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Revista mexicana de astronomía y astrofísica

versión impresa ISSN 0185-1101

Rev. mex. astron. astrofis vol.59 no.1 Ciudad de México abr. 2023  Epub 21-Oct-2024 


Optimized Spectral Energy Distribution for Seyfert Galaxies

Luc Binette1  2 

Yair Krongold1 

Sinhue A. R. Haro-Corzo3 

Andrew Humphrey4  5 

Sandy G. Morais4  6 

1 Instituto de Astronomía, UNAM, México.

2 Département de physique, de génie physique et d’optique, Université Laval, Québec.

3 Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores (ENES) Unidad Morelia, UNAM, México.

4 Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço, Universidade do Porto, Portugal.

5 DTx - Digital Transformation CoLAB, University of Minho, Portugal.

6 Departamento de Física e Astronomia, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade do Porto, Portugal.


The temperature predicted by photoionization models for the narrow line region of Seyfert 2 galaxies is lower than the value inferred from the observed [O III]λ4363Å/λ5007 Å line ratio. We explore the possibility of considering a harder ionizing continuum than typically assumed. The spectral ionizing energy distribution, which can generate the observed λ4363 Å/λ5007 Å ratio, is characterized by a secondary continuum peak at 200 eV.

Key Words: accretion; accretion discs — galaxies; Seyfert — plasmas — quasars ; emission lines


La temperatura predicha por modelos de fotoionización de la región de líneas angostas (NLR) es inferior al valor deducido por el cociente de líneas [O III]λ4363Å/λ5007 Å que se observa en galaxias Seyfert 2. Exploramos la posibilidad de un continuo ionizante mucho más duro que el que t´ıpicamente se usa. La distribución de energía espectral ionizante que logra reproducir el cociente de λ4363 Å/λ5007 Å observado se caracteriza por un segundo pico en el continuo a 200 eV.

1 Introduction

It has been proposed early on that photoionization is the excitation mechanism of the plasma associated to the narrow line region of active galactic nuclei (AGN) (Osterbrock 1978, and references therein). Prevailing photoionization models of the narrow-line region (NLR) of AGN consider a distribution of clouds that extends over a wide range of cloud densities and ionization parameter values, whether the targets are Type I Baldwin et al.(1995) Korista et al.(1997) such as quasars, Seyfert 1’s and broad-line radio galaxies (BLRG), or Type II objects Ferguson et al.(1997) Richardson et al.(2014) which consist of Seyfert 2’s, QSO 2’s and narrow-line radio galaxies (NLRG). One difficulty reported by Storchi-Bergmann et al.(1996), Bennert et al.(2006b), Villar-Martín et al.(2008) and Dors et al.(2015, 2020) is that the temperature predicted by photoionization models is lower than the value inferred from the observed [O III] λ 4363Å/ λ 5007Å line ratio (hereafter labeled R OIII ). This discrepancy defines the so-called “temperature-problem”, which is mentioned below and refers only to the spatially unresolved NLR. Our basic assumption is that photoionization is the dominant excitation mechanism. We cannot rule out the presence of shocks, but combining shocks and photoionization in order to fit a sample of objects that share a similar temperature would a require fine-tuning of both heating mechanism, which would not be a convincing procedure. We recognize that observations of the spatially out-flowing plasma, which is labelled extended narrow line region (ENLR), indicate in some Seyferts the presence of a much hotter plasma. For instance, the IFU MUSE/VLT observations of the Seyfert 2 Circinus by Fonseca-Faria et al.(2021) reveal temperatures as high as 20 000 K within the ENLR, which standard photoionisation models cannot reproduce. The current work addresses only the NLR where we will assume that the dominant heating mechanism is photoionization, although we do not rule out that other factors might affect the R OIII ratio, such as a non-Maxwellian electron energy distribution Morais et al.(2021), or the contribution of matter-bounded clouds to the emission line spectrum Binette et al.(1997).

