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Journal of applied research and technology
versión On-line ISSN 2448-6736versión impresa ISSN 1665-6423
J. appl. res. technol vol.10 no.6 Ciudad de México dic. 2012
Computer-Based Acoustic Detector for Determining the Type and Concentration of a Solution
Tariq M. Younes
Department Of Mechtronics Engineering Faculty of Engineering Technology Al Balq’a Applied University 15008 Amman 11134 Jordan.
The problem of determining the type and concentration of a solution is an important issue in food, medical and chemical industries. In this paper, a work effort has been made to explore the possibility of designing a computer-based acoustic detector to determine the type and concentration of a solution. Signal conditioning and processing was carried out by using labVIEW (G Language) VIs. Experimental results show that the produced acoustic signal frequency can be used as an informative parameter related with the type and concentration of a solution. Also, linear range of measurement is found of 10g/100ml. Furthermore, acceptable results for common industrial applications are drawn with a maximum percentage error of 3% compared with the conventional approach. As a result, such detector can be integrated with control system in order to perform some control actions.
Keywords: standing wave, acoustic resonance, LabVIEW VI, type and concentration of solution.
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