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Publication ofSociedad Mexicana de Física
Print version ISSN 0035-001X


The Revista Mexicana de Física (Mexican Journal of Physics) publishes original papers of interest to a broad group of readers from the physical science community, in the following sections: 1. Letters. Original research or instrumental papers which require fast publication. The maximum length for a letter is seven pages. 2. Reviews. Critical surveys of specific physics subjects in which existing published information is analyzed and discussed. 3. Research. Articles with original results in the physical sciences. 4. Instrumentation. Original contributions on the design of scientific instruments, devices and integrated circuits. These papers present and discuss physical principles applied in a new way to instrumentation and techniques for the solution of physical problems. They must include the reports of measurements performed with described instruments. 5. Education. Articles containing new and original ways of presenting concepts or problems in physics, experiments and designs which can be worked out in laboratories, and original simulation programs. Introductory reviews to new subjects of general interest can also be accepted. Articles on educational research and curriculum in physics are also published. These articles must refer their subject to a general context, and illustrate the advantages of the proposed methods and formulations. Bi-monthly publication.


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