The R OIII ratio is a valid temperature diagnostic when the low density regime (LDR) applies (such as in H II regions), that is, for plasma of densities 104 cm-3; otherwise collisional deexcitation becomes important, which causes the R OIII ratio to increase with density, independently of the temperature. The presence of significant collisional deexcitation appears to be the norm in Type I AGN, as shown by the work of Baskin Laor 2005, hereafter BL05) who compared the R OIII values observed in 30 quasars (1. In Type II AGN, however, there is indirect evidence that collisional deexcitation is not dominant. For instance, the R OIII ratios of Seyfert 2’s are found to be similar to those observed within the spatially resolved component, the so-called extended narrow line region (ENLR), where LDR conditions are known to apply. More direct evidence of LDR conditions in Type II nuclei was recently presented by (Binette et al. 2022 hereafter BVM) who used the measurements of the [Ar IV] λλ4711,40Å doublet ratio observed by (Koski 1978, hereafter Kos78) in seven Seyfert 2’s, and found that the densities were 104 cm-3. The average NLR temperature inferred was 13 500 K , which standard single-zone photoionization models cannot reproduce, assuming standard input parameter values.

In the present work, we will investigate whether an optimization of the spectral energy distribution (SED) of the ionizing source might contribute to the resolution of the temperature problem. Since we do not directly observe the far-UV region of the ionizing continuum due to interstellar absorption, the current study is speculative in nature. Alternative interpretations of the temperature discrepancy will be the subject of future publications.

2 A double bump ionizing energy distribution

2.1 Standard Ionizing SEDs

The ionizing radiation from the nucleus is expected to originate from thermal emission by gas accreting onto a supermassive black hole. Although thermal in nature, the energy distribution is broader than a blackbody since the continuum emission is considered to take place from an extended disk that covers a wide temperature range. In their photoionization models, (Ferguson et al. 1997, hereafter Fg97) and (Richardson et al. 2014, hereafter Ri14) assumed a SED where the dominant ionizing continuum corresponds to a thermal distribution of the form

Fνν αUV exp(-hν/k   Tcut ), (1)

where T cut is the UV temperature cut-off and αUV the low-energy slope of the ‘big bump’, which is typically assumed to be αUV =-0.3. This thermal component dominates the ionizing continuum up to the X-ray domain where a power-law of index -1.0 takes over. The values for T cut adopted by Fg97 and Ri14 are 106.0 and 105.62 K , respectively. Both distributions are shown in Figure 1. In both cases we have assumed a standard X-ray-to-optical spectral index2 αOX of -1.35.

Figure 1: Ionizing spectral energy distributions described in § 2, in νFν units: (1) the SED adopted by Fg97 for their LOC calculations with    Tcut =106.0 K (long dashed line), (2) the optimized SED with    Tcut =105.62 K of Ri14 (dot-short dash line), and (3) the double-bump reprocessed distribution of La12 (thick grey line), and (4) two modified versions La  1 (cyan) and La  2 (blue) of the La12 reprocessed distribution. The La 1 (cyan) and La 2 (blue) SEDs were obtained by summing up the truncated La12 SED, FLa12pk1 (ν) (red dashed line), to both cyan and blue dotted linesF*pk2 (ν) distributions. The light-green dashed line corresponds to an accretion disk model including optically thick Compton emission by a warm plasma. It was calculated using the OPTXAGN model in XSPEC (Done et al. 2012, see § 5.3). The above SEDs were renormalized to νFν of unity at 5 eV (2480 Å). In the X-ray domain, a power-law of index -1.0 was assumed with an αOX of -1.35. The magenta line represents the average of the soft X-ray excess measurements inferred by Pi05, assuming αOX =-1.35 with respect to the La12 distribution. The color figure can be viewed online. 

2.2 The Proposition of a Double-Peaked SED

To address the temperature problem, (Lawrence 2012, hereafter La12), explored the possibility that a population of internally cold very thick (NH>1024cm -2) dense clouds (n1012cm -3) covers the accretion disk at a radius of 35 Rs from the black-hole, where R s is the Schwarzschild radius. The cloud’s high velocity turbulent motions blur its line emission as well as reflect the disk emission, resulting in a double-peaked SED superposed to the reflected SED. The first peak at 1100Å represents the clouds reprocessed radiation while the second corresponds to the disk radiation reflected by the clouds. The resulting SED is represented by the thick light-gray continuous line in Figure 1. The main advantage of this distribution is its ability to account for the ‘universal’ knee observed at 12 eV in quasars. The assumed position of the second peak at 40 eV would however need to be shifted to much higher energies in order to significantly increase the photoheating efficiency and subsequently reproduce the observed R OIII ratio. This possibility, which is explored in the current work, might imply adjustments of the ‘reprocessing model’ since the turbulent clouds, hypothesised by La12, would likely need to extend to much smaller radii than the assumed value of 35 R s . Alternatively, the hotter inner component of the accretion disk might progressively become uncovered at smaller disk radii. We note that similar double-peaked SEDs would arise if the primary disk emission was further Compton up-scattered to higher energies owing to the presence of an optically thick warm plasma in addition to the hot thin corona responsible for the hard X-rays Done et al.(2012). We will further discuss this possibility in § 5.

