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Revista mexicana de física

Print version ISSN 0035-001X

Rev. mex. fis. vol.64 n.2 México Mar./Apr. 2018 


Weyl invariance in metric f(R) gravity

J.M. Fernández Cristóbala 

aIES Giner de los Ríos. Segovia. Spain. e-mail:


We aim to derive the most general f(R) gravity theory, including the matter, so that it be Weyl invariant. Making use of the mathematical equivalence of these theories with an type of scalar-tensor theory (which includes a scalar degree of freedom, ϕ) and by imposing the Weyl invariance for the pure gravity (under this label, we understand the part that does not involve fields of matter although it could include kinetic terms linked to ϕ) as well as for the matter sector, we obtain the fundamental equation that restricts the form of V=˙Rϕ-f(R) (and, accordingly, of f(R)) so that the resulting action to be Weyl invariant in the Jordan frame. We show that this action is not other than the so-called gravity-dilaton action with one scalar field, Φ, which effective mass is R and Φ dependent. In the Einstein frame, the action becomes the Einstein-Hilbert action with the Ricci scalar being constant due to that the effective mass of scalar field in this frame vanish. So, we can assume that the Ricci scalar, in the Einstein frame, is the true Cosmological Constant. Therefore, is not preposterous to guess that, at least mathematically, all Weyl invariant metric f(R) theory in the Jordan frame is equivalent, at classical level, to the Einstein gravity, in the Einstein frame, with a constant Ricci scalar. At quantum level, as it is known, both theories are not equivalent due to the presence of anomalies in one of the frames.

Keywords: Weyl invariance; metric f(R) gravity; Jordan frame; Einstein frame

PACS: 04.50.Kd; 04.20 Fy; 04.90+e

1. Introduction

The f(R) gravity 1,2 is a modification of the Einstein gravitational theory and it is essentially based on a generalization of the Einstein-Hilbert action:

SEH~d4x-gRd4x-gf(R) (1)

where f(R) is a function of the Ricci scalar curvature R. Perhaps the more known f(R) theory is the model of Starobinsky where f(R) = R + (a/m 2)R 2( 3. The reasons for this (and others) modification of the Einstein General Relativity (GR) arise from diverse motivations and these are of different nature: astrophysical, cosmological 4-6, coming from highenergy physics, from the need to obtain a Quantum Gravity Theory 7 and so on (see 8,9) for instance).

It is well known that there are three versions of f(R) gravity, according to the variational principle used to derive the field equations: the metric f(R) gravity10 if the action is extreme with respect to the variation of the metric; the Palatini f(R) gravity11 if the action varies with respect to the metric and the connection, where both are considered as independent variables; finally the metric-affine f(R) gravity12 if the mechanism of Palatini is used but the action of matter is considered dependent of connection. For the Einstein-Hilbert action (f(R) = R)), the Palatini formulation and the metric gravity formulation are equivalent but this is not true for a f(R) general theory.

Besides, both the Palatini action and the metric gravity action, can be written in the so-called Jordan frame1, in which the scalar field is non-minimally coupled to the metric tensor, or in the so-called Einstein frame, in which it is minimally coupled to the metric tensor. The passage from one frame to the other is given by a conformal transformation g μν μν = f'(R)g μν = ϕg μν where the prime denote the derivative.

The issue of distinguishing if the Einstein frame and the Jordan frame are not but two different representations of the same physical theory or, contrary, they are two truly different theories, still has not been resolved. According to some authors, the Jordan frame is the physical frame 13. For others 14,10 it is the Einstein frame because of its resemblance to General Relativity. There is also a third group integrated by the authors who claim the physical equivalence of both frames, at least at the classical level, since the conformal transformations do not change the mass ratios of elementary particles; therefore, those does not alter physics 15.

However, some authors claim a true physical difference between both frames, 16-18. At the quantum level, the issue is still more complicated (see 19 for a very interesting general discussion).

On the other hand, from its birth, the local scale (conformal) invariant theories 20,21 have been considered in diverse contexts and to address different problems: cosmological 22-24 in the framework of the particle physics 25 or in quantum gravity 26,27.

