Reflex epilepsy (RE) or reflex seizures refers to epileptic syndromes characterized by focal or generalized seizures elicited by a specific stimulus or activity. These stimuli can be simple (visual, auditive, proprioceptive, or tactile) or complex (while eating, talking, tooth-brushing, bathing, etc.)1,2. RE estimated prevalence represents 4-7% of all epilepsies and 21% of idiopathic generalized type, being photosensitive epilepsy the most common3.
Eating epilepsy (EE) is a rare form of RE with a prevalence of 1:1000-2000 of all patients with epilepsy, although it ranges higher in Asia3-6. EE is more common in males and usually presents as focal seizures with impaired awareness which can occur before, during, and/or after eating3,4,7.
In this critical review, we aimed to answer the following questions: which are the sociodemographic, semiological, and radiological characteristics of EE in the general population?
Eating is a complex mechanism that includes olfactory, taste, somatosensory, and other interoceptive inputs, which activate brain structures such as the insular cortex, frontal operculum, orbitofrontal cortex, and the amygdala8. The hypothalamus and other components of the autonomic nervous system regulate central and peripheral homeostasis of digestion and metabolism9. These structures are of particular interest in the study of hunger, satiety, obesity, as well as eating and body image disorders such as anorexia and bulimia. Moreover, all of the aforementioned structures are well recognized as trigger zones of EE in various studies8,10.
Although the pathophysiology of EE is not clear, according to case reports and small case series in the literature, plausible mechanisms for its appearance have been proposed. A genetic involvement is shown in subjects with mutations in genes SYNGAP12, MECP211; as well as familial EE5, associated with Rett12, Cri du Chat,13,14 and congenital or acquired bilateral opercular syndromes15,16. Ethnic origin and environmental factors such as chemical composition of food, culinary habits, feeding behavior, and emotional and psychological involvement may be important in EE etiology7,17. EE can present with other epileptic syndromes, structural pathologies (malformations, tumors), and/or brain injury (hypoxic brain damage, gliosis, encephalomalacia, and meningoencephalitis)4,7,17. Therefore, it has been proposed that EE may be a long-term manifestation of an initial precipitating event in the past7,17.
Clinical presentation of EE is diverse. Seizures usually present as focal onset with impaired awareness and less commonly with generalized onset, including atonic, myoclonic, or even autonomic types3,4,7,17. EE occurs more frequently in the context of temporal or frontal lobe epilepsies4 and it usually is symptomatic or associated with imaging abnormalities in these locations (Tables 1 and 2).
Table 1 Clinical characteristics, diagnosis, and treatment of main case report series of patients with eating epilepsy
Author/year | Ahuja, 198023 | Nagaraja, 198424 | Koul, 198925 | Senanayake, 19905 | Loreto, 200026 | Nakazawa, 200227 | Seneviratne, 200328 | Labate, 200529 | Cukiert, 201022 |
n | 3 | 13 | 50 | 20 | 3 | 2 | 28 | 2 | 3 |
Sex (M/F) | 3/0 | 8/5 | ND | 13/7 | 2/1 | 2/0 | 13/15 | 2/0 | 2/1 |
Eating epilepsy mean age onset (year) | 22 | 14 | 15.2 | 17 | 22.6 | 9.5 | 18.6 | 8.6 | 11 |
Triggers | Eating | Chewing, drinking (water), eating, snacks | Chewing, swallowing | ND | Eating | Chewing, eating, swallowing | Eating | Eating | Eating |
Meal of the day | ND | ND | ND | Lunch | Meals, lunch | ND | ND | ND | ND |
Moment of eating/meal | After, during | At the middle, at the end | During | After (30 min post main meal), during | At sight, beginning, during | After, before, during | After, during | Beginning, during | During |