2.3 Components of Our Modified Double-Peak La 1SED

After experimenting with different shapes and positions for the second peak, it was found that the presence of a deep valley at 35 eV can result in an increase of the plasma temperature (i.e. higher R OIII ratio). To explore double-peak SEDs, we proceeded as follows. First, we extracted a digitized version of the published La12 SED. To eliminate the 40 eV peak we extrapolated the declining segment of the first peak. The resulting distribution is represented by the red dashed line labelled FLa12pk1 (ν) in Figure 1. For the second peak, F*pk2 (ν), we adopted the formula, ν αUV exp(-hν/k   Tcut ) (i.e. equation 1). All the double-bump SEDs which we explored were obtained by simply summing both distributions:

Fν= FLa12pk1 (ν)+R    r21pk2  ν αFUV exp(-hν/k   Tcut ), (2)

where R= FLa12pk1 (νpk1)/ F*pk2 (νpk1) is the renormalization factor which we define at hνpk1=12 eV , the energy where the first peak reaches its maximum in νFν. The position and width of the second peak depends on both parameters αUV and T cut while its intensity is set by the parameter r21pk2. The main benefit of the second peak is to increase the local heating rate due to He+ photoionization (c.f. § 5.1).

After comparing the plasma temperatures reached when different combinations of the parameters T cut , αFUV and r21pk2 are considered, we concluded that the optimal position for the second peak is 200 eV . Moving it to higher values was not an option, as it generated an excessive flux in the soft X-rays that is not observed in Type II AGN.

Our first version for the optimal SED, labelled La 1, is shown in Figure 1 (cyan solid line). It assumes an index αFUV =+0.3 as in Ri14 and Fg97, which corresponds essentially to the index of the standard Shakura-Sunyaev accretion disk model Shakura Sunyaev (1973), Pringle(1981), Cheng et al.(2019) of αFUV =1/3. The value derived for the parameter T cut is 1.6 106 K and the optimal value for the scaling factor is r21pk2 =0.08. Increasing r21pk2 further would require a reduction in T cut , otherwise the resulting SED would extend too far into the soft X-rays.

2.4 An Alternative Double-Peak SED: La 2

The La 1 SED drops off around 800 eV (Figure 1). It is important to ensure that the predicted flux beyond 500 eV does not exceed the soft X-rays measurements. While some AGN show extreme emission in the so-called X-ray soft excess up to 1-2 keV , others do not. One solution would be to adopt larger values for the parameter αFUV. To illustrate this, our second version of the double-bump SED, labelled La 2, uses a much larger αFUV of +3. In this case the optimal value for the parameter T cut has to be as low as 0.5 106 K so that the second peak occurs at essentially the same energy as in the La 1 SED. Because the peak profile is much narrower (dotted blue line), the scaling parameter r21pk2 turns out to be much smaller, at 0.001.

Note that if we had assumed the Planck equation, as in La12, for the second peak instead of equation 1, the favored position of the second peak near 200 eV would correspond to a blackbody temperature of    TBB 500 000 K , that is, five times higher3 than the    TBB 100 000 K temperature proposed by La12.

2.5 The Unaccounted Soft X-Ray Excess Below 2 keV

There are few competing processes that have been proposed to explain the physical mechanism responsible for the so called X-ray soft excess. The most popular ones include a dual-coronal system (e.g. Done et al. 2012) or relativistic blurred reflection (e.g. Ross & Fabian 2005). For illustrative purposes, we show in Figure 1 the “average soft excess” component observed with XMM-Newton (magenta line) by (Piconcelli et al. 2005, hereafter Pi05). It corresponds to the best-fit average of 13 quasars with z<0.4 using the parameters from Table 5 of Pi05, as described in Haro-Corzo et al.(2007). This component was re-scaled so as to reproduce an αOX of -1.35 with respect to the La12 SED. The dotted section below 600 eV is speculative, as it is not reliably constrained by X-ray measurements.

