsechpCζ]1p|,C>0,E<0,ε±1, (17)

a periodic function solutions


C<0,E>0,ε±1, (18)

and the periodic chirp

A1,2(x,y,t)=A0ln|[ε-CEsecp-Cζ]1p|,C<0,E>0,ε±1, (19)

then a rational solution

ψ1,3(x,y,t)=e(iξ)μ[εpEζ]1p[μεpEζ1p](iA0),C=0,E>0,ε±1. (20)

and the rational chirp

A1,3(x,y,t)=A0ln|μ[εpEζ]1p|,C=0,E>0,ε±1. (21)

Case 2: By setting the variables A = 0, B = 0, we deduce three forms of solutions of Eq. (5):


C>0,D<2C,E=D24C-C, (22)

and the chirp

A2,1(x,y,t)=A0ln|μ[1coshpCζ-D2C]1p|,C>0,D<2C,E=D24C-C, (23)

it is gained for C > 0, E > 0, D=-2CE, ε = ±1,

ψ2,2(x,y,t)=e(iξ)μ[12CE1+εtanhp2Cζ]1p[μ12CE1+εtanhp2Cζ1p](iA0), (24)

the corresponding chirp gives

A2,2(x,y,t)=A0ln|μ[12CE1+εtanhp2Cζ]1p|,C>0,E>0,D=-2CE,ε=±1 (25)


ψ2,3(x,y,t)=e(iξ)μ[4D(pDζ)2-4E]1p[μ4D(pDζ)2-4E1p](iA0),C=0,E<0. (26)

with the chirp

A2,3(x,y,t)=A0|μ[4D(pDζ)2-4E]1p|,C=0,E<0. (27)

Case 3: Considering A = B = 0, C > 0, we have gained combined bright soliton and hyperbolic functions solutions of Eq. (5):


×[μ2Csech2p2Cζ2D2-4CE-D2-4CE+Dsech2p2Cζ1p](iA0)D2-4CE>0, (28)

the corresponding chirp

A3,1(x,y,t)=A0ln|[2Csech2p2Cζ2D2-4CE-D2-4CE+Dsech2p2Cζ]1p|,D2-4CE>0, (29)


×[μ2Ccsch2p2Cζ2D2-4CE+D2-4CE-Dcsch2p2Cζ1p](iA0),D2-4CE>0, (30)

with the corresponding chirp

A3,2(x,y,t)=A0ln|μ[2Ccsch2p2Cζ2D2-4CE+D2-4CE-Dcsch2p2Cζ]1p|,D2-4CE>0, (31)

For D 2-4CE >0, ε=±1

ψ3,3(x,y,t)=e(iξ)μ[2CεD2-4CEcoshpCξ-D]1p[μ2CεD2-4CEcoshpCζ-D1p](iA0), (32)

the chirp gives

A3,3(x,y,t)=A0ln|μ[2CεD2-4CEcoshpCζ-D]1p|,D2-4CE>0,ε=±1 (33)

for D 2 − 4CE < 0, ε = ±1


×[μ2Cε-D2-4CEsinhpCζ-D1p](iA0), (34)

the chirp is

A3,4(x,y,t)=A0ln|μ[2Cε-D2-4CEsinhpCζ-D]1p|,D2-4CE<0,ε=±1 (35)


D2-4CE=0,ε=±1 (36)

the chirp is given by

A3,5(x,y,t)=A0ln|μ[-CD1+εtanhp2Cζ]1p|,D2-4CE=0,ε=±1 (37)

for D 2 − 4CE = 0, ε = ±1

ψ3,6(x,y,t)=e(iξ)[-CD(1+εcothp2Cζ]1pμ(-CD(1+εcothp2Cζ1piA0 (38)

the corresponding chirp

A3,6(x,y,t)=A0ln|μ[-CD1+εcothp2Cζ]1p|,D2-4CE=0,ε=±1 (39)

