Let us introduce the necessary notations for this paper. The symbol 0n denotes the null-vector in ℝn, the j-th element of the canonical basis of ℝn is ej. Given a nonempty set X⊂ℝn, conv X and cone X are the convex and the canonical hull of X, respectively (cone ∅={0n}). If X is a convex set, dimX(dim∅=−1) denotes its dimension. From the topological side, if X is a subset of any topological space, intX, cl X and bd X represent the interior, the closure and the boundary of X, respectively.
We recall some concepts and basic results on LSIP, we shall use (all the proofs and references can be found in [9] and [17]). We associate with each triple π=(a,b,c) the first and second moment cones of π:
When various triples are simultaneously considered, they and their associated feasible, optimal, etc. sets will be distinguished by means of superscripts or subscripts: πi, Pi, Di, Fi, Fi*, Λi, Λi*, Mi, Ni, Ki.
respectively, when the corresponding problem is inconsistent.
The next results are valid in continuous LSIP, where the Slater Condition plays a crucial role. Recall that π=(a,b,c) satisfies the Slater Condition if there exists x¯∈ℝn such that a′tx¯>bt, for all t∈T. π satisfies the Slater Condition if and only if π∈intΠCP (This result can be found in [9]).
2.1 Second Refined Primal-dual Partition
In this section we present a refinement of Table 1, different to the refinement of Goberna and Todorov, presented in Table 2. To do this, we separate the parameter set with bounded primal problem ΠBP, into two parameter sets. The first one, with solvable primal problem ΠsP and the other with unsolvable primal problem ΠnP. The same classification is made with respect to the dual problem. Having in mind the new notations, we get the second general primal partition {ΠICP, ΠsP, ΠnP, ΠUBP} and the second general dual partition {ΠICD, ΠsD, ΠnD, ΠUBD} of the parameter space. Crossing both partitions we obtain the second general primal-dual partition. The possible duality states in continuous linear optimization are enumerated in Table 3:
Table 3 Possible duality states in continuous linear optimization
where Π^11=ΠsP∩ΠsD, Π^12=ΠsP∩ΠnD, Π^13=ΠnP∩ΠsD, Π^14=ΠnP∩ΠnD, Π^51=ΠsP∩ΠICD, Π^52=ΠnP∩ΠICD, Π^61=ΠICP∩ΠsD and Π^62=ΠICP∩ΠnD.
Lemma 2.7. Π^11⊇Π11 and Π^14⊆Π14.
Theorem 2.8. Letπ∈Πwith primal and dual problems be consistent and bounded. The following assertions are true:
(i) Ifc∈intMandπsatisfies Slater Condition, thenπ∈Π^11;
(ii)π∈Π^12, thenπdoes not satisfy the Slater Condition;
(iii) Ifπ∈Π^13, thenc∈M\intM;
(iv) Ifπ∈Π^14, thenc∈M\intMandπdoes not satisfy the Slater Condition.
Proof. i) Suppose that c∈intM and π satisfies the Slater Condition. First, if c∈intM, then F*≠∅ and F* is bounded [Corollary 2.2]. On the other hand, if π satisfies the Slater Condition, then Λ*≠∅ and Λ* is bounded [Theorem 2.3]. Therefore, if c∈intM and π satisfies the Slater Condition, then π∈Π^11.
ii) if π∈Π^12, then Λ*=∅, by Theorem 2.3 π does not satisfy the Slater condition.
iii) If π∈Π^13, then F*=∅, by Corollary 2.2 c∉intM, in addition from hypothesis c∈M. So, we conclude that c∈M\intM.
iv) If π∈Π^14, then F*=∅ and Λ*=∅ this implies c∈M\intM and π does not satisfy the Slater Condition.
With the following examples, we show that the above conditions, are only sufficient or necessary, respectively. The examples also show that Π^1i≠∅ for i=1,2,3,4, which justifies the previous partition and Theorem. In ordinary linear programming we have Π^12=Π^13=Π^14=∅, according to the Duality Theorem [[8], Theorem 4.4].
