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Revista mexicana de física

Print version ISSN 0035-001X


ZHABA, V. I.. Modeling of the deuteron wave function in coordinate representation and calculations of polarization characteristics. Rev. mex. fis. [online]. 2021, vol.67, n.1, pp.137-145.  Epub Jan 31, 2022. ISSN 0035-001X.

Modeling of the deuteron wave function in coordinate representation for the nucleon-nucleon potential Reid93 were performed. For this purpose, the asymptotics of the radial wave function near the origin of coordinates and at infinity are taken into account. The most simple and physical asymptotics were applied. In this case, the superfluous knots of both components of the deuteron wave function for the coordinate value r = 0.301 fm were compensated. Taking into account the asymptotics of the wave function has little effect on the general behavior of the calculated polarization characteristics of t20 and Ayy. Particular points of the transmitted momentum have been identified, where the tensor deuteron polarization t20 and the tensor analyzing power Ayy show a clear difference.

Keywords : Deuteron; wave function; knot; tensor polarization; tensor analyzing power.

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