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Revista mexicana de física

Print version ISSN 0035-001X

Rev. mex. fis. vol.68 n.5 México Sep./Oct. 2022  Epub Feb 17, 2023 


Gravitation, Mathematical Physics and Field Theory

The impact of deformed space-phase parameters into HAs and HLM systems with the improved Hulthén plus Hellmann potentials model in the presence of temperature-dependent confined Coulomb potential within the framework of DSE

A. Maireche1 

1 Laboratory of Physics and Material Chemistry, Physics Department, Sciences Faculty, University of M’sila-Algeria,


In this work, the improved Hulthén plus Hellmann potentials model in the presence of temperature-dependent confined Coulomb potential IHHPTd model is adopted as the quark-antiquark interaction potential for studying the mass spectra of heavy mesons in the three-dimensional nonrelativistic quantum mechanics noncommutative phase space (3DNRQm-NCSP) symmetries. In addition, we found another application for this potential through its description for hydrogen atoms He+, Li+2 and Be+. We solved the deformed Schrödinger equation analytically using the generalized Bopp’s shift method and standard perturbation theory. The new energy eigenvalues Enc-nu,dhy and En-ghlm, En-mhlm and En-lhlm for hydrogen atoms and heavy mesons such as charmonium cc- and bottomonium cb- and corresponding deformed Hamiltonian operators Hhhpnc(r, Θ,θ-, λ,λ-, σ,σ-,𝜖) and Hhhpnc(r, Θ,θ-, λ,λ-, σ,σ-, g s ) were obtained, respectively. The present results are applied for calculating the new mass of heavy mesons. Four special cases were considered when some of the improved potential parameters were set to zero, resulting into improved Hellmann potential, improved Yukawa potential, improved Coulomb potential, and improved Hulthén potential, in (3DNRQm-NCSP) symmetries. The limiting cases are analyzed for Θ, σ and χ → 0 are compared with those of literature.

Keywords: Schrödinger equation; Hulthen plus Hellmann potentials model; noncommutative quantum mechanics; star product; generalized Bopp’s shift method

1. Introduction

Although a century has passed since the Schrödinger equation (SE), it is still an effective tool for physicists and chemists. In fact, it is a nonrelativistic (NR) equation that has a field of validity at low energies. It applies to many quantum mechanics problems in general, like quantum information theory, thermodynamic and thermochemical studies of diatomic and polyatomic molecule systems, and it plays a very vital role in the study of quarkonium systems (QS), among other systems. The Cornell potential (CP) is considered typical in the study of QS. Ikhdair obtained bound states (BS) of a spinless particle placed in scalar and vector CP under the influence of external magnetic and Aharonov-Bohm flux fields using the wave function Ansatz method for any arbitrary l-state with principal n and magnetic m quantum numbers [1]. The solutions of SE with many potential models or combined potentials such as Hua potential, Möbius square plus Kratzer potential, Möbius square plus Mie type potential, and Morse potential have been solved by applying various techniques, including the asymptotic iteration method, Nikiforov-Uvarov method (NUM), Laplace transforms, supersymmetric quantum mechanics, and a series expansion, in addition to other methods. Inyang et al. obtained analytical solutions of the N-dimensional SE for the Varshni-Hulthén potential within the framework of the NUM by using the Greene-Aldrich approximation scheme (GAS) to the centrifugal barrier and obtained the numerical energy eigen-values and the corresponding normalized eigenfunctions [2]. William et al. obtained BS solutions of the radial SE by the superposition of Hulthén and Hellmann potentials within the framework of the NUM for arbitrary l-state with the GAS for the centrifugal term, in addition to the corresponding normalized wave functions and computed the numerical energy eigenvalues of different quantum states [3]. Edet et al. obtained an approximate solution of the SE in arbitrary dimensions for the generalized shifted Hulthén potential model within NUM and computed the BS energy eigenvalues and obtained the corresponding eigenfunctions [4]. The authors of Ref. [5] studied the Hellmann potential in the presence of external magnetic and Aharonov-Bohm flux fields within the framework of the SE and obtained the energy equation and wave function of the system in closed form. Edet and et al. obtained the BS approximate solution of the SE for the q-deformed Hulthén plus generalized inverse quadratic Yukawa potential in D-dimensions with the help of the NUM and the corresponding eigenfunctions are expressed in Jacobi polynomials [6]. Edet et al. obtained the approximate analytical solutions of the relativistic Schrödinger equation (RSE) with Hellmann-Kratzer potential and calculated the energy eigenvalue and the corresponding wave function and compact form using the NUM [7]. Al-Jamel and Widyan studied the spin-averaged mass spectra of heavy quarkonia (cc- and bb-) in a Coulomb plus quadratic potential using the NRSE and obtained the energy eigenvalues and eigenfunctions in compact forms for any l-value using the NUM [8]. Abu-Shady calculated quarkonia meson bc- and cs- meson masses for the N-dimensional relativistic Schrödinger equation (ND-RSE) under CP plus harmonic oscillator potential and obtained the energy eigenvalues and the corresponding wave functions in the ND-space using the NUM [9]. The authors of Ref. [10] have proposed an NR model that includes both Hulthén V (r) = -A0exp-αr1-exp-αr and Hellmann V (r) =-A1r+A2exp-αrr potentials and obtained BS solutions of the RSE within the framework of the NUM for arbitrary l-state with the GAS for the centrifugal term. Very recently, Akpac et al. adopted a Hulthén plus Hellmann potentials temperature-dependent (TD) model (HHPTd, in short) as the quark-antiquark interaction potential for studying the mass spectra of heavy mesons; the authors made it to be TD by replacing the screening parameter with a Debye mass and solving the RSE analytically using the series expansion method and obtained the energy eigenvalues and calculating the mass spectra of heavy mesons such as harmonium cc- and bottomonium bb- [11]:

Vhhpr=-A0exp-αr1-exp-αr-A1r+A2exp-αrrVhhpr,T=-A0exp-mDTr1-exp-αr-A1r+A2exp-mDTrr, (1)

where A 1, A 2 and A 0 are the potential strength, α is the screening parameter that controls the shape of the potential and m D (T) is the Debye mass which is TD potential V hhp (r, T) TD is obtained from V hhp (r) by replacing the screening parameter α with Debye mass m D (T) that is TD and vanishes when the temperature is zero. In the same context regarding temperature, Inyang et al. adopted Hulthén plus Hellmann potentials, which rendered TD by replacing the screening parameter with a Debye mass, as the quark-antiquark interaction potential for studying the thermodynamic properties and the mass spectra of heavy mesons [12].


Relativistic and NR quantum mechanics have achieved great successes in terms of the convergence of theoretical treatments with experimental measurements. However, some indications show that there are many problems that quantum mechanics known in the literature has not been able to solve, for example, the problem of non-renormalizable electroweak interactions, the problem of quantization of gravity, and addition the problems in string theory. The idea of noncommutativity resulting from properties of deformation of space-space (Heisenberg in 1930 is the first to suggest the idea and then it was developed by Snyder in 1947) was one of the major solutions to these problems. As a result of all these motivational data, it is logical to consider the topographical properties of the noncommutativity space-space and phase-phase have a clear effect on the various physical properties of relativistic and nonrelativistic quantum systems [13-18].