for E > 0, ε = ±1

ψ3,7(x,y,t)=e(iξ)μ[-Csech2p2CζD+2εCEtanhp2Cζ]1p[μ-Csech2p2CζD+2εCEtanhp2Cζ1p](iA0), (40)

the chirp is revealed as

A3,7(x,y,t)=A0ln|μ[-Csech2p2CζD+2εCEtanhp2Cζ]1p|,E>0,ε=±1 (41)

for E > 0, ε = ±1

ψ3,8(x,y,t)=e(iξ)μ[Ccsch2p2CζD+2εCEcothp2Cζ]1p[μCcsch2p2CζD+2εCEcothp2Cζ12](iA0), (42)

and the corresponding chirp

A3,8(x,y,t)=A0ln|μ[Ccsch2p2CζD+2εCEcothp2Cζ]1p|,E>0,ε=±1 (43)


×[μ-CDsech2p2CζD2-CE1+εtanhp2Cζ21P](iA0), (44)

the chirp gives

A3,9(x,y,t)=A0ln|μ[-CDsech2p2CζD2-CE1+εtanhp2Cζ2]1P|, (45)


×[μCDcsch2p2CζD2-CE1+εcothp2Cζ21p](iA0). (46)

and the corresponding chirp as

A3,11(x,y,t)=A0ln|μ[CDcsch2p2CζD2-CE1+εcothp2Cζ2]1p|. (47)

Case 4: Considering A = B = 0, C < 0, we have gained combined bright soliton and hyperbolic functions as solutions For D 2 − 4CE > 0


×[μ-2Csec2p2-Cζ2D2-4CE-D2-4CE-Dsec2p2-Cζ1p](iA0), (48)

the chirp gives

A4,2(x,y,t)=A0ln|μ[-2Csec2p2-Cζ2D2-4CE-D2-4CE-Dsec2p2-Cζ]1p|,D2-4CE>0, (49)

for D 2 − 4CE > 0,


×[μ2Ccsc2p2-Cζ2D2-4CE-D2-4CE+Dcsc2p2-Cζ1p](iA0), (50)

the chirp gives

A4,4(x,y,t)=A0ln|μ[2Ccsc2p2-Cζ2D2-4CE-D2-4CE+Dcsc2p2-Cζ]1p|,D2-4CE>0, (51)

for D 2 − 4CE > 0, ε = ±1,


×[μ2Csecp-CζεD2-4CE-Dsecp-Cζ1p](iA0), (52)

the chirp reads as follows

A4,5(x,y,t)=A0ln|μ[2Csecp-CζεD2-4CE-Dsecp-Cζ]1p|,D2-4CE>0,ε=±1, (53)

for D 2 − 4CE > 0, ε = ±1,


the chirp is given by

A4,6(x,y,t)=A0ln|μ[2Ccscp-CζεD2-4CE-Dcscp-Cζ]1p|,D2-4CE>0,ε=±1, (54)

for E > 0, ε = ±1,

ψ4,7(x,y,t)=e(iξ)μ[-Csec2p2-CζD+2ε-CEtanp2-Cζ]1p[μ-Csec2p2-CζD+2ε-CEtanp2-Cζ1p](iA0), (55)

the chirp is obtained

A4,7(x,y,t)=A0ln|μ[-Csec2p2-CζD+2ε-CEtanp2-Cζ]1p|,E>0,ε=±1, (56)

for D 2 − 4CE > 0, E > 0, ε = ±1,

ψ4,8(x,y,t)=e(iξ)μ[-Ccsc2p2-CζD+2ε-CEcotp2-Cζ]1p[μ-Ccsc2p2-CζD+2ε-CEcotp2-Cζ1p](iA0), (57)

the chirp is

A4,8(x,y,t)=A0ln|μ[-Ccsc2p2-CζD+2ε-CEcotp2-Cζ]1p|,D2-4CE>0,E>0,ε=±1. (58)