In the Example 2.9, π1∈Π^12 and π1 does not satisfy the Slater Condition, while in the Example 2.10, ℝ2 does not satisfy the Slater Condition and π2∉Π^12. This shows that the condition (ii), stated in Theorem 2.8, is not a sufficient one.
Example 2.9. Consider the optimization problem inℝ2
P1:minx∈ℝ2x2s.t. x1+rx2≥−r2,r∈[0,1], −x1+sx2≥−s2,s∈[0,1].
Ifr=0=s, thenx1≥0and−x1≥0, we conclude thatx1=0. Now, asx1=0, ifr,s∈(0,1]thenrx2≥−r2ysx2≥−s2, i.e.,x2≥−ryx2≥−s, it follows thatx2≥0. Therefore:
andF1*={(00)}. AsdimF1=1,F1⊂ℝ2andπ1is continuous, we have thatπ1does not satisfy the Slater Condition. InFigure 1, we showF1:
The dual problem ofP1is:
which is equivalent to:
−(minλ,γ∈ℝ+([0,1])(∑r∈[0,1]λrr2+∑s∈[0,1]γss2)), s.t.∑r∈[0,1]λr(1r)+∑s∈[0,1]γs(−1s)=(01).
we have0≤υ1. Now, ift0∈(0,1], thenθ¯0=(λ0;γ0)is inΛ1, if and only if:
whereλt00=γt00andλr0=0=γs0for allr,s∈[0,1]\{t0}. l.e.,λt00has to satisfy the equality:
So, we conclude thatθ¯0∈Λ1, if and only ifλt00=12t0. Then:
υ1≤∑r∈[0,1]λr0r2+∑s∈[0,1]γs0s2=t022t0+t022t0=t0. (1)
Ift0approaches to zero in(1), we haveυ1≤0. ThereforeυD(π1)=0. On the other hand,υD(π1)=0, if and only ifλrr2=0=λss2, for all(r,s)∈[0,1]×[0,1]. Then, the only possible optimal solutions have the formθ¯1=(λ1;γ1), whereλ01,γ01∈ℝ+andλr1=0=γs1for allr,s∈(0,1], butθ¯1∉Λ1, because:
is impossible. ThereforeΛ1*=∅. All these show thatπ1∈Π^12andΠ^12≠∅.
Example 2.10. We consider, the following problem:
P2:minx∈ℝ2x2s.t. x1≥0, −x1≥0, x2≥0.
InFigure 2, we show the feasible set ofP2.
We observe thatP2is consistent,υP(π2)=0andF2*={(00)}. In addition, asdimF2=1andF2⊂ℝ2, we have thatπ2does not satisfy the Slater Condition.
The dual problem ofP2is:
D2:maxλ1,λ2,λ3≥0(λ10+λ20+λ30),s.t. λ1(01)+λ2(0−1)+λ3(10)=(10).
From the problem it follows thatυD(π2)=0. Now,λ¯=(λ1,λ2,λ3)′withλ1,λ2,λ3≥0is inΛ2=Λ2*, if and only if:
i.e.,0=λ1−λ2and1=λ3, or equivalentlyλ1=λ2and1=λ3. Then:
In the Example 2.11, π3∈Π^13 and c3∈M3\intM3. While, in the Example 2.12, π4∉Π^13 and c4∈M4\intM4. This shows that the condition (iii), stated in Theorem 2.8, is not a sufficient condition.
Example 2.11. Consider inℝ2the problem:
P3: minx∈ℝ2x1,s.t. x1+t2x2≥2t, t∈[0,1].
InFigure 3, we show the feasible set ofP3:
π3satisfies the Slater Condition and(22)is a Slater point. In fact1+t2>tfor allt∈[0,1]if and only if2+2t2>2tfor allt∈[0,1], so,P3is consistent. InFigure 3, we observe thatυP(π3)=0butF3*=∅, i.e.,P3is not solvable. Moreover, inFigure 4, we show thatc3∈M3\intM3.
