1 Introduction
Since the discovery of topological insulators (TIs), the concept of topology has been thoroughly established as a tool to identify electronic phases and classify quantum states of materials [1,2]. Initially, the procedure of classifying compounds through studying based the topology of the ground state wave function was limited to electronic phases with an energy gap, namely topological insulators, however since this scheme have been extended to include systems with gapless band structure, a new topological class has also been identified which is special class of metals, namely topological semimetals (TSMs) [1,3]. Since then, the landscape of predicted topological classes has increases and widened even if only through educated predictions, and not through experiments. The set of these new promising states includes[4]; Chern insulators [5,6], topological insulators (TI) [2,7], crystalline topological insulators (CTI) [8], Dirac semimetals (DS)[9,10], Weyl semimetals (WS)[9,11], quadratic band-crossing materials[12], topological superconductors[13,14], new fermions and many other states[1,3]. Until now, some new semi-metallic systems have been predicted, such as bismuth, WTe2 and NbSb2 [15,16,17], some heavy and light half-Heusler compounds with Dirac nodes in their bulk FS.
Heusler materials have attracted a great interest because they provide ideal candidates with extremely wide range of applications from which we are interested in spintronic applications, and also their easy synthesis which makes them great candidates for further experimental works[18,19,20].
Furthermore, Heusler materials provide an ideal platform for deriving many new technologies by means of adjustment of the lattice parameters by substitution of isoelectronic elements or an adequate hybridization strength, in which the Heusler compounds go from trivial to non-trivial states; This flexibility positions these materials as one of the most active research fields[2,19,21,22,23,24].
Further, it should be emphasized that in addition to the fact that these materials provide an interesting new context in which to identify and understand the physical consequences of topological properties of momentum-space bands or textures in real-space, they also provide the tempting perspective to adapt the fundamental advances discovered in important new applications [13]. Spintronics is at the heart of our focus from these prospect applications, where mixture of the topology in quantum materials with spintronics gives rise to an emergent and growing area called topological spintronics [20,25,26,27]. This technological area focuses on the interactions accruing between the spins of the carriers within the adjacent magnets and the topological states of the material [20,26], thus the different spintronic effects such as spin-orbit transfer torques, spin current generation and injection, unidirectional spin-Hall effect and others, can be engineered and tuned by using different Topological materials and magnet structures[26]. Which gives rise to an immense range of possibilities at the technological and engineering level.
In this review, through first principles calculations, and for the purpose of predicting theoretically the existence of such topological materials within the Heusler family, we have conducted an investigation on the band topological ordering of some newly designed ternary intermetallic compounds Na2CuX (X = As, Sb, Sn and Bi). The organization of the paper is as follows. In Sec. 2, we described the employed method and the details of calculations. Results and discussions are presented in Sec. 3. Finally, conclusions and remarks are given in Sec. 4.
2 Calculation methodology
In this paper, we conducted a first-principles study on the structural and electronic properties of Na2CuX (X = As, Sb, Sn and Bi) full Heusler compounds, through assuming the full-potential linear muffin tin orbital (FP-LMTO) method [28,29] based on the Density Functional Theory (DFT) [30,31] by performing the local-density approximation (LDA) technic [32,33].The calculations are carrying out once using the spin-orbit coupling (SOC) effects and again without using the SOC effects. The FP-LMTO method [34] used the smooth Hankel functions [35]. The smoothing radii and values (Hankel function decay parameters) are carefully adjusted to optimize an efficient basis set. The interstitial smooth quantities are calculating by using a fine Fourier transform mesh. To reach the energy eigenvalues convergence inside the MTSs, the charge density and potential are properly represented by spherical harmonics up to lmax= 6. The self-consistent calculations are considered to be converged when the total energy of the system is stable at 10-6 Ry. The k integration over the Brillouin zone is performing using a tetrahedron method [36].
3 Results and discussion
Generally, Heusler alloys of composition 2: 1: 1 are ternaries which belong to a family of materials which crystallize in the cubic face-centered structure [37]. Their chemical formula is X2YZ , where X and Y are transition metals and Z is an sp element. Moreover, Heusler alloys (Fig. 1) have generally two structures types which are; the Hg2CuTi- type (X_Type) and the Cu2MnAl- type (cubic L21).
Studying the properties and behavior of materials requires as starting first with the
structural properties, as a first and an important step towards a better
understanding of other properties. For this purpose, we have performed an
optimization for our Heusler compounds in the two of structure types mentioned
above. The structural properties of our Heusler compounds are calculated by
performing a self-consistent calculation of the total energy in terms of cell
volume. The equilibrium lattice constants (a), bulk modules (B) and
its pressure derivatives (B’), are optimized by adjusting the obtained total energy
in terms of cell volume
X | Structure | A0 (a.u) | B (GPa) | B’ | Ef (eV) |
As | L21 | 12.56 | 43.67 | 4.24 | / |
As | X_Type | 12.12 | 53.66 | 4.48 | -1.26 |
Sb | L21 | 13.09 | 40.14 | 4.24 | / |
Sb | X_Type | 12.69 | 47.34 | 4.63 | -1.89 |
Sn | L21 | 13.16 | 37.64 | 4.21 | / |
Sn | X_Type | 12.79 | 48.08 | 4.17 | -1.32 |
Bi | L21 | 13.35 | 38.52 | 4.21 | / |
Bi | X_Type | 13.03 | 51.02 | 3.96 | -2.07 |
It is necessary to check whether our materials are suitable for experimental works
and possible to synthesize, therefore, we have to check their chemical stability.
For this reason, we have calculated the energy of formation
where ETot is the energy of the Heusler compounds under their equilibrium
lattice constants, and
After studying and ensuring the structural and energy stability of these compounds in the previous part, we now proceed to study the electronic properties and behavior of these materials depending on the structural properties obtained above.
In order to acquire a better understanding of the electronic behavior and the topological order of the subject materials, we have analyzed the electronic structures of our compounds.
The band structures along high-symmetry directions of all compounds are calculated using LDA approach without and with SOC, and they are illustrated in Figs. 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Since the main feature indicating the topological order of the material is the
ordering of electronic bands, where a band inversion at the
When the SOC effect is considered in the calculations (Figs. 4 and 5), the
Also, a phonon calculation is needed to assert the stability of the lattice. For this, we use the Quantum Espresso [42] code, and we applied density functional perturbation theory (DFPT) to estimate the dynamic strength of each structure using small atomic displacements in a 3 × 3 × 3 supercell.
The computed second-order force constants [43] were also used to construct the phonon
spectrum. Figures 6 and 7 show the computed phonon spectra for each Na2CuX
compound along the highly symmetric points
4 Conclusion
In this work, we have studied the potential of topological non-trivial property in the full Heusler compounds due to their promising characteristics for spintronic and quantum computing applications. In the studying of the structural proprieties, the obtained results specify that the Hg2CuTi- type (inverse Heusler) structure is energetically more stable than the Cu2MnAl- type structure for all compounds. Also, the negative signs of the formation energy promise the physical stability of these compounds which can continue to the fabrication step. The study of the band structures with and without SOC displays that Na2CuAs and Na2CuBi are all topologically nontrivial compounds due to band structure calculations screening an inverted s-p band structure. In the studying of the Na2CuSb and Na2CuSn electronic properties, the obtained results show that these systems are semimetals. We are encouraged that our recently predicted topological semimetals can be synthesized in the future time.