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Revista mexicana de física

Print version ISSN 0035-001X

Rev. mex. fis. vol.66 n.3 México May./Jun. 2020  Epub Mar 26, 2021 


Gravitation, Mathematical Physics and Field Theory

The Wigner-Dunkl-Newton mechanics with time-reversal symmetry

W. Sang Chunga 

H. Hassanabadib 

aDepartment of Physics and Research Institute of Natural Science, College of Natural Science, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju 660-701, Korea. e-mail:

bFaculty of Physics, Shahrood University of Technology, Shahrood, Iran. e-mail:


In this paper, we use the Dunkl derivative concerning to time to construct the Wigner-Dunkl-Newton mechanics with time-reversal symmetry. We define the Wigner-Dunkl-Newton velocity and Wigner-Dunkl-Newton acceleration and construct the Wigner-Dunkl-Newton equation of motion. We also discuss the Hamiltonian formalism in the Wigner-Dunkl-Newton mechanics. We discuss some deformed elementary functions such as the ν-deformed exponential functions, ν-deformed hyperbolic functions and ν-deformed trigonometric functions. Using these, we solve some problems in one dimensional Wigner-Dunkl-Newton mechanics.

Keywords: Dunkl derivative; Wigner-Dunkl-Newton mechanics; time-reversal symmetry

PACS: 03.65.Ge; 03.65.Fd; 02.30.Gp

1. Introduction

There are several ways to replace the Newtonian mechanics with a deformed version, which is performed by adopting a deformed derivative instead of the Newton derivative in defining the velocity. For example, q-derivative [1-2] gives the q-deformed mechanics [3-4], fractional derivative [5-10] gives the fractional mechanics [11-14]

Let us consider the deformation

ddtDtA, (1)

where D t A is the deformed time derivative depending on the deformation parameter A. Then the definition of the velocity is deformed as

vA=DtAx. (2)

Here the deformed velocity reduces to the ordinary Newton velocity when the special value of A is taken (q = 1 in the q-deformed mechanics and α = 1 in the fractional mechanics). This deformed mechanics deserves study as a kind of effective theory when we deal with the dynamics of complicated dynamical models.

As another example of the deformed derivative, we can consider Dunkl derivative which has been widely used in many works in various field of physics including quantum system [15-31]. Recently, the authors of Ref. 29 used the Dunkl derivative to discuss the one-dimensional quantum mechanical model, which is called a Wigner-Dunkl quantum mechanics. Here, the momentum operator is expressed in terms of the Dunkl derivative instead of the ordinary derivative;

p^=1iDxν,x^=x, (3)

where we set ħ = 1, and the Dunkl derivative is defined as

Dxv=x+vx1-R, R= -1xx (4)

Here, ℛ is the spatial parity (or reflection) operator obeying ℛ:x → -x. Then the Heisenberg relation is deformed as

x^, x^=i1+2vR, (5)

which is called a Wigner algebra, and the Wigner parameter v is assumed to be real. In Ref. [29] the time derivative was not replaced by the Dunkl derivative.

If we consider the undeformed quantum theory in 1+1 dimension, time and Hamiltonian can be regarded as the quantum operators obeying

t^,H^=-i. (6)

The relation (6) can be deformed through Dunkl derivative concerning as follows:

t^,H^=-i1+2vT, vR, (7)

where Ƭ is the temporal parity (or time-reversal) operator obeying Ƭ: t→-t, i.e.,

TFt=F-t. (8)

Then, the time realization is given by

t^=t,  H^=iDtν, (9)

where the Dunkl time-derivative is defined as

Dtv=ddt+vt1-T. (10)

Dunkl time derivative arises in the time-dependent Schrödinger equation for Wigner Dunkl quantum mechanics in the form

iDtvψx,t=p^22m+Vx^ψx,t=-12mDxμ2+Vψx,t. (11)

Another example of Dunkl time derivative is the application of it to the Dunkl electrodynamics [30]. Here the authors introduced the Dunkl field strength tensor of the form

Fab(ν)=DaνAb-DbνAa,  (a=0,1,2,3), (12)

where 0 means time-component and A a means the Dunkl-deformed electromagnetic 4-potential. Using the Dunkl field strength tensor, they discussed Dunkl-Maxwell theory.