Quality or quantity of meal | ND | Bulky meals, conventional Indian meals | ND | ND | ND | ND | ND | ND | ND |
Aura (focal aware) | Numbness | ND | Forced thinking and memorizing, visual hallucination | ND | ND | ND | ND | ND | ND |
Eating reflex seizure type | At, FBTC, FOIA | FBTC, FO GTC | FBTC, FOA, FOIA | FBTC, FOA, FOIA | FBTC, FOIA | FOA, FOIA, FTBC, GT | FBTC, FOIA GTC | FOIA, GT | FOIA |
Radiological abnormal findings (CT/MRI/PET/SPECT) | ND | ND | NR | ND | MRI: L ventriculomegaly, R retrotrigonal hyperintensity
SPECT: Me-RT lobe focal hyperperf. |
MRI: none SPECT: R-F hyperperfusion and R-striate body hypoperf. |
ND | MRI: poor operculum formation with thickened Co | MRI: B perisylvian polymicrogyria |
Electroencephalographic abnormal findings | Interictal EEG: R-H: diffuse, unilateral Spk and Shw. Generalized discharges. |
EEG: L-FT Slw Shw. R-T Swv bursts. Generalized Spk. |
Interictal EEG: "positive", ED. | Interictal EEG: B-MT, B-PoT Shw and Slw. |
vEEG: low voltage slowed background Ictal vEEG: high voltage Slw + diffuse Slw; R-Po Sh-Slw Interictal vEEG: R-TF, L-T paroxysm; R-T ED |
Ictal vEEG: high amplitude delta or theta
Interictal EEG: R-F Sp and Shw; R-O Sp |
ND | Ictal EEG: diffuse Spw, ED + diffuse attenuation
Interictal EEG: generalized Spk or poly-Spw; R-T slowing and high amplitude Shw Slw |
Ictal EEG: B-T lobe onset Interictal EEG: B-T spiking; L-FC Spk |
Treatment | CBZ, PB, PHT | CBZ, PB, PHT, PMD. Avoidance of bulky meals. | CBZ, PB, PHT. Use of left hand and/or spoon. | CBZ, CLB, PHT, PMD | CBZ, CLB, GBP, GVG, LTG, PB, VPA | CBZ, CLB, CLZ, PHT, VPA, ZNS, Fed by another person, reduced attention to the meal | CBZ, VPA | ACTH, CBZ, CLZ, GVG, NZ, PB, VPA | CBZ, CLB, PB, OXC, VPA. + Vagus nerve stimulation |
Pharmacoresistance | ND | Present in 10 | ND | None | Present in 1 | Present in 1 | ND | ND | Present in three |
Surgery | None | None | ND | None | ND | ND | None | ND | R-TO resection; L-F resection |
Author/year | Bae, 201130 | Gujjar, 201221 | Patel, 201331 | Kokes, 20137 | Shirai 201514 | Jagtap, 201632 | Von Stülpnagel, 20192 | Singh, 20194 | Atalar, 202033 |
n | 2 | 5 | 6 | 6 | 2 | 47 | 8 | 12 | 2 |
Sex (M/F) | 1/1 | 4/1 | 3/3 | 4/2 | 1/1 | 41/6 | 4/4 | 11/1 | 1/1 |
Eating epilepsy mean age onset (year) | 39.5 | 23.6 | 20.6 | 20 | 10.5 | 16 | 3 | 13.5 | 20 |
Triggers | Eating | Eating | Eating, though of food | Chewing (prolonged), drinking, swallowing, taking food to the mouth | Chewing, eating | ND | Chewing, eating, orofacial stimuli | Eating | Eating |
Meal of the day | ND | Lunch, midday meal | ND | Breakfast, dinner, lunch. Particularly Sundays | Breakfast, dinner, lunch | ND | ND | Dinner, lunch, no predilection | ND |
Moment of eating/meal | After (immediately), during | At the middle, at the end, during | Beginning, at the middle | Beginning, during | Beginning, during | After, beginning, at the end | ND | ND | ND |
Quality or quantity of meal | ND | ND | Rice made food | Overeating, pastry/salty food, solid food | ND | Rice, wheat-based diet | ND | ND | ND |
Aura (focal aware) | Blurred vision, jamais-vu, palpitations, unpleasant fear. | ND | ND | Dyscognitive, "experiential" | ND | Cephalic sensation, déjà vu, epigastric rising sensation, fear, somatosensory, vertigo, visual, | ND | Cephalic sensation, epigastric sensation, giddiness, uneasiness, | Epigastric, visual, vertigo, |
Eating reflex seizure type | A, FBTC | FBTC, FOIA GTC | FO | FBTC, FOA, FOIA | FOA | FBTC, FOIA, "HD" | Ab, At, EM, GTC, M, Oc, To | FBTC, FOIA, GT | FBTC, FOIA |
Radiological abnormal findings (CT/MRI/PET/SPECT) | MRI: none | CT: none MRI: L-MeT sclerosis, L-T: atrophy, cortical lesion, R-T horn dilatation. |
MRI: L-FP perisylvian cortical dysplasia, R and L
Sylvian and perisylvian gliosis, LF calcified granuloma.
