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El periplo sustentable

On-line version ISSN 1870-9036


NEVES, Sandro Campos. Language and Tradition: the reconstitution of one's own language and its role as a diacritic in the struggle of the Pataxo by the guarantee of rights. El periplo sustentable [online]. 2017, n.33, pp.605-635. ISSN 1870-9036.

This paper thematizes the attempt to reconstitute its own language among the Pataxó of Coroa Vermelha, conceiving it as part of a process of political realignment, following traditional patterns of ethnic movements, of the indigenous community in the municipality of Santa Cruz Cabrália-BA towards an Indianness project. Seeking to highlight how the language itself plays a fundamental role both in Pataxó cogitations, as in the vision of them build by the several others they handle daily. The use made of this preponderance given to the language and the political investment in it re-articulation shows itself as pulsating links of the organization of Pataxó sociality in the region and the recognition of its borders. I Look, over the article, to show the current stage of education and use of language, pointing to its limits and potential as a political tool.

Keywords : Language; Tradition; Pataxó; Coroa Vermelha.

        · abstract in Portuguese     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )