1. Introduction
The El Abra Formation was deposited on the isolated Valles-San Luis Potosí Platform (VSLPP), which had its maximum growth during the Albian-Cenomanian, as has been stated by Carrillo-Bravo (1971), and by Wilson and Ward (1993). A disconformity has been recorded between the limestone of El Abra Formation and the overlying pelagic deposits of the Upper Cretaceous. The El Abra Formation on the eastern part of the VSLPP was drowned abruptly from the Turonian by the deposit of the Agua Nueva (Turonian), San Felipe (Coniacian-Santonian) and Méndez (Campanian-Maastrichtian) formations (Basáñez et al., 1993).
In the western part of the VSLPP, the El Abra Formation is overlain by the pelagic Soyatal Formation, deposited during the flooding of the platform in the latest Cenomanian (Omaña et al., 2012). The Soyatal Formation ranges up to the late Santonian (Omaña et al., 2013). During the Campanian-Maastrichtian, the Cárdenas Formation was deposited over the Soyatal Formation (Cserna and Bello-Barradas, 1963). The facies change toward the basin setting could correspond to the Caracol Formation (López-Doncel, 2003). Late Cretaceous-Eocene Laramide orogeny caused thrusting and folding of the Cretaceous marine successions deposited along the VSLPP (Suter, 1984, 1987, 1990; Fitz-Díaz et al., 2018). The eastern margin of the platform is exposed in quarries along the Cuesta de El Abra near Valles and Antiguo Morelos (km 541-546 of the San Luis Potosí-Tampico railway). Part of its western edge crops out extensively and can be seen along road cuts 30 km east of the city of San Luis Potosí. The aim of this study is to report the unconformable transition between two sequences; the shallow-water deposit of the El Abra Formation and the overlying deep-water deposit informally termed the “Temazcal unit” from a succession of the Cerro Quemado located in the western part of the Valles-San Luis Potosí Platform.
In addition to the analysis of the stratigraphic relationship between the two units, including subaerial profiles, a petrographic and a detailed foraminiferal study of the El Abra and especially of the “Temazcal unit” was carried out to document the magnitude of the hiatus in the reviewed succession.
2. Geological setting
The studied area is located in the western part of the VSLPP in the Cerro Quemado, near the village of Temazcal, 55 km northeast of the city of San Luis Potosí (Figure 1).
The VSLPP is part of an extensive carbonate platform system at the western side of the ancestral Gulf of Mexico and represents the westernmost end of the ancient Tethys Ocean during late Early Cretaceous. It was one of “the largest isolated carbonate platforms (200 by 300 km), which commenced to develop in Early Cretaceous and achieved maximum growth during the Albian, when it evolved to a rimmed shelf margin” (Wilson and Ward, 1993).
Salvador (1991) stated that throughout the Early Cretaceous, the Gulf of Mexico Basin had a well-known tectonic stability, with reduced terrigenous input that enabled the expansion of stable shelves, ramps and platforms bordering the deep central part of the Gulf of Mexico Basin. This became the site of widespread carbonate deposition, particularly during the Albian-Cenomanian, when carbonate deposition extended from the Bahamas along the northern rim of the Gulf, across Mexico to the Yucatán Peninsula, and to various Caribbean localities (Scott, 1990).
3. Material and methods
The studied material was collected from an outcropping succession in the Cerro Quemado (CQ) located near the village of El Temazcal at the coordinates (22º 23’ 24.65” N; 100º 30’ 29.69” W), 55 km northeast of the city of San Luis Potosí. It consists of limestone that corresponds from to the uppermost part of the El Abra Formation, which is overlain by a silty limestone, corresponding to the base of what is informally called the “Temazcal unit.” The 10 CQ samples were processed in 45 thin sections for identification of the foraminifera in order to determine the age, and a microfacies analysis was undertaken to infer the depositional environment.
The thin sections are housed in the Paleontological Collection of the Institute of Geology (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México).
4. Results and discussion
In the locality of Cerro Quemado, we observed an erosional surface that separates the El Abra Formation from younger strata represented by a succession informally named the “Temazcal unit.” This gap represents a time of non-deposition combined with erosion (Figure 2).
The older lithostratigraphic unit included in this study is the upper part of the El Abra Formation, deposited on a carbonate platform during the Late Cretaceous. The term El Abra limestone was first applied to the shallow-water carbonate of the Sierra El Abra (cf. Muir, 1936, p. 36), which is characterized by very thick and poorly defined bedding (Figure 3a) containing a great variety of invertebrates, mostly rudists and other bivalves, as well as gastropods, echinoderms, larger foraminifera and calcareous algae (Bonet, 1956; Alencáster and García-Barrera, 2008; Buitrón-Sánchez et al., 1995; Omaña et al., 2012; 2019).