SPECT: F hypoperf.; F, T + P-insular hyperperf. |
MRI: L-F-EA meningioma, L-H sequel lesions. PET: L-MeT, L-LaT, O, and multifocal hypo-metabolism. |
MRI: pontine and cerebellar hypoplasia | MRI: PoTPO polymicrogyria. Peritrigonal hyperintensities, pachygyria, gliosis. Me-T sclerosis. T cavernoma. F dysplasia. B perisylvian, |
MRI: F dilatation of external spaces of CSF. |
MRI: B: perisylvian gliosis. L-I-F gliosis. R-F perisylvian sclerosis, R-T sclerosis. |
MIR: "non-specific" SPECT: L-T, L-I-F, and R-S-F hypoperf. PET: R-T hypometabolism. |
Electroencephalographic abnormal findings | Ictal EEG: L-T onset of generalized rhythmic theta and delta activity. Interictal vEEG: B-T: Spk. |
Interictal vEEG: L-MT onset of isolated discharges. Interictal EEG: R-FT, R-TP generalized Spk, Shw. |
Ictal EEG: L-PT, L-FC, R-FTC slowing. R-FCT beta, theta
activity. L-FCT Shw Interictal EEG: L-C theta wv, L-FC Shw. |
Ictal EEG onset: L-FT, L-TP. Interictal EEG: L-FT, L-PT, and L-T Spk and slowing, L-H slowing. R-TO Spk and slowing. |
Ictal EEG: Slw (>T); negative-positive potentials (>F,
midline) Interictal EEG: ED (>MT, PoT), Spw |
Ictal vEEG Diffuse, F-C, PoTPO and T ED. Interictal vEEG: Lateralized, uncertain, and diffuse ED. |
vEEG: B (>O), B-PO Spw, B-O slowed background activity (theta). Diffuse Spk and Spw. PO slowing. |
Interictal EEG: B-Po ED, B perirolandic Spk. L-FT ED, L-PoT ED with secondary generalization, L-T Spk. R-CT ED, R-Po Spk. |
Ictal/Interictal: R-FT slow and Spw |
Pharmacoresistance | ND | Present in 1 | ND | Present in 5 | Present in 2 | Present in 16 | Present in 6 | ND | ND |
Surgery | None | L-T lobectomy + amygdalohippocampectomy | Lesionectomy | None | ND | Yes (in 2) | None | ND | None |
ACTH: adrenocorticotropic hormone; At: atonic; Ab: abscense; B: bilateral; C: centro; CBZ: carbamazepine; CES: cluster of epileptic spasms; CLB: clobazam; CLZ: clonazepam; Co: cortex; CSF: cerebrospinal fluid; CT: computerized tomography; DA: drop attacks; EA: extra-axial; ED: epileptiform discharges; EEG: electroencephalogram; EM: eyelid myoclonia; ESM: ethosuximide; F: frontal; FOA: focal onset aware; FOAI: focal onset impaired awareness; FBTC: focal to bilateral tonic-clonic; FC: fronto-central; fRMI: functional magnetic resonance imaging; GBP: gabapentin; GT: generalized tonic; GTC: generalized tonic-clonic; GVG: vigabatrin; H: hemisphere; HD: head drops; I: inferior; L: left; La: lateral; LCM: lacosamide; LEV: levetiracetam; LTG: lamotrigine; Me: mesial; M: myoclonic; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; MT: mid-temporal; ND: no data; NR: no realized; NZ: nitrazepam; O: occipital; Oc: oculocephalics; OXC: oxcarbazepine; P: parietal; PB: phenobarbital; PET: position emission tomography; PHT: phenytoin; PNET: primitive neuroectodermal tumor; Po: posterior; PRM: primidone; R: right; sEEG: stereoelectroencephalography; Shw: sharp wave; Slw: slow wave; SPECT: single photon emission tomography; Sp: spikes; Spw: spike wave; S: superior; T: temporal; To: tonic; TPM: topiramate; vEEG: videoelectroencephalogram; VPA: valproate; wv: wave; ZNS: zonisamide.