The dual problem ofP3is:
D3:maxλ∈ℝ([0,1])∑t∈[0,1]λt2t,s.t. ∑t∈[0,1]λt(1t2)=(10).
The functionλ∈ℝ+([0,1])defined as:
λt:={1,if t=0,0,if t∈(0,1],
is a feasible solution for the problemD3withυD(π3)=0. It follows thatD3is solvable. Therefore,π3∈Π^13andΠ^13≠∅.
Example 2.12. The primal problemP4is formulated as follows:
P4: minx∈ℝ2x1, s.t. x1+t2x2≥0, t∈[0,1].
InFigure 5, we show the feasible set ofP4.
Sinceπ4satisfies the Slater Condition, thenP4is consistent. We observe thatυP(π4)=0andF4*={0}×ℝ+, thereforeP4is solvable. On the other hand, as in the above example,c4∈M4\intM4.
The dual problem ofP4is now:
D4:maxλ∈ℝ([0,1])∑t∈[0,1]λt0,s.t. ∑t∈[0,1]λt(1t2)=(10).
Again, we have that the functionλ∈ℝ([0,1])defined as:
λt:={1,if t=0,0,if t∈(0,1],
is a feasible solution of the problemD4withυD(π4)=0. Thus, we conclude thatD4is solvable.
Observation 2.13. With the previous example we also show thatΠ^11∉∅. In the same exampleπ4∈Π^11andc4∉intM. On the other hand, in the Example 2.10π2∈Π^11andπ2does not satisfy the Slater Condition. This means that bothc∈intMand the Slater Condition are not necessary conditions forπ∈Π^11.
In the next Example 2.14, π5∈Π^14, c5∈M5\intM5 and π5 does not satisfy the Slater Condition. Later on, in the Example 2.15, π6∈Π^11, (0n1)∉cl N6, c6∈M6\intM6 and π6 does not satisfy Slater Condition. This shows two things. First the condition (i) in Theorem 2.8 is not a necessary condition, and second the condition (iv), stated in Theorem 2.8, is not a sufficient one.
Example 2.14. Consider inℝ3the primal problem, withα>0:
P5: minx∈ℝ3(x1+αx3),s.t. x1+t2x2≥2t, t∈[0,1], sx3≥−s2, s∈[0,1], −rx3≥−r2, r∈[0,1].
Ifs, r∈(0,1]thenx3≥−sandx3≤r, which means thatx3=0. So,dimF5≤2. We can look atF5inℝ2, as the feasible set ofP3. Therefore,υP(π5)=0andF5*=∅. In addition, asF5=2andF5⊂ℝ3, we have thatπ5does not satisfy the Slater condition. On the other hand,c5∈M5\intM5. In fact:
and, for allε>0:
The dual problemP5is:
D5:maxλ,β,γ∈ℝ+([0,1])(∑t∈[0,1]λt2t+∑s∈[0,1]βs(−s2)+∑r∈[0,1]γr(−r2)),s.t. ∑t∈[0,1]λt(1t20)+∑s∈[0,1]βs(00s)+∑r∈[0,1]γr(00−r)=(10α).
This is equivalent to:
−(minγ,β,γ∈ℝ+([0,1])(−(∑t∈[0,1]λt2t)+∑s∈[0,1]βss2+∑r∈[0,1]γrr2)),s.t. ∑t∈[0,1]λt(1t20)+∑s∈[0,1]βs(00s)+∑r∈[0,1]γr(00−r)=(10α).
From the above equality system, we have that:
(10)=∑t∈[0,1]λt(1t2) where λ∈ℝ+([0,1]).