A lot of research has been devoted to study the properties of quarkonium in the noncommutative space phase (NCSP) in the framework of the two cases: the nonrelativistic NR and relativistic, based on the three fundamental equations related to the Yukawa potentials such as modified Klien-Gordon equation (KGE) with modified scalar-vector Yukawa potential [19] and the relativistic interactions in one-electron atoms with modified Yukawa potential for spin-1/2 particles [20]. Moreover, we have treated the nonrelativistic behavior of hydrogen-like and neutral atoms subjected to the generalized perturbed Yukawa potential with a centrifugal barrier [21]. We are studying the modified unequal mixture scalar vector Hulthén-Yukawa potentials model as a quark-antiquark interaction and neutral atoms with relativistic treatment using the approximation of the centrifugal term and Bopp’s Shift method [22]. We have investigated the approximate solutions of DKG and DSE under the modified more general exponential screened Coulomb potential plus Yukawa potential in NCQM symmetries [23]. We have constructed a theoretical model of the DKG equation with generalized modified screened Coulomb plus inversely quadratic Yukawa potential in RNCQM symmetries [24]. We have obtained solutions of the KG equation for the modified central complex potential in the symmetries of noncommutative quantum mechanics [25]. We are studying spectra of heavy quarkonia with modified CP in the framework of modified SE [26]. We have obtained the new NR atomic energy spectrum of energy-dependent potential for heavy quarkonium in noncommutative spaces and phases symmetries [27]. In 2019, we constructed a new model for Heavy-Light Mesons (HLM) in the extended NR quark model under a new modified potential containing Cornell, Gaussian, and inverse square terms in the symmetries of NCQM [28]. We investigated a new asymptotic study to the 3D-RSE under modified quark-antiquark interaction potential [29]. We have calculated the new relativistic atomic mass spectra of quarks (u, d and s) for the extended modified CP at nano and Planck scales [30]. In addition, we have built a new model for HLM in the symmetries of the extended NR quark model [31]. Furthermore, we have investigated the NR-BS solution at finite temperature using the sum of a modified CP plus inverse quadratic potential in the framework of the DSE [32]. Motivated by the previous works in ordinary quantum mechanics and NCSP, we hope to investigate the Hulthén plus Hellmann potentials in the 3D-NR quantum mechanics noncommutative phase space 3DNRQM-NCSP symmetries to obtain new applications on the microscopic scale and contribute to the knowledge of elementary particles at the nanoscale. The NR energy levels under the improved Hulthén plus Hellmann potentials model temperature-dependent have not been obtained yet in the 3DNRQM-NCSP symmetries, we propose a new version of the improved Hulthén plus Hellmann potentials model temperature-dependent (IHHPTd model) Vnchhp (r, T) and a corresponding Hamiltonian operator Hnchhp (r, p, T) in the presence of TD confined Coulomb potential in the 3DNRQM-NCSP symmetries as follows:

Vnchhpr,T=Vhhpr,T+l(l+1)r4-β2-β02r3-β12rLΘHnchhpr,p,T=Hhhpr,p,T+Lθ¯2μ+l(l+1)r-4-2β0r-3-2β1r-1+β2LΘ . (2)

The two couplings and Lθ- are equal to L x Θ12 + L y Θ23 + L z Θ13 and L x θ-12 + L y θ-23 + L z θ-13, respectively, and they appear automatically from the influence of noncommutativity NC effect space-space Θ12 , Θ23 , Θ13) on the potential V hhp (r, T) and NC effect phase-phase θ- θ-12,θ-23,θ-13 on the kinetic term p22μ with the angular momentum operator L(L x , L y , L z ), and Θ τυ = θ τυ / /2, ( 2, β 1 ¡, β 0 and α 3) are the new potential parameters defined in Sec. 2, is the distance between the two particles while H hhp (r, p, T) is the usual Hamiltonian operator of the HHPTd in NRQM symmetries. In the present work, we modify the HHPTd model Vnchhp(r) by adding new terms (l(l + 1)r -4 , β02r -3 , -β12r and (β 2 + Lθ-2μ)) due to the topological properties of the self-quantum influence of space-space and phase-phase including the effect of the centrifugal term l(l + 1)r -2 which appears in the first additive part. The study of quarkonia systems with the HHPTd model at finite temperature in 3DNRQM-NCSP symmetries is an essential tool for understanding the status of the matter formed in the heavy-ion collisions as in Ref. [33], on the other hand, it is a continuation of our previous efforts in this context as in Ref. [32] and which falls within the context of the investigation of the properties of the quarkonium system under the influence of the sum of modified Cornell plus inverse quadratic potential at finite temperature in 3DNRQM-NCSP symmetries. To the best of our knowledge, this new study of DSE with Vnchhp(r, T) was not done before by any researcher. The structure of 3DNRQM-NCSP symmetries based on NC canonical commutations relations in (Schrödinger, Heisenberg and interactions) pictures (SP, HP and IP), respectively, as follows (throughout this article, the natural units c = ħ = 1 will be applied) (see, e.g., [34-41]):

xτnc,*pυnc=xτnct,*pυnct=xτInct,*pυInct=ieffδτυ,xτnc,*xυnc=xτnct,*xυnct=xτInct,*xυInct=iθτυ,pτnc,*pυnc=pτnct,*pυnct=pτInct,*pυInct=iθ¯τυ, (3)

where ħ eff = ħ (1 + Tr (θθ-/4)) and ħ are the effective Planck constant and the usual reduced Planck constant, respectively. However, the unified operators ΥτHnct= xτnc   pτInc (t) and ΥτInct= xτInc   pτInc (t) in (HP and IP, respectively) depend on the corresponding operator ΥτSnct= xτnc   pτnc in SP with the following projection relations:

ΥτHtΥτIt=exp(iHhhpT)Υτsncexp(-iHhhpT)exp(iHohhpT)Υτsncexp(-iHohhpT) (4.1)

ΥτHnctΥτInct=exp(iHnchhpeffT)*Υτsnc*exp(-iHnchhpeffT)exp(iHonchhpeffT)*Υτsnc*exp(-iHonchhpeffT). (4.2)

Here T = t-t 0 , Υ τs =x τ p τ , Υ τH (t) = (x τ p τ ) (t) and ΥτHnct= xτinc   pτinc (t) are the usual three representations of SP, HP and IP in NRQM, while the new dynamics of studied systems dΥτHnc tdt describe from the new following motion equations in 3DNRQM-NCSP symmetries:

dΥτHtdt=-iΥτHt,HhhpdΥτHnctdt=-ieffΥτHnct,*Hnchhp. (5)

Here H hhp Hohhp and Hnchhp Honchhp denote the ordinary and generalized quantum Hamiltonian (free) operators for the of IHHPTd model in the NRQM and 3DNRQM-NCSP, respectively. The two infinitesimal parameters (θ τυ ,θ- τυ )=𝜖 τυ (θ,θ-) (compared to the energy) are the elements of two antisymmetric real matrices with dimensions of (length)2 and (momentum)2, respectively while 𝜖 μv just an antisymmetric number, for example 𝜖 12 = -𝜖 21 = 1, 𝜖 11 = 𝜖 22 = 𝜖 33 = 0. Furthermore, the star notation *, denote to the star product, which is generalized between two arbitrary functions (f g) (x, p) of the form (f g) (x nc , p nc ) ≡ (f * g) (x, p) in 3D-NCSP symmetries (see, e.g., [42-51]:

f*gx,p=fgx,p-i2θτυfxτgxυ+θ¯τυfpτgpυ+Oθ2,θ¯2, (6)

This allows the construction of two scales of space and phase cells with elementary volumes τncs3= θ 3/2 and τncs3= θ -3/2 respectively. On the other hand, Eq. (6) allows us to satisfy the postulated algebra in Eq. (3). The second and the third terms in the above equation are the effects of (space-space) and (phase-phase) noncommutativity properties, respectively. This paper aims to present approximate solutions of the deformed Schrödinger equation (DSE) with the improved Hulthén plus Hellmann potentials temperature-dependent (IHHPTd, in short) model in 3DNRQM-NCSP symmetries using the generalized Bopp’s shift method (GBSM), in addition to the standard perturbation theory (SPT).

The organization of the present work is given as follows: in the next section, we briefly review the SE with the HHPTd model. We divided the third section into subsections, the first one reserved to the physical and mathematical model for the HHPTd model in 3D-NCSP by applying the GBSM, in the next subsection, we generate the new spin-orbit Hamiltonian operator for the hydrogenic atoms (HAs) and the HLM under the IHHPTd model and by applying SPT we find the corrected spectrum of n th excited levels in the framework of the global group 3D-NCSP and then, we derive the modified magnetic and rotational spectra for the IHHPTd model, which produced with the effect of both perturbed Hamiltonians Hzhhp and Hperthhp-rot due to the topological properties of phase space. In the fourth section, we resume the global spectrum and corresponding NC Hamiltonian operator for the IHHPTd model and corresponding energy levels of the HAs (He+, Li+2 and Be+) and the HLM such as charmonium cc and bottomonium bb and we calculate the new mass spectra of (cc-, bb-) in 3D-NCSP symmetries, we will also treat some special cases that demonstrate the correctness of our results. Finally, the paper ends with concluding remarks in Sec. 5.

