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Revista mexicana de astronomía y astrofísica

versión impresa ISSN 0185-1101

Rev. mex. astron. astrofis vol.59 no.1 Ciudad de México abr. 2023  Epub 21-Oct-2024 


RR Lyrae Stars in the Globular Cluster Palomar 2

A. Arellano Ferro1 

I. Bustos Fierro2 

S. Muneer3 

S. Giridhar3 

1 Instituto de Astronomía, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad Universitaria, México.

2Observatorio Astronómico, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina.

3 Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, India.


A CCD VI imaging time-series over 11-year is employed to explore the light curves of stars in the field of Palomar 2. We discovered 20 RRab and 1 RRc variables. A revision of Gaia-DR3 data enabled us to identify 10 more variables and confirm the RRab nature of 6 of them and one RGB. The cluster member-ship is discussed, and 18 variables are most likely cluster members. The Fourierlight curve decomposition for the 11 best quality light curves of cluster member stars leads to independent estimates of the cluster distance 27.2 ± 1.8 kpc and [Fe/H]ZW = − 1.39 ± 0.55. We confirm the cluster as of the Oo I type.

Key Words: globular clusters; individual; Pal 2 - stars; variables; RR Lyrae


Empleando una serie temporal de más de 11 años de imágenes CCD VI, exploramos las curvas de luz de estrellas en el campo del cúmulo. Descubrimos 20 RRab y 1 RRc. Una revisión de los datos de Gaia-DR3 permitió identificar 11 variables más y confirmar la naturaleza RRab de 6 de ellas y una RGB. Presentamos un análisis de membresía y concluimos que al menos 18 de estas variables pertenecen al cúmulo. La descomposición de Fourier de las curvas de luz de mejor calidad de 11 RR Lyrae miembros conduce a estimaciones independientes de la distancia 27.2 ± 1.8 kpc metalicidad [Fe/H]ZW = −1.39 ± 0.55 medias para el cúmulo. Confirmamos que el cúmulo es del tipo Oo I.

1 Introduction

The globular cluster Palomar 2 is a distant (30 kpc) stellar system in the direction of the Galactic anticenter and close to the Galactic plane (l=170.53, b=-9.07). It is buried in dust with E(B-V)0.93 and shows evidence of differential reddening (Bonatto Chies-Santos 2020). It is, therefore, a faint cluster with the HB at about V21.5 (Harris1996). Most likely due to its faintness no variables in the cluster have ever been reported.

In the present paper we take advantage of an 11-year long time-series of CCD VI data, analyzed in the standard Differential Imaging Approach (DIA), to explore the light curves of nearly 500 stars in the field of view (FoV) of the cluster. We have found 21 new RR Lyrae stars (V1-V14 and SV1-SV7 in Table 1). In conjunction with the Gaia-DR3 variability index, we confirm the RRab nature of 6 more stars (G3, G11, G12, G13, G18 and G23), plus 1 RGB (G17), for a total of 28 variables in the field of view of our images. In what follows, we argue in favour of the membership of 18 of them and present their light curves and ephemerides. The mean distance and [Fe/H] of the cluster shall be calculated by the Fourier decomposition of RRab stars with the best quality light curves.