The only solution of the equation above isλ0∈ℝ+([0,1])withλ00=1andλt0=0, for allt∈(0,1]. Then, feasible points ofD5have the form:
whereβ,γ∈ℝ+([0,1]). If we evaluate the objective function of the last problem at the points that have the above form, the problem will be reduced to:
−(minβ,γ∈ℝ+([0,1])(∑s∈[0,1]βss2+∑r∈[0,1]γrr2)), s.t. ∑s∈[0,1]βss−∑r∈[0,1]γrr=α. (2)
From(2)it follows that:
υ5: minβ,γ∈ℝ+([0,1]){∑s∈[0,1]βss2+∑r∈[0,1]γrr2|,∑s∈[0,1]βss−∑r∈[0,1]γrr=α}≥0.
Note that for eachi∈(0,1]:
whereβ0,γ0∈ℝ+([0,1]),βi0=αi,βs0=0for alls∈[0,1]\{i}andγr0=0for allr∈[0,1], is a feasible point of(2). Moreover, if we evaluate∑s∈[0,1]βss2+∑r∈[0,1]γrr2inθ0, we have that:
υ5≤∑s∈[0,1]βs0s2+∑r∈[0,1]γr0r2=αi. (3)
Ifi→0in(3), we have thatυ5≤0. ThereforeυD(π5)=0. On the other hand, if a feasible point of the problemD5is an optimal solution, the objective function evaluated at this point must satisfy:
Then, the possible optimal solutions of problemD5have the following form:θ¯0=(λ0;β1;γ1), whereλ0,β1,γ1∈ℝ+([0,1]),λ00=1,λt0=0for allt∈(0,1],β01∈ℝ+,βs1=0for alls∈(0,1],γ01∈ℝ+andγr1=0for allr∈(0,1]. Butθ¯0∉Λ5, because it impliesα=0, which is a contradiction with the hypothesisα>0. Therefore,Λ5*=∅.
Example 2.15. Consider the following problem in:ℝ2
P6:minx1,x∈ℝ2s.t. x1≥0, −x1≥0, x2≥0.
The feasible set ofP6is the same as the feasible set of the Example 2.10. ThenυP(π6)=0andF6*={0}×ℝ+in addition, sincedimF6=1andF6⊂ℝ2, we have thatπ6does not satisfy the Slater Condition. On the other hand, inFigure 6, we show thatc6∈M6\intM6.
The dual problem ofP6is:
D6:maxλ1,λ2,λ3≥0(λ10+λ20+λ30),s.t. (10)=λ1(10)+λ2(−10)+λ3(01).
From the problem it follows that,υD(π6)=0. Now:
if and only if:
i.e.,1=λ1−λ2and0=λ3, or equivalently,λ1=1+λ2andλ3=0. Then:
which implies thatΛ6*≠∅. Therefore,π6∉Π^14.
Remember that in the first refined primal-dual partition, the sets ΠSP∩ΠICD and ΠICP∩ΠSP are empty. However, we will show that the sets ΠsP∩ΠICD=Π^51 and ΠICP∩ΠsD=Π^61, in the second general primal-dual partition, are nonempty. We shall present some necessary conditions for the fact that a given parameter π belongs to the state Π^52=ΠnP∩ΠICD and Π^62=ΠICP∩ΠnD, respectively. Using also the definitions of the states, we shall characterize the cells Π^51 and Π^61.
Proposition 2.16. π∈Π^51, if and only ifc∉MandF*is not bounded.
Proof. Suppose that π∈Π^51 and c∈M or F* is bounded. First, if c∈M, we have the contradiction Λ≠∅. Second, if F* is bounded, then π∈ΠSP∩ΠICD and again we get to a contradiction. On the other hand, if c∉M and F* is not bounded, then Λ=∅ and F*≠∅. Therefore, π∈Π^51.
Now, Π^5i⊂Π5 for i=1,2. Then, for the Lemma 2.1:
c∉M, (0n,1)′∉cl N and ({c}×ℝ)∩cl N≠∅,
is a necessary condition for π belongs to Π^5i for i=1,2, respectively.
