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Revista bio ciencias

versión On-line ISSN 2007-3380

Revista bio ciencias vol.9  Tepic  2022  Epub 12-Abr-2024 

Original articles

Predicting semi-intensive production of Penaeus vannamei using simple linear regression models: An analysis of the importance of environmental and management variables.

Predicción de la producción semi-intensiva de Penaeus vannamei mediante modelos de regresión lineal simple: Un análisis de la importancia de las variables ambientales y de manejo

N. Estrada-Pérez1  2 

M. Estrada-Perez1 

J. M. J. Ruiz-Velazco1  2  * 

I. Zavala-Leal1  2 

F.J. Valdéz-Gonzalez1  2 

B.L. Cuevas-Rodríguez1  2 

C.A. González-Huerta2 

1Programa de maestría del posgrado en ciencias biológico agropecuarias y pesqueras (CBAP), Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit, Cd. de La Cultura Amado Nervo s/n Tepic, Nayarit 63255, México.

2Escuela Nacional de Ingeniería Pesquera, Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit, Cd. de La Cultura Amado Nervo s/n Tepic, Nayarit 63255, México. E-mail address:


An analysis was conducted on semi-intensive production of a commercial farm of white shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) to establish recommendations for production improvement, assessing environmental influence and management variables on growth and survival. For this purpose, records of a production cycle were obtained, then a variance analysis was conducted to determine significant differences in environmental variables among ponds. The following relationships were determined: 1) environmental variables correlated with management variables and 2) environmental and management variables correlated with production parameters (final weight and final survival). Subsequently, simple linear regression models were obtained between the variables related to production parameters to conduct sensibility analysis by simulation. The analysis of variance showed statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) in temperature and dissolved oxygen concentrations among ponds. The correlation analysis between environmental and management variables showed that the final weight was positively related to temperature and dissolved oxygen and inversely proportional to the stocking density and cultivation duration (p < 0.05). Survival was negatively correlated with pond size (p < 0.05). Sensibility analysis by simulation showed that dissolved oxygen variability affected final production more than other variables, as it increased from 1.521 kg ha-1 to 2.429 kg ha-1. The remainder variables in order of importance were: temperature, cultivation duration, amount of feed, stocking density, and pond size, respectively. Within the ranges tested, higher levels of dissolved oxygen, appropriate stocking densities, and small pond size could substantially improve the production in semi-intensive Penaeus vannamei shrimp farms.

KEY WORDS: Production commercial; Penaeus vannamei; Management


Se realizó un análisis de la producción semi-intensiva de una granja comercial de camarón blanco (Penaeus vannamei) para establecer recomendaciones de manejo, considerando la influencia de las variables ambientales y de manejo sobre el crecimiento y la supervivencia. Para ello, se obtuvieron los registros de un ciclo de producción. Se llevó a cabo un análisis de varianza para confirmar las diferencias significativas de las variables ambientales entre los estanques. Se determinaron las siguientes relaciones 1) variables ambientales con variables de manejo y 2) variables ambientales y de manejo con los parámetros de producción (peso final y supervivencia final). Posteriormente, se estimaron modelos de regresión lineal simple entre las variables relacionadas con los parámetros de producción para realizar un análisis de sensibilidad mediante simulación. El análisis de varianza mostró diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p < 0.05) en las concentraciones de temperatura y oxígeno disuelto entre los estanques. Los análisis de correlación entre las variables ambientales y de manejo, mostraron que el peso final se correlacionó positivamente con la temperatura y el oxígeno disuelto e inversamente proporcional con la densidad de siembra y la duración del cultivo (p < 0.05). La supervivencia se correlacionó negativamente con el tamaño del estanque (p < 0.05). El análisis de sensibilidad mediante simulación mostró que la variabilidad del oxígeno disuelto afectó a la producción final más que otras variables, ya que aumentó de 1,521 kg ha-1 a 2,429 kg ha-1. El resto de variables en orden de importancia fueron: temperatura, duración del cultivo, cantidad de alimento, densidad de siembra y tamaño del estanque, respectivamente. Dentro de los rangos analizados, niveles más altos de oxígeno disuelto, densidades de población adecuadas y un tamaño de estanque pequeño podrían mejorar sustancialmente la producción en las granjas de camarón Penaeus vannamei semi-intensivas.