Table 1 Data of variable stars in the FoV of our Pal 2 images  

ID Gaia variable Type P (d) E  0 (+2450000) V (mag) VAmp (mag) RA (J2000.0) DEC (J2000.0) PGaia (d) Membership status Gaia number
V1 RRab 0.542848 6312.3363 20.534 0.805 4:46:03.57 +31:22:45.8 M1 159504640014524672
V2 G5 RRab 0.551396 5542.2114 21.342 1.056 4:46:04.60 +31:23:41.5 0.5513624 M1 159504747388302336
V3 RRab 0.554363 6948.4976 21.792 0.951 4:46:05.53 +31:23:29.0 M1 159504747388520064
V4 G14 RRab 0.651889 5912.2228 21.413 0.814 4:46:05.61 +31:23:43.2 0.6518656 M1 159504747387726464
V5 G4 RRab 0.511639 8896.2470 21.382 0.997 4:46:07.02 +31:23:13.5 0.5067667 M2 159504678667943552
V6 G21 RRab 0.553259 9258.3356 21.461 1.168 4:46:07.82 +31:23:07.7 0.5532034 M2 159504678668831872
V7 G16 RRab 0.655812 8407.3827 20.925 0.914 4:46:08.11 +31:23:37.1 - M1 159504678667937024
V8 G7 RRc 0.373408 5542.2114 20.757 0.548 4:46:08.06 +31:22:21.7 - M1 159501689370744192
V9 G6 RRab 0.629619 8896.1493 21.521 0.787 4:46:08.24 +31:23:09.3 0.6129630 M1 159504674373384320
V10 G8 RRab 0.685890 5912.3072 20.700 0.512 4:46:09.11 +31:22:38.0 0.6858277 M1 159501723731340288
V11 G19 RRab 0.575280 6222.3870 20.673 0.842 4:46:10.58 +31:22:35.0 0.5752915 M1 159501719435472896
V12 G9 RRab 0.583630 6633.3246 20.894 0.603 4:46:12.82 +31:22:26.3 0.5953860 M1 159501650715992064
V13 RRab 0.546972 6948.4441 21.327 0.887 4:46:07.17 +31:23:15.5 M2 159504678668829184
V14 G1 RRab 0.574697 6948.4591 21.842 1.610 4:46:07.21 +31:22:47.2 0.5513435 M2 159504678667961856
V15 G12 RRab 0.508471 8781.4301 20.918 0.323 4:46:05.00 +31:22:52.9 - M1 159504644308236672
V16 G13 RR? 0.490213 5912.1144 19.179 0.330 4:46:04.64 +31:22:42.0 - M1 159504644308250624
V17 G17 RGB 19.0 0.9 4:46:02.96 +31:23:09.2 - M1 159504708733123200
V18 G11 RR? 0.510211 5912.1144 18.876 0.768 4:46:05.85 +31:23:03.3 - M1 159504644308215808
SV1 RRab 0.588566 6634.1554 21.267 1.024 4:46:04.22 +31:22:34.8 UN 159504644309111808
SV2 RRab 0.537325 8406.4629 21.876 1.299 4:46:06.39 +31:23:54.0 UN 159504747388298112
SV3 RRab 0.661914 5868.4136 21.517 1.077 4:46:03.96 +31:23:16.2 FS 159504713028573696
SV4 RRab 0.587210 8407.3175 21.585 1.363 4:46:06.56 +31:23:27.2 FS 159504674373556992
SV5 G15 RRab 0.490941 6221.4206 21.312 1.391 4:46:09.04 +31:23:12.8 0.4909349 FS 159504678668828160
SV6 G10 RRab 0.570669 6946.4683 20.840 0.960 4:46:12.31 +31:22:45.3 0.5706582 FS 159501723731332480
SV7 RRab 0.551215 6634.1714 19.274 1.371 4:46:13.65 +31:24:11.5 FS 159506190497880832
G3 RRab 0.531512 6633.3479 20.486 0.769 4:45:57.72 +31:24:19.0 0.5242873 FS 159504987906469248
G18 RRab 0.562320 6223.3662 20.700 0.576 4:46:09.50 +31:23:01.9 0.5623196 FS 159501723732926208
G23 RRab 0.595453 6633.3810 21.178 1.104 4:45:59.23 +31:22:53.4 0.56065912 FS 159504609949939072
G21 159501655012584064
G202 21.513 4:45:56.77 +31:21:09.0 0.59148323 FS 159504128913233536

1Out of our FoV. 2Not measured by our photometry.

2 Observations and Data Reductions

The data were obtained between December 12, 2010 and February 12, 2021 with the 2.0-m telescope at the Indian Astronomical Observatory (IAO), Hanle, India. The detector used was a SITe ST-002 2Kx4K with a scale of 0.296 arcsec/pix, for a field of view of approximately 10.1×10.1 arcmin2. From October 14, 2018 and February 17, 2020 the detector used was a Thompson grade 0 E2V CCD44-82-0-E93 2Kx4K with a scale of 0.296 arcsec/pix, or a FoV of approximately 10.1×10.1 arcmin2. A total of 197 and 240 images were obtained in the V and I filters, respectively.

