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Perfiles educativos
Print version ISSN 0185-2698


Table of contents
Perfiles educativos vol.28 n.114 Ciudad de México Jan. 2006

        · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  The history of education within the studies about education in Europe: a compared approach
Luzón, Antonio; Torres, Mónica

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  The tutor schools in the state of México, a place where knowledge was build during the presidence of Porfirio Díaz
Padilla Arroyo, Antonio

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  The attitudes towards natural sciences and their impact upon the educational practice of primary school teachers
García-Ruiz, Mayra; Sánchez Hernández, Beatriz

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Contributions of autopoiesis theory to the organizational analysis on higher education institutions
Silas Casillas, Juan Carlos

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Explicit and implicit beliefs of a chemestry teacher in secondary education about sciences and how to teach and learn them
Peme-Aranega, Carmen; de Longhi, Ana Lía; Baquero, María Elena; Mellado, Vicente; Ruiz, Constantino

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Politics and university: some informations about the political culture of the students at the university of Cantabria (Spain)
García Lastra, Marta

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  CESU's proposal to become an institute

        · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Ingenieros en la industria manufacturera. Formación, profesión y actividad laboral: ESTELA RUIZ LARRAGUIVEL México, CESU/Plaza y Valdés, 2004, 386 pp.
Cuevas Cajiga, Yazmín

        · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  El docente y los programas escolares. Lo institucional y lo didáctico:   Ángel Díaz Barriga Barcelona/México, Ediciones Pomares, 2005, 159 pp.
Padilla Magaña, Rosa Aurora

        · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )

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