The soft excess varies strongly among different individual objects and its nature might be completely different than the emission in the extreme UV postulated here. On the other hand, the Comptonization of disk photons by a warm plasma can explain the presence of the soft excess Done et al.(2012) and at the same time produce double-peaked SEDs with the second peak near 200 eV (see § 2.2). The same might be true for blurred reflection/emission, as relativistic line emission has been used to (1) model the soft excess in a successful way (e.g. Ross & Fabian 2005), and (2) produce specific ionizing SEDs that result in two emission bumps in the extreme UV (La12, see § 2.2). While tantalizing, exploring these possibilities is beyond the scope of this paper. The important point is that the proposed SEDs in this paper are consistent with the soft excess observed in quasars.

3 Observed R OIII ratios among AGN

3.1 Seyfert 2 Samples

In order to compare our calculations with observed ratios among Type II AGN, we adopt the three samples used by BVM, which are represented in Figure 2 by black open symbols. They correspond to the following dereddened4 measurements:

  • 1. The seven Seyfert 2’s from Kos78. The average ratios is R  OIII =0.0168 (i.e. 10-1.77), which is represented by a large black disk whose radius of 0.088 dex corresponds to the RMS R OIII dispersion. A unique characteristic of this sample is the availability of measurements from the weak [Ar IV] λλ4711,40Å doublet ratio, which can be used as a direct density indicator of the plasma responsible for the high excitation lines.

  • 2. The average of four Seyfert 2 measurements (IC 5063, NGC 7212, NGC 3281 and NGC 1386) observed by Bennert et al.(2006b). It is represented by a small black circle corresponding to a mean R OIII of 0.0188. The pseudo error bars represent an RMS dispersion of 0.042 dex.

  • 3. The high excitation Seyfert 2 subset a41 from Ri14 (open diamond), with R  OIII =0.0155, representing the high ionization end of the sequence of reconstructed spectra of Ri14, which were extracted from a sample of 379 AGN.

Figure 2 Dereddened NLR ratios of [O III] / Hβ vs. R OIII . Data set: line ratios from three samples of Type II AGN, all represented by open black symbols and consisting of: (1) the average of seven Seyfert 2’s from Kos78 (large circle); (2) the average of four Seyfert 2’s from Be06b (small circle); (3) the high excitation Seyfert 2 subset a41 from Ri14 (diamond). ENLR measurements are all represented by dark-green filled symbols consisting of: (1) the average of two Seyfert 2’s and two NLRGs (small dot) from BWS; (2) the Seyfert 2 IC 5063 long slit spectrum of Be06b (pentagon); (3) the average of seven spatially resolved optical filaments of the radio-galaxy Centaurus A (green square) from Mo91; (4) the 8 kpc distant cloud from radiogalaxy Pks 2152-699 by Ta87 (large green dot). Type I AGN ratios are overlaid consisting of 30 quasars studied by BL05 (open grey squares). Models: Five sequences of photoionization models are overlaid along which U o increases from 0.01 (grey dot) to 0.46 in steps of 0.33 dex, assuming a constant plasma density of    nH  o =102cm -3. A square identifies models with      U  o =0.1. The SEDs were borrowed from Ri14 (yellow), La12 (red) and Fg97 (magenta). The dotted magenta arrow shows the effect caused by adopting a reduced abundance of 1.4 Z. Calculations using the two double-peaked La 1 and La 2 SEDs are coded in cyan and blue colors, respectively, while those that assume Comptonization of the accretion disk photons are coded in light-green. The color figure can be viewed online.  

3.2 Spatially Resolved ENLR

We superpose in Figure 2 the ratios observed from the spatially resolved emission component of AGN, the so-called ENLR, which consists of off-nuclear line emission from plasma with densities typically <103cm -3 (e.g. Tadhunter et al. 1994; Bennert et al. 2006a,b). The selected measurements are represented by the filled dark-green symbols, which stand for the following four samples: (1) the average (small filled dot) of two Seyfert 2’s and two NLRGs from Binette et al.(1996, hereafter BWS); (2) the long-slit observations of the Seyfert 2 IC 5063 by Be06b (pentagon); (3) the average of seven spatially resolved optical filaments from the radio-galaxy Centaurus A (filled square) from (Morganti et al. 1991, hereafter Mo91); and (4) the 8 kpc distant cloud from radio galaxy Pks 2152-699 observed by (Tadhunter et al. 1987, hereafter Ta87) (large dot). Pseudo-error bars denote the RMS dispersion of the BWS sample.

