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Publication ofUniversidad Anáhuac México, Facultad de Bioética
On-line version ISSN 2594-2166Print version ISSN 0188-5022


The journal Medicina y Ética is a publication specialized in Bioethics and aimed at scholarly dissemination of research performed by professionals dedicated and keen to the current issues and discussion in this field of knowledge. The journal its not limited to a single vision of Bioethics, provided the articles rigorously comply with Bioethics methodology which consist on explaining the ethical implications under study and establishing the philosophical anthropology foundation based on a hierarchy of values against the problem will be confronted in order to reach an ethical conclusion. Therefore, according to the above mentioned, the opinions and positions are exclusive responsibility of authors and not necessarily reflect the position of the Department of Bioethics of Universidad Anahuac of Mexico. Also, in any case is pre-supposed that the author´s employing institution subscribes his positions expressed in the corresponding article. The journal is published quarterly.


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