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Revista mexicana de física

Print version ISSN 0035-001X

Rev. mex. fis. vol.61 n.2 México Mar./Apr. 2015




Study of dynamical properties in β-TCP/CH layers


A. Minaa, J.C. Caicedoa*, and W. Aperadorb


a Tribology, Powder Metallurgy and Processing of Solid Recycled Research Group, Universidad del Valle, Cali-Colombia, * Tel/Fax Number: 57+2+ 3122270 Ext 27 e-mail:

b Departament of Engineering, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Bogotá-Colombia.


Received 20 August 2014;
accepted 5 February 2015



β-Tricalcium phosphate/Chitosan (β-TCP/Ch) coatings were deposited on 316L stainless steel (316L SS) substrates by a cathodic electro-deposition technique at different coating compositions. The crystal lattice arrangements were analyzed by X-Ray diffraction (XRD), and the results indicated that the crystallographic structure of β-TCP was affected by the inclusion of the chitosan content. The changes in the surface morphology as a function ofincreasing chitosan in the coatings via scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) showed the root-mean squares hardness of the β-TCP/Ch coatings decreased by further increasing chitosan percentage. The elastic-plastic characteristics of the coatings were determined by conducting nanoindentation test, indicating that the increase if chitosan percentage is directly related to increasing the hardness and elastic modulus of the β-TCP/Ch coatings. Tribological characterization was performed by scratch test and pin-on-disk test to analyze the changes in the surface wear the β-TCP/Ch coatings. Finally, the results indicated an improvement in the mechanical and tribological properties of the β-TCP/Ch coatings as a function of increasing of the chitosan percentage.

Keywords: Surfaces; monolayers; coatings; electrochemical techniques; hardness.


PACS: 68.47.Gh; 75.70.Ak; 68.35.Ct; 82.45.Bb; 62.20.Qp





This research was supported by the Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Bogotá-Colombia project IMP-ING-1775 and the Excellence Center for Novel Materials (CENM) at Universidad del Valle in Colombia under Contract RC-043-2005 with Colciencias.



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