3.3 Quasar Sample

For illustrative purposes, we overlay in Figure 2 the measurements of the NLR ratios (open grey squares) from 30 quasars of redshifts z<0.5, which were studied by BL05. The R OIII ratios are found to extend from 0.01 up to 0.2, providing clear evidence that collisional deexcitation takes place within the NLR of Type I objects.

3.4 Data set Comparison

The detailed study of BVM of the Seyfert 2 sample from Kos78 rely on the measured density sensitive [Ar IV] λλ4711,40Å doublet. The authors found no evidence that significant collisional deexcitation was affecting the observed R OIII ratios, even after considering a power-law distribution of the densities in their plasma calculations of R OIII and [Ar IV] ratios. Furthermore, both Seyfert 2’s and ENLR measurements occupy a similar position in Figure 2, which is likely a consequence of LDR, since detailed studies of ENLR spectra are consistent with plasma densities 104 cm-3. By contrast, quasar NLR measurements of BL05 span a wide range in R OIII , with the lowest ratios lying close to the values seen in Seyfert 2’s and in the ENLR plasma. This dichotomy between Type I and II objects is likely the manifestation of the observer’s perspective on the NLR as a consequence of the unified AGN geometry, whereby the densest NLR components become progressively obscured in Type II objects due to the observer’s lateral perspective on the ionizing cone. A graphical description of such geometry is illustrated by Figure 2 of Bennert et al.(2006c).

4 Photoionization Calculations

Our photoionization calculations were carried using the version ig of the code MAPPINGS I Binette et al.(2012). Recent updates are described in Appendix 6. We compare below our models with the observed R OIII as well as the He II / Hβ λ 4686Å/ λ 4861Å ratios, assuming different ionizing continua.

4.1 Dust-Free Plasma with Abundances Above Solar

In this paper, we will only consider the case of a dust-free plasma. Insofar as plasma metallicities, it is generally accepted that gas abundances of galactic nuclei are significantly above solar values. The metallicities we adopt below correspond to 2.5 Z, a value within the range expected for galactic nuclei of spiral galaxies, as suggested by the Dopita et al.(2014) landmark study of the Seyfert 2 NGC 5427 using the Wide Field Spectrograph (WiFeS: Dopita et al. 2010). The authors determined the ISM oxygen abundances from 38 H II regions spread between 2 and 13 kpc from the nucleus. Using their inferred metallicities, they subsequently modelled the line ratios of over 100 ‘composite’ ENLR- H II region emission line spaxels as well as the line ratios from the central NLR. Their highest oxygen abundance reaches 3 Z (i.e. 12  +  logO/H =9.16. Such a high value is shared by other observational and theoretical studies that confirm the high metallicities of Seyfert nuclei Storchi-Bergmann & Pastoriza(1990), Nagao et al.(2002) Ballero et al.(2008). Our selected abundance set is twice the solar reference set of Asplund et al.(2006), i.e. with O/H=9.8×10-4, except for C/H and N/H which reach four times the solar values owing to secondary enrichment.

We can expect the enriched metallicities of galactic nuclei to be accompanied by an increase in He abundance. We followed a suggestion from David Nicholls (private communication, ANU) of extrapolating to higher abundances the metallicity scaling formulas that Nicholls et al.(2017) derived from local B stars abundance determinations. At the adopted O/H ratio, the proposed scaling formula described by equation A1 in Appendix 6 implies a value of He/H = 0.12, which is higher than the solar ratio of 0.103 adopted by Ri14. The effect on the equilibrium temperature, however, is relatively small as the calculated R OIII ratios are found to increase by only 0.06 dex whether one assumes the Fg97, Ri14 or La12 SED.

4.2 Characterization of the Temperature Problem

The difficulty in reproducing the observed R OIII ratio is illustrated by the three ionization parameter sequences shown in Figure 2 that fall on the extreme left of the diagram. Two of the SEDs were borrowed from the standard NLR models of Ri14 (yellow) and Fg97 (magenta) while the third corresponds to the double-peaked SED from La12 (in red). Along each sequence, the ionization parameter5, U o , increases in steps of 0.33 dex, from 0.01 (light gray dot) up to 0.46. These sequences do not reach the R OIII domain occupied by our sample of Seyfert 2’s, with some models falling outside the plot boundaries.