PALABRAS CLAVE: Producción comercial; Penaeus vannamei; Manejo


The white-legged shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) is the main species produced in the world by aquaculture with a proportion of 52.9 % (≈4966.2 thousand tons) as compared to other crustacean species in 2018. Shrimp is an important source of foreign exchange income and has historically been among the most traded products; most of the production comes from Asia and Latin America, while one of the main markets is the United States of America (FAO, 2020). Several studies have been conducted on shrimp culture, addressing different topics to determine the effect of environmental and management variables on the growth and survival of shrimp (McGraw et al., 2001; Moss & Moss, 2004; Islam et al., 2005; Milstein et al., 2005; Mena-Herrera et al., 2006; Araneda et al., 2008; Ponce-Palafox, et al., 2019; Jaffer et al., 2020; Rahmawati, 2021). Despite several scientific contributions to enhancing shrimp farming, only a few investigations have been conducted in commercial operations under different farming conditions: a) intensive affected by diseases such as white spot virus (Ruiz-Velazco et al., 2010a; González-Romero et al., 2014) and disease-free (Ruiz-Velazco et al., 2010b; Estrada-Pérez et al., 2016); b) semi-intensive affected by the acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease (AHPND) (Estrada-Pérez et al., 2020) and disease-free (Estrada-Pérez et al., 2015; González-Romero et al., 2018). In these studies, researchers found several relationships between environmental and management variables that may affect or benefit intensive and semi-intensive shrimp cultivation. The present study assessed the different relationships between environmental and management variables on growth, survival, and how they affected the production in some semi-intensive commercial Penaeus vannamei shrimp farms. This type of technology represents about 97 % of the currently operating farms in Mexico. The present study also addressed the relationships between the different variables involved and aimed to contribute to a better understanding of shrimp farming to optimize management practices which lead to better production.

Material and Methods

Data survey

Data were collected from a semi-intensive commercial shrimp farm located in the municipality of San Blas, Nayarit State, Mexico. The study units were eleven earth ponds ranging from 0.6 to 7 ha, that were in use during spring stocking. For each pond, the following dependent variables were analyzed: shrimp growth (final weight, g), final survival (%), and final biomass yield (kg ha-1). The independent variables used were: water temperature (°C), salinity (ups), dissolved oxygen (mg L-1), initial stocking density (post larvae per square meter, pL m-2), pond size (ha), cultivation duration (days), and amount of feed used in kg ha-1 (Table 1). According to the producers, the feeding strategy was with commercial feed on demand, using as an indicator the consumption baskets in the ponds. The protein percentages used were 40% during the first month and 35 % thereafter until harvest.

Table 1 Management variables: pond size, planting density, crop duration, amount of feed per hectare and environmental variables (temperature and dissolved oxygen in the water) used in the analysis. 

Pond Temperature (ºC) Dissolved Oxygen (mg.L-1) Salinity (Ups) Pond size (ha) Stocking density (pL m-2) Duration of cultivation (days) Amount of feed (kg ha-1)
1 31.34±1.56 4.97±1.38 38.50±5.09 1.2 33 78 2958
2 31.32±1.27 4.50±1.13 37.66±3.27 1.2 33 78 3052
3 31.32±1.28 4.25±1.37 34.28±4.92 1.2 33 78 3351
4 31.26±1.25 3.99±1.02 38.66±4.80 1.2 33 80 3439
5 30.97±1.41 4.93±1.66 37.71±3.64 1.1 27 72 2272
6 31.37±1.37 5.21±1.14 40.43±3.50 2.4 15 72 1260
7 31.33±1.46 5.26±1.17 40.28±4.27 3 15 72 1076
8 31.87±1.42 4.84±1.40 40.14±4.06 7 17 72 855
9 31.39±2.14 5.31±1.23 38.71±3.59 1.8 19 72 1571
10 31.71±1.35 5.27±1.85 37.86±4.06 1.8 22 72 1799
11 31.81±1.41 5.65±2.24 37.16±4.75 0.6 33 72 3281

Oxygen and temperature were measured twice daily (06:00 and 18:00 h) using oximeters (Model 55, YSI, Yellow Springs, OH). Salinity was measured weekly using refractometers (Aquafauna Bio-Marine, Hawthorne, CA) at a precision of 1 ups. Shrimp weight was measured weekly using 0.01 g and 0.1 g precision balances (Ohaus Corp., Pine Brook, NJ). Survival was estimated from shrimp population samples caught with cast nets (1.5 m radius), depending on the shrimp size monofilament line cast nets had a mesh size of 3.2 or 25.4 mm.