Table 2 Clinical characteristics, diagnosis, and treatment of main case reports of patients with eating epilepsy
Author/year | Lavizzari, 196718 | Cirignotta, 197719 | Robertson, 197834 | Fiol, 198635 | Mateos, 199515 | Kishi, 199916 |
Sex | M | F | M | F | M | M |
Eating epilepsy age onset (yr) | 12 | 16 | 14 | 12 | 11 | 8 |
Triggers | At sight, chewing, eating | Eating | Chewing, eating | Eating | Eating | Eating |
Meal of the day | ND | Meals *more frequent at breakfast | ND | More at breakfast | Meals | ND |
Moment of eating/meal | ND | Beginning, during | ND | Beginning | ND | ND |
Quality or quantity of meal | ND | ND | ND | None | ND | ND |
Aura (Focal Aware) | ND | ND | Left upper limb numbness and left facial paresthesia. | ND | ND | ND |
Eating reflex seizure type | FOA | FOIA, HD | FOA | FOIA, GTC | FO, FTBC | FOIA |
Radiological abnormal findings (CT/MRI/PET/SPECT) | NR | NR | CT: R astrocytoma of basal ganglia. | CT: none. | CT/MRI: B rolandic opercula atrophy. | MRI: B perisylvian malformations, polymicrogyria. |
Electroencephalographic abnormal findings | EEG: B-F sharp transients, positive spikes.
Interictal EEG: generalized slow waves. |
EEG: infrequent diffuse spike-wave discharges. Brief
low-voltage fast activity and diffuse polyspike-wave discharges
during sleep. Ictal EEG: diffuse sharp wave. B: low voltage fast activity. R-T: rapid activity medium voltage. |
EEG: R-FT focal slowing. R-F delta focus, spikes, sharp waves. |
Ictal vEEG: generalized low-voltage fast frequencies. L
-T or R-T onset spikes. Interictal EEG: Generalized polyspike wave. R-Po, R-MT, L-Po, L-MT spikes, and sharp waves. |
Interictal EEG: R-CT slow Spk, Slw. | Ictal vEEG: generalized low-voltage attenuation.
Interictal EEG: B-CP synchronous Shw. |
Treatment | PHT, PRM | ND | PB, PHT | CBZ, CZP, ESM, PB, PHT, VPA | CBZ, CLB, VPA | ND |
Pharmacoresistance | No | Yes | ND | Yes | No | Yes |
Surgery | No | No | Frontal craniotomy + subtotal resection of low-grade astrocytoma. | No | ND | ND |
Author/year | Domizio, 200620 | D'Orsi, 200736 | El Bouzidi, 201037 | Manyam, 201038 | Martínez, 201112 | De Palma, 201211 |
Sex | M | M | F | F | F | M |
Eating epilepsy age onset (yr) | < 1 | 25 | 44 | 23 | 16 | 6 |
Triggers | Breastfeeding | Chewing, eating, swallowing | At sight, discussing cooking, eating, hunger thought or smell of food. | Eating | ND | Eating, smell, taste, * especially spicy food. |
Meal of the day | ND | Lunch, breakfast, dinner | Dinner, lunch, meals, snacks | Meals | ND | ND |
Moment of eating/meal | After drinking milk | ND | Beginning, during | ND | Beginning | ND |
Quality or quantity of meal | Milk | ND | ND | ND | ND | ND |
Aura (Focal Aware) | ND | ND | ND | ND | ND | ND |
Eating reflex seizure type | Desaturation, cyanosis, increase in muscular tone. | At (generalized) | FBTC, FOA | FOIA | FOA | CES |
Radiological abnormal findings (CT/MRI/PET/SPECT) | MRI/CT: none | MRI: B opercular dysplasia + corpus callosum hypoplasia. | MRI: L-F (precentral) hyperintensity. | MRI: post-surgical. | RMI: none | RMI: none |
Electroencephalographic abnormal findings | EEG: R-MeT abnormal waves | Ictal EEG: B-An diffuse Slw Interictal EEG: diffuse alpha-like background + L-TPO theta activity and Spw. |
Interictal EEG: none *Electrocorticography: L-F operculum epileptiform activity (anterior-inferior. to the MRI lesion) |
Ictal EEG: delta activity (>F) Interictal EEG: L-H slowing, theta and delta activity. L-T Shw. |
Interictal EEG: F, C ED. | Ictal EEG: diffuse slow-wave complex, > B-FC, followed by voltage attenuation. |