2. Background and preparation

2.1. Overview of the eigenfunctions and the energy eigenvalues for HHPTd in NRQM

In this section, we shall recall here the SE for the HHPTd model, which is an important short-range potential that behaves like a Coulomb potential for small values and decreases exponentially for large values presented in Eq. (1). For small values of (-r=β 2) the HHPTd model takes the form [11, 12]:

Vhhpr,T=-β0r+β1r-β2r2+β3, (7)

with β 0 = A 2 - A 1 - (A 0 =m D (T)), β 1 = (A 2 m 2 D (T)/2) - A 0(m D (T )/12), β 2 = (A 2mD3 (T)/6) and β 3 = (A 0 =2) - A 2 m D (T ). If we consider a nonrelativistic virtual particle of reduced mass μ in a central potential like V hhp (r, T), the quantum evolution of this particle governed with the SE in the spherical coordinates (r, θ, φ) as follows:

Hhhpp,xΨr=EnlhhpΨrd2Rnlrdr2+2μEnlhhp-Veffhhpr,TRnlr=0 . (8)

The operator H hhp (p, x) is just the ordinary Hamiltonian operator in NRQM, Ψ (r, θ, φ, t) = (R nl (r)/r)Y l m (θ, φ) e-i/ħEnlhhpt, Ylm(θ,φ) are the spherical harmonic functions, Veffhhp(r, T ) = -(β 0 /r)+β 1 r-β 2 r 2 +β 3 +(l[l + 1]=r 2) is effective potential, Enlhhp are the eigenvalues of the Hulthén plus Hellmann potentials model in the presence of TD while n and l are the radial and orbital angular momentum quantum numbers. The wave function and the energy spectrum of Eq. (8) for HHPTd model (7) are respectively given by [11, 12]:

Ψnlmr,θ,φ,t=Nnlrrα2ϵnlexp-ϵnlrLnα/ϵnl2ϵnlrYlmθ,φexp-iEnlhhpt . (9)

Here α = (6μβ 1 2 ) + 2μβ 0 - (16μβ 2 3 ), - 𝜖 nl =2μ (E nl - β 3) + (12μβ 22) - (6μβ 1/δ) and δ =1/r 0 while r 0 is a characteristic radius of the meson. The energy Enlhhp of the potential in Eq. (7) is given by [11, 12]:

Enlhhp=A012-mDT4δ+A2mDT-2A0mD2T3mDT2δ-mD2T-1-18μ2μA2-A1+A0mDT+μmDTδ23A2mDT-A02-8μA2mD3T3δ3n+12+l+122+μA2mD3Tδ31-mDTδ-μA0mDT6δ3 . (10)

3. Solution of the DSE with the NR-IHHPTd model

3.1. Review of the concepts of GBSM

In this subsection, we devote this part to studying the nonrelativistic improved Hulthén plus Hellmann potentials model temperature-dependent in the presence of TD confined Coulomb potential Vnchhp (r, T), in 3DNRQM-NCSP symmetries. To perform this task the physical form of the deformed Schrödinger equation DSE, it is necessary to replace the ordinary three-dimensional Hamiltonian operators H hhp (p, x), ordinary energy Enlhhp and corresponding complex wave function Ψ r, in the symmetries of NRQM by three-dimensional Hamiltonian operators Hnchhp (p nc , x nc ), new unknown values Enchhp of energy and corresponding new complex wave function Ψ rnc, respectively, in 3DNRQM-NCSP symmetries. In addition, we need to replace the ordinary product with the star product (*), this allows us to construct the DSE in (NC-3D: RSP) symmetries as (see, e.g., [52-56]):

Hnchhppnc,xncΨrnc=EnchhpΨrncHhhpp,x*Ψr=EnlhhpΨr , (11.1)

allowing us to obtain the modified radial part of the SE as follows:

d2dr2+2μEnlhhp-Veffhhpr,T*Rnlr=0 . (11.2)

Among the possible paths to find the solutions to Eqs. (19) and (20), we make use of the Connex method or Seiberg and Witten map. It is known to specialists that the star product can be translated into the ordinary product known in the literature using what is called Bopp’s shift method. Bopp was the first to consider pseudo-differential operators obtained from a symbol by the quantization rules (x, p) (x^ = x - (i/2)𝜕 p ,p^ = p + (i/2)𝜕 x ) instead of the ordinary correspondence (x, p) → (x^ = x,p^ = p + (i/2)𝜕 x ), respectively. It is known to specialists that BSM has been applied effectively and has succeeded in simplifying the known four fundamental equations: the NRDSE [67-70], the relativistic deformed Klein-Gordon equation RDKGE [60-68], the relativistic deformed Dirac equation RDDE [20, 41, 69], and the deformed relativistic Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau equation (DRDKPE) [70] with the notion of star product to the NRSE, RKGE, RDE and RDKPE with the notion of ordinary product, respectively. Thus, BSM is based on reducing second-order linear differential equations of DNRSE, DRKGE, DRDE, and DRDKPE with star product to second-order linear differential equations of NRSE, RKGE, RDE, and RDKPE without star products with simultaneous translation in the 3D-NCSP. The CNCCRs with star product in Eqs. (3) become new CNCCRs without the notion of the star product as follows (see, e.g., [59-61]):

xτnc,pυnc=xτnct,pυnct=xτInct,pυInct=ieffδτυxτnc,xυnc=xτnct,xυnct=xτInct,xυInct=iθτυpτnc,pυnc=pτnct,pυnct=pτInct,pυInct=iθ¯τυ . (12)

The generalized positions and momentum coordinates (xτnc, pτnc) in 3DNRQM-NCSP depend on the corresponding usual generalized positions and momentum coordinates (x τ , p τ ) in NRQM by the following, respectively (see, e.g., [57-59]):

xτpτxτncpτnc=xτ-3υ=1θτυ2pυpτ+3υ=1θ¯τυ2xυ (13)

The above equation allows us to obtain the two operators rnc2 and pnc2 in 3DNRQM-NCSP symmetries [52-55]:

r2p2rnc2pnc2=r2-LΘp2+Lθ¯ . (14)

Thus, the reduced radial part of the SE (without star product) can be written as:

d2dr2+2μEnl-Veffhhprnc,TRnlr=0 . (15)

The Hamiltonian operator Hnchhp for the improved Hulthén plus Hellmann potentials model temperature-dependent can be expressed as:

Hnchhp=Hxτnc=xτ-θτυ2pυ,pτnc=pτ+θ¯τυ2xυ . (16)

Now, we want to find the new effective potential of IHHPTd Veff-nchhp (r, T ) in 3DNRQM-NCSP symmetries:

Veffhhpr,TVeff-nchhpr=Vnchhprnc+l(l+1)rnc-2 . (17.1)

The new IHHPTd in the presence of temperature-dependent confined Coulomb potential Vnchhp (r, T ) and the new centrifugal term l(l + 1)rnc-2 in 3DNRQM-NCSP symmetries:

Vnchhprnc,T=-β0rnc+β1rnc-β2rnc2+β3    l(l+1)rnc-2=l(l+1)r2+l(l+1)r-4LΘ+OΘ2 . (17.2)

After straightforward calculations, we can obtain the important terms 0 /r nc , β 1 r nc and 2 r 2 which will be used to determine the IHHPTd in the presence of TD confined Coulomb potential Vnchhp (r, T ) in 3DNRQM-NCSP symmetries as:

-β0rncβ1rnc-β2rnc2=-β0rβ1r-β2r2-β02r3β1LΘ2r-β2LΘ+I3×1OΘ2 . (18)

By making the substitution above Eqs. (18) and (17.2) into Eq. (16) and (17.1), we find the global our working Hamiltonian operator Hnchhp and the new effective potential of IHHPTd Veff-nchhp (r) in 3DNRQM-NCSP symmetries:

Hnchhp=Hhhp+(l(l+1)r4-β02r3-β12r+β2)LΘ+Lθ¯2μ+OΘ2,θ¯2Veff-nchhpr,T=Veffhhpr,T+(l(l+1)r4-β02r3-β12r+β2)LΘ+OΘ2 , (19)

where the operator H hhp (p, x) is just the ordinary Hamiltonian operator in usual nonrelativistic quantum mechanics:

Hhhp=p22μ-β0r+β1r-β2r2+β3 , (20)

while the rest five terms are proportional with two infinitesimal parameters (Θ and θ-) and then we can be considered as perturbations terms Hperthhp and Vperthhp (r, T) in 3DNRQM-NCSP symmetries as:

Hperthhp=l(l+1)r-4-2β0r-3-2β1r-1+β2LΘ+Lθ¯2μ+Oθ¯2,Θ2Vperthhpr,T=l(l+1)r-4-2β0r-3-2β1r-1+β2LΘ+OΘ2 . (21)

It is clear that the operator H hhp (p, x) is just the Hamiltonian operator for HAs such as He+, Li+2 and Be+ and HLM in ordinary quantum mechanics while the generated part Hperthhp appears as a result of the deformation of the 3D-NCSP. In the following, we can disregard the second term in Hperthhp because we are interested in the corrections of first-order Θ and θ¯.