Statistical analysis

Obtained data were analyzed by Normality using Shapiro-Wilk W-tests and Levene's test in relation to the data processing to determine the relevance of the statistical analysis (i.e. parametric or non-parametric). A one-way ANOVA was used to detect statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) of environmental variables among the farm ponds, and (in case differences were detected) to demonstrate if differences may have caused different results in the production variables. Since this research was not based on experimental work, subsequent testing was not necessary to allow differentiate the ponds, but rather to find relationships among variables after the demonstration of variability. To rule out variables that were not related to parameters or to the general variables themselves, a correlation analysis was conducted. The analyzed variables were the averages during the complete cycle of environmental variables such as temperatures (T), salinity (S), and dissolved oxygen (DO). The management variables analyzed were stocking density (D), pond size (PS), duration of culture (DC), and amount of feed used (F). The production variables analyzed were final weight (W f ) and final survival (N f ).

Simple linear regression models

Simple linear regression models were constructed according to the results of the analysis of correlation between the analyzed variables; only significant correlations were used (p < 0.05). These regression models were used for simulation and to find relationships between variables (environmental and management) and the production parameters that affected biomass (final weight and final survival). The simple linear regression model was the linear equation:

Y =ax+b (1)


Y = the dependent variables: W f and N f .

x = the environmental and management variables for each (T, DO, D, PS, F and DC) and “a” and “b” = parameters of the regression.

For correlation analysis and simple linear regression was used the statistical program STATISTICA 6.0 (StatSoft, Tulsa), and least-squares analysis was conducted (Zar, 2010).


An analysis was conducted to determine the sensitivity of the variables studied with the use of simple linear regression models that were related to the production parameters. This analysis was performed to determine the sensitivity of the values of the environmental and management variables, and how they affected the variability of the final biomass estimated by the models. For this purpose, the maximum, mean, and minimum averages of the whole crop were used, where the difference between the maximum and minimum value was considered as the sensitivity value. A higher value of such difference (positive or negative in terms of percentage change) meant higher sensitivity. Mean values were used in cases where the model had no relationship with any of the variables involved. The final biomass (Bf) was calculated by means of the equation:



Statistical analysis

One-way ANOVA analysis indicated significant differences (p < 0.05) among ponds in temperature and dissolved oxygen. The variable salinity did not show significant differences. Correlation analysis results are presented in Tables 2 and 3. It was established a negative correlation between dissolved oxygen and the duration of cultivation. Stocking density was positively correlated to the duration of cultivation and inversely correlated to pond size. The amount of feed used was positively correlated to stocking density and the duration of culture, but inversely correlated to pond size. No correlation was found between salinity or any of the other variables involved. On the other hand, the final weight was positively correlated to temperature and dissolved oxygen. The stocking density, the duration of cultivation, and the amount of feed used were inversely correlated. Also, the final survival was inversely correlated to pond size (Table 3).

Table 2 Correlation between environmental and management variables. Only those that resulted with significant differences are shown (p < 0.05). 

Variables DO (mg L-1) DC (days) PS (ha) F (kg ha-1)
D (pl m-2) 0.7430 -0.6453 0.9774
PS -0.7296
DC (days) -0.8178 0.7572

DO= Dissolved Oxygen, DC= Duration of culture, PS= Pond size, F= Amount of feed, D= Stocking Density.

Table 3 Correlation of the production parameters with the environmental and management variables. Only those that resulted with significant differences are shown (p < 0.05). 

Parameters T (ºC) DO (mg L-1) D (pL m-2) DC (days) F (kg ha-1) PS (ha)
Wf (g) 0.6316 0.7814 -0.6472 -0.9059 -0.6805
Nf (%) -0.6121

Wf = Final weight, Nf= Final survival, T= Temperature, OD= Dissolved Oxygen, D= Stocking Density, DC= Duration of culture, F= Amount of feed, PS= Pond size.

Simple linear regression models

There were presented the simple linear regression models that had significant differences (p < 0.05) in the correlation analysis between variables (environmental and management) and the production variables used in the simulation (Figure 1). The final weight was positively related to temperature (Figure 1a) and dissolved oxygen (Figure 1b) but negatively related to stocking density (Figure 1c), amount of feed used (Figure 1e), and duration of cultivation (Figure 1f). The final survival was negatively related to pond size (Figure 1d).

