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Revista internacional de contaminación ambiental

 ISSN 0188-4999

MENDOZA-ARCEO, Andrea; CHAN-CUPUL, Wilberth; OSUNA-CASTRO, Juan Alberto    CARRILLO-DIAZ, María Isabel. Ligninolytic enzyme activities of two populations of Ganoderma spp. In interaction with Tichoderma spp.. []. , 40, 54451.   09--2024. ISSN 0188-4999.  https://doi.org/10.20937/rica.54451.

The objectives of the present study were to evaluate the ligninolytic enzymatic activity (LEA = laccase, manganese peroxidase [MnP] and lipase peroxidase [LiP]) of two Ganoderma spp. populations (ruderal and urban), determine the type of fungal interaction of each population in co-cultures with Trichoderma spp. strains, and quantify the LEA in the interactions. Seven ruderal and seven urban strains were isolated, their daily growth rate (DGR) and LEA were determined and compared. With three strains from each population with the best DGR, co-cultures with three Trichoderma spp. strains were established (T85, T98 and T99). Ruderal strains produce more MnP and LiP activities, but have lower DGR compared to urban strains. Laccase activity was the same in both populations. The most common interaction between Ganoderma spp. and Trichoderma spp. was the inhibition at contact. Ruderal strains of Ganoderma spp. (4R and 9R) when grown in monoculture did not show MnP activity; however, when they interact with Trichoderma spp., MnP was present (between 150 to 3000%) and increased LiP (between 13 to 51%) activities. In urban strains of Ganoderma spp. laccase (between 8 to 183%), MnP (between 24 to 144%) and LiP (between 5 to 6268%) activities increased in interactions with Trichoderma spp. The LEA in each population was variable, the most common interaction between Ganoderma spp. and Trichoderma spp. was block at contact with significant increases in LEA.

: laccase; lignin peroxidase; manganese peroxidase; co-culture; antagonism; biological control.

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