3.2. New spin-orbit Hamiltonian operator for HAs and HLM under the IHHPTd model

In this subsection, we want to derive the physical form of the induced perturbed Hamiltonian Hperthhp (p nc , x nc ) due to space-phase noncommutativity effects. To achieve this goal, we replace both and Lθ¯ with the useful physical forms (𝜖ΘLS or g s ΘLS) and (𝜖θ¯LS or g s θ¯LS), respectively (see, e.g., [51-55]):

LΘϵgsΘLS and Lθ¯ϵgsθ¯LS , (22.1)

allowing us to construct the induced perturbed spin-orbit Hamiltonian operator as follows Hsohhp :

Hsohhp=l(l+1)r-4-2β0r-3-2β1r-1+β2Θ+θ¯2μLSϵ:HAsgs:HLM . (22.2)

Here Θ=Θ122+Θ232+Θ1321/2, θ¯=θ¯122+θ¯232+θ¯1321/2, LS     is just the scalar product LxSx+LySy+LzSz, ϵ1/137 is the atomic fine structure constant and, gs is the strong coupling constant, and S denotes the spin of the hydrogenic atoms such as (He+, Li+2 and Be+) or the heavy-light mesons. Thus, the spin-orbit interactions Hsohhp appear automatically as a result of the deformation of the space phase. Now, physically, we can rewrite the quantum spin-orbit LS coupling as follows:

J=L+S2LS=G2withG2=J2-L2-S2 . (23)

Here J is the total momentum of the hydrogenic atoms He+, Li+2 and Be+ and HLM. Substituting this equation into Eq. (22) yields:

Hsohhp=ϵl{l+1}r-4-2β0r-3-2β1r-1+β2Θ+θ¯2μG2ϵ:HAsgs:HLM . (24)

Our recent study can apply in two principal cases: The first case considers A 1 = Ze 2, Z and e are the atomic number and the charge of the electron, the term (-A 1 /r ) becomes an attractive Coulomb potential, thus, we can consider the Hamiltonian described hydrogenic atoms such as (He+, Li+2 and Be+) under the influence of external fields described by other terms (-[A 0 exp (-m D (T ) r)/1 - exp (-αr)] + [A 2 exp (-m D (T ) r)=r]) in ordinary quantum mechanics and its extension to 3DNRQM-NCSP, which allows us to get the eigenvalues j of the total angular momentum operator J from the interval 〡l - 1/2〡 ≤ j ≤ 〡 l + 1/2〡. Because the operator G2 has two eigenvalues, we can obtain two values of energy, as follows

kj,l,s=j(j+1)-l(l+1)-s(s+1)=k+(j=l-1/2,l,s): Spinupk-j=l-1/2,l,s: Spindown . (25)

A second way of determining a diagonal matrix Hsohhp of order (3 × 3) with diagonal elements Hsohhp11, Hsohhp22 and Hsohhp33=0 as:

Hsohhp11=ϵk+l{l+1}r-4-2β0r-3-2β1r-1+β2Θ+θ¯2μifj=l+1/2,Hsohhp22=ϵk-l{l+1}r-4-2β0r-3-2β1r-1+β2Θ+θ¯2μifj=l-1/2 . (26)

The non-null diagonal elements Hsohhp11 and Hsohhp22 of the perturbed Hamiltonian operator Hperthhp can be influenced by the energy values Enl by creating three new values ΔEn-sou-hhp=ΨHsohhp11Ψ and ΔEn-sod-hhp=ΨHsohhp22Ψ corresponding the polarizations up j=l+1/2 and down l-1/2 that can expressed as:

ΔEn-sou-hhp=ϵk+Ψl{l+1}r-4-2β0r-3-2β1r-1+β2Θ+θ¯2μΨΔEn-sod-hhp=ϵk-Ψl{l+1}r-4-2β0r-3-2β1r-1+β2Θ+θ¯2μΨ . (27)

The second case is for the heavy-light mesons (HLM), for example: scalar, vector, pseudoscalar, and pseudovector for (B, B s , D and D s ) mesons, or the heavy quarkonioum systems, such as charmonioum cc¯ and bottomonioum bb¯, which quarks and antiquarks of the same system (QQ¯), the eigenvalues of the spin-orbit coupling operator LS are k (j, l, s) = j(j + 1) - l(l + 1) - s(s + 1) corresponding j = l + 1 (spin great), j = l (spin middle) and j = l - 1 (spin little), respectively. Then, one can form a diagonal matrix for modified nonrelativistic quark-antiquark potential with diagonal element, and in 3DNRQM-NCSP symmetries:

Hsohhp11=gsk1l(l+1)r-4-2β0r-3-2β1r-1+β2Θ+θ¯2μ    for  j=l+1Hsohhp22=gsk2l(l+1)r-4-2β0r-3-2β1r-1+β2Θ+θ¯2μ  for  j=lHsohhp33=gsk3l(l+1)r-4-2β0r-3-2β1r-1+β2Θ+θ¯2μ  for  j=l-1 . (28)

Here 2k1,k2,k3l,-2,-2l-2. The non-null diagonal elements Hsohhp11, Hsohhp22 and Hsohhp33 of the perturbed Hamiltonian operator Hperthhp can be influenced to the energy values Enl by creating three new values ΔEn-ghhp=ΨHsohhp11Ψ, ΔEn-mhhp=ΨHsohhp22Ψ and ΔEn-lhhp=ΨHsohhp33Ψ as:

ΔEn-ghhp=gsk1Ψl(l+1)r-4-2β0r-3-2β1r-1+β2Θ+θ¯2μΨΔEn-mhhp=gsk2Ψl(l+1)r-4-2β0r-3-2β1r-1+β2Θ+θ¯2μΨΔEn-lhhp=gsk3Ψl(l+1)r-4-2β0r-3-2β1r-1+β2Θ+θ¯2μΨ . (29)

After straightforward calculations, the radial functions Rnlr satisfy the following differential equation in 3D-NCSP for hydrogenic atoms He +, Li +2 and Be  + and HLM systems under the improved Hulthén plus Hellmann potentials model:

d2Rnlrdr2+2μEnlhhp-Veff-nchhpr,TRnlr=0 (30)


Veff-nchhpr,T=Veffhhpr+ϵ    forHAsgsforHLMl{l+1}r-4-2β0r-3-2β1r-1+β2Θ+θ¯2μLS , (31)

here Veff-nchhpr,T is the new generalized effective potential in 3D-NCSP symmetries. We have seen previously that the induced spin-orbit Hsohhp is infinitesimal compared to the principal Hamiltonian operator H hhp (p, x) in NRQM for HAs and HLM, such as charmonioum cc¯ and bottomonioum bb¯ under the improved Hulthén plus Hellmann potentials model, this allows us to apply standard perturbation theory to determine the nonrelativistic energy corrections Esohhp at the first order of two infinitesimal parameters Θ and θ¯ due to noncommutativity space-space and phase-phase properties.

3.3. BS Solution for the spin-orbit operator for HAs and HLM systems under the IHHPTd model

The Hulthén plus Hellmann potentials model is extended by including new radial terms l(l + 1)r -4 β 0 r -3 and β 1 r -1 to become an improved Hulthén plus Hellmann potentials model temperature-dependent in 3DNRQM-NCSP symmetries. The additive part Hperthhp (Eq. (19)) of the new Hamiltonian operator Hnchhp is also proportional to the infinitesimal vectors Θ and θ¯. This allows us to consider the additive part Hperthhp as a perturbation potential compared with the main potential H hhp (p, x) (Eq. (20)) in the symmetries of 3DNRQM-NCSP, that is, the inequality HperthhpH hhp has to become satisfied. That is, all the physical justifications for applying the time-independent perturbation theory become satisfied. This allows us to give a complete prescription for determining the energy level of the generalized n th excited states. Now, we use perturbation theory and in the case of relativistic 3DNRQM-NCSP, we find the expectation values of the radial terms 1/r 4, 1/r 3 and 1/r taking into account the wave function which we have seen previously in Eq. (9). Thus, we obtain

nlmr-4nlm=Nnl20+rαϵnl-1-1exp-2ϵnlrLnα/ϵnl2ϵnlr2dr, (32.1)

nlmr-3nlm=Nnl2 0+rαϵnl-1exp-2ϵnlrLnα/ϵnl2ϵnlr2dr, (32.2)

nlmr-1nlm=Nnl20+rαϵnl+2-1exp-2ϵnlrLnα/ϵnl2ϵnlr2dr (32.3)

where we have used the property of the spherical harmonics given by


with dΩ=sinθdθdφ. To ease the notation, we will provide useful abbreviations 〈nlm〡D〡nlm〉 ≡ 〈D (nlm) . Comparing Eqs. (32) with the integral of the form [71, 72]:

0+tν-1exp-ptLmλptLnβptdt=p-νΓνΓn-ν+β+1Γm+λ+1n!m!Γ1-ν+βΓλ+1x3F2-m,ν,ν-β;-n+ν-β,λ+1;1 (33)

Where Reν0, Rep0, mN Λ n N and  3F2-m,ν,ν-β;-n+ν,λ+1;1 is obtained from the generalized hypergeometric function  3F2α1,...,αp;β1,...,βq,z and Γ(v) being the Gamma function. After some manipulation, we can obtain the explicit results:

nlmr-4nlm=Nnl2n+1n+αϵnl2ϵnl-αϵnl-1Γαϵnl-1Γn+αϵnlαϵnln!ΓαϵnlX1 , (34.1)

nlmr-3nlm=Nnl2n+αϵnlϵnl2ϵnl-αϵnlΓn+αϵnln!αX2 , (34.2)


nlmr-1nlm=0 , (34.3)

with X 1 and X 2 are equal    3F2-n,[α/ϵnl]-1,-1;-n-1,[α/ϵnl]+1;1 and  3F2(-n,[α/ϵnl],0;-n,[α/ϵnl]+1;1), respectively. We have replaced Γ (2) and Γ (1) with a value of 1 in the denominators of both Eqs. (34.1) and (34.2), respectively, and 1/Γ (-1) with zero in Eq. (34.3). Furthermore, we have used the properties Γ (n + 1) = n Γ (n) = n!. The main goal of this subsection is to determine the corrected energy spectrum ΔEn-sou-hhpk+,n,mDT,A1,A2,A0,j,l,sΔEn-sou-hhp and ΔEn-sod-hhpk-,n,mDT,A1,A2,A0,j,l,sΔEn-sod-hhp which come from Hsohhppnc,xnc corresponding to j = l ± 1/2 at the first order of two parameters Θ and θ¯ for hydrogenic atoms He+, Li+2 and Be+ for (n, l) states by applying standard perturbation theory and through the structure constants which specified the dimensionality of the improved Hulthén plus Hellmann potentials model:

ΔEn-sou-hhpΔEn-sod-hhp=ϵϜn,mDT,A1,A2,A0Θ+θ¯2μk+for  j=l+1/2k-for  j=l-1/2, (35)


Ϝn,mDT,A1,A2,A0=l(l+1)r-4nlm-β02r-3nlm-β12r-1nlm+β2 . (36)

For the HLM, such as charmonioum cc¯ and bottomonioum bb¯, which quarks and antiquarks of the same system (QQ¯), the eigenvalues of the spin-orbit coupling, we obtain the following results, for the excited states ΔEn-ghhp,ΔEn-mhhp,ΔEn-lhhp respectively:

ΔEn-ghhpΔEn-mhhpΔEn-lhhp=gsk1lϜn,mDT,A1,A2,A0Θ+θ¯2μ  if  j=l+1gsk2lϜn,mDT,A1,A2,A0Θ+θ¯2μ  if  j=lgsk3lϜn,mDT,A1,A2,A0Θ+θ¯2μ  if  j=l-1 . (37)

4. BS solution for MZE for the IHHPTd model

In this subsection, having obtained the energy spectrum (ΔEn-sou-hhp and ΔEn-sod-hhp) from Hsohhppnc,xnc corresponding to j = l+1/2 and j = l-1/2 at the first order of two parameters Θ and θ¯ for the hydrogenic atoms for (n, l) states and the degenerated energy (ΔEn-ghhp,ΔEn-mhhp,ΔEn-lhhp) of the heavy quarkonioum systems, such as charmonioum cc¯ and bottomonioum bb¯. Now, it is possible to obtain the second self proper symmetry for the improved Hulthén plus Hellmann potentials model in the presence of temperature-dependent confined Coulomb potential. This physical phenomenon is induced automatically from the influence of an external uniform magnetic field א, if we make the following two simultaneous transformations,

Θθ¯λλ¯ . (38)

Here λ and λ¯ are just two infinitesimal real proportional constants, for the purpose to simplify calculations without compromising the physics content we choose the magnetic field parallel to the z axis. Then, we make the replacement

l{l+1}r-4-2β0r-3-2β1r-1+β2Θ+θ¯2μL (39)

l{l+1}r-4-2β0r-3-2β1r-1+β2λ+λ¯2μLz (40)

This allowed us to derive the modified magnetic Hamiltonian operator Hzhhpr,λ,λ¯ for the HAs He+, Li+2 and Be+ and the HLM cc¯ and bb¯ under the improved Hulthén plus Hellmann potentials model in the presence of temperature-dependent confined Coulomb potential in global 3DNRQM-NCSP symmetries as:

Hzhhpr,λ,λ¯=ll+1r-4-2β0r-3-2β1r-1+β2λ+λ¯2μHmodzϵforHAs , (41)


Hzhhpr,λ,λ¯=l{l+1}r-4-2β0r-3-2β1r-1+β2λ+λ¯2μHmodzgsforHLM . (42)

Here Hmodz=J-Hz denotes the modified Zeeman effect (MZE) in nonrelativistic NCQM, while Hz=-S is just the usual Zeeman effect. To obtain the exact NC magnetic modifications of energy for the ground state, the first excited state and n th excited states of the hydrogenic atoms He+, Li+2 and Be+ and the heavy quarkonioum systems under the improved Hulthén plus Hellmann potentials model in the presence of temperature-dependent ΔEn-mghy-hhpn,mDT,A1,A2,A0 and ΔEn-maghlm-hhpn,mDT,A1,A2,A0 we just replace (k + or k(l)) and (Θ,θ¯) in the Eqs. (35) and Eqs. (37) by the following parameters m and (λ,λ¯), respectively:

ΔEn-maghy-hhpn,mDT,A1,A2,A0En-maghlm-hhpn,mDT,A1,A2,A0=Ϝn,mDT,A1,A2,A0λ+λ¯2μm  ϵgs . (43)

It is known that the discreet magnetic number m takes the possible values -l,+l¯, which allows us to fix (2l+1) values. It should be noted that the results obtained ΔEn-maghy-hhp,ΔEn-maghlm-hhp in Eq. (43) can be found directly by applying the formula ΨHzhhpr,λ,λ¯Ψ that takes the following explicit relation:

ΔEn-maghy-hhp=ϵNnl2m+0+rαϵnlexp-2ϵnlrLnα/ϵnl2ϵnlr2×l(l+1)r4-β02r3-β12r+β2λ+λ¯2μdr , (44)

ΔEn-maghlm-hhp=gsNnl2m+0+rαϵnlexp-2ϵnlrLnα/ϵnl2ϵnlr2×l(l+1)r4-β02r3-β12r+β2λ+λ¯2μdr . (45)

Now, for our purposes, we are interested in finding a new important symmetry for the improved Hulthén plus Hellmann potentials model at zero temperature in DSE symmetries. This physical phenomenon is induced automatically from the influence of a perturbed effective potential Hperthhp which we have seen in Eq. (21). We discover these important physical phenomena when our studied system consists of a non-interacting Fermi gas and it is formed from all the particles in their gaseous state (He+, Li+2 and Be+) undergoing rotation with angular velocity Ω if we make the following two simultaneous transformations to ensure that the previous calculations are not repeated:

ΘσΩθ¯    σ¯ΩLΘσLΩLθ¯σ¯LΩ , (46)

Here σ and σ¯ are just infinitesimal real proportional constants. We can express the effective potential Hperthhp which induced the rotational movements of the hydrogenic atoms He+, Li+2 and Be+ and the HLM (cc¯ and bb¯) as follows:

Hperthhp=l(l+1)r4-β02r3-β12r+β2σ+σ¯2μLΩϵ:HAsgs:HLM . (47)

To simplify the calculations without compromising physical content, we choose the rotational velocity Ω parallel to the (z) axis. Then,

S(σ,σ¯,r)LΩ=S(σ,σ¯,r)ΩLz , (48)


S(σ,σ¯,r)=l(l+1)r4-β02r3-β12r+β2σ+σ¯2μ . (49)

All of this data allows for the discovery of the new corrected energy ΔEhhpf-rotn,mDT,A1,A2,A0,σ,σ¯,m due to the perturbed Fermi gas effect Vperthhp-rotr which is generated automatically by the influence of the improved Hulthén plus Hellmann potentials model temperature-dependent for the n th excited state in DSE symmetries as follows:

ΔEhhpf-rotn,mDT,A1,A2,A0,σ,σ¯,m=Sn,mDT,A1,A2,A0σ+σ¯2μΩmϵ:forHAsgs:forHLM . (50)

It is worth mentioning that the authors of Refs. [73] studied rotating isotropic and anisotropic harmonically confined ultra-cold Fermi gases in two and three-dimensional spaces at zero temperature, but in this study, the rotational term was added to the Hamiltonian operator, in contrast to our case, where this rotation term S(σ,σ¯, r) automatically appears due to the large symmetries resulting from the deformation of space-phase.

