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Inter disciplina
On-line version ISSN 2448-5705Print version ISSN 2395-969X



Table of contents
Inter disciplina vol.7 n.18 Ciudad de México May./Aug. 2019

 ·  Presentation
Mansilla, Ricardo

        · text in English | Spanish     · English ( pdf ) | Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Editorial
Lizárraga Salas, Frambel

        · text in English | Spanish     · English ( pdf ) | Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  International migrations from Chiapas and territorial changes in rural localities
Castillo Ramírez, Guillermo

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  “How I see you I treat you”: social representations in a community that receives migrants in Quebec, Canada
Díaz Mendiburo, Aaraón

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  The Mexican consulates in the United States: an approach from social protection
Valenzuela Moreno, Karla Angélica

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Meritocracy, segregation and agency: differential access to educational opportunities among young people of Mexican origin in Los Angeles, California
Ramos Arcos, Víctor Hugo

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Digital media and social capital construction: regarding the case of Mexican migrants in the United States
Vaquerizo Domínguez, Enrique

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  The Trump effect: Mexican migration in the media agenda of the press in Mexico and the United States: La Jornada, El Universal and La Opinión
Canales Lizaola, Laura; Lizárraga Salas, Frambel

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  The media agenda on immigration on the covers of El Universal, La Jornada and La Opinión during the administration of Donald Trump
Canales Lizaola, Laura; Lizárraga Salas, Frambel

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  “The issue of migration must be a shared responsibility between the governments of the United States and Mexico” Interview with Raúl Hinojosa Ojeda
Lizárraga Salas, Frambel

        · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 Independent communications
 ·  Political participation in the multimedia context of digital communication: towards an interdisciplinary approach
Peña Serret, Daniel

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Amateur audiovisual production: variations and continuities in the digital era
Moreno Acosta, Adriana Marcela

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Jorge Durand. Historia mínima de la migración México–Estados Unidos Ciudad de México: El Colegio de México, 2016, 289 pp.
Chávez y O., Rosa Mar

        · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Luis A. Albornoz (comp.) Poder, medios, cultura. Una mirada crítica desde la economía política de la comunicación Argentina/España/México: Paidós Comunicación, núm. 35, 2011, 275 pp.
Hernández Medina, Sergio Miguel

        · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )

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