The larger foraminifera identified from this unit in the CQ succession are Pseudolituonella reicheli Marie, Nezzazata simplex Omara, Daxia cenomana Cuvillier and Szakall, Peneroplis parvus de Castro, Minouxia inflata Marie, Cuneolina parva Henson, C. pavonia d’Orbigny, Nezzazatinella picardi (Henson) and miliolids. We assume that it corresponds to the Pseudolituonella reicheli Assemblage Zone.
The microfacies of the interval is a benthic foraminiferal packstone/grainstone, well sorted, sub-rounded micritic intraclasts are associated with peloids and diverse benthic foraminifera association, including miliolids and Peneroplis, Daxia, Pseudolituonella, fragments of mollusk are common.
These components have a chaotic orientation and are densely packed. Some bioclasts exhibit an irregular micrite envelope. Sparry calcite cement fills inter- and intragranular and pores. (Figure 4a). It could be compared to Standard Microfacies Type (SMF 18) of Flügel (2010), indicating a shallow-water marine environment.
We propose the name “Temazcal unit” as an informal name for an outcropping located at the Cerro Quemado (22º 23’ 24.65” N; 100º 30’ 29.69” W), municipality of Armadillo de los Infante in the state of San Luis Potosí. This lithological unit consists of thin and thick layers of gray to green silty limestone that has weathered to a reddish color (Figure 3e, 3f). The base of the unit unconformably overlies the El Abra Formation and there are no other marine layers covering it in the area. In the contact between the two units, we observed evidence of an ancient sub-aerial exposure that had allowed the development of significant topographic relief as result of erosion (Figure 3b to 3d).
The foraminiferal association in the uppermost part of the El Abra Formation, underlying the Temazcal unit, is composed mostly of Nezzatinella picardi (Henson), Cuneolina parva Henson, and miliolids (Nezzazatinella picardi Interval Zone) (Figure 4a) of mid-late Cenomanian age (Omaña et al., 2019), the microfacies is a foraminiferal packstone/grainstone as the above described, but with a different benthic foraminiferal assemblage. It could be compared to Standard Microfacies Type (SMF 18) of Flügel (2010), indicating a shallow-water marine environment (Figure 4b).
Upward, a mixture of benthic and planktic foraminifera is recorded. In the shift towards the Temazcal unit, the microfacies is an intraclastic-bioclastic wackstone/packstone benthic foraminiferal, cuneolinids, nezzazatinellids (Figure 4c), observed together with planktic foraminifera as globotruncanids and rugoglobigerinids (Figure 4d). Subrounded intraclasts containing peloids, are also present. These components are embedded within a dark-colored micritic matrix commonly neomorphosed to microspar. Some intraskeletal pores are filled with sparry calcite. Bioclasts are usually silicified. Over it, a planktic foraminiferal wackstone/packstone, these microfossils are the only bioclast present in this microfacies. These components are embedded within a dark-colored micritic matrix neomorphosed to microspar. A distinct feature is the occurrence of planar lamination. Laminae are differentiated by the content of grains. Usually, bioclasts are oriented parallel to the lamination.
We infer a pelagic deep-water basinal facies (FZ 1) of Wilson (1975) or SMF 3 according to Flügel (2010) (Figure 4e, 4f).
Within the “Temazcal unit,” the planktic foraminiferal association is reported and illustrated for the first time in this area; it consists of Abathomphalus mayaroensis (Bolli), A. intermedius (Bolli), Plummerita hantkeninoides (Brönnimann), Trinitella scotti (Brönnimann), Kassabiana falsocalcarata (Kerdany and Abdelsalam), Planoglobulina acervulinoides (Egger), Globotruncanita conica (White), G. stuarti (de Lapparent), G. stuartiformis (Dalbiez), Contusotruncana walfishensis (Todd), Globotruncana arca (Cushman), G. bulloides Vogler, G. hilli Pessagno, G. falsostuarti Sigal, Rugoglobigerina macrocephala (Brönnimann), R. hexacamerata (Brönnimann), R. milamensis Smith and Pessagno, Planoglobulina carseyae (Plummer) (Figures 5 to 7).
Based on the planktic foraminiferal association, the age assigned to this succession is late Maastrichtian (Abathomphalus mayaroensis Interval Zone) according to the zonal schemes for tropical regions (Caron, 1985; Premoli-Silva and Sliter, 1995; Robaszynski and Caron 1995; Premoli-Silva and Verga, 2004). The age of this unit is correlated with the upper part of the Méndez Formation, cropping out in the eastern part of the VSLPP.
Evidence of an unconformity in the upper part of the El Abra Formation has been widely recognized. The unit has been overlain by units of distinct ages and recorded in different localities, so a controversy has existed since Kellum (1930, p. 78) indicated that the upper part of the Méndez Formation overlies the El Abra limestone, noting also that possibly the San Felipe Formation and the basal Méndez are absent in a section to the east and southeast of the Sierra El Abra. This view is confirmed by Muir (1936, p. 62), who suggests unconformable contacts between the El Abra and the San Felipe and Méndez formations. Bonet (1952) showed that the Méndez Formation crops out along the escarpment of the Sierra El Abra rests unconformably on the limestone of the El Abra Formation. Later, Pessagno (1969) concluded that the Campanian Méndez strata are in contact with El Abra Formation due to thrust faulting at southwest flank of Sierra El Abra northeast of Antiguo Morelos, Tamaulipas. Carrillo-Bravo (1971, p. 36-42) stated that in the Sierra de El Abra northeast of the Gómez Farias region, the Turonian Agua Nueva and San Felipe Formations disconformably overlie the El Abra Formation, while east of Jaumave it is covered by the San Felipe and the Méndez formations and in the Miquihuana area the El Abra Formation is capped by the Méndez Formation of Campanian-Maastrichtian age. All these localities are in the state of Tamaulipas. Aguayo and Kanamori (1976) proposed the Tamuin Member of the mid-part of the Méndez Formation, suggesting that it overlies the El Abra Formation in angular unconformity.
Smith (1986, p. 148) stated that “during the Late Cretaceous certain areas were subaerially exposed on the VSLPP. The maximum hiatus recorded on the platform is where the Méndez Formation overlies El Abra, however the duration of the hiatus could be estimated depending on which strata overlie El Abra Formation at a given location.”
Basáñez et al. (1993) noted that various formations, such as the Agua Nueva, San Felipe and Méndez, covered the El Abra Limestone at the eastern part of the VSLPP. It is important to point out that although the El Abra unconformity has been recognized on the VSLPP platform for a long time, the present study has enabled the magnitude of the hiatus between the El Abra Formation and the “Temazcal Unit” in the Cerro Quemado locality to be established. The gap would be from the early Turonian deposit up to the early Maastrichtian, based both on the stratigraphic relationships and on the exhaustive micropaleontologic and petrographic studies.
Since the Turonian-early Maastrichtian, the area occupied by the Valles-San Luis Potosí Platform was located within the foreland zone and involved in the contractive deformation of the Mexican Orogeny (Juárez-Arriaga et al., 2019). As an uplifted basement block since the Late Jurassic, during the Early Cretaceous this area was flooded by a shallow sea with a proliferation of reefs and lagoons, surrounded by relatively deeper basins. These basinal areas have been grouped as the Mexican Foreland Basin (Juarez-Arriaga et al., 2016, 2019). In such a scenario, the Valles San Luis Potosí was a part of the forebulge zone of the Mexican orogen in front of the foreland basin and reached an elevated position by tectonic effects, experiencing marine regression from the Turonian, with only ephemeral transgressions towards the late Maastrichtian as documented at least for the area of our study.
5. Conclusions
We have studied the foraminiferal assemblages and microfacies from the El Abra Formation, which is uncomformably overlain by the Temazcal unit, located in the Cerro Quemado. The El Abra Formation was deposited on a carbonate platform. The upper part shows an abrupt topographic profile produced by erosion. This unit has been dated as mid-late Cenomanian based on the benthic foraminiferal associations, while the age assigned to the “Temazcal unit” from the study of the planktic foraminifera is late Maastrichtian, deposited in a deep basin environment.
From an evaluation of the biostratigraphic data in the studied locality we have inferred a horizon where rocks of the early Turonian to early Maastrichtian are absent due to non-deposit and erosion. It is important to note that although previous works have referred to the El Abra Formation gap and the various lithologic units covering it as the San Felipe and Méndez formations, this work is a significant contribution because we have documented this event through precise dating based on a foraminiferal study and microfacies analysis from the strata found in the zone of contact between the El Abra Limestone and the overlying “Temazcal unit.”
Contributions of authors
Conceptualization: L. Omaña, R. López-Doncel, J.R. Torres-Hernández and J.R. Barbosa-Gudiño. Data acquisition: L. Omaña, R. López-Doncel, J.R. Torres-Hernández and J.R. Barbosa-Gudiño. Methodologic development: L. Omaña, R. López-Doncel, J.R. Torres-Hernández and J.R. Barbosa-Gudiño. Writing of original manuscript: L. Omaña.
Writing of the corrected and edited manuscript: R. López-Doncel and J.R. Barbosa-Gudiño. Graphic design: L. Omaña, R. López-Doncel, J.R. Torres-Hernández and J.R. Barbosa-Gudiño. Fieldwork: L. Omaña, R. López-Doncel, J.R. Torres-Hernández and J.R. Barbosa-Gudiño. Interpretation: L. Omaña, R. López-Doncel, J.R. Torres-Hernández and J.R. Barbosa-Gudiño.
Conflicts of interest
The authors state that they do not have any conflicts of interest with other authors or institutions, and they declare that this journal is not accountable for any conflict of interest occurring after the publication of the article.