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Publication ofUniversidad Iberoamericana (México)
On-line version ISSN 2954-4602Print version ISSN 0185-3481


Revista de filosofía is an academic publication published every six months, in print and electronic format, edited by the Department of Philosophy of the Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City. Its objective is to disseminate peer-reviewed, unpublished and open access philosophical research in Spanish and English, to generate an international academic dialogue and thus contribute to the development of critical awareness, based on the understanding of contemporary cultural, social and political processes. It has been published since 1968 and has more than 150 issues. The publication is aimed at specialized readers, teachers and researchers, national and foreign, who are part of the construction of knowledge in the philosophical field. The journal receives proposals for unpublished philosophical articles (that are not in the editorial or opinion process in other journals or books); both in Spanish and English, as well as critical reviews of recently published philosophical works. Proposed articles must make a clearly identifiable contribution to current research on the topic or topics they address, where the author makes a novel contribution to current philosophical studies. Semiannual publication.


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