2.1 Difference Imaging Analysis

The image reductions were performed employing the software Difference Imaging Analysis (DIA) with its pipeline implementation DanDIA (Bramich 2008; Bramich 2013, Bramich 2015) to obtain high-precision photometry of all the point sources in the field of view (FoV) of our CCD. This allowed us to construct an instrumental light curve for each star. For a detailed explanation of the use of this technique, the reader is referred to the work by Bramich et al.(2011).

2.2 Transformation to the Standard System

Since two different detectors were used to achieve the observations as described in the previous section, we treated the transformation to the standard system as two independent instruments. Otherwise, the procedure was the standard one described in detail in previous publications, in summary; we used local standard stars taken from the catalog of Photometric Standard Fields (Stetson 2000) to set our photometry into the VI Johnson-Kron-Cousin standard photometric system (Landolt 1992).

The transformation equations carry a small but mildly significant colour term and are of the form: V-v=A(v-i)+B and I-i=C(v-i)+D for each filter, respectively. The interested reader can find the details of this transformation approach in (Yepez et al. 2022).

3 Star membership using Gaia-eDR3

We have made use of the latest data release Gaia-DR3 (Gaia Collaboration 2021) to perform a membership analysis of the stars in the field of Pal 2. To this end, we employed the method of Bustos Fierro Calder (2019), which is based on the Balanced Iterative Reducing and Clustering using Hierarchies (BIRCH) algorithm developed by Zhang et al. (1996). The method and our approach to it have been described in a recent paper by Deras et al.(2022). We recall here that our method is based on a clustering algorithm at a first stage and a detailed analysis of the residual overdensity at a second stage; member stars extracted in the first stage are labeled M1, and those extracted in the second stage are labeled M2. Stars without proper motions were retained, labeled as “unknown membership status” or UN.

The analysis was carried out for a 10 arcmin radius field centered in the cluster. We considered 1806 stars with measured proper motions, of which 407 were found to be likely members. Out of them, only 288 were in the FoV of our images, for which we could produce light curves.

From the distribution of the field stars in phase space we estimated the number expected to be located in the same region of the sky and the vector point diagram (VPD) of the extracted members; therefore, they could have been erroneously labelled as members. Within the M1 stars the resulting expected contamination is 36 (11%), and within the M2 stars it is 87 (7%); therefore, for a given extracted star its probability of being a cluster member is 89% if it is labelled M1, or 93% if it is labelled M2.

4 Differential Reddening and the CMD

Palomar 2 is a heavily reddened cluster subject to substantial differential reddening, as it is evident in the crowded and deep HST color magnitude diagram (CDM) shown by Sarajedini et~al.(2007). A thorough treatment of the differential reddening in the cluster enabled Bonatto Chies-Santos(2020) to produce a reddening map, which these authors have kindly made available to us. In Figure 2 the observed CMD and the dereddened versions are shown. To deredden the CMD, the differential reddening map was added to a foreground reddening of E(B-V)=0.93.

Fig. 1 VPD and Gaia CMD of Pal 2. In the left panel, black and red points represent field and member stars respectively, as extracted by our analysis of the GaiaDR3 proper motions. In the right panel gray and red symbols are used for non-member and member stars, while black dots represent stars without proper motion information; hence their membership status cannot be assigned (UN). The colour figure can be viewed online. 

Fig. 2 The colour-magnitude diagram of Pal 2. The left panel shows all the stars measured in the FoV of our images and illustrates the magnitude and colour ranges of our data. The right panel has been diferentially dereddened by adopting the reddening map of Bonatto Chies-Santos (2020). We adopted from these authors an average foreground reddening of E(B-V)=0.93. As a reference we included two isochrones from the models of VandenBerg et al. (2014) for [Fe/H]= -1.6 and -2.0 and a theoretical horizontal branch built by Yepez et al.(2022). Isochrones and HB have been placed at a distance of 26.1 kpc Bonatto Chies-Santos (2020). Variable stars are indicated and discussed in § 5. The vertical black lines are the empirical first overtone red edge (FORE) from Arellano-Ferro et al. (2015, 2016). The colour figure can be viewed online. 