Case 5: For A = B = 0, C > 0,ε = ±1,

ψ5,1(x,y,t)=e(iξ)μ[4Cp2epεCζeεpCζ-Dp22-4CEp4]1p[μ4Cp2epεCζeεpCζ-Dp22-4CEp41p](iA0), (59)

the chirp component is

A5,1(x,y,t)=A0ln|μ[4Cp2epεCξeεpCζ-Dp22-4CEp4]1p|,C>0,ε=±1, (60)


C>0,D=0,ε=±1, (61)

the chirp gives

A5,2(x,y,t)=A0ln|μ[4Cp2epεCζ-1+4CEp4e2εpCζ]1p|,C>0,D=0,ε=±1, (62)

ψ5,3(x,y,t)=e(iξ)μ[εpEζ]1p[μεpEζ1p](iA0),E>0,C=D=0,ε=±1. (63)

The last chirp gives

A5,3(x,y,t)=A0ln|μ[εpEζ]1p|,E>0,C=D=0,ε=±1. (64)

1.2. Modulation analysis

This section will be using linear analysis technique to take out the modulation instability (MI) gain spectrum. Assuming the steady state solution of Eq. (1) in the form of:

ψx,y,t=[P0+Bx,y,t]eiϕNL,ϕNL=δP0x (65)

where P 0 is the incident power. B(x,y,t) is the small perturbation component and B (x,y,t) is the complex conjugate. Inserting Eq. (66) into Eq. (1) lead to

ψ(x,y,t)=iBt+12Bxx+12(1-αG)Byy+(1-iλ)(P0(2B+B*)+iγB=0. (66)

Suppose the solution of Eq. (67) is in the following expression

B(x,y,t)=a1ei[Kx+Γy-Ωt]+a2e-i[Kx+Γy-Ωt]. (67)

where a j (j = 1,2) are reals, and K and Ω are wave numbers and the modulation frequency, respectively. The quantity Γ is the transverse wave number of the perturbation. Inserting Eq. (68) into Eq. (67) gives the set of linear of coupled equations for α1 and α2


(P0-iλP0)a1+(-12K2+2P0-Ω-2iλP0+12iGΓ2+iγ-12αΓ2+λγ)a2=0. (68)

This set of coupled of equation has a nontrivial solution when the determinant of the matrix below vanishes

Ω-2iλP0-12K2+2P0-12αΓ2+λγ+12iGΓ2+iγP0-iλP0P0-iλP0-12K2+2P0-Ω-2iλP0+12iGΓ2+iγ-12αΓ2+λγ (69)

Thereafter, the MI gain spectrum is revealed as



-2K2iGΓ2+8P0iGΓ2-2iαΓ4G-16iλ2P0γ-4iαΓ2γ-4αΓ2λγ-4γ2+K4)12, (70)

Now to investigate the behavior of Eq. (71), we first point out the condition of the obtaining the steady state. So, it is important to highlight the fact that the perturbation grow exponentially, when the wave number value contains the imaginary part, in this condition the steady state solution is unstable. However, in case of small perturbation and having the wave number with real value, the steady state of the solution is stable.

Here two cases are going to be discussed:

• Case 1: In this case, the steady state is stable again and a small perturbution is seen if K is real



-2iαΓ4G-16iλ2P0γ-4iαΓ2γ-4αΓ2λγ-4γ2+K4)12>0, (71)

but if λ, γ and G are non zero value, the inequality Eq. (72) is invalid. Consequently the steady is still unstable.