5. Global results and discussion

In the previous subsections, we obtained the solution of the deformed Schrödinger equation for the improved Hulthén plus Hellmann potentials model, which is described by the Hamiltonian operator as given in Eq. (19) by using the GBSM and SPT. The energy eigenvalues are calculated with help of 3D-NCSP symmetries. The modified eigenenergies for the n-th excited states of the HAs (He+, Li+2 and Be+) under the improved Hulthén plus Hellmann potentials model temperature-dependent Enc-n(u,d)hy(n,mDT, A1,A2,A0,j,l,m,s) Enc-n(u,d)hy with spin-1/2 and the degenerated energy En-ghlmn,mDT,A1,A2,A0,j,l,m,sEn-ghlm,En-mhlmn,mDT,A1,A2,A0,j,l,m,s,En-mhlm,En-lhlmn,mDT,A1,A2,A0,j,l,m,sEn-lhlm of the heavy quarkonioum systems, such as charmonioum cc and bottomonioum bb are obtained in this paper based on our original results presented on the Eqs. (35), (37), (43) and (50), in addition to the ordinary energy for Hulthén plus Hellmann potentials model which presented in Eq. (10) take the form:

Case 1. For the HAs (He+, Li+2 and Be+), we have:

Enc-n(u,d)hyEnc-nu_hyEnc-nd_hy=Enlhhp+Ϝn,mDT,A1,A2,A0λ+Ωσ+λ¯+Ωσ¯2μϵm+ϵNnl2Ϝn,mDT,A1,A2,A0Θ+θ¯2μk+forj=l+1/2k-forj=l-1/2 . (51)

For the HLM, such as charmonioum cc¯ and bottomonioum bb¯:

En-ghlm=Enlhhp+gsϜn,mDT,A1,A2,A0λ+Ωσ+λ¯+Ωσ¯2μm+gsk1lϜn,mDT,A1,A2,A0Θ+θ¯2μ  if  j=l+1 , (52.1)

En-mhlm=Enlhhp+gsϜn,mDT,A1,A2,A0λ+Ωσ+λ¯+Ωσ¯2μm+gsk2lϜn,mDT,A1,A2,A0Θ+θ¯2μ  if  j=l , (52.2)

En-lhlm=Enlhhp+gsϜn,mDT,A1,A2,A0λ+Ωσ+λ¯+Ωσ¯2μm+gsk3lϜn,mDT,A1,A2,A0Θ+θ¯2μ  if  j=l-1 . (52.3)

Thus, the total energy Enc-n(u,d)hy and (En-ghlm, En-mhlm, En-lhlm) for the HAs and the HLM, respectively, under the improved Hulthén plus Hellmann potentials model temperature-dependent 3DNRQM-NCSP symmetries, is the sum of the ordinary part of energy Enlhhp and the three corrections of energy that are produced automatically with the effect of perturbed spin-orbit effect, MZE and perturbed Fermi rotational effect. This is one of the main objectives of our research. Finally, we end this section by introducing the important result of this work as:

Case 1. For the HAs:

Hhhp+ϵg(r)λ+λ¯2μHmodz+ϵg(r)σLΩ+ΘLS+θ¯¯LS+σ¯LΩ2μRnlrrYlmθ,φ    =Enc-nu,hyforj=l+1/2Enc-n-β2,hyforj=l-1/2RnlrrYlmθ,φ , (53)


g(r)=l(l+1)r4-β02r3-β12r+β2 . (54)

Case 1. For the HLM (cc¯ and bb¯), we have:

Hhhp+gsg(r)λ+λ¯2μHmodz+gsg(r)σLΩ+ΘLS+θ¯¯LS+σ¯LΩ2μRnlrrYlmθ,φ    =En-ghlm  if  j=l+1En-mhlm  if  j=lEn-lhlm  if  j=l-1(RnlrrYlmθ,φ ). (55)

This is one of the main motivations for the topic of this work. It is clear, that the obtained eigenvalues of energies are real, which allows us to consider the NC diagonal Hamiltonian Hhhpncr,Θ,θ¯,λ,λ¯,σ,σ¯ as a Hermitian operator. In addition, and regarding the previously obtained results (20), (24), (42) and (47), the global Hamiltonian operator, at first order in and with the improved Hulthén plus Hellmann potentials model temperature-dependent for hydrogenic atoms for (n, l) states takes the form as:

Hhhpncr,Θ,θ¯,λ,λ¯,σ,σ¯=Hhhp+g(r)λ+λ¯2μHmodzϵ:HAsgs:HLM+g(r)σLΩ+ΘLS+θ¯¯LS+σ¯LΩ2μϵ:HAsgs:HLM . (56)

This is the equation for Has and the HLM, such as charmonioum cc¯ and bottomonioum bb¯ under the influence of the improved Hulthén plus Hellmann potentials temperature-dependent model interactions. It should be pointed out that this treatment considers only the first-order terms in either Θ or θ¯. Clearly, the first two parts of Eq. (55) presents the Hamiltonian operator in the ordinary QM for the Hulthén plus Hellmann potentials model, the third part is the MZ operators while the last part is the combined two effects correspond the spin-orbit and the rotational Fermi operator for the improved Hulthén plus Hellmann potentials model, which are induced automatically by the NC properties of space and phase. It is evident to consider the atomic quantum number m can take (2l + 1) values and we have also two values for j = l + 1/2 and j = l - 1/2 corresponding to up and down polarities for the HAs. For the HLM, such as charmonioum cc and bottomonioum bb¯, we have also three values for j = l ± 1 and j = l. Thus, every state in the ordinary NRQM symmetries of energy for the improved Hulthén plus Hellmann potentials model temperature-dependent will be 3(2l+1) a sub-state in 3DNRQM-NCSP symmetries. Thus, the total complete degeneracy of obtained energy level of the improved Hulthén plus Hellmann potentials model TD is obtained as a sum of all allowed values l. Total degeneracy is thus,

l=1n-12(2l+1)=2n2OrdinaryNRQMsymmetries2l=1n-12(2l+1)=4n2:HAs , (57)


l=1n-12(2l+1)=2n2OrdinaryNRQMsymmetries3l=1n-12(2l+1)=6n2  :HLM . (58)

5.1. New mass spectra of HLM

This section is devoted to deriving the mass spectra of QQ¯ (Q = c, b) charmonium and bottomonium, in the improved Hulthén plus Hellmann potentials model. It is well known that the spin of charmonium and bottomonium equal two values (0 or 1), because it consists of quark and anti-quark. For spin-1, we have three values of j (j 1 = l + 1, j 2 = l, j 3 = l - 1), which allows us corresponding three values (k 1 , k 2 , k 3) = (1=2) (l, -2, -2l - 2) and thus, we obtain three values of energy:

En-ghlm=Enlhhp+gsϜn,mDT,A1,A2,A0λ+Ωσ+λ¯+Ωσ¯2μm+gslϜn,mDT,A1,A2,A0Θ+θ¯2μ  if  j=l+1, (59.1)

En-mhlm=Enlhhp+gsϜn,mDT,A1,A2,A0λ+Ωσ+λ¯+Ωσ¯2μm-gsϜn,mDT,A1,A2,A0Θ+θ¯2μ  if  j=l, (59.2)


En-lhlm=Enlhhp+gsϜn,mDT,A1,A2,A0λ+Ωσ+λ¯+Ωσ¯2μm-gsl+1Ϝn,mDT,A1,A2,A0Θ+θ¯2μ  if  j=l-1 . (59.3)

In the symmetries of usual NRQM, the mass spectra QQ¯ (Q = c, b) obtained by applying the following formula [74, 75]:

Mhhp=2mQ+Enlhhp . (60)

Here, m Q are the bare quark masses. Thus, the modified mass Mnchhps=1 with spin-1 of QQ¯Q=A2,A0 charmonium and bottomonium, becomes

Mnchhps=1=2mQ+13En-ghlm+En-mhlm+En-lhlm . (61)