Proposition 2.17. π∈Π^61, if and only if(0n1)∈cl NandΛ*is not bounded.
Proof. Suppose that π∈Π^61 and (0n1)∉cl N or Λ* is bounded. First, if (0n1)∉cl N, we have the contradiction F≠∅. Second, if Λ* is bounded, then π∈ΠICP∩ΠSD and also we get again to a contradiction. On the other hand, if (0n1)∈cl N and Λ* is not bounded, then F=∅ and Λ*≠∅. Therefore, π∈Π^61.
Again, Π^6i⊂Π6 for i=1,2. Then, by the Lemma 2.1:
(0n,1)′∈cl N, c∈M and {c}×ℝ⊆K,
is a necessary condition for π belongs to Π^6i for i=1,2, respectively.
With the following examples, we will show that the conditions (v) and (vi), presented in Lemma 2.1, are only necessary. We will also show that in continuous LSIP Π^ji≠∅ for i=1,2 and j=5,6. However, in ordinary linear programming all these sets are empty [[8], Proposition 4.2].
Example 2.18. Consider, inℝ2, the optimization problem:
P7: minx∈ℝ2x2,s.t. t2x1+tx2≥t, t∈[0,1]
The feasible set ofP7is presented in theFigure 7.
Figure 7, shows thatP7is consistent and bounded, with an optimal valueυP(π7)=1, and an optimal set:
F7*={(x1x2)∈ℝ2:x1≥0 and x2=1}.
From the previous equality it follows thatF7*is unbounded. The coneM7ofP7, is shown in theFigure 8.
Asc7=(01), we have thatc7∈cl M7\M7, then the dual problemD7is inconsistent. We conclude thatπ7∈Π^51, thereforeΠ^51≠∅.
Example 2.19. Consider now, the next problem inℝ2:
P8: minx∈ℝ2x1,s.t. tx1+t3x2≥t2, t∈[0,1].
The feasible set ofP8is shown in theFigure 9.
Figure 9, shows thatP8is consistent and bounded, with optimal valueυP(π8)=0, howeverF*=∅, i.e.,P8is unsolvable. The coneM8ofP8, is presented in theFigure 10:
Asc8=(10), we have thatc8∈cl M8\M8, whereby the dual problemD8is inconsistent. So, whe observe thatπ8∈Π^52, thereforeΠ^52≠∅.
Observation 2.20. In the Example 2.19,c8∉M8,(0n,1)′∉cl N8(P8is consistent), also({c8}×ℝ)∩cl N8≠∅(P8is bounded), butπ8∉Π^51. It shows thatc∉M,(0n,1)′∉cl Nand({c}×ℝ)∩cl N≠∅is not a sufficient condition forπ∈Π^51. On the other hand, in the Example 2.18,c7∉M7,(0n,1)′∉cl N7, and({c7}×ℝ)∩cl N7≠∅, butπ7∉Π^52. It shows thatc∉M,(0n,1)′∉cl Nand({c}×ℝ)∩cl N≠∅is not a sufficient condition forπ∈Π^52, as well.
Example 2.21. We now study the following problem inℝ2:
P9: minx∈ℝ2x1, s.t. x1+t2x2≥2t, t∈[0,1], −x1≥0.
We observe that for eacht∈(0,1]:
[12t(1t22t)+12t(−100)]=(0t21), (4)
is an element ofN9. Ift→0in(4), we have that(02,1)′∈cl N9. ThereforeP9is inconsistent.
The dual problem ofP9is:
D9: maxλ∈ℝ+([0,1]),γ∈ℝ+∑t∈[0,1]λt2t,s.t. ∑t∈[0,1]λt(1t2)+γ(−10)=(10).
we have thatθ¯=(λ0;γ), whereγ∈ℝ+andλ0∈ℝ+([0,1])defined as:
λt0:={1+γ,if t=0,0,if t∈(0,1],
is a feasible point ofD9. ThenυD(π9)=0andΛ*is unbounded. This means thatπ9∈Π^61. ThereforeΠ^61≠∅.