In this paper, we consider the Weyl invariance (understood as a locally conformal symmetry2) of a general f(R) theory and we establish the shape that their action must to have to be Weyl invariant. We show that this Weyl invariant action f(R), in the Jordan frame, is equivalent mathematically to the so-called gravity-dilaton action. Given that, as it was said before, the passage from Jordan’s frame to Einstein’s frame is made by means of a particular conformal transformation in which a scalar field takes part, we ask ourselves if, for any f(R) theory, it is possible to maintain the Weyl invariance (and, consequently, the conformal invariant because the Weyl invariance implies conformal invariance) in both frames or, on the contrary, the passage from a frame to another one implies to resign explicitly to her. We show that the latter is what actually happens due that actions f(R) Weyl invariant in the Jordan frame are equivalent, in the Einstein frame, to the Einstein-Hilbert action with the Ricci scalar being constant.

2. The metric f(R) gravity

Let us consider the covariant pure gravitational action, in the Jordan frame, for the n-dimensional f(R) gravity theories:

Sg=12κ2dnx-gf(R) (2)

where κ2=MP-(n-2)=8πGn, being M P the n-dimensional Planck mass (c = ħ = 1), Gn the n-dimensional gravitational constant, g=det (g μν ) and R the Ricci scalar:

=1-ggμνλ-gΓμνλ-2ln-g-gμνΓμαλΓλνα (3)

Obviously, for f(R) = R, the action (2) becomes the n-dimensional Einstein-Hilbert action.

It is well known (see 28,10,29) that a Legendre transformation allows us to express the action (2) in another dynamically equivalent form in which the Lagrangian is linear in the scalar curvature and where an auxiliary dimensionless scalar degree of freedom (not matter field ), ϕ, is added:

ϕR=df(R)dRdfR=dRϕR-dV^ϕR (4)


Rϕ=dV^ϕdϕ (5)

and where the condition ϕ(R) ≠ Constant, that is to say (d 2 f(R)/dR 2 ) ≠ 0, is assumed. Also, as it is usual, and due to diverse reasons (see 10, for example), we assume the condition ϕ > 0.

In fact, V(ϕ) is the Legendre transform of f(R). Therefore the action (2) becomes:

Sg=12κ2dnx-gRϕ-V^ϕ (6)

From ϕ we can define a scalar field (with [Φ] = M n-2/2 ) as:=

ϕ=κΦ2    VΦ=1κ2V^κ2Φ2 (7)

and, therefore, the action (6)(from now on f (R) = RΦ2− V(Φ)) is:

Sg=12dnx-gRΦ2-V(Φ) (8)


Φ2=f(R)R     VΦ=Φ2R-ff'      RΦ=12ΦdV(Φ)dΦ (9)

The equivalent Lagrangian of the action (8) is named Helmholtz Lagrangian by analogy with the classic mechanic. We look for an action so that (8), and, accordingly the action (2), becomes invariant under the conformal transformation:

gμνg~μν=e2σ(x)gμνg~=e2nσ(x)gσ=12nlogg~g (10)

The purpose is to determine the form that V(Φ), and accordingly f(R), must to have for to make it possible.

3. Weyl invariance

Under the conformal transformation (10), the connection and the Ricci scalar do it as:

ΓμνλΓ~μνλ=Γμνλ+δμλνσ+δνλνσ-gμνλσ (11)

Γ~μνλΓμνλ=Γ~μνλ-δμλνσ-δνλμσ+g~μνλσ (12)


RR~=e-2σR-2n-12σ-(n-1)(n-2)σ2 (13)

where the tilde refers to the metric g~μν and we denote 2σ=gμνμνσσ2 and σ2=gμνμσνσσ12.


R~=e-2σR-n-12σ2+n-2σ12 (14)

Or if n2:

R~=e-2σR-4(n-1)n-2e-(n-2)σ22e(n-2)σ2 (15)

So, for the action (8) to be Weyl invariant, f(R) should be transformed under (10) as:

fRf~R~=R~Φ~2-V~(Φ~)=e-nσfR=e-nσRΦ2-V(Φ) (16)

In other words, under the Weyl transformation (10), f(R) should be homogeneously transformed.

In a analogue manner, from the above equation and making use of (9) and (15), we get the way such that Φ and V(Φ) should be transformed in order to get one Weyl invariant action:

Φ~2=f~R~R~=e-nσf(R)RRR~=e-n-2σΦ2Φ~=e-(n-2)σ2Φ (17)


V~Φ~=e-nσVΦ-4(n-1)n-2×e-3n-2σ2Φ22en-2σ2 (18)

This equation provides restrictions for the shape of the scalar function V(Φ). After of some algebra (see the appendix),(18) can be rewritten in the form:

V~Φ~-4n-1n-2Φ~~2Φ~=e-nσVΦ-4(n-1)n-2Φ2Φ (19)

being ~2Φ~=g~μνμνΦ~-ΓμνλλΦ~.