Figure 1 Simple linear regression models between environmental and management variables related to production parameters: final weight-temperature (a), dissolved oxygen (b), stocking density (c), amount of feed (e), duration of cultivation (f) and final survival-pond size (d). 


Simulation analysis with simple linear regression models used in the production parameters (survival and final weight) to estimate the final biomass, showed that biomass was more sensitive to dissolved oxygen alterations, followed by temperature, duration of cultivation, amount of feed, and stocking density. The variable that less affected the production was pond size (Table 3). These results showed that the decrease or increase (in percentage terms) in environmental variables from their values (using maximum and minimum) caused changes in average biomass production, according to the variability involvement to each variable. Hence, the variation of dissolved oxygen produced the greatest changes, as biomass increased from 1521 kg ha-1 using the minimum average value of dissolved oxygen to 2429 kg ha-1 (59.70 %) using the maximum average value (Table 3). For the duration of cultivation (maximum-minimum values) the production decreased from 2237 kg ha-1 to 1495 kg ha-1 (- 33.17 %), for temperature (maximum-minimum) the production increased from 1674 kg ha-1 to 2387 kg ha-1 (42.59 %), for the amount of feed used (maximum-minimum values) the production decreased from 2345 kg ha-1 to 1733 kg ha-1 (-26.10 %). Regarding the stocking density (maximum-minimum values) the production decreased from 2308 kg ha-1 to 1809 kg ha-1 (-21.62 %). The smallest changes in biomass were observed using the pond size. The production decreased from 1983 kg ha-1 using small ponds to 1868 kg ha-1 (-5.80 %) using large ponds (Table 3).


According to the results of variance analysis, environmental variables such as temperature and dissolved oxygen showed the greatest variability between ponds and therefore, these variables had an effect on production. The exception among the environmental variables analyzed was salinity, as there were no statistically significant differences between the ponds, since it remained relatively constant, without an effect on the production parameters.

The literature has shown that growth in P. vannamei increases with increasing temperature up to 32 °C. (Ponce-Palafox et al., 2019). Ruiz-Velazco et al. (2010a, b), Estrada-Pérez et al. (2015) and Estrada-Perez et al. (2020) found that at higher temperatures, the final weights of shrimp were better in intensive and semi-intensive farming so that the results of this investigation are consistent with the findings by these authors.

Regarding dissolved oxygen, fluctuations throughout the day were evident, especially in ponds that had a high stocking density. During the early morning, due to biological oxygen demand critical oxygen levels may lead to mortalities (Hepher & Pruginin, 1981; Carranza, 2020).

In the present study it should be noted that the concentrations of dissolved oxygen in some ponds were lower than those recommended by McGraw et al. (2001) for shrimp farming, yet were above the range considered (approximately 3 ups) as stress inducing (Brock & Main, 1994). Despite this, in the present study no mass mortalities were observed in culture. However, the final weight showed that higher concentrations of dissolved oxygen lead to greater weight achieved at the end of the culture, coinciding with Rahmawati et al. (2021) in indoor raceway ponds. Therefore, it was observed that oxygen dissolved variations had a negative effect on shrimp growth which lead to a suboptimal production in low concentrations. Ruiz-Velazco et al. (2010a, b) and Estrada-Pérez et al. (2020) also found this relationship in intensive and semi-intensive commercial shrimp farming.

In this study, salinity concentrations higher than those recommended for shrimp culture were recorded (Bray et al., 1994). However, salinities lower than seawater (15-30 ups) have been associated with better growth in P. vannamei culture by several studies (Hernandez-Llamas & Villareal-Colmenares, 1999; Ruiz-Velazco et al., 2010a, b; Estrada-Pérez, 2020). High salinity concentrations in the present study made it impossible to determine whether they actually had an effect on the growth or survival of the shrimp. Although the literature is not conclusive with respect to optimum salinity for P. vannamei since the white shrimp is a euryhaline species and, therefore, is resistant to wide salt concentration fluctuations (0.5 to 50 ups) (Bray et al., 1994; Saoud et al., 2003).

