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Revista mexicana de investigación educativa

 ISSN 1405-6666

ACUNA RUZ, Felipe; NUNEZ-MOSCOSO, Javier    MALDONADO DIAZ, César. Pre-service Teacher Education as Culture: Exploration and Constitution of a Field of Study from the Perspective of Literature. []. , 28, 96, pp.223-249.   05--2023. ISSN 1405-6666.

Based on a critical examination of a deficient view of pre-service teacher education, this article explores how the notion of “culture” has been used to study teacher education and eventually, to contribute to elaborating a comprehensive view of pre-service teacher education. A bibliographic review of databases in Spanish, English, and French was carried out, with a final corpus of 141 texts. The results first delineated a field map with three central topics, followed by an in-depth analysis of the notions and uses of the concept of culture in thirty articles from the corpus; lastly, precise coordinates were generated on the map. The conclusions indicate that the notion of culture offers a comprehensive, non-deficient view of pre-service teacher education, with a discussion of the potential vias of research.

: culture; teacher education; documentary analysis; teachers.

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