Treatment | PB, antiacid therapy (GER) | CBZ, CLB, CLZ, LEV, LTG, OXC, VPA | CBZ, VPA | LTG, VPA | ESM, LEV, VPA | CLB, VPA, avoidance of spicy food. |
Pharmacoresistance | No | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes |
Surgery | No | ND | -Subtotal resection of L-F operculum: Grade IV glioblastoma. | Post-resection left opercular PNET. | No | No |
Author/year | Sandhya, 201339 | Koul, 201340 | Sillanpää, 201441 | Lodi, 201513 | Blauwblomme, 201542 | Kobayashi, 201643 |
Sex | M | F | F | M | F | F |
Eating epilepsy age onset (yr) | 8 | <1 | <1 | 27 | 28 | 8 |
Triggers | Sight or smell of food | Breast feeding | Breast feeding | Eating | Eating | Eating |
Meal of the day | ND | ND | ND | ND | ND | ND |
Moment of eating/meal | At sight, before | Beginning, after | Beginning | ND | ND | Beginning, during |
Quality or quantity of meal | ND | ND | ND | ND | Especially strawberry syrup | ND |
Aura (Focal Aware) | ND | ND | Crying and coughing | ND | ND | ND |
Eating reflex seizure type | ND | FO, GT | FBTC | CES | FOIA | CES |
Radiological abnormal findings (CT/MRI/PET/SPECT) | MRI: none Interictal SPECT: L-FPO perfusion changes. Ictal SPECT: B-FTPO perfusion changes. |
MRI: none | MRI: none | MRI: none | MRI: post-surgery cavity fMRI: activation of B insula, R-dorsolateral-F-Co and dorsolateral-P-Co. |
MRI: corpus callosum dysgenesis, cerebellar hypogenesis, cerebral asymmetry, polymicrogyria, periventricular heterotopia, closed lip schizencephaly. |
Electroencephalographic abnormal findings | Interictal vEEG: L-FT ED EEG-fMRI: ED, activation of L-FT lobes, B-P region, Me-structures (paracentral lobule, caudate, cingulate and medial frontal, lingual and medial occipital gyrus. |
Interictal EEG: none EEG: R-PoT slowing |
Interictal EEG: R asymmetric background activity of lower amplitude and repeated slow-wave discharges |
Interictal EEG: slow background activity, poor
organization Ictal EEG: F-C (>LH) diffuse irregular spike and slow-wave complex, some followed by delta rhythmic activity from L-FC and An vertex. |
vEEG: An hippocampus spikes. An insular infrequent
asynchronous spikes. sEEG: AnI insula high-amplitude spike followed by low-voltage high-frequency discharge with secondary spreading to hippocampus and TCo. |
Interictal EEG: slow background activity with
multifocal spikes L-H, R-CT region. Ictal EEG: diffuse large triphasic potentials >R-CTP region. |
Treatment | ND | VPA | PB | CLB | ND | LTG, TPM, VPA |
Pharmacoresistance | ND | No | No | Yes | Yes | ND |
Surgery | No | No | No | No | -9 years before EE: Opercular-insular R- cavernoma resection -Epilepsy surgery: An insula resection. | ND |
Author/year | Lee, 201644 | Mimura, 201745 | Kisli, 201817 | Aldosari, 202046 | Ruiz-León, 2020 (present case) | |
Sex | F | F | F | M | M | |
Eating epilepsy age onset (yr) | 60 | 20 | 19 | 30 | 20 | |
Triggers | Eating | At sight, eating | Eating | Eating | Eating | |
Meal of the day | ND | ND | ND | ND | No preference | |
Moment of eating/meal | ND | Before, during | Mostly at the beginning | Mostly at the beginning | Middle | |
Quality or quantity of meal | ND | Specially minced meat | Only while eating bread | ND | Only with solid food | |
Aura (Focal Aware) | Dizziness, impaired speech | ND | ND | ND | Dizziness | |
Eating reflex seizure type | FOA | FBTC, FOA | FOA | FBTC, FOIA | FOIA | |
Radiological abnormal findings (CT/MRI/PET/SPECT) | MRI: none PET: bitemporal hypometabolism (>L) |
ND | MRI: B-PCo encephalomalacia area | MRI/PET: none | MRI: none | |
Electroencephalographic abnormal findings | ND | Ictal vEEG: L-F to MT: rhythmic theta activity followed by generalized seizure pattern. |