4.3 Calculations with the La 1and La 2SEDs

The procedure followed to define the double-peaked La 1 and La 2 energy distributions (Figure 2) has been described in §2.3 and 2.4. Photoionization calculations using either SED are successful in reproducing the R OIII ratios from the Seyfert 2 Kos78 sample (black circle), as shown by the solid cyan and dotted blue lines in Figure 2, which represent ionization parameter sequences with increasing in steps of 0.33 dex, from 0.01 (the light-gray dot) up to 0.46, assuming a constant plasma density of    nH  o =102cm -3. A square identifies models with      U  o =0.1. Our models suggest that either of the double-bump SEDs has the potential of resolving the temperature discrepancy encountered with conventional ionizing distributions.

We would qualify the two La 1 and La 2 SEDs as representing two extreme cases with respect to the parameter αFUV. Ionizing continua that assumed intermediate values, in the range 0.3< αFUV   <3, would be equally successful in reproducing the observed R OIII ratios provided the parameters T cut and r21pk2 were properly adjusted to maintain the second peak centered at 200 eV and at an intermediate height between La  1 and La 2.

In order to compare our models with Type I AGN (open grey squares), we calculated density sequences along which the density increases in steps of 0.5 dex, from nH  o =100 to 107 cm -3. These calculations are shown in Figure 3. For each sequence, we selected the U o value that made the models cover the upper envelope of the quasar [O III] / Hβ ratios, which are      U  o =0.46 and 0.10 for the La 1 and La 2 SEDs, respectively. The vertical dispersion in the observed [O III] / Hβ ratios is noteworthy. The simplest interpretation might be the need of considering a distribution of cloud densities, as favored by the dual-density models of BL05. Alternatively, in the case of the Ri14 LOC models, the observed dispersion suggests that the density power-law index β might take different values.

Figure 3: Dereddened [O III] / Hβ (λ 5007Å/ λ 4861Å ) and He II / Hβ (λ 4686Å/ λ 4861Å) line ratios. The observational data sets of § 3 are represented by the same symbols as in Figure 2. Overlaid are two sequences of models along which n Ho increases from 102 to 107 cm -3 in steps of 0.5 dex. The ionization parameter is      U  o =0.46 for the La 1 sequence (cyan) and      U  o =0.10 for the La 2 sequence (blue). The color figure can be viewed online.  

4.4 The He II / HβDiagnostic Ratio

When comparing different ionizing distributions, an important ratio to consider is He II / Hβ λ 4686Å/λ 4861Å since, as pointed out by Ri14, the latter is sensitive to the hardness of the ionizing continuum. Figure 4 illustrates the behavior of the dereddened [O III] / Hβ vs. He II / Hβ ratios assuming either the La 1 or the La 2 ionizing continua. They reproduce reasonably well the He II / Hβ ratio observed among the Seyfert 2’s of Kos78 and Be06b. Also overlaid is the γ sequence from the LOC calculations (yellow dashed line) of Ri14, assuming a density weighting parameter β of -1.4, the value favored by the authors when modeling their four AGN subsets6.

Figure 4 Dereddened [O III] / Hβ (λ 5007Å/ λ 4861Å ) and He II / β (λ 4686Å/λ 4861Å) line ratios. The observational data sets of § 3 are represented by the same symbols as in Figure 2. Both density sequences from previous Figure 3, using the La 1 (cyan) and La 2 (blue) SEDs, are overlaid. The light-green dotted line represents a density sequence assuming the accretion disk SED derived using the OPTXAGN routine. In each sequence, a cross identifies the lowest density model with    nH  o =100cm -3. The yellow dashed line represents the dust free LOC model sequence from Ri14 with β=-1.4, along which the radial weighing parameter γ varies from +0.75 to -2.0 in steps of-0.25. The color figure can be viewed online.  

If we compare the Type II samples (black open symbols) with the spatially resolved ENLR (dark-green symbols), we notice a wider dispersion among the He II / Hβ ratios than for the R OIII ratios of Figure 3, which is surprising given the fact that the He II / Hβ ratio depends little on density or temperature. This could be an indication that the emitting plasma in some cases is not fully ionization-bounded, as proposed by BWS.

