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Revista mexicana de pediatría

Print version ISSN 0035-0052


MARTINEZ-SEBASTIAN, Alicia. Recurring pneumonia in a school-age patient with situs inversus totalis and suspected primary ciliary dyskinesia. Rev. mex. pediatr. [online]. 2021, vol.88, n.2, pp.71-74.  Epub Jan 17, 2022. ISSN 0035-0052.


Situs inversus totalis is characterized by the inverted position of the thoracic and abdominal organs with respect to the sagittal plane. In general, the diagnosis is made incidentally, given the absence of symptoms. Situs inversus totalis can be associated with cardiac, digestive, kidney, and respiratory malformations, but the most common is primary ciliary dyskinesia.

Clinical case:

10-year-old male patient diagnosed with situs inversus totalis who came to the emergency room for cough, chest pain, respiratory distress and fever. Recurrence of pneumonia in the left lower lobe was identified on a third occasion, which raised suspicion of Kartagener