• Case 2: In this case, the MI occurs when K is imaginary due to the fact that the perturbation increases exponentially and in the same time



-2iαΓ4G-16iλ2P0γ-4iαΓ2γ-4αΓ2λγ-4γ2+K4)12<0, (72)

in the same way if (λ, γ , G ≠ 0) it remains invalid. To analyze the MI gain spectrum, we suppose that λ = γ = G = 0. Consequently the increase rate of MI gain spectrum G(K) = 2Im(K) is given by

GK=-8αP0Γ2-8K2P0+12P02+α2Γ4+2αK2Γ2+K4, (73)

1.3. Physical explanation and Modulation instability analysis

Figure 1 is the illustration of the MI gain spectrum versus wave number with the effect of incident power. It is observed that when the incident power increase the unstable band also increase. So, at the maximum incident power, it remains stable (see Fig. 1d). Meanwhile, Fig. 2 is illustration of the MI gain spectrum with small value of the incident power. The unstable plage increase when the incident power value is to small (see black line). Futhermore, Fig. 3 is the illustration of the MI gain spectra versus wave number under the effect of the transverse wave number. For Γ = 70.50, one side lobe is obtained and 38 ≤ K ≤ 100. Figures 4a) and b) have depicted the chirped bright 3D and 2D for values of n=0.5, m=0.14, α = 0.02, G = 2.7, l = −0.3, γ = 0.12, y = 0.5, E = −0.5, C = 0.1106, ω = 0.15. Moreover, Figs. 5a), b), c) and d) are chirp kink-like soliton obtained for the values of A 0 = −7.5,n = 0.5,m = 0.14 = 0.2,G = 1.7,l = −1.3 = 0.12,x = 0,E = 1.5,C = 0.3820.

FIGURE 1 (Color online) Variation of MI gain spectrum versus wave number with the effect of the incident power a) [P 0 = 150, P 0 = 250, P 0 = 350], b) [P 0 = 450, P 0 = 550, P 0 = 650], c) [P 0 = 1000, P 0 = 1100, P 0 = 1200], d) [P 0 = 1300, P 0 = 1400, P 0 = 1500] at α = 0.1,Γ = 0.5. 

FIGURE 2 Plot of the MI gain spectrum versus wave number with the effect of the incident power (black line [P 0 = 10], blue line [P = 50] and red line [P = 20]) at α = 0.75,Γ = 0.75. 

FIGURE 3 (Color online) variation of the MI gain spectra versus wave number with the effect of the transverse wave number a) [Γ = 70.50, Γ = 90.50, Γ = 110.50] and b) [Γ = −10.50, Γ = −30.50, Γ = −50.50] at α = 0.05, P 0 = 2500 respectively. 

FIGURE 4 Spatiotemporal plot evolution a) 3-D (left panel) and b) 2-D (right panel) of the chirp bright of |Rψ1,1(x,y,t)|2 of Eq. (16) at n = 0.5,m = 0.14 = 0.02,G = 2.7,l = −0.3 = 0.12,y = 0.5,E = −0.5,C = 0.1106 = 0.15. 

FIGURE 5 Spatiotemporal plot evolution 3-D of the chirp kink-like soliton solutions of |Rψ2,2(x,y,t)|2 of Eq. (24) at a) ω = 2.05, b) ω = 2.005, c) ω = 2.0005, d) ω = 2.00005, for A 0 = −7.5, n = 0.5, m = 0.14, α = 0.2, G = 1.7, l = −1.3, γ = 0.12, x = 0, E = 1.5, C = 0.3820. 

2. Conclusion

This work addresses new shape of the chirped bright and dark soliton solutions through the CGLE by using the new sub-ODE equations. By using a special ansatz of the traveling wave transformation, we obtain a new shape of the chirp comparatively to the previous works reported in literature [26,31-34,36,45]. In addition, new singular soliton solutions, trigonometric function solutions and complex traveling waves have been obtained. The obtained results are new in the field of solitons. The authors hope that these results will be very useful to explain physical phenomenons in diverse field of science and engineering. In addition, the different parameters of the CGLE have play an important role during graphical representation of the analytical results. Finally, the linear analysis technique has been applied to the investigation the steady state of the MI gain spectrum and also to point out the different regime of instability.


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Received: December 01, 2020; Accepted: January 21, 2021

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