5 Discussion

5.1 Plasma Heating from He + Photoionization

The presence of high excitation lines among NLR spectra such as He II , C III] , C IV , [Ne III] indicates a hard ionizing continuum. As a consequence of the SED hardness, the heating rate as well as the resulting equilibrium temperatures are higher than in H II regions, due to the higher energies of the ejected photoelectrons and to the significant contribution of He+ photoionization to the total heating rate, at least within the front layers of the exposed nebulae. The fraction of ionizing photons with energies above 54.4 eV is 24 % and 26 % for the La 2 and La 1 SEDs, respectively, and 23 % for the Fg97 distribution7. These values are quite similar, but when a dip takes place below 50 eV , as in the La 2 and La 1 SEDs (see Figure 1), the peak of the distribution in νFν shifts to higher energies (200 eV). Consequently, the plasma heating rate8 rises above the rate obtained with the Fg97 SED, essentially as a result of the increase in the mean energy of the photoelectrons ejected from ionization of He+.

5.2 The Shape of the EUV Dip Near 40 eV

Being able to reproduce the observed R OIII measurements of Seyfert 2’s by assuming the above double-peaked La 1 and La 2 SEDs does not prove it is the right solution to the temperature problem, but it is a possibility worth exploring further. One advantage of the proposed distributions is that, unlike the conventional thermal SEDs of Ri14 or Fg97, they incorporate the ‘universal’ knee observed near 12 eV in high redshift quasars, which Zheng et al.(1997) and Telfer et al.(2002) studied using the Hubble Space Telescope archival database. Using the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer database, Scott et al.(2004) find an average index αν of -0.56 in AGN of redshifts <0.33, which is significantly flatter than the average of -1.76 found at redshifts z ≥ 2 Telfer et al.(2002). How steeply the flux declines beyond 12 eV is rather uncertain and could also depend on the AGN luminosity Scott et al.(2004).

5.3 Comptonized Accretion Disk Models

The pertinence of a second peak to describe the harder UV component is provided by the work of Done et al.(2012), who built a self-consistent accretion model where the primary emission from the disc is partly Comptonized by an optically thick warm plasma, forming the EUV. This plasma that, according to Done et al.(2012), might itself be part of the disk would exist in addition to the optically thin hot corona above the disc responsible for producing the hard X-rays.

Using the OPTXAGN routine in XSPEC9, we calculated an accretion disk model that allowed the second peak to occur at a similar position as that of the La 2 SED. It is represented in Figure 1 by the light green dashed curve. Different sets of parameters in the OPTXAGN model can match the double peaked La 1 and La 2 SEDs, provided extreme accretion rates are assumed (L/L Edd1). Such accretion rates are not proper of the Type II objects discussed here, but rather of extreme Narrow Line Seyfert 1 nuclei. Even though the OPTXAGN model was not developed to generate the double peak SEDs postulated in this work, we should note that a wide set of SEDs with different double peaks or even more extreme FUV peaks can be produced using different, less stringent, parameters. Our aim in presenting this SED, apart from matching our La 2 SED, was to exemplify how different physical processes at different accretion disk scales might result in an ionizing distribution capable of reproducing the observed R OIII ratio. We plan to fully explore under which conditions (e.g. more conservative SEDs with moderate accretion rates), dual temperature Comptonization disk models can achieve this.

An additional drawback is that the OPTXAGN model does not reproduce the knee observed at 12 eV . Expanding the range of parameters in this model might circumvent this issue. Overall, we note the striking similarity of the OPTXAGN with that of La 2, considering that they were built independently and with completely different scientific motivations. Photoionization calculations with this SED indicate that, as expected, it can reproduce the observed R OIII ratio, as shown by the light-green dotted line in Figure 2. The He II / Hβ ratio, however, is somewhat under-predicted, as shown in Figure 2. This appears to be caused by the first peak of the OPTXAGN SED being significantly thicker than in the La 2 SED.


AH acknowledges support from NVIDIA in the form of a GPU under the NVIDIA Academic Hardware Grant Program. SGM acknowledges support from the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) through the Fellowships PD/BD/135228/2017 (PhD::SPACE Doctoral Network PD/00040/2012), POCH/FSE (EC) and COVID/BD/152181/2021. AH and SGM were also supported by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) through the Research Grants UIDB/04434/2020 and UIDP/04434/2020, and an FCT-CAPES Transnational Cooperation Project “Parceria Estratégica em Astrofísica Portugal-Brasil”.


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1The term ‘quasar’ is used to refer to Type I AGN.

2The X-ray spectral index is defined as αOX =0.3838×logf2kev/f2500A, where f2keV and f2500A are the fluxes at rest-frame 2 keV and 2500Å, respectively.

3Corresponding to a peak shift from 40 eV to 200 eV.