The introduction of the Dunkl derivative concerning time in the quantum theory is related to the Dunkl derivative with respect to time in the classical theory. In this paper, we will introduce the Dunkl derivative with respect to time in the classical Newton mechanics when we define the velocity or acceleration. This gives a new deformed mechanics called a Wigner-Dunkl-Newton (WDN) mechanics. This paper is organized as follows. In Sec. 2, we discuss WDN equation of motion. In Sec. 3, we discuss Hamiltonian formalism in WDN mechanics. In Sec. 4, we discuss the v-deformed functions. In Sec. 5, we discuss some mechanical examples.

2. WDN equation of motion

In this section, we will introduce the Dunkl time derivative so that it may deform the ordinary Newton mechanics. Now let us introduce the WDN velocity with the help of Dunkl derivative with respect to time as

vν(t)=Dtνx(t)=ddtx(t)+νt(x(t)-x(-t)). (13)

The WDN velocity is the same as the ordinary velocity when x(t) is even. But, for odd x(t), we have v v (t) = (d/dx)x(t) + (2v/t)x(t). The WDN acceleration is also obtained by acting the Dunkl derivative with respect to time on the WDN velocity,

aν(t)=Dtνv(t)=(Dtν)2x(t). (14)

This can also be written as

aν(t)=ddtv(t)+νt(v(t)-v(-t)) (15)


avt=Dtv2xt=ddt2xt+2vtxt-vt2xt-x-t, (16)

where we used

TDtv=-Dtv. (17)

The WDN velocity and WDN acceleration depend on the temporal parity of x(t). With WDN velocity and WDN acceleration, the WDN equation of motion reads

F=maν(t)=mDtνvν(t)=m(Dtν)2x(t), (18)

where F is a force.

When a moving observer (x’, t’) moves with the uniform WDN velocity u v relative to a fixed observer (x, t), the acceleration and velocity for a moving observer, a v ’ and v v ’ are related to those for a fixed observer, a v and v v as follows:

aν'=aν (19)

vν'=vν-uν (20)

x'=x-uν1+2νt,  t'=t, (21)

The last equation gives the Wigner-Dunkl-Galilei (WDG) transformation.

For the time -reversal (temporal parity), any function can be decomposed into the function with even temporal parity and the function with odd temporal parity, i.e., any function F is given by

F=Fe+Fo, (22)


TFe= Fe,    TFo=-Fo. (23)

Thus, the WDN equation of motion for odd and even part reads

Fe=m2vx¨e+2vtx˙e (24)

F0=mx¨o+2vtx˙o-2vt2xo. (25)

3. Hamiltonian formalism in WDN mechanics

In the WDN mechanics, the work is not well defined because we have no information for the inverse of the Dunkl derivative (Dunkl integral). Nevertheless, we can obtain the conserved Hamiltonian by introducing the deformed Poisson bracket.

From the time-dependent Schrödinger equation for Wigner Dunkl quantum mechanics, we know the Hamiltonian for classical variables x, p is given by

H=p22m+V(x)=E=const. (26)

From the deformed commutator relation (5), we can define the deformed Poisson bracket (DPB) as

{f(x,p),g(x,p)}DPB=Dxνfpg-Dxνgpf. (27)

Indeed, the Eq. (27) gives the relation

{x,p}DPB=1+2ν. (28)

From the time-dependent Schrödinger equation for Wigner Dunkl quantum mechanics, the time evolution of some classical quantity A(x, p) is defined as

DtνA={A,H}DPB, (29)

which gives the Dunkl-Wigner-Hamilton equation

Dtνp=-DxνV (30)

Dtνx=(1+2μ)pm. (31)

Thus, WDN equation of motion reads

m(Dtν)2x=-(1+2μ)DxνV. (32)