Example 2.22. Consider, inℝ2, the following problem:
P10: minx∈ℝ2x2,s.t. t2x1≥t, t∈[0,1] sx2≥−s2, s∈[0,1]
We observed that for eacht∈(0,1]:
[1t(t20t)]=(t01), (5)
is an element ofN10. Ift→0in(5), we observe that(02,1)′∈cl N10. Therefore,P10is inconsistent.
The dual problem ofP10is:
D10:maxλ,γ∈ℝ+([0,1])(∑t∈[0,1]λtt+∑s∈[0,1]γs(−s2)), s.t. ∑t∈[0,1]λt(t20)+∑s∈[0,1]γs(0s)=(01).
From the system above, we have that:
0=∑t∈[0,1]λtt2 con λ∈ℝ+([0,1]),
whose solutions have the formλ0∈ℝ+([0,1])withλ00∈ℝ+andλt0=0for allt∈(0,1]. Then, the feasible points ofD10look like:
whereγ∈ℝ+([0,1]). If we evaluate the objective function of dual problem in points that have the above form, the problem is reduced to:
maxγ∈ℝ+([0,1])∑s∈[0,1]γs(−s2),s.t. ∑s∈[0,1]γss=1,
which is equivalent to:
−minγ∈ℝ+([0,1])∑s∈[0,1]γss2, s.t. ∑s∈[0,1]γss=1.
we have that:
Now, ifs0∈(0,1], thenγ0∈ℝ+([0,1])satisfies:
whereγs00=1s0andγs0=0for alls∈[0,1]\{s0}. Hence:
υ10≤∑s∈[0,1]γs0s2=1s0s02=s0. (6)
Ifs0→0in(6), we haveυ10≤0. Therefore,υD(π10)=0. On the other hand,υD(π10)=0, if and only if:
∑t∈[0,1]λt0t=∑s∈[0,1]γss2, for all θ¯10=(λ0;γ)∈Λ10,
but, ifθ¯10∈Λ10,
it follows that:
0=∑s∈[0,1]γss2 for all θ¯10=(λ0;γ)∈Λ10.
So, the possible optimal solutions ofD10, have the formθ¯100=(λ0;γ1), whereλ0,γ1∈ℝ+([0,1]),λ00,γ01∈ℝ+andλt0=0=γs1for allt,s∈(0,1]. Ifθ¯100∈Λ10, then:
which is impossible. Therefore,θ¯100∉Λ10, wherebyΛ10*=∅. So, we conclude thatπ10∈Π^62, and thusΠ^62≠∅.
Observation 2.23. We see in Example 2.22 that(0n,1)′∈cl N10(P10is inconsistent),c10∈M10(θ¯10=(λ0;γ0)∈Λ10, i.e,D10is consistent) and{c10}×ℝ⊆K10(υD(π10)=0, i.e,D10is bounded), butπ10∉Π^61. This shows that(0n,1)′∈cl N,c∈Mand{c}×ℝ⊆Kis not a sufficient condition forπ∈Π^61. On the other hand, in the Example 2.21,(0n,1)′∈cl N9,c9∈M9and{c9}×ℝ⊆K9, butπ9∉Π^62. It demonstrates that(0n,1)′∈cl N,c∈Mand{c}×ℝ⊆Kis not a sufficient condition for the following statementπ∈Π^62.
2.1.1 Some Topological Properties of the Sets Generated by the Second General Primal-dual Partition
In [11], Goberna and Todorov presented the characterization of the interior of the sets Π2, Π3 and Π4. They also studied the density properties and the interior of these and other sets of the first general primal-dual partition. In this section, we shall study some topological properties of the sets Π^11, Π^12, Π^13, Π^14, Π^51, Π^52, Π^61 and Π^62. In particular, we investigate the interior and some density properties of the mentioned sets of the new second general primal-dual partition.