4All reddening corrections were carried out by the referred authors.

5      U  o =ϕ0c   nH  o , where ϕ0 is the ionizing photon flux impinging on the photoionized slab, n Ho the hydrogen density at the face of the cloud and c the speed of light.

6Each subset represents a composite emission line spectrum assembled from a sample of Seyfert 2 spectra of the SLOAN database. They form an ionisation sequence in a BPT diagram that covers the locus of AGN, as described by the authors. The high excitation a41 subset is best reproduced assuming a weighing parameter γ value of -0.75.

7The fraction is 19 % for the OPTXAGN SED.

8The heating rate is the result of the thermalization of the photoelectrons ejected from the H I, He+ and, to a lesser extent, He0 species.

10The solar He/H ratio adopted by Ri14 with CLOUDY is 0.103.


A. Recent updates to the code MAPPINGS IG

We incorporated the following tools in the version IG of MAPPINGS I .

  • a) We implemented the new routine osald which calculates various line ratio diagnostics that can be used to infer the temperature and/or density cut-off using observed line ratios. It assumes an isothermal plasma that covers a wide range of densities, up to a predefined cut-off density. The diagnostics can also be applied to line ratios not previously dereddened since osald offers the option of dereddening the line ratios from the observed Balmer lines. It is also possible to assume a dust extinction that correlates with the plasma density, a possibility relevant to the NLR of Type II AGN. The routine is described in § 5 (and Appendix C of BVM).

  • b) Based on the work of Pequignot et al.(1991), the recombination rates from N+2 , O+3 and O+2 to the corresponding metastable levels  1S0 and  1D2 of [N II] and [O III] and levels  2P and  2D of [O II] , respectively, have been incorporated in the calculation of the corresponding emission line intensities. In the case of the  1S0 level of [O III] , we added the missing contribution from dielectronic recombination (Christophe Morisset, private communication). As for the S+2 and S+3 ions, we estimated their recombination rates to metastable levels by extrapolation from the O+2 and O+3 ions as follows: we assumed that the fraction, ξ, of the total recombination rate (αSIIrec or αSIIIrec), which populates metastable levels of Sulphur is the same fraction as found for Oxygen. For instance, for a 10 000 K plasma this fraction, ξOIIIS0, in the case of level  1S0 of O III (responsible for the emission of the [O III] λ 4363Å line) is 2.2 % of αOIVrec.

  • c) An option is offered to scale the He abundance in function of the oxygen abundance, in accordance to the equation:

He/H=0.06623+0.0315 O/H5.75×10-4, (A1)

  • which follows a suggestion from David Nicholls (private communication, ANU). It differs from equation 4 of Nicholls et al.(2017) as it behaves linearly down to primordial abundances. If we assume the O/H ratio given by the solar abundance set of Asplund et al.(2006), the He/H ratio10 derived is 0.093. Beyond solar metallicities, it remains an open question to what extent the He/H ratio of the ISM from nuclear regions exceeds the solar neighborhood value. Equation A1 is intended as an exploratory tool to study the impact of using above solar He/H ratios when modelling the emission plasma from a metallicity enriched interstellar medium. The value of He/H=0.12 referred to in § 4 is based on our adopted abundance set of Z  tot =2.5, which has O/H=9.8×10-4 as defined in § 4. The inferred He/H ratio differs slightly from the value of 0.107 obtained using equation 4 of Nicholls et al.(2017).

Received: October 04, 2022; Accepted: November 02, 2022

L. Binette and Y. Krongold: Instituto de Astronomía, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de M´exico, A.P. 70-264, 04510 México, D.F., México, Apartado Postal 70-264, Ciudad de México, CDMX, C.P. 04510, México.

S. A. R. Haro-Corzo: Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores (ENES) Unidad Morelia, UNAM, Antigua Carretera a Patzcuaro No. 8701 Col. Ex Hacienda de San José de la Huerta C.P. 58190 Morelia, Michoacán, México.

A. Humphrey and S. G. Morais: Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço, Universidade do Porto, CAUP, Rua das Estrelas, 4150-762, Porto, Portugal.

A. Humphrey: DTx - Digital Transformation CoLAB, Building 1, Azurém Campus, University of Minho, 4800-058 Guimarães, Portugal.

S. G. Morais: Departamento de Física e Astronomia, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade do Porto, Rua do Campo Alegre 687, PT4169-007 Porto, Portugal.

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