The Eq. (19) claims that V(Φ)−(4(n − 1)/n − 2)Φ∇2Φ should be some function χ(Φ) of such way that, under a Weyl transformation, it is transformed as:

χΦWeylχ~Φ~=e-nσχ(Φ) (20)

That is to say:

RΦ2-fR-4n-1n-2Φ2Φ=χΦ (21)

should be transformed homogeneously.

4. Solutions

Taking into account dimensional arguments for χ(Φ) ([χ(Φ)] = M n ), the most general polynomial expression which verifies (20) is:

χ(Φ)=k=0nCkmkΦ2(n-k)n-2 (22)

being C k dimensionless constant CkC~k=Ck and mkm~k=e-kσmk.

If we define ξ=˙(4(n-1)/n-2)) and by using of the identity:

dnx-gΦ2Φ=-dnx-gμΦμΦ (23)

then, the most general Weyl invariant action becomes:

Sg=12dnx-gξμΦμΦ+RΦ2-χ(Φ) (24)

For n = 4, by considering only the terms that are invariant under Φ → −Φ, and so (24) is finally:

Sg=d4x-g12μΦμΦ+112RΦ2-α2m2Φ2-ω4!Φ4-βm4 (25)

where α=˙ C2/6,β=˙C4/2 and ω=˙(C0/3).

This action (except factors) was already considered in 32. This action is the mathematical solution of (20). However, in order for make the whole theory self-consistent (that is to say, so that pure gravity plus the matter to be Weyl invariant), not all the terms are physically acceptable. If the Weyl invariance condition for matter is assumed also, as it will be seen below, the field equation of Φ along with the constraint of tracelessness of the energy-momentum tensor, imposed by the Weyl invariance, strongly reduces the number of allowed terms. In particular, the mass terms are removed. The same happens if there is no present matter (in the vacuum).

5. Fields equations

Let us consider the matter action:

Smatt=dnx-gLmatt(ψi,gμν) (26)

being ψ i the matter fields. The matter action is not generically Weyl invariant. Nevertheless we will assume as a working hypothesis that the matter (exotica or not) action of our model of the universe effectively is it. It is to say, it is invariant under the transformations:

gμνg~μν=e2σ(x)gμμνψiψ~i=e-λiσ(x)ψi (27)

From the action S g + S matt and by using (24), (26) and the identity

2Φ2=2(λΦλΦ+Φ2Φ) (28)

it is straightforward to derive the field equation for g μν :

Rμν-12gμνRΦ2+gμν2Φ2Φ-2n-2ϱΦϱΦ+12χΦ+2n(n-2)μΦνΦ-2ΦμνΦ=Tμνmatt (29)

where χ(Φ) is given by (22) and being


By taking the trace in (29), one gets:

-RΦ2+ξΦ2Φ+nn-2χ(Φ)=2n-2Tmatt (30)

On the other hand, by varying the action (24) with respect to Φ, we obtain the field equation:

ξ2-R+12Φχ'(Φ)Φ=0 (31)

where the prime denote the derivative w.r.t. Φ.

Putting together (30) and (31), the following equation is derived:

(2-n)Φχ'(Φ)+2nχ(Φ)=4Tmatt (32)

It is well known (see 31, for example) that one important features of the Weyl invariance of any action S is that the trace of their associated energy-momentum tensor T μν = (2/√ −g)(δS/δg μν ) is identically zero, on the equations of motions (on shell). It is to say, g μν T μν = 0. Indeed because of the assumed invariance of S matt under the transformation (27):

δWSmatt=-2σgμνδSmattδgμν-λiσδSmattδψiψi=0 (34)

For any matter field (it is to say, for all i) its field equation is (δS matt /δψ i ) = 0, and then Tμνmattgμν=0. Obviously for the case in which there are not matter (the vacuum) also T matt = 0.

In any case, whenever T matt = 0, the solution of (32) is χ(Φ) ∼ Φ(2n/n−2). In this case, the scalar field equation, (31), is simply the trace of the gravitational field equation (29), as it is well known.

Therefore, the most general Weyl invariant pure gravity action,(24), physically plausible, namely compatible with the Weyl invariance of S matt , finally, is given by the expression:

Sg=12dnx-gξμΦμΦ+RΦ2-CnΦ2nn-2 (34)

This action describes the so-called dilaton gravity and, was already considered in 27,19,23 and, for n = 4, derived in 21.