5 The variable stars in Pal 2

No variable stars in Pal 2 have been reported thus far. The case of Pal 2 is a particularly challenging one since the cluster is not only distant, but it is also behind a heavy dust curtain; its horizontal branch (HB) is located below 21 mag. We have occasionally taken CCD VI images of Pal 2 since 2010 and until 2021 and we have attempted to take advantage of this image collection to search for variables in the FoV of the cluster. We were able to measure 400-500 point sources in the V and I images that span a range in magnitude and colour shown in the left panel of Figure 2. The HB being located at the bottom of the stellar distribution, we are in fact working at the very limit of our photometry in order to detect cluster member RR Lyrae.

To search for variability we proceeded as follows. By using the string-length method (Burke1970, Dworetsky1983), we phased each light curve in our data with a period varying between 0.2 d and 1.0 d, a range adequate for RR Lyrae stars, in steps of 10-6 d. For each phased light curve, the length of the line joining consecutive points, called the string-length and represented by the parameter S Q , was calculated. The best phasing occurs when S Q is minimum, and corresponds to the best period that our data can provide. A detailed visual inspection of the best phased light curve helped to confirm the variability of some stars. We noticed, however, that the seasonal scatter of the light curve could vary depending mainly on the prevailing seeing conditions and crowdedness of a particular star, a situation that worsens near the core of the cluster. Therefore, it may happen that in some seasons the light curve variation is dubious, but extremely clear in the runs of best quality, which turned out to be from the 2013 and 2018-2020 seasons.

With the above method we discovered 21 RR Lyrae variables, mostly of the RRab type. Confronting with the membership analysis described in § 3, we concluded that 14 of them were likely cluster members. The latest Gaia-DR3 enabled us to search for stellar variability flags in the field of Pal 2. In fact, Gaia flags 22 variables. A cross-match with our variables list shows 12 matches; we found some variables not marked by Gaia and a posteriori we confirmed the variability of a few Gaia sources not previously detected by us.

In Table 1 we list the 32 variables in the field of Pal 2. The table is organized as follows. We have given the name with the prefix “V” only to those stars that seem likely cluster members (status M1 or M2), 18 in total, V1-V18. Arbitrarily, we identified the Gaia variables as G1-G22. This identification is listed in Column 2. In the bottom 14 rows of Table 1 we list the likely non-members (status FS). For non-member variables detected by us, we used the nomenclature with the prefix “SV”.

5.1 Variables in the CMD

In the right panel CMD of Figure 2, all variable stars have been marked with a red circle if they are cluster members or a black circle otherwise. As a reference we included two isochrones from the models of VandenBerg et al. (2014) for [Fe/H]= -1.6 and -2.0 and a theoretical horizontal branch built by Yepez et al. (2022). Isochrones and HB were placed at a distance of 26.1 kpc Bonatto Chies-Santos (2020). It is heartening to see nearly all the RR Lyrae stars fall in the whereabouts of the HB. In the following section we address some peculiar individual cases.

5.2 Individual Cases

V1. Its position on the CMD above the HB and in the mid-RGB is intriguing since the light curve and period suggest this star to be a member RRab star. An alternative possibility is that the star is a binary. Our data are not sufficient to explore this possibility.

V16, V17 and V18. Their position on the CMD near the tip of the RGB suggests these stars are red giant variables. However, our photometry was not extensive enough to confirm a long-term variability. Alternatively, we were able to identify short-therm variations in V16 and V18 (see Figure 3). The V17 light curve is, in fact, consistent with that of a long-term RGB.

Fig. 3 Light curves of cluster member variables in Pal 2. Different colors are used for yearly seasons. From the plots, it is obvious that the best quality data are from the 2013 (blue dots) and 2018-2020 (open circles) seasons. The rest, although more scattered, do follow and confirm the variations. The colour figure can be viewed online. 

SV1. It is a clear RRab star, falling much to the red of the HB. The star is not a cluster member.

SV7. We have detected clear RRab-like variations in our V data. However, no variation is seen in the I data. While variations might be spurious, we retain the star as a candidate variable to be confirmed.

SV4, SV5, SV6 and G23. These are the four non-member stars, hence identified by black circles or squares in the DCM. However, they lie very near the HB. Their non-membership status was assigned by the statistical approach to their proper motions, but they might be cluster members.

G3 and G20. G3 is a clear RRab star, not a cluster member. For G20 we got a very noisy light curve that makes its classification very difficult; however, the star is likely a non-member.