Ictal EEG: R-FT sharp wave activity Interictal EEG: none. |
vEEG: B-T ED. Ictal vEEG: R-T rhythmic activity with perisylvian spreading sEEG: R-AnMeT, insula, amygdala, hippocampus. |
vEEG: Intermittent R-H slowing waves, predominantly F-C and with no epileptiform abnormality. | |
Treatment | ND | ND | LEV | ND | OXC | |
Pharmacoresistance | ND | ND | ND | Yes | No | |
Surgery | ND | ND | ND | R-An-T lobectomy including Me structures (amygdala, uncus, hippocampus) + partial inferior insulectomy. | No |
ACTH: adrenocorticotropic hormone; At: atonic; Ab: abscense; B: bilateral; C: centro; CBZ: carbamazepine; CES: cluster of epileptic spasms; CLB: clobazam; CLZ: clonazepam; Co: cortex; CSF: cerebrospinal fluid; CT: computarized tomography; DA: drop attacks; EA: extra-axtial; ED: epileptiform discharges; EEG: electroencephalogram; EM: eyelid myoclonia; ESM: ethosuximide; F: frontal; FOA: focal onset aware; FOAI: focal onset impaired awareness; FBTC: focal to bilateral tonic-clonic; FC: fronto-central; fRMI: functional magnetic resonance imaging; GBP: gabapentin; GT: generalized tonic; GTC: generalized tonic-clonic; GVG: vigabatrin; H: hemisphere; HD: head drops; I: inferior; L: left; La: lateral; LCM: lacosamide; LEV: levetiracetam; LTG: lamotrigine; Me: mesial; M: myoclonic; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; MT: mid-temporal; ND: no data; NR: no realized; NZ: nitrazepam; O: occipital; Oc: oculocephalogyres; OXC: oxcarbazepine; P: parietal; PB: phenobarbital; PET: position emission tomography; PHT: phenytoin; PNET: primitive neuroectodermal tumor; Po: posterior; PRM: primidone; R: right; sEEG: stereoelectroencephalography; Shw: sharp wave; Slw: slow wave; SPECT: single photon emission tomography; Sp: spikes; Spw: spike wave; S: superior; T: temporal; To: tonic; TPM: topiramate; vEEG: videoelectroencephalogram; VPA: valproate; wv: wave; ZNS: zonisamide.
In patients with EE, seizures can be caused by diverse and heterogeneous stimuli; nevertheless, all of them are related to the feeding process, either just before, during, or after it. These triggers may involve visual and olfactory stimuli (sight and smell), digestive and autonomic functions (salivating, chewing, swallowing, gastric distention, and gastric acid secretion), proprioceptive stimuli, thinking about food, bulky meals rich in carbohydrates, and gastroesophageal reflux2,12,17-20. Moreover, association of EE to vasovagal syncope attacks has been reported, suggesting a vagal mechanism7.
Electroencephalographic (EEG) findings can be normal or present focal or diffuse epileptiform abnormalities3. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can also be normal or present structural abnormalities specifically in temporolimbic or suprasylvian areas, particularly in the insular and opercular cortex3,4,7,12. A clinical neurotopographic correlation can be made with EEG finding and/or imaging findings.
Although identification and avoidance of stimulus in some patients could aid in seizure control, in EE, this is not always possible, except in very specific associated situations3. Some patients respond and benefit from antiepileptic drugs. Although management of choice has not yet been established, intake of clobazam before meals may be effective as add-on therapy in the management of EE3,4. Kokes et al. suggest that seizures that originate from the left temporal region may be more resistant to antiepileptic management7. Some patients with therapy resistance may benefit with surgical treatment21 or vagus nerve stimulation22, especially those with imaging abnormalities21.