It has been reported a negative effect of the use of high stocking densities on the development of shrimps P. vannamei (Otoshi et al., 2007; Araneda et al., 2008; Schveitzer et al., 2013;). The results of the present study also showed a negative effect on final weight when high stocking densities were used, which led to poor production. Contrarily, Casillas & Ibarra (1996) found that the highest production in their study was obtained at high stocking densities. However, in this study, over 45% of the ponds used had stocking densities considered high for semi-intensive culture (stocking densities higher than normal for semi-intensive culture), but there were no aeration systems. This limitation probably affected shrimp performance, according to Musa (2013) and Boyd (2017), as dissolved oxygen played an important role in improving water quality. Also, Mena-Herrera et al. (2006) mention that the high oxygen consumption in high biomass shrimp ponds suggests that the pond's load capacity depends on water quality, in particular on dissolved oxygen fluctuations. In addition, Martinez (1993) suggested that the optimum stocking density for a semi-intensive production system of P. vannamei is 22 shrimp m-2 for the spring-summer cycle. Therefore, one of the most important challenges to overcome when working with high densities is the limitation represented by oxygen availability (Krummenauer et al., 2011), and the significant impacts that different aeration devices can have on shrimp growth in different culture systems (Lara et al., 2017).

In intensive shrimp farming, density-dependent growth and survival is a typical response mainly due to a combination of factors, including reduced availability of natural food sources and space, increased cannibalism, decreased water quality, and accumulation of undesirable sediments (Arnold et al., 2006). Arambul-Muñoz et al. (2019) mention that total ammonia nitrogen (TAN), nitrate, and total phosphorus water quality were significantly higher at a higher density, furthermore they observed that growth rates and survival decreased as density increased after 300 org m-3 of an intensive photoheterotrophic white shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) system. Krummenauer et al. (2011) observed in a super-intensive culture of Penaeus vannamei in a Biofloc technology (BFT) system that, stocking density was pivotal to shrimp survival, verifying along with other studies that P. vannamei productivity is limited by reduced growth as stocking density increases (Moss & Moss, 2004; Coman et al., 2004). An efficient aeration system let to increasing stocking density (Samocha et al., 2004) agreeing with Da Silveira et al. (2020) who consider stocking densities of 500 shrimp m-2 viable for BFT production systems; however, the author mentions that, this implies careful planning in terms of Dissolved Oxygen consumption, and that the application of new technologies may potentially lead to even higher densities in the future.

According to the analysis of correlation and simple linear regression, shrimp growth was affected by high stocking densities and low dissolved oxygen concentrations (Table 3), which suggested that the load capacity was exceeded. It is encouraged the use of aerators for this type of culture as reported in previous reports (McGraw et al., 2001; Da Silveira et al., 2020).

Reported attempts to increase production have concentrated to increase harvest size, for which two options are available according to Casillas & Villarreal (1995): 1) An increased culture period and 2) a reduction of the stocking density. In the present study, the weight gain of the shrimp was close to 1 g per week, similar to what is considered appropriate for commercial farms. However, shrimp held for a longer period of time in ponds stocked at high densities were affected in final weight and therefore their growth was suboptimal (Otoshi et al., 2007; Araneda et al., 2008; Schveitzer et al., 2013). Another factor in consideration was the apparent negative effect on final weight related to the amount of feed used, this could have been a consequence of inadequate feed management leading to suboptimal production and also problems related to water quality ( Tacón et al., 2013). However, this could be also linked to high stocking densities in small-sized ponds according to the correlation analysis.

On the other hand, there are several indications related to the negative correlation between dissolved oxygen and the duration of culture. The most convincing was the high dissolved oxygen demand by the shrimp during growth. Rahmawati et al. (2021) found a decrease in dissolved oxygen levels as days of culture increased, this was due to increased biomass of P. vannamei, indicating an increase in oxygen consumption rates (Kureshy & Davis, 2000). Another indication was the accumulation of organic matter (uneaten food and feces) as the culture progressed. Uneaten feed absorbs water and eventually settles at the pond bottom, decomposing later, adding excess nutrients to the water, and causing oxygen depletion (Iber & Kasan, 2021). Therefore, the biological oxygen demand tended to increase, making necessary supplemental oxygen through aeration.

In the present study, it was found a negative correlation between the size of the pond and survival. This may be explained by the use of a small pond size, which made its management more convenient for survival. The water flow produced by water exchanges resulted in more efficient and faster control if any complications aroused. In small ponds, it is easier to monitor water quality, shrimp populations, and feeding than in large ponds. The action of wind in small ponds is more effective in mixing, or solids from the bottom of the water (Brune & Drapcho, 1991).