The (31) is the one of an scalar field:

2+meff2Φ=0Weyl × e- n+22σ~2+m~eff2Φ~=0 (35)

with the effective mass squared:

meff2Φ=1ξnn-2CnΦ4n-2-Rn=4162C4Φ2-R (36)

6. Einstein frame

The action (34), in which the scalar field is non-minimally coupled to the metric, is named Jordan frame action. By carrying out the following transformation:

gμνg¯μν=(κΦ)4n-2gμν (37)

this action turns into other one in which the scalar field appears minimally coupled to the metric. Making use of (37,15), we arrive at the Ricci scalar in Einstein frame:

R¯=(κΦ)-4n-2R-ξΦ-12Φ (38)

The resultant action in the so-called Einstein frame (the bar refers to Einstein frame) is finally:

Sg¯=12κ2dnx-g¯R¯-Cnκ4n-2 (39)

where the identity (23) was used. As it is seen from (39), the scalar field does not appear in the action when this is expressed in the Einstein frame. What happens truly is that the transformation (17) is verified and then the field Φ is fixed:

ΦΦ¯=(κΦ)-1Φ=1κ (40)

Given that (35) should be verify too, meff2Φ-=0 and then

R¯=nn-2Cnκ4n-2 (42)

Therefore, the action in Einstein frame finally becomes:

Sg¯=1nκ2dnx-g¯R¯ (42)

being R- constant.

Making use of the (39) and (41), (29) becomes:

R¯μν=R¯ng¯μν (43)

This is the field equation of a maximally symmetric spacetime of constant curvature:

K=R¯n(n-1)=1κ2Cn(n-2)(n-1). (44)

It to say, Rseems the true cosmological constant.

7. Conclusions

We have considered the behavior of metric f(R) gravity (with matter added) under Weyl transformations. Taking into account the well known property that states the mathematical equivalence of this theory with a scalar-tensor theory, we studied the behavior under the Weyl transformation of the action


and we derived the necessary condition for the action to be Weyl invariant. The most general Weyl invariant action, in the Jordan frame, includes both the degrees of freedom of the gravitational field as well as the scalar field whose effective mass (by this we understand the parameter that is involved in the Klein-Gordon equation) consists of two components: a term of self-interaction of the scalar field and the scalar curvature of the space-time. The Weyl invariant action for the metric f(R) theory we obtained is the so-called dilaton gravity action. When we carry out the transformation μν ∼ Φ2 g μν , going from Jordan frame to Einstein frame, the scalar field becomes massless and then R turns out to be constant and it arise as the true cosmological constant. In this way, the symmetry is broken and the action, in Einstein frame, is the Einstein Hilbert action with a pure cosmological term. All this gives us reasons to assume that, despite how surprising it may seem, every invariant Weyl metric f(R) gravity theory in Jordan frame is mathematically equivalent to a theory of type Einstein-Hilbert, in the Einstein frame, with only one cosmological term where the Ricci scalar is the cosmological constant.

If the physical equivalence is given too, it is something that should be studied in depth.


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1Here, the word “frame” denotes a choice of dynamical variables, not a choice of a reference frame in space-time.

2On the difference between Weyl and conformal invariance, see ([xref ref-type="bibr" rid="r31"]3[/xref]1).



Starting from (18), we can see that the Weyl invariance condition is given by (19).

The (18) can be expressed as:

V~Φ~=e-nσVΦ-4(n-1)n-2Φ~Φ2ΦΦ~-1 (A.1)

2ΦΦ~-1=Φ~-12Φ-2Φ~-2ΦΦ~+2Φ~-3ΦΦ~Φ~-Φ~-2Φ2Φ~ (A.2)


ΦΦ~2ΦΦ~-1=Φ2Φ+2Φ~-1ΦΦ~×Φ~-1ΦΦ~-Φ-Φ~-1Φ22Φ~ (A.3)

Φ~-1ΦΦ~=-n-22Φσ+Φ (A.4)

And therefore:

2Φ~-1ΦΦ~Φ~-1ΦΦ~-Φ=n-222×σ2Φ2-n-2ΦσΦ (A.5)

On the other hand:

-Φ~-1Φ22Φ~=-enσΦ~~2Φ~-n-222σ2Φ2+n-2ΦσΦ (A.6)


ΦΦ~2ΦΦ~-1=Φ2Φ-enσΦ~~2Φ~ (A.7)

Therefore (29) become:

V~Φ~=e-nσVΦ-4(n-1)n-2×Φ2Φ-enσΦ~~2Φ~ (A.8)

Which is no other than (19).

Received: November 21, 2017; Accepted: December 19, 2017

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