The evolution of the Hamiltonian is

DtνH={H,H}DPB=0, (33)

which implies that the Hamiltonian is constant, i.e., a conserved quantity. From now on we define the force corresponding to the conserved Hamiltonian as

F=-(1+2ν)DxνV, (34)

where we call V a WDN potential energy in the WDN mechanics. Like the ordinary Newton mechanics, if there does not exist potential energy obeying the Eq. (34), we have the WDN equation of motion,

F=m(Dtν)2x. (35)

4. The v-deformed functions

In this section, we discuss the v-exponential function, v-deformed hyperbolic functions, and v-deformed trigonometric functions. First, consider the following v-deformed differential equation

Dtνyt=ayt,  y(0)=1. (36)

We will denote the solution of the above equation by

y(t)=eν(at), (37)

which we call v-exponential function.

Considering parity, we can set the solution of the Eq. (36) as

y(t)=ye(t)+yo(t), (38)

where y e (t) is the even function obeying Ty e (t) = y e (t), while y o (t) is the odd function obeying Ty o (t) = y o (t). Inserting the Eq. (38) into the Eq. (36) and splitting the Eq. (36) into the even part and odd part we get

dyetdtayotdyotdt+2vtyot=ayet. (39)

From the parity of y e (t) and y o (t), we can set


yot=n=0bnt2n+1. (40)

Inserting the Eq. (40) into the Eq. (39), we get the following recurrence relations

2(n+1)an+1=abn (41)

(2n+1+2ν)bn=aan (42)

Inserting the Eq. (42) into the Eq. (41), we have

an+1=a22(n+1)(2n+1+2ν)an, (43)

which gives

an=1n!v+12na22n (44)

bn=1n!v+12n+1a22n+1. (45)

Thus, we have the following solution of the Eq. (36):

y(t)=eν(at)=coshν(at)+sinhν(at), (46)

where v-deformed hyperbolic functions are defined as

coshvat= n=01n!v+12nat22n=oF1;v+12;a2t24 (47)

sinhvat= n=01n!v+12n+1at22n+1=at2v+1oF1;v+32;a2t24, (48)


oF1(;a;t)=n=01n!(a)ntn, (49)


(a)0=1,  (a)n=a(a+1)(a+2)(a+n-1). (50)

Here, the parity relation for the ν -deformed hyperbolic functions are as follows:

Tcoshvat= coshvat (51)

Tsinhvat=- sinhvat (52)

It can be easily checked that the v-deformed hyperbolic functions reduce to cosh(at) and sinh(at) in the limit v→0. Acting the v-derivative on the v-exponential function and the v-deformed hyperbolic functions, we have

Dtνeνat =aeν(at) (53)

Dtνcoshνat=aeν(at) (54)

Dtνsinhνat=aeν(at) (55)

If we replace tit in the Eq. (46), we have the v-deformed Euler relation

eν(iat)=cosν(at)+isinν(at), (56)


cosvat=n=0(-1)2n!v+12nat22n=oF1;v+12;a2t24 (57)

sinvat=n=0(-1)nn!v+12n+1at22n+1=at2v+1oF1;v+32;a2t24. (58)

One can also express the v-deformed trigonometric functions as

cosvat=2v-12Γv+12at12-vJv-12(at) (59)

sinvat=12v+12v-12Γv+32×at12-vJv-12at. (60)

Figure 1 shows the plot of y = cos v for v = 0 (Gray) v = 0.2, (Brown), and for v = -0.2 (Pink). Figure 2 shows the plot of y = sin v (t) for v = 0 (Gray), v = 0.2 (Brown), and for v = -0.2 (Pink).

Figure 1 Plot of y = cos v (x) for v = 0 (Gray), v = 0:2 (Brown), and v = -0:2 (Pink). 

Figure 2 Plot of y = sin v (x) for v = 0 (Gray), v = 0:2 (Brown), and v = -0:2 (Pink). 

Acting the v-derivative on the v-deformed trigonometric functions, we get the following relations


Dvtsinvat=acosvat. (61)

5. Some examples

Let us discuss some examples for the WDN mechanics in one dimension.

5.1 Particle at rest

Let us consider that a particle is at rest, and its position is x(0). In ordinary Newton mechanics, we have v(t)=0 which gives x(t)=x(0). In WDN mechanics, this case is replaced with

vν(t)=0, (62)


dx(t)dt+vt1-Txt=0 (63)

Let us set

x(t)=xe(t)+xo(t). (64)

Inserting the Eq. (64) into the Eq. (63) and splitting into the even part and the odd part we get

dxe(t)dt=0, (65)

dxo(t)dt+2νtxo(t)=0. (66)

Solving these with the initial position x(0) we get

xe(t)=x(0),xo(t)=0, (67)

which gives the same result as the ordinary Newton mechanics,

x(t)=x(0). (68)

5.2. Uniform WDN velocity

Let us consider that a particle moves with the uniform WDN velocity, u v = const, and its initial position is x(0). In WDN mechanics, we have

vν(t)=uν, (69)


dx(t)dt+vt-1-Txt=uv. (70)

Solving this equation, we have

dxe(t)dt=0, (71)

dxo(t)dt+2νtxo(t)=uν. (72)

From the Eq. (71), we get

xe(t)=xe(0). (73)

In the Eq. (72), we set

xo(t)=n=0cnt2n+1. (74)

Inserting the Eq. (74) into the Eq. (72) we get

c0=uν1+2ν,  c1=c2==0. (75)

Thus, we have

x(t)=x(0)+uν1+2νt. (76)

Because u v is even, we have (1-T)u v . Thus, the WDN acceleration becomes zero.

5.3. Uniform WDN acceleration

Let us consider that a particle moves with the uniform WDN acceleration, a v = const, and its initial position is x(0) and its initial velocity v(0). In WDN mechanics, we have

aν(t)=aν (77)


duv(t)dt+vt1-Tuvt=av (78)

Solving this equation, we have

vν(t)=v(0)+aν1+2νt (79)


duv(t)dt+vt1-Txt=v0+av1+2vt. (80)

which gives

dxe(t)dt=aν1+2νt (81)

dxo(t)dt+2νtxo(t)=v(0). (82)

Thus, we have

x(t)=x(0)+v(0)1+2νt+aν2(1+2ν)t2. (83)

5.4. Resisted motion with linear damping

Let us consider that a particle moves in the viscous medium with the resistance proportional to the WDN velocity, and its initial position is x(0), and its initial WDN velocity v(0). In WDN mechanics, we have

maν(t)=-mγvν(t) (84)


Dtvuvt=duvdt+vt1-Tuvt=-γuvt. (85)

Solving this equation, we have

vν(t)=v(0)eν(-γt). (86)

5.5. Harmonic oscillator

In WDN mechanics, the WDN equation for the harmonic oscillator is given by

maν(t)=-kx (87)


m(Dtν)2x=-kx. (88)

Solving the above equation with initial condition x(0) = A, v v (0), we have

xt=Acosvkmt. (89)

Thus, the motion becomes non-periodic unless v = 0.

6. Conclusion

From the introduction of the Dunkl derivative concerning time in the quantum theory [15], we proposed a new deformed mechanics called WDN mechanics, where the WDN velocity and WDN acceleration are defined by the Dunkl derivative for time. We discussed Hamiltonian formalism in WDN mechanics. For the Dunkl time derivative, we found some deformed elementary functions such as the v-deformed exponential functions, v-deformed hyperbolic functions, and v-deformed trigonometric functions. Using these functions, we solved some problems in one-dimensional WDN mechanics. Some problems remain unsolved for WDN mechanics. For example, the work is not well defined for WDN mechanics. For this reason, we obtained the conserved Hamiltonian from the deformed Poisson bracket. We think that these problems and their related topics will become clear soon.


The authors thank the referee for a thorough reading of our manuscript and the constructive suggestion.


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Received: December 02, 2019; Accepted: January 15, 2020

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