The value (1/3)En-ghlm+En-mhlm+En-lhlm physically represents the non-polarized energy (energy independent of spin). After a simple calculation we obtain the δM:

δMs=1=gsϜn,mDT,A1,A2,A0λ+Ωσ+λ¯+Ωσ¯2μm-23gsϜn,mDT,A1,A2,A0Θ+θ¯2μ , (62)

with δMs=1Mnchhps=1-Mhhp,Mhhp is the mass spectra of the heavy quarkonium system [11]:

Mhhp=2m+A012-mDT4δ+A2mDT3mDT2δ-mD2T-1-18μ2μA2-A1+A0mDT+μmDTδ23mDT-A02-8μA2mD3T3δ3n+12+l+122+μA2mD2Tδ31-mDTδ-μA0mDT6δ32 . (63)

This is the noncommutativity contribution for the mass spectra of QQ¯ charmonium and bottomonium under an improved Hulthén plus Hellmann potentials model. For spin-0, we have only one value of (j = l), allows us the values k = 0 and thus, we obtain the energy:

En-ghlm=Enl++gsϜn,mDT,A1,A2,A0λ+Ωσ+λ¯+Ωσ¯2μm. (64)

Thus, the modified mass Mnchhps=0 with spin-0 of QQ¯, becomes

δMs=0Mnchhps=0-Mhhp=gsϜn,mDT,A1,A2,A0λ+Ωσ+λ¯+Ωσ¯2μm. (65)

5.2. Special case

Considering that the studied IHHPTd potential, in the presence of a temperature-dependent confined Coulomb potential in our paper is composed of four important potentials in terms of physical and chemical applications, we will address four special cases.

First: When we set A 0 = A 1 = 0, the potential V hhp (r, T) of the HHPTd model in Eq. (7) reduces to the Yukawa potential in the presence of a temperature dependence as follows:

Vhhpr,T=-β0r+β1r-β2r2+β3Vypr,T=-β0ypr+β1ypr-β2ypr2+β3yp, (66)

with β0yp=A2, β1yp=A2mD2T/2, β2yp=A2mD3T/6 and β3yp=-A2mDT. The new global perturbed Hamiltonian operator Hpertyp and the new effective perturbed potential of the improved Yukawa potential Vpertypr,T in 3DNRQM-NCSP symmetries:

Hpertyp=(l(l+1)r4-β0yp2r3-β1yp2r+β2yp)LΘ+Lθ¯2μ+OΘ2,θ¯2, (67)


Vpertypr,T=(l(l+1)r4-β0yp2r3-β1yp2r+β2yp)LΘ+OΘ2. (68)

The new energy of HAs, under the improved Yukawa potential Vpertypr,T (r, T ) will be reduced to the following form:

Enc-n(u,d)hy=Enlyp+Ϝypn,mDT,A2λ+Ωσ+λ¯+Ωσ¯2μϵm+ϵNnl2Ϝypn,mDT,A2Θ+θ¯2μk+forj=l+1/2k-forj=l-1/2 (69)

with Ϝypn,mDT,A1,A2=l(l+1)1/r4nlm-(β0yp/2)1/r3nlm-(β1yp/2)1/rnlm+β2yp and Enlyp is given by[11]:

Enlyp=A2mDT-18μ2μA2+3μA2mD2Tδ2-8μA2mD3T3δ3n+12+l+122+μA2mD3Tδ31-mDTδ . (70)

The new of energy of HLM (cc¯ and bb¯) for the improved Yukawa potential in the presence of a temperature dependence in the 3DNRQM-NCSP symmetries obtained from Eq. (52.1), (52.2) and (52.3) is

En-ghlm=Enlyp+gsϜypn,mDT,A2λ+Ωσ+λ¯+Ωσ¯2μm+gsk1lϜypn,mDT,A2Θ+θ¯2μ  if  j=l+1 , (71.1)

En-mhlm=Enlyp+gsϜypn,mDT,A2λ+Ωσ+λ¯+Ωσ¯2μm+gsk2lϜypn,mDT,A2Θ+θ¯2μ    if  j=l, (71.2)


En-lhlm=Enlyp+gsϜypn,mDT,A2λ+Ωσ+λ¯+Ωσ¯2μm+gsk3lϜypn,mDT,A2Θ+θ¯2μ    if  j=l-1 . (71.3)

Second: When we set A 1 = A 2 = 0, the potential V hhp (r, T) of the HHPTd model in Eq. (7) reduces to the Hulthén potential in the presence of a temperature dependence as

Vhhpr,T=-β0r+β1r-β2r2+β3Vhpr,T=-β0hpr+β1hpr+β3hp, (72)

with β0hp=-A0mDT,β1hp=-A0mDT12, β2hp=0 and β3hp=A0/2. The new global perturbed Hamiltonian operator Hpertyp and the new effective perturbed potential of the improved Hellmann potential Vpertypr,T in 3DNRQM-NCSP symmetries:

Hperthp=(l(l+1)r4-β0hp2r3-β1hp2r)LΘ+Lθ¯2μ+OΘ2,θ¯2Vperthpr,T=(l(l+1)r4-β0hp2r3-β1hp2r)LΘ+OΘ2 . (73)

The new energy of the HAs such as He +, Li +2 and Be  +,

Enc-n(u,d)hy=Enlhp+Ϝhpn,mDT,A2λ+Ωσ+λ¯+Ωσ¯2μϵm+ϵNnl2Ϝhpn,mDT,A2Θ+θ¯2μk+forj=l+1/2k-forj=l-1/2 , (74)

with Ϝhpn,mDT,A1,A2=l(l+1)1/r4nlm-(β0hp/2)1/r3nlm-(β1hp/2)1/rnlm and Enlhp is given by[11]:

Enlhp=A012-mDT4δ-2A0mD2T3mDT2δ-mD2T-1-18μ2μA0mDT-μmDTA02δ2n+12+l+1221-mDTδ-μA0mDT6δ3 . (75)

The new of energy of HLM (cc¯ and bb¯) for the improved Hulthén potential in the presence of a temperature dependence in the 3DNRQM-NCSP symmetries obtained from Eq. (52.1), (52.2) and (52.3) is (76.3)

En-ghlm=Enlhp+gsϜhpn,mDT,A0λ+Ωσ+λ¯+Ωσ¯2μm+gsk1lϜhpn,mDT,A0Θ+θ¯2μ  if  j=l+1 , (76.1)

En-mhlm=Enlhp+gsϜhpn,mDT,A0λ+Ωσ+λ¯+Ωσ¯2μm+gsk2lϜhpn,mDT,A0Θ+θ¯2μ    if  j=l (76.2)


En-lhlm=Enlhp+gsϜhpn,mDT,A0λ+Ωσ+λ¯+Ωσ¯2μm+gsk3lϜhpn,mDT,A0Θ+θ¯2μ    if  j=l-1 . (76.3)

Third: When we set A 0 = 0, the potential V hhp (r, T) of the HHPTd model in Eq. (7) reduces to the Hellmann potential in the presence of temperature dependence as

Vhhpr,T=-β0r+β1r-β2r2+β3Vhpr,T=-β0hlpr+β1hlpr-β2hlpr2+β3hlp , (77)

with β0hlp=A2-A1,β1hlp=A2mD2T/2,β1hlp=A2mD2T/2,β2hlp=A2mD3T/6 and β3hlp=-A2mDT. The new global perturbed Hamiltonian operator Hpertyp and the new effective perturbed potential of the improved Hellmann potential Vperthlpr,T in 3DNRQM-NCSP symmetries:

Hperthlp=(l(l+1)r4-β0hlpr+β1hlpr-β2hlpr2)LΘ+Lθ¯2μ+OΘ2,θ¯2Vperthlpr,T=(l(l+1)r4-β0hlpr+β1hlpr-β2hlpr2)LΘ+OΘ2 . (78)

The new energy of HAs,

Enc-n(u,d)hy=Enlhlp+Ϝhlpn,mDT,A1,A2λ+Ωσ+λ¯+Ωσ¯2μϵm+ϵNnl2Ϝhlpn,mDT,A1,A2Θ+θ¯2μk+forj=l+1/2k-forj=l-1/2 (79)

with Ϝhlpn,mDT,A1,A2=l(l+1)1r4nlm-β0hlp21r3nlm-β1hlp21rnlm+β2hlp and Enlhlp is given by[11]:

Enlhlp=A2mDT-18μ2μA2-A1+3μmD2Tδ2-8μA2mD3T3δ3n+12+l+122+μA2mD3Tδ31-mDTδ (80)