Theorem 2.24. Π^11is dense inΠ1.
Proof. Since Π11⊆Π^11 and Π11 is dense in Π1 [[10], Theorem 3.3], hence Π^11 is dense in Π1.
Theorem 2.25. The setsΠ^1i,i=1,2,3,4are neither closed nor open.
Proof. Since these sets are cones with the null triplet belonging to Π^11, only Π^11 could be closed:
Π^11 is not closed. In fact, consider the sequence {πr} in Π^11, where πr:=(1re1,1,e1), obviously:
but (0n,1,e1)∈Π4. Therefore, Π^11 is not closed.
Π^11 is not open. Indeed, consider π:=(0n,0,0n) in Π^11. Let r>0, we define πr:=(0n,0,r2e1). It is easy to see that, for all r>0, 0,πr∈Π2 and d(π,πr)=r2<r. This implies that Π^11 is not open.
We shall prove that the sets Π^1i, i=2,3,4 are not open. Since Π^1i⊂Π1, then intΠ^1i⊂intΠ1, but intΠ1=Π11 [[10], Theorem 2], as Π11⊂Π^11, so it follows that intΠ^1i⊂Π^11. However Π^1i∩Π^11=∅, and, the above inclusion is only possible if intΠ^1i=∅. Since Π^1i≠∅ it follows that Π^1i is not open for every i=2,3,4.
Corollary 2.26. intΠ^1i,i=2,3,4are empty.
Theorem 2.27. intΠ^11≠∅.
Proof. Since Π11⊂Π^11 then intΠ11⊂intΠ^11.
we conclude that intΠ^11≠∅.
Theorem 2.28. intΠ^11is dense inΠ1.
Proof. Since Π11⊂Π^11⊂Π1, then:
it follows:
As intΠ11 is dense on Π1 [[10], Theorem 3.3] and intΠ1 is dense on Π1 [[11], Theorem 2], we have that intΠ^11¯=Π1. Therefore, intΠ^11 is dense in Π1.
Theorem 2.29. intΠ^11=Π11.
Proof. Since Π11 is open [[10], Theorem 3.3], it follows Π11⊂intΠ^11. We will only show that intΠ^11\Π11=∅. Suppose the contrary, i.e., intΠ^11∩(Π11)c≠∅. Then, there exists π∈intΠ^11, such that π∉Π11, so it follows that c∉intM or π does not satisfy the Slater Condition [Theorem 2.6].
First, c∉intM implies that c∈M\intM because, by hypothesis π∈intΠ^11, but:
In addition, c∉intM implies M≠ℝn. From the above two implications, we conclude that, there exists a sequence {cr} from ℝn\M such that:
We define πr:=(a,b,cr). The sequence {πr} is in ΠICD and satisfies:
This is a contradiction, because, by hypothesis, π∈intΠ^11.
Second, if π does not satisfy the Slater Condition, then π∉intΠCP. Now, by hypothesis π∈intΠ^11, we have π∈ΠCP. So, if π does not satisfy the Slater Condition and the hypothesis is true, π∈bd ΠCP. Therefore there exists a sequence {πr} on ΠICP such that:
This is a contradiction, because π∈intΠ^11.
It follows that intΠ^11\Π11=∅, or equivalently intΠ^11=Π11.
Observation 2.30. SinceintΠ5=∅andintΠ6=∅[[11], Theorem 2], we conclude thatintΠ^ji=∅fori=1,2andj=5,6.
We have proved that all parameters in Π1 can be approached by parameters in Π^11. In addition, we have shown that the sets Π^11, Π^12, Π^13 and Π^14 are neither closed nor open, and that the interior of the sets Π^12, Π^13 and Π^14 are empty. The characterization of Π^11 follows from the equality Π^11=Π11 which was also proved in this section.