Fig. 4 Light curves of variables in the field of Pal 2. They are most likely field stars, see § 5 for a discussion. The colour code is as in Figure 5. The colour figure can be viewed online. 

Fig. 5 Distribution of RR Lyrae stars in the amplitude-period diagram. The solid sequences correspond to the unevolved stars typical of Oo I type clusters Cacciari et al.(2005). The dashed sequence corresponds to evolved stars of the Oo II clusters Kunder et al.(2013). V8 is a RRc star. See § 6 for a discussion on V16 and V18. The colour figure can be viewed online. 

6 The Oosterhoff type of Pal 2

The average period of the member RRab star listed in Table 1 is 0.55 days which indicates that Pal 2 is of the Oo I type. We can further confirm this from the distributions of the RRab stars in the Amplitude-Period or Bailey diagram, shown in Figure 1. Given the dispersion of the light curves, the amplitude distribution is also scattered. However, it is clear that the RRab stars follow the expected sequence for unevolved stars typical of OoI clusters Cacciari et al.(2005), in both the V and I bands. The upper sequence corresponds to evolved stars of the Oo II clusters Kunder et al.(2013). Hence, Pal 2 is an Oo I type cluster. We note that the stars V16 and V18, whose nature is not clear due to their position in the RGB and short period (§ 5), do not follow the general trend, rather confirming that they are not field RR Lyrae stars. Alternatively, they may be binary stars. Further observations may be required to provide a proper classification.

7 Cluster distance and metallicity from member RR Lyrae stars

Although the scatter of all these faint cluster member stars may be large, we attempted an estimation of the mean distance and [Fe/H] via the Fourier light curve decomposition. This approach has been amply described in previous papers. Both the method details and the specific calibrations for M V and [Fe/H] for RRab stars can be found in a recent paper by Arellano Ferro (2022).

Fig. 6 Identification chart of variables in our FoV of Pal 2. The left panel shows a field of 4.1×4.1 arcmin2. The right panel is about 1.7×1.7 arcmin2. Expansion of the digital version is recommended for clearness. 

We selected the RRab members with the best quality light curves and restricted the Fourier approach to this sample. These are the variables V2-V13 shown in Figure 3. The mean values for the distance modulus (V-MV)o =17.18 and [Fe/H]  ZW=-1.39±0.55 were found. The corresponding distance is 27.2±1.8 kpc for a foreground reddening of E(B-V)=0.93 plus the differential values according to the reddening map of Bonatto Chies-Santos(2020). The quoted errors are the standard deviation of the mean; they are a bit too large but given the faintness of the stars and their consequent photometric scatter, the results are in remarkably good agreement with independent determinations: (V-MV)o=17.1±0.1 and [Fe/H]= -1.3 Harris et al.(1997); Fe/H] ZW=-1.68±0.04 Ferraro et al. (1999); or d=27.2 kpc and [Fe/H]=-1.42 listed by Harris (1996) (2010 update).

8 Summary

We have found and identified 32 variables in the field of the globular cluster Palomar 2. A membership analysis based on Gaia-DR3 proper motions and the positioning of the variables in the corresponding intrinsic CMD, demonstrates that at least 18 of these variables are cluster members. Most of the detected variables are of the RRab type but one RRc and at least one RGB were identified.

The mean cluster distance and metallicity, estimated from the Fourier light curve decomposition of 11 cluster member RRab stars with the best quality available data, lead to d=27.2±1.8 kpc and metallicity -1.39±0.55, in reasonable agreement with the previous estimates. A detailed finding chart of all these variables is provided.


This project was partially supported by DGAPA-UNAM (Mexico) via grants IG100620. AAF is thankful to Mr. G.A. García Pérez and Mr. G. Ríos Segura for computational help. The facilities at IAO and CREST are operated by the Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, we are grateful for the observing time allocated and for the valuable help of the support staff.


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Received: July 08, 2022; Accepted: August 20, 2022

A. Arellano Ferro: Instituto de Astronomía, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad Universitaria, C.P. 04510, México.

I. Bustos Fierro: Observatorio Astronómico, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Laprida 854, X5000BGR, Córdoba, Argentina.

S. Giridhar and S. Muneer: Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, India.

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