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Publication ofUniversidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas
On-line version ISSN 2448-8216Print version ISSN 0188-2546


Literatura Mexicana is an open-access journal edited twice a year, specializing in promoting and disseminating the knowledge of Mexican Literature culture, through networks of intellectual exchange with scholars of different latitudes, areas and theoretical approaches. The journal carries out an arbitration process following the model of double blind peer-review, performed by specialists from different countries where Mexican Literature is studied. Literatura Mexicana considers only rigorously unpublished texts that provide ideas that contribute to an open and permanent dialogue. Collaborations can be submitted in Spanish, English or French. Literatura Mexicana publishes articles, recovery of texts and documents, notes and current reviews related to different aspects and epochs of the Mexican literary culture. The journal is edited in print and digital formats by Center for Literary Studies, Philological Research Institute, of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (Centro de Estudios Literarios, Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México).


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