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Revista mexicana de ciencias pecuarias

versión On-line ISSN 2448-6698versión impresa ISSN 2007-1124

Rev. mex. de cienc. pecuarias vol.11 no.4 Mérida oct./dic. 2020  Epub 02-Mar-2021 

Technical notes

Dietary supplementation effects with Ruta graveolens on performance, carcass traits and meat quality on rabbits

Maricela Ayala Martíneza 

Armando Zepeda-Bastidaa 

Sergio Soto-Simentala  * 

a Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo. Instituto de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Ave Universidad s/n km 1. Ex Hacienda de Aquetzalpa. 43600, Tulancingo Hidalgo, México.


Ruta graveolens is a weed that can be used to feed rabbits. The aim of this study was to determine growth performance, carcass and meat quality of rabbits after their dietary supplementation with Ruta graveolens. Sixty (60) weaned rabbits were randomly assigned to five treatments; control diet (C) or diets supplemented either with leaves (25RL or 50RL) or complete plant of Ruta graveolens (25CP or 50CP). The use of Ruta graveolens has a similar (P>0.05) growth performance to the control group and feed conversion rate. Carcass quality was different (P<0.05) among treatments in empty body weight, empty gastrointestinal tract and fat. The pH decreased when Ruta graveolens was used to feed growing rabbits, but meat produced better texture parameters than control group. The results obtained in the present study suggest that Ruta graveolens can be considered as an alternative feed source in the diets of rabbits.

Key words Aromatic plant; Meat quality; Growth efficiency; Rabbit


Ruta graveolens es una maleza que se puede utilizar como alimento de conejos. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la tasa de crecimiento, la calidad de la canal y de la carne de conejos después de la suplementación dietética con Ruta graveolens. En total, 60 conejos destetados fueron asignados aleatoriamente a cinco tratamientos: dieta control (C), dieta adicionada con hojas (25RL o 50RL) o la planta completa de Ruta graveolens (25CP o 50CP). Con el uso de Ruta graveolens se observó tasas de crecimiento y de conversión alimenticia similares al grupo control (P>0.05). La calidad de la canal difirió (P<0.05) entre tratamientos en peso de cuerpo vacío, tubo gastrointestinal vacío y grasa. El pH disminuyó en los conejos en crecimiento alimentados con Ruta graveolens, pero la carne presentó mejores parámetros de textura que el grupo control. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que Ruta graveolens se puede considerar como una fuente alimenticia alternativa en la dieta de conejos.

Palabras clave: Planta aromática; Calidad de la carne; Eficiencia del crecimiento; Conejo

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the use of plants in animal production due to their bioactive compounds that improve productive performance, carcass traits and meat quality1. Several medicinal plants are used in diets of fattening rabbits as they are a source of phytochemicals that possess properties such as antioxidants or antimicrobials1,2. Bilberry pomace dietary supplementation was used as a feeding strategy to produce favourable nutritional performance and changes in fatty acids in rabbit meat content3. Moreover, the supplementation with oregano and rosemary had positive effects on growth performance and carcass traits of fattening rabbits4. But, dietary supplementation with onion, cranberry, strawberry and their extracts did not produced differences on productive performance and meat quality and oxidative stability in weaned rabbits5.

Ruta graveolens is a plant used in traditional medicine around the world and is known by different names, such as rue, herb of grace, and others in several languages6. This plant is recognised due its antimicrobial7,8,9 and antioxidant1,2 properties. Ruta graveolens is a plant with a high content of secondary metabolites, such as coumarins, alkaloids, volatile oils, flavonoids and phenolic acids, which are responsible for several biological effects6.

It seems that, this is the first time that Ruta graveolens is been used in diets of growing rabbits. However, the extracts or leaves of this herb were previously used to investigate in vitro antibacterial activity7. Ruta graveolens and its flavonoids can be used as antimicrobial8 or antioxidant agent8,10. Rabbit production faces a problem during rabbit growth. Weaning is a crucial period for rabbits, since increased digestive disturbances are observed at this age, possibly due to increased susceptibility to several pathogens caused by enhanced stress rates. One disease that is characterised by diarrhoea, abdominal bloating and distention of intestinal cavity is the epizootic rabbit enteropathy; this disease has high morbidity and mortality rates2. As Ruta graveolens has antimicrobial and antioxidant properties could be used as a feed additive to increase productive parameters and obtain better carcass and meat quality.

Based on the above considerations, this study was conducted to determine effects of feeding Ruta graveolens using leaves or complete plant at two different dietary levels on productive performance, carcass traits and meat quality of growing rabbits.

Trial was conducted in the experimental rabbitry of the Instituto de Ciencias Agropecuarias (Tulancingo, Hidalgo, México) and was approved by the Animal Care Committee of the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo. Sixty (60) weaned rabbits (35 d of age, 25 males and 35 females) were assigned randomly to five treatments (n= 12 by treatment), each with three replications; rabbits were housed in cages (90 cm x 60 cm) equipped with manual feeders and automatic drinkers. Rabbits were reared in controlled conditions with average temperature of 20 °C. Rabbits were hybrids of New Zealand, California and English Spot breeds with an average weight of 756.79 ± 97.69 g. The feed used was pelletized using a pellet machine (SKJ120 model, Shandong, China). Animals were fed ad libitum using isoproteic (17 % of crude protein) and isoenergetic (2.4 Mcal/kg of digestible energy) experimental diets, according to De Blas and Mateos11. Animals were divided in the following treatments: control, supplemented with 25 and 50 g of rue leaves/kg of food, or supplemented with 25 and 50 g of complete plant/kg of food (C, 25RL, 50RL, 25CP, 50CP diets, respectively) as indicated in Table 1.

Table 1 Experimental diets ingredients 

Ingredient Treatments
C 25RL 50RL 25CP 50CP
Corn 1.79 1.81 1.82 1.81 1.82
Oat straw 1.61 1.37 1.14 1.37 1.14
Bran wheat 1.07 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99
Soybean husk 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78
Soybean meal 1.54 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60
Canola meal 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77
Sorghum 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90
Molasses 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
Vit. and minerals premix 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30
Ruta graveolens (rue) 0 0.23 0.46 0.23 0.46
Calculated composition
Crude protein, % 16.6 16.7 16.6 16.7 16.7
NDF, % 16 16 16 16 16
ADF, % 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7
ED, Mcal/kg 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
Ca, % 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
P, % 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

C=Control, 25RL= 25 of rue leaves; 50RL= 50 of rue leaves; 25CP= 25 of complete plant; 50CP= 50 of complete plant.

The plant was obtained in Tulancingo, Hidalgo State in the centre of México. After transporting to the lab, plants were separated into leaves (RL) and complete plant (CP) and dried at room temperature for 5 d in shadow. All parts were grounded into a miller (Mexicana de Suministros Agropecuarios SA de CV, Tulancingo, Hidalgo, México) using a sieve with a 5 mm diameter. Once grounded, the plant was stored in a dark plastic container until use. During the experiment, rabbits were weighed individually each week, and feed intake was daily measured during the fattening period. From this data, daily average weight gain (DAWG), total weight gain (TWG), and feed conversion ratio (FCR) were calculated.

Rabbits were slaughtered at 63 d old in the meat lab belonging to the Instituto de Ciencias Agropecuarias in Tulancingo, Hidalgo, Mexico. Before rabbits were slaughtered there was no fasting. Animal length was determined in live animals by measuring distance from the atlas to last ischion vertebra while animal was in a dorsal position. Pelvis and lumbar circumference on live animal and carcass were measured using a measuring tape. Animals were weighed, mechanical stunned and processed according to the national legislation12. Hot carcasses, liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract full and empty, bladder full and empty, scapular fat, perirenal fat, and skin were weighed, and then carcasses were stored under refrigeration at 4 °C for 24 h. Empty body weight was calculated by measuring weight differences between full and empty gastrointestinal tract and bladder.

Carcasses were divided after 24 h of refrigerated storage13. Head was cut at the level of atlas, forequarter was obtained by cutting between 6th and 7th ribs, thoracic cage was determined by cutting in last rib, and loin was obtained between 6th and 7th lumbar vertebra cutting transversally to vertebral column to finally obtain hind leg. Hind legs were detached in fat, bone and meat. All these parts were weighed separately.