This article is based on unsystematic research in Google Scholar and PubMed for original manuscripts about "Eating epilepsy," "Eating reflex seizures," "Eating seizures," "Reflex eating epilepsy," and "Reflex eating seizures;" followed by a discretionary selection of publications. We included observational studies (such as case reports and case series) published between 1967 and 2020. Editorial notes, literature systematic reviews and clinical images were excluded from the study.
In this review, we analyzed 18 case series and 23 case reports (Tables 1 and 2) and we included the case of a 40-year-old male patient with EE evaluated in our epilepsy clinic (Table 2).
Due to the inherent limitations of the case report and case series, result heterogeneity is obvious, with the consequent weakness of the conclusions. Despite these limitations from the data not reported or specified, the following information is relevant. We found that out of 237 patients, 126 were male and 61 were female (the sex of 50 patients was not specified by the author) with a resulting 2:1 ratio, highlighting the predominance among men. The reason why there is a clear predominance in males is unknown; we wonder if it has to do with the diagnosis approach, or if women are underdiagnosed or if there is a more complex pathophysiological explanation.
As for the type of seizures, the most frequently reported were the focal type with or without impaired awareness (Tables 1 and 2).
In both the case series and the case reports, the most common and constant trigger was by definition the act of eating itself2,4,11,13-19,21-24,26-31,33-38,42-46 but in some cases other stimuli were detailed such as chewing2,7,14,18,24,25,27,34,36, swallowing7,25,27,36, drinking7,24, seeing18,37,39,45, smelling11,37,39, and even thinking31,37 or talking37 about food. Orofacial stimuli2, taking food to the mouth7, hunger alone37, eating snacks24, and tasting food11 were also described.
In the case report series, other specific triggers to EE related to the type of food have also been described, including bulky meals, conventional Indian meals24, wheat-based diet, and on a rice-based diet31,32. Only 4 patients had a preference for a specific type of food (spicy food11, bread17, strawberry syrup42, and minced meat45). Furthermore, just a few authors specified the patient's diet, so it remains unclear if EE has a relation to specific diet type.
MRI and CT findings were variable. Some abnormalities were encephalomalacia, sclerosis, pachygyria, polymicrogyria, dysplasia, glioma, ventriculomegaly, meningioma, cavernoma, astrocytoma, and other lesions2,4,7,14-16,21,22,26,29,31,32,34,36,37,43. Four authors reported positron emission tomography; three presented hypometabolism7,33,44, and one was normal46. Five authors reported single-photon emission computed tomography that showed perfusion changes26,27,31,33,39. Two authors reported functional MRI showing activation of both insula and dorsolateral frontal and parietal cortex42 and the other showing left temporal, bilateral parietal, paracentral lobule, cingulate, medial frontal gyrus, and lingual and medial occipital gyrus abnormalities39. EEG findings were highly variable and different in each patient (Tables 1 and 2). Two authors detailed stereoelectroencephalography, finding affectation of the insula, hippocampus, and temporal cortex and/or amigdala42,48]. One patient underwent electrocorticography with operculum activity37. Surgery was performed on 10 patients, consisting of left-temporal lobectomy and amygdalohippocampectomy21, right-temporo-occipital resection, left-frontal resection22, lesionectomy31, subtotal resection of low grade astrocytoma34, subtotal resection of left-frontal operculum (grade IV glioblastoma)37, anterior insula resection42, right-anterior-temporal lobectomy including mesial structures and partial inferior insulectomy46, and non-specified in two patients. Only three patients underwent vagus nerve stimulation22.
Furthermore, the presence or absence of pharmacoresistance was specified in 131 patients (55% of the reviewed patients), of which 45 (41%) presented pharmacoresistance although sex, age, or type of seizure predominance was not clear.
EE is not the most frequent type of RE and because it can coexist with other epileptic syndromes, we speculate that EE may be under-diagnosed, so RE should be investigated in all patients with known epilepsy. It is our belief that semiology and specific activities during the eating process should be specified in order to identify the possible physiological-etiological mechanism, which until the present day is unknown. Finally, EE can be a therapeutic challenge since each patient presents variability in age of onset, type of stimuli and seizure, clinical course, findings in complementary studies, and response to management.
Supplementary data
Supplementary data are available at Revista Mexicana de Neurociencia online ( These data are provided by the corresponding author and published online for the benefit of the reader. The contents of supplementary data are the sole responsibility of the authors.