In the same sense, it has been emphasized the use of production units with small pond sizes for best management practices (Hernandez-Llamas & Villareal-Colmenares, 1999; Milstein et al., 2005; Magallón, 2006). Several studies using multiple linear regression models support that in small-sized units lower mortality rates are obtained (Ruiz-Velazco et al., 2010b; Estrada-Pérez et al., 2020). Similarly, a negative correlation between large-sized ponds and survival was observed. The smaller ponds stocked with the highest stocking density presented better survival (Table 2) which indicated the benefit of small ponds monitoring. It is expected, that until a certain limit in which a culture lasts, the final weight of the shrimp increases, this situation turned out as expected, the longer the culture duration, the greater the final weight is obtained (Ruiz-Velazco et al., 2010b; Ruiz-Velazco et al., 2013; Estrada-Pérez et al., 2015; Estrada-Pérez et al., 2020). This is apparently contrary to what was found in this research; however, it is more likely that this is due to an effect of stocking density and dissolved oxygen in the water, since the ponds that lasted longer were the ponds stocked at higher densities, and these same ponds that lasted longer had lower dissolved oxygen values in the water (Table 2). In other words, the final shrimp weights reached better sizes in shorter cultures, because they were stocked at lower stocking densities and had higher dissolved oxygen values, which resulted in faster harvesting.

Simulation analysis with simple linear regression models showed that the variation in dissolved oxygen was the most influential variable as shown by the production results (biomass), followed by temperature, stocking density, and finally pond size (Table 4).

Table 4 Simple regression model simulation using the maximum, medium and minimum mean values of the variables related to production parameters [final weight (W f ) and final survival (N f )]. 

Mean values of the variables W f (g) N f (shrimps ha-1) Biomass (Kg ha-1) Increase or decrease in biomass (kg ha-1) Percentage (%)
Dissolved Oxigen (mg L-1)
Medium 4.9 9.53 215528 2055
Maximum 5.6 11.27 215528 2429 908 59,70
Minimum 3.9 7.05 215538 1521
Temperature (°C)
Medium 31.4 9.60 215528 2070
Maximum 31.8 11.07 215528 2387 713 42,59
Minimum 30.9 7.77 215528 1674
Stocking density (postlarvae m-2)
Medium 25 9.42 215528 2031
Maximum 33 8.39 215528 1809 -499 -21,62
Minimum 15 10.71 215528 2308
Pond size (ha)
Medium 2 9.36 209064 1958
Maximum 7 9.36 199461 1868 -115 -5,80
Minimum 0.6 9.36 211753 1983
Amount of feed (kg ha-1)
Medium 2265 9.33 215528 2011
Maximum 3439 8.04 215528 1733 -612 -26,10
Minimum 855 10.88 215528 2345
Duration of cultivation (days)
Medium 74 9.36 215528 2018
Maximum 80 6.93 215528 1495 -742 -33,17
Minimum 72 10.38 215528 2237

The present study confirmed that the fluctuations of dissolved oxygen affected the production. Additionally, as mentioned above, stocking densities higher than those recommended for semi-intensive shrimp culture could have an effect on the dissolved oxygen concentration. The stocking density combined with other variables such as temperature, could affect the growth of organisms and hence yield production.

Further studies are needed to determine if an increase in the concentration of dissolved oxygen, particularly for this kind of farming (small pond size and appropriate stocking densities) could enhance the growth and survival of cultured shrimp and therefore improve farmed shrimp.


Given that dissolved oxygen was the most sensitive variable, supplemental aeration is essential at these stocking densities. A combination of high oxygen values (controlled with supplemental aeration), lower stocking densities, and short culture durations in small ponds, could increase production in this type of system.


The authors express their gratitude to shrimp farmers in Nayarit for their cooperation in this study, especially to Biol. Encarnación Torres Garcia. Thanks to the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments. Nallely Estrada-Pérez and Margarita Estrada-Pérez were a recipient of master fellowships from CONACyT.


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Received: March 28, 2022; Accepted: August 13, 2022; Published: August 25, 2022

*Corresponding author: Javier M.J. Ruiz-Velazco. Escuela Nacional de Ingeniería Pesquera, Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit, Cd. de La Cultura Amado Nervo s/n Tepic, Nayarit 63255, Mexico. Phone: +52 311 2118816. E-mail address:

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