Meat colour was measured on loin surface between last rib and 6th lumbar vertebra at room temperature (22 °C) using a portable colorimeter i-Lab S560 (Microptix, Wilton, Maine, USA). Values were recorded in terms of CIE L*a*b* colour space using a standard illuminant D65 and observer of 2° as indicated in American Meat Science Association meat colour measurement guidelines14, pH was determined using a pH meter suitable for meat samples (HI99163 model, Hanna instruments, Cluj-Napoca, Romania). Water holding capacity (WHC) was expressed as percentage of water loss15. Cooking losses were measured in loins. Samples were put in a plastic bag and cooked at 80 °C until meat internal temperature reaches 68 °C using a check temp digital thermometer (Hanna Instruments, Portugal). Cooked samples were cooled at room temperature and weighed, cooked losses was calculated by weight differences before and after cooking and expressed as a percentage. Cold samples were used to determine texture profile analysis (TPA) by cutting cubes (1 cm each side) and then compressing to 50 % perpendicular to the muscle fibre direction using 1 mm/s of crosshead speed16. After that hardness, cohesiveness, springiness and chewiness were calculated using Texture Pro CT software on a Brookfield CT3 texture analyser (Brookfield, Middleboro, MA, USA).

An analysis of variance was carried out with obtained data following the general linear model procedure, with feeding treatment being the fixed factor, using the SAS Institute software17. When statistical differences were found (P<0.05), a Tukey comparison test was used.

Daily gain weight, total weight gains and feed conversion rate during the fattening period in rabbits are shown in Table 2. Daily gain during first and fourth weeks of growing period showed statistical differences among treatments (P<0.05). Highest total weight gains in fattening rabbits (P<0.05) was found in treatments C and 25CP (1,175 ± 131 and 1,190 ± 186, respectively), moreover, control group was different (P<0.05) to 25RL group. Feed conversion rate values during the fattening period ranged from 2.21 and 2.78 for 25CP and 50CP treatments, respectively. However, 50CP group had a greater feed conversion rate to control group (2.78 ± 0.58 and 2.22 ± 0.24 for 50CP and Control group, respectively). The lowest daily gain during first week (39.15) was found in 25RL group and highest (52.22) in control treatment, but in fourth week highest daily gain (39.76) was observed in 25CP group and the lowest was in 50RL treatment. Finally, the highest total daily gain weight (41.98) was detected in control group and lowest was (33.35) in 25RL group. The highest weight gain (1,175 g) was observed in control group and the lowest (934 g) in the 25 RL group. Ruta graveolens use as a complete plant at 25 in fattening rabbits was similar to control group in daily weight gain and feed conversion rate every week during fattening period.

Table 2: Effects of Ruta graveolens dietary supplementation on performance of fattening rabbits (Mean ± SD) 

C 25RL 50RL 25CP 50CP
LW35d 629.54±15.06e 686.68±20.03d 765.62±95.4c 821.63±22.14b 889.54±19.80a
LW63d 1763.18±150.0b 1632.50±95.4ab 1803.75±169.49ab 1928.48±255.59a 1816.98±222.19a
DGW1 (g) 52.22±8.42a 39.15±7.92b 44.71±9.89ab 50.00±11.54ab 45.31±7.80ab
DGW2 (g) 40.63±6.51 33.31±11.09 44.47±6.55 41.74±9.07 37.06±12.65
DGW3 (g) 39.44±6.88 29.92±9.45 34.49±8.09 38.49±11.64 36.82±8.72
DGW4 (g) 35.63±5.69a 33.05±12.28ab 17.96±17.93b 39.76±7.44a 25.87±17.42ab
DGWT (g) 41.98±4.70a 33.35±3.39b 35.40±4.34ab 42.49±6.65a 36.27±7.42ab
TWG (g) 1175.55±131.68a 934.09±95.17b 991.42±121.74ab 1190.00±186.41a 1015.55±207.85ab
FCR 2.22±0.24b 2.48±0.28ab 2.48±0.30ab 2.21±0.32b 2.78±0.58a

C= Control, 25RL= 25 of rue leaves; 50RL= 50 g kg-1 of rue leaves; 25CP= 25 g kg-1 of complete plant; 50CP= 50 g kg-1 of complete plant; LW35d= Live weight at 35 d of age. LW63d= Live weight at 63 d of age. DGW1-4= Daily gain weight during 1-4 fattening weeks. DGWT= Daily gain weight during all fattening period. TWG= Total weight gained. FCR= Feed conversion ratio.

abc Different superscripts in the same row indicate significant differences (P<0.05).

So far, there is few information about rue used as a dietary supplementation in rabbits. The use of 2.5 of rue in fattening rabbits increase carcass weight and meat proportion18. Some researchers, did not find a significant difference in productive parameters of rabbits fed diets with Trametes maxima19. Moreover, the supplementation with Silybum marianum at the levels of 5 or 10 g kg-1 into the diet of rabbits, found a similar performance productivity20. At the same time, Lythrum salicaria supplemented in diets to growing rabbits did not find an increase in growth performance21. Ruta graveolens has been reported to have antioxidant, antibacterial and anticancer activity in vitro8,9. A similar growth performance to control group was shown in this study, especially when animals ingest the complete plant. The stems, leaves, and flower of rue are used in human traditional medicine as anthelmintic, antiparasitic, antidiarrheic and antimicrobial properties7.

Effects of dietary supplementation with Ruta graveolens on rabbit’s carcass quality are shown in Table 3. Empty body weight was significantly different among groups (P<0.05). Rabbits supplemented with 25CP (1,780.33 ± 216.84 g) and 50CP (1,821.78 ± 265.10 g) were heavier than those supplemented with 25RL (1,496.33 ± 74.36 g); however, there were no significant differences (P>0.05) between control group (1,645.00 ± 13.36 g) and rabbits supplemented with rue complete plant (25CP=1,780.33 ± 216.8 and 50CP=1,821.78 ± 265.1 g) producing lighter carcasses (P<0.05) than control group (control=1.94 vs 50CP=0.56). These findings are supported by the increase of live weight and weight gained in treatment of 50CP. The use of rue to supplement diets to grow rabbits could be used to promote carcass quality. However, previous researchers did not find differences in carcass traits when diets were supplemented with other plants. Carcass traits of rabbits fed with Silybum marianum were similar among treatments20. Likewise, another research group that replaced conventional ingredients with Amaranthus dubius at levels up to 32 % did not observe a negative impact in carcass traits, suggesting that this plant should be a potential substitute of conventional ingredients in rabbit diet formulations22. By other hand, the supplementation with Lythrum salicaria to growing rabbits, did not find differences in carcass traits, suggesting that this plant could be used in rabbit diets during the fattening period21.

Table 3 Ruta graveolens dietary supplementation effects on carcass traits of fattening rabbits (Mean ± SD) 

Variable Treatments
C 25RL 50RL 25CP 50CP
Carcass hot weight 976.11±46.69ab 897.77±58.90b 961.87±118.62ab 1061.11±125.04a 1097.22±182.62a
EBW, g/kg 1645.00±13.36ab 1496.33±74.36b 1617.88±187.04ab 1780.33±216.84a 1821.78±265.10a
Hot dressing, % 59.44±2.29 60.10±4.59 59.40±1.92 59.66±2.02 60.01±2.13
CCY, % 57.48±2.01 58.05±3.92 56.95±2.162 57.14±1.872 56.25±2.74
Viscera 250.40±2.11 278.20±3.46 288.40±5.55 287.70±2.44 274.4±7.13
Heart 3.40±0.10 3.00±0.10 3.30±0.10 0.31±0.69 0.39±0.94
Lungs 7.60±1.90 8.40± 3.20 7.80±2.16 8.60±1.99 7.30±1.03
Spleen 0.60±0.10 0.70±0.20 0.60±0.09 0.60±0.06 0.70±0.30
Liver 44.7±10.83 43.50±10.40 47.00±7.84 49.30±6.76 38.80±11.08
Kidneys 6.70±0.90 6.30±0.74 6.40±1.18 6.90±1.16 7.20±0.86
EGTW 258.28±46.94b 260.95±36.12b 294.93±34.50ab 310.85±49.04ab 317.30±30.13a
Bladder 2.10±0.50 2.70±1.11 1.70±0.47 2.20±1.08 2.80±1.19
Kidney fat 8.00±1.60 7.60±2.40 6.80±3.24 8.30±4.22 9.60±2.47
Scapular fat weight 2.40±0.70 2.10±0.80 1.90±0.69 2.20±1.13 3.20±1.79
Head 57.9±0.41 63.40±7.90 61.30±5.53 59.40±5.43 57.6±8.79
Forepart weight 139.30±6.90 137.60±11.00 138.00±6.16 140.80±7.04 139.90±6.32
IPW 53.10±4.70 57.10±9.50 54.70±8.07 52.80±4.80 54.00±7.61
Hind part weight 111.80±7.80 107.20±12.60 106.50±10.37 110.70±11.58 112.10±9.70
Legs 203.70±8.70 204.80±12.80 199.90±7.83 196.10±11.26 196.60±9.08
Meat 152.80±10.10 153.40±11.10 147.40±7.58 150.00±8.49 147.20±14.56
Bone 45.40±7.30 46.50±7.00 48.70±9.46 41.10±6.55 44.60±6.84
Dissectible fat 1.94±0.12a 1.44±0.97a 0.81±0.62ab 0.75±0.68b 0.56±0.59b

C= Control, 25RL= 25 g kg-1 of rue leaves; 50RL= 50 g kg-1 of rue leaves; 25CP= 25 g kg-1 of complete plant; 50CP= 50 g kg-1 of complete plant.

EBW= empty body weight; CCY= chilled carcass yield; EGTW= empty gastrointestinal tract weight; IPW= intermedia part weight.

abc Different superscripts in the same row indicate differences (P<0.05).

Colour, pH, WHC and other variables of meat from rabbits fed with Ruta graveolens supplemented diets are presented in Table 4. Significant differences (P<0.05) were found in all measured traits, apart from WHC and hardness. Ruta graveolens leaves affected (P<0.05) the colour of rabbit meat, providing lower L* (25RL= 55.3) and b* (50RL= 8.22) values, and complete plant resulted in lower a* values (50CP= 0.61) compared to control group (1.23). Likewise, pH decreased when rabbits were fed diets supplemented with 25 g kg-1 of rue complete plant. In the results of texture profile analysis, hardness did not shown differences (P>0.05) among groups, but resilience, cohesiveness, springiness and chewiness were different between control and Ruta graveolens groups. Resilience and cohesiveness were higher in meat of rabbits fed with Ruta graveolens leaves, while springiness was higher in 25RL (3.05), 50RL (4.00) and 25CP (2.35) to control group (0.60).

Table 4 Ruta graveolens dietary supplementation effects on meat quality of fattening rabbits (Mean ± SD) 

Variable Treatments
C 25RL 50RL 25CP 50CP
L* 57.90±3.21a 55.30±3.60b 58.07±3.91a 58.21±3.05a 56.72±2.84ab
a* 1.23±1.75ab 1.65±1.43a 1.18±1.61ab 1.29±1.17ab 0.61±1.40b
b* 9.74±2.04a 9.36±2.00ab 8.22±2.45b 8.96±2.23ab 9.42±2.19ab
pH 5.85±0.11a 5.81±0.04ab 5.77±0.03ab 5.75±0.05b 5.80±0.19ab
WHC, % 21.12±5.19 20.02±4.86 18.85±6.19 18.06±5.69 19.48±5.26
Hardness, N 8.31±2.17 9.76±3.13 9.36±3.30 10.18±4.37 10.59±3.62
Resilience 3.05±0.17b 5.08±0.77a 4.94±0.42a 2.63±0.46b 2.75±0.04b
Cohesiveness 0.24±0.02c 0.48±0.08ab 0.54±0.01a 0.44±0.08b 0.22±0.01c
Springiness 0.60±0.13c 3.05±1.17b 4.00±0.52a 2.35±0.62b 0.57±0.12c
Chewiness 12.81±0.76b 19.47±5.91a 22.42±4.59a 8.75±1.97b 13.56±2.79b

C=Control, 25RL= 25 g kg-1 of rue leaves; 50RL= 50 g kg-1 of rue leaves; 25CP= 25 g kg-1 of complete plant; 50CP= 50 g kg-1 of complete plant.

abc Different superscripts in the same row indicate differences (P<0.05).

Other research did not find differences in meat quality with dietary supplementation of plants fed to growing rabbits. Meat quality did not affect fed rabbits with Silybum marianum20. Replace conventional ingredients for Amaranthus dubius at levels up to 32 %, there was not negative impact in meat quality, suggesting this plant could be a potential substitute of conventional ingredient in rabbit diets formulation22. Similar results were obtained using Lythrum salicaria to growing rabbits, did not find differences in carcass traits and suggested that this plant could be used in rabbit feeding during the fattening period19.

The pH has been associated with the colour. Low pH values (4.49) were found in the Longissimus dorsi muscle in rabbits fed with Amaranthus dubius21. While L* values around to 54 and pH around to 5.6 were reported when rabbits were fed with purple loosestrife20. Colour and pH of rabbit meat can be affected by age, breed, muscle type, sex, feeding, ante mortem and post mortem conditions and others factors 23,24.

Ruta graveolens inclusion in diets of fattening rabbits can be considered as a viable feeding alternative to maintain high production parameters and obtain similar carcass traits and meat quality characteristics to conventionally fed rabbits.


The authors would like to thank the PRODEP program for financial support of this work. Project number DSA/103.5/16/10281. SEP-PFCE 2018.

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Received: July 24, 2019; Accepted: September 25, 2019

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