The new of energy of the HLM (cc¯ and bb¯) for the improved Hellmann potential in the presence of a temperature dependence in the 3DNRQM-NCSP symmetries obtained from Eq. (52.1), (52.2) and (52.3) is

En-ghlm=Enlhlp+gsϜhlpn,mDT,A1,A2λ+Ωσ+λ¯+Ωσ¯2μm+gsk1lϜhlpn,mDT,A1,A2Θ+θ¯2μ  if  j=l+1 , (81.1)

En-mhlm=Enlhlp+gsϜhlpn,mDT,A1,A2λ+Ωσ+λ¯+Ωσ¯2μm+gsk2lϜhlpn,mDT,A1,A2Θ+θ¯2μ    if  j=l, (81.2)


En-lhlm=Enlhlp+gsϜhlpn,mDT,A1,A2λ+Ωσ+λ¯+Ωσ¯2μm+gsk3lϜhlpn,mDT,A1,A2Θ+θ¯2μ    if  j=l-1 . (81.3)

Forth: When we set A0=A2=mDT=0, the potential Vhhpr,T of the HHPTd model in Eq. (7) reduced to the Coulomb potential in the presence of a temperature dependence as

Vhhpr,T=-β0r+β1r-β2r2+β3Vhpr,T=-β0cpr, (82)

with β0cp=-A1, β1cp=0, β2cp=0 and β3cp=0. The new global perturbed Hamiltonian operator Hpertyp and the new effective perturbed potential of the improved Hellmann potential Vperthlpr,T in 3DNRQM-NCSP symmetries:

Hpertcp=(l(l+1)r4-β0cpr)LΘ+Lθ¯2μ+OΘ2,θ¯2Vpertcpr,T=(l(l+1)r4-β0cpr)LΘ+OΘ2 . (83)

The new energy of the HAs,

Enc-n(u,d)hy=Enlcp+Ϝcpn,mDT,A1λ+Ωσ+λ¯+Ωσ¯2μϵm+ϵNnl2Ϝcpn,mDT,A1Θ+θ¯2μk+forj=l+1/2k-forj=l-1/2 , (84)

with Ϝcpn,mDT,A1=l(l+1)1/r4nlm-(β0cp/2)1/r3nlm and Enlcp is given by [11]:

Enlcp=-18μ-2μA1n+12+l+122 . (85)

The new of energy of HLM (cc¯ and bb¯) for the improved Coulomb potential in the presence of a temperatura dependence in the 3DNRQM-NCSP symmetries obtained from Eq. (52.1), (52.2) and (52.3) is

En-ghlm=Enlhlp+gsϜcpn,mDT,A1λ+Ωσ+λ¯+Ωσ¯2μm+gsk1lϜcpn,mDT,A1Θ+θ¯2μ  if  j=l+1   , (86.1)

En-mhlm=Enlhlp+gsϜcpn,mDT,A1λ+Ωσ+λ¯+Ωσ¯2μm+gsk2lϜcpn,mDT,A1Θ+θ¯2μ    if  j=l , (86.2)


En-lhlm=Enlhlp+gsϜcpn,mDT,A1λ+Ωσ+λ¯+Ωσ¯2μm+gsk3lϜcpn,mDT,A1Θ+θ¯2μ    if  j=l-1 (86.3)

We have obtained the solutions to the Schrödinger equation, the most well-known nonrelativistic wave equation described without spin, but its extension in 3DNRQM-NCSP symmetries under the improved Hulthén plus Hellmann potentials model temperature-dependent in the presence of a temperature-dependent confined Coulomb potential has a physical behavior similar to the Dirac equation [76] for fermionic particles with spin-1/2, it can describe the dynamic state of a particle with spin-1/2 for HAs such as He+, Li+2 and Be+ or similar to the relativistic Duffin-Kemmer equation [77-79] for mesons with spin-(0,1) for the heavy quarkonium systems cc¯ and bb¯, which can describe a dynamic state of a particle with spin one in the symmetries of RNCQM. The conventional nonrelativistic approach of a SE under the improved Hulthén plus Hellmann potentials model temperature-dependent in the presence of the temperature-dependent confined Coulomb potential involves solving the second-order KGE for spin-0 and the Proca equation for spin-1 [80]. Worthwhile it is better to mention that for the two simultaneous limits (Θ, λ, σ) - (0, 0, 0) we recover the results of the Refs. [11, 12]. It is possible to recover the results of commutative space when we consider (Θ (λ, σ) , θ¯λ¯,σ¯) equal (0,0). In the limit (Θ,θ¯) → (0, 0), we have:

lim(Θ,θ¯)0,0Enc-n(u,d)hy=Enllim(Θ,θ¯)0,0En-ghlm,En-mhlm,En-lhlm=Enl. (87)

6. Conclusion

In this study, we adopted an inversely quadratic Yukawa potential plus Yukawa potential and Coulomb potential which we considered as Hulthén plus Hellmann potentials for the hydrogen atoms (He+, Li+2 and Be+) and quark-antiquark interaction. The potential was made to be temperature-dependent by replacing the screening parameter α with a Debye mass m D (T) which vanishes at T → 0 in the presence of 3DNRQM-NCSP symmetries. The deformed Schrödinger equation is analytically solved using the generalized Bopp’s shift method and standard perturbation theory. We obtained new approximate solutions of the eigenvalues Enc-n(u,d)hy(n, m D (T), A 1 , A 2 , A 0 , j, l, m, s) for the hydrogenic atoms and En-mhlm (n, m D (T ), A 1 , A 2 , A 0 , j, l, m, s), (n, m D (T ), A 1 , A 2 , A 0 , j, l, m, s), En-lhlm (n, m D (T ), A 1 , A 2 , A 0 , j, l, m, s)) for the heavy quarkonioum systems, such as charmonioum cc and bottomonioum bb. The new energy values are sensitive to atomic quantum numbers (j, n, l, s and m), the noncommutativity parameter (Θ, σ, χ) due to the topological properties of the self-quantum influence of space-space and phase-phase, in NRNCQM 3D-RSP symmetries, in addition to the discreet atomic quantum numbers (n, l) and the parameters (μ, A 2, d) of the IHH-PTd model that appeared in the literature. We have shown that new global Hamiltonian operator Hhhpncr,Θ,θ¯,λ,λ¯ in (NRNCQM 3D-RSP) symmetries is the sum of the main Hamiltonian operator of the Hulthén plus Hellmann potentials model temperature-dependent H hhp (p, x) and three perturbed operators; the first one is the modified spin-orbit interaction Hsohhpr,Θ,θ¯, the second is the modified Zeeman operator Hzhhpr,λ,λ¯ while the third operator Hperthhp-rot is the perturbed Fermi Hamiltonian for the hydrogen atoms He +, Li +2 and Be + and the heavy quarkonioum systems. Consequently, the ordinary kinetic term -Δ/2μ modified to the new form (-Δ/2μ-Lθ¯/2μ-Lσ¯/2μ-Lλ¯/2μ) for the IHHPTd model in 3DNRQM-NCSP symmetries. Furthermore, we applied the present results to calculate heavy-meson masses such as charmonioum cc¯ and bottomonioum bb¯.

It has been shown that the DSE under an improved Hulthén plus Hellmann potentials model with temperature dependence presents a useful symmetry to solving the hydrogenic atoms He+ , Li2+ and Be+ and the heavy quarkonioum systems, such as charmonioum cc and bottomonioum bb. It should be noted that the results obtained in this research would be identical with corresponding results in ordinary quantum mechanics when the limits (Θ, λ, σ) → (0, 0, 0) are applied simultaneously.

Consequently, the study of the analytical solution of the three-dimensional deformed Schrödinger equation for hydrogenic atoms and the heavy quarkonioum systems under the improved Hulthén plus Hellmann potentials temperature-dependent model in 3DNRQM-NCSP symmetries could pro-vide valuable information in many physical fields, and opens a new big window for profound theoretical and experimental research. The generalized Bopp’s shift method used in this paper is efficient and systematically gives physical and practical solutions to interesting problems, it provides logical and realistic solutions to physics problems that were considered very complex in the past, and can be used to obtain the solutions of other potentials of practical value and prospective importance.


This work was supported by the Research Fund of Laboratory of Physics and Material Chemistry, University of M’sila, and DGRSDT in Algeria with the project number B00L02UN280120180001. The author wishes to give their sincere gratitude to the referees for their kind comments which improved the manuscript.


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Received: December 19, 2021; Accepted: February 01, 2022

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