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Revista mexicana de ciencias farmacéuticas

Print version ISSN 1870-0195


GARCIA, Jorge Luis et al. Biotransformation of steroids with different microorganisms. Rev. mex. cienc. farm [online]. 2015, vol.46, n.1, pp.17-32. ISSN 1870-0195.

The introduction of a hydroxyl group "biohidroxilation" in thesteroid skeleton is an important step in the synthesis of new steroids used physiologically as hormones and active drugs. There is currently about 300 known steroid drugs whose production constitutes the second category within the pharmaceutical market after antibiotics. Several biotransformations at industrial scale have been applied in the production of steroid hormones and drugs, which have functionalized different types of raw materials by means of chemo, regio and stereo-selective reactions (hydroxylation, Bayer-Villiger oxidation, oxidation reactions, reduction of group carbonyl, isomerization, and Michael additions, condensation reactions, among others). From the viewpoint of Green Chemistry biotransformations are an important chemical methodology according to the environment.

Keywords : biotransformation; steroidal compounds; biological transformation; bioconversions; microorganism.

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