Notas científicas
First report of the genus Umbelligerus Deitz, 1975
(Hemiptera: Membracidae: Stegaspidinae) for Colombia
Diana Marcela Torres Domínguez1
Carmen Elisa Posso Gómez1
Laura Catalina González Mozo2
Ranulfo González Obando1
1Universidad del Valle, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Exactas, Grupo de Investigaciones Entomológicas. A.A. 25360. Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia. <>; <>;
2Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Grupo de Investigación Sistemática de Insectos Agronomía (SIA), Museo Entomológico UNAB. A.A. 14490. Bogotá, Cundinamarca, Colombia. <>
The genus Umbelligerus is reported for the first time in
Colombia from the review of a male specimen found in the department of Amazonas.
This specimen was deposited in the Museo de Entomología de la
Universidad del Valle. A map of the known geographical distribution
and photographs of the Umbelligerus peruviensis are
El género Umbelligerus se reporta por primera vez para Colombia
a partir de la revisión de un espécimen macho proveniente del departamento de
Amazonas. El ejemplar fue depositado en el Museo de Entomología de la
Universidad del Valle. Se proporciona material fotográfico del espécimen
revisado y un mapa de la distribución conocida para Umbelligerus
Membracidae comprises about 400 genera and over 3,200 species (McKamey, 1998; Dietrich et
al., 2001; Flórez et
al., 2015) grouped into nine subfamilies, eight of which are
restricted to the New World (Deitz et
al., 2008; Campodonico, 2015).
The distribution of this family is cosmopolitan, in the Neotropical region are reported
216 genera and approximately 1,600 species (Wood,
1993; McKamey, 1998; Dietrich et al., 2001; Flórez et al., 2015).
The genus Umbelligerus was described by Deitz in 1975 to include ornamented species of treehoppers with an
antler-like pronotum. It is characterized by the stalked ocelli and compound eyes,
pronotum with umbelliform process dorsally, not concealing the scutellum or the
forewings in repose; the forewing and hindwing with one r-m and one m-cu crossvein;
tibiae not foliaceous; metatibiae with cucullate setae in row II, first tarsomere has
one cucullate setae apically and the abdomen without conspicuous punctuation (Deitz, 1975; Flynn,
2014). The genus has nowadyas five described species: Umbelligerus
peruviensis Deitz, 1975,
Umbelligerus furcillatus Sakakibara, 1981, Umbelligerus woldai Sakakibara, 1981, Umbelligerus convergens Flynn, 2014 and Umbelligerus
stockwelli Flynn, 2014 distributed in
Central and South America (Cryan & Deitz,
2000; Flynn, 2014). Umbelligerus
peruviensis is known from Brazil, Peru and Venezuela (Fig. 1), whereas U. furcillatus is
restricted only to Brazil, U. woldai in Costa Rica and
Panama, U. convergens is only in Panama, and
U. stockwelli know from Panama and Costa Rica.
Umbelligerus peruviensis is the type species of the genus and its
features are, the head with elevated vertex and bearing ocelli on dark elevated nodules,
compound eyes dark (Figs. 2-4); pronotum with white
longitudinal band laterally on each side (Fig. 2,
4), with black umbelliform process dorsally; elevated central stalk and simple
branch; distally presents two anterolateral branches each of which has three secondary
branches (Fig. 2); scutellum exposed with white
areas laterally ranging to the back; legs slightly darker distally (Fig. 2-4) and abdomen with black apex dorsally. According with Flynn (2014) U. peruviensis is most closely related to U.
furcillatus but U. peruviensis
has a small prong present in each of the posterior branches of the pronotal extension
(Fig. 2). The specimens of U.
peruviensis of the type series (1♀ and 2♂) and the reviewed by
Flynn (2014) (2♀ and 3♂) was collected in the
years 1952, 1984, 1992, 1993 and 1999, in the rainforest by blacklight traps and mercury
vapor lamp at altitudes of 140, 240 and 900 m.
One male specimen deposited at the Museo de Entomología de la Universidad del
Valle, Santiago de Cali, Colombia (MUSENUV: 27748) was examined. It is from
Amazonas Leticia, San Martín de Amacayacu. 3°42’19”S, 70°20’26,1”W, altitude 70 m.
12-13.VIII.2015. White led light trap located in the forest canopy (10 m high);
collectors: R. González, N. Calderón, O. Saenz and N. Carrejo. The determination of the
specimen was carried out using the Flynn (2014)
key and the revision of original description of Dietz (1975). The photos were taken
using a Nikon SMZ 1500 stereo microscope, a Nikon DS-Ril U3 camera and finally were
edited with NIS-Elements software.
This finding is the first report of the genus and species for Colombia. It is noteworthy
that the specimen was collected in the lowest altitude known for species (70 m) and
using white led light traps in more than 10 meters above the ground, providing an
interesting fact about the habitat of these insects.
We thank the collectors Nancy Carrejo, Oscar Saenz, Nadia Calderón and the
Museo de Entomología de la Universidad del Valle (MUSENUV) for
allowing us the review of the material. Thanks also to Juan Felipe Ortega and
Laboratorio de imágenes del Posgrado en Ciencias-Biología at
the Universidad del Valle for assistance with photographs; to
Camilo Flórez by bibliographical support and Bryan Ospina Jara by the English review
of the document. Special thanks to The Tikuna community of San Martín de Amacayacu
for field support and the project funded by Colciencias (Code 1106-659-44236)
Revisión Taxonómica y Endemismos de los Psócidos (Psocodea:
‘Psocoptera’) de Parques Naturales de Colombia.
Literature cited
Campodonico, J. F. (2015) On the presence of
Ilithucia nasuta (Stål, 1859) (Hemiptera: Membracidae) in
the north of Chile. Biodiversity and Natural History, 1, 9-11.
[ Links ]
Cryan, J. R., Deitz, L. L. (2000) Review of the New
World Treehopper Tribe Stegaspidini (Hemiptera: Membracidae: Stegaspidinae):
III: Flexocentrus Goding, Stylocentrus Stål,
and Umbelligerus Deitz. Proceeding of the Entomological
Society of Washington, 102(1), 82-98.
[ Links ]
Deitz, L. L. (1975) Classification of the higher
categories of the New World treehoppers (Homoptera: Membracidae). North
Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin,
225(1-4), 1-177.
[ Links ]
Deitz, L. L., Wallace, M. S., Dietrich, C. H., McKamey, S. H.,
Rothschild, M. J. (2008) Treehoppers Dr. Metcalf: A resource on
cicadas, leafhoppers, planthoppers, spittlebugs, and treehoppers. Available at:
Available at:
(accesed on september 2015).
[ Links ]
Dietrich, C. H., McKamey, S. H., Deitz, L. L. (2001)
Morphology-based phylogeny of the treehopper family Membracidae (Hemiptera:
Cicadomorpha: Membracoidea). Systematic Entomology, 26,
[ Links ]
Flórez-V, C., Wolff E. M. I., Cardona-Duque, J. (2015)
Contribution to the taxonomy of the family Membracidae Rafinesque (Hemiptera:
Auchenorrhyncha) in Colombia. Zootaxa, 3910(1), 1-261.
[ Links ]
Flynn, D. J. (2014) Review of the Genus
Umbelligerus Deitz with Description of Two New Species from
Panama and Key to Adults (Hemiptera: Membracidae). Proceedings of the
Entomological Society of Washington, 116(2), 145-154.
[ Links ]
McKamey, S. H. (1998) Taxonomic catalogue of the
Membracoidea (exclusive of leafhoppers): second supplement to fascicle 1-
Membracidae of the general catalogue of the Hemiptera. Memoirs of the
American Entomological Institute, 60, 1-377.
[ Links ]
Wood, T. K. (1993) Diversity in the New World
Membracidae. Annual Review of Entomology, 38, 409-433.
[ Links ]