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Revista mexicana de física

Print version ISSN 0035-001X


MONTOYA, M.  and  COLLIN, V.. Positive even-odd effects in the maximal kinetic energy and negative even-odd effects in the minimal excitation energy of fragments from thermal neutron induced fission of 235U. Rev. mex. fis. [online]. 2017, vol.63, n.2, pp.151-154. ISSN 0035-001X.

Based on the Coulomb effect hypothesis it is shown that positive even-odd effects of the maximal total kinetic energy (K max) and negative even-odd effects of the total minimal excitation energy (X max), as a function of charge (Z) and neutron number (A) of fragments, respectively, are not in contradiction. According to the Coulomb effect hypothesis, K max is equal to the maximal Coulomb interaction energy (C max) reached by the most compact scission configuration. The fragmentation corresponding to Z = 41 and A = 103 is an exceptional case for which scission configuration is formed by complementary fragments in their corresponding ground states. However, more symmetrical o more asymmetrical fragmentations than that need to be out of their ground states, which implies that K max = C max < Q.

Keywords : cold fission; even-odd effect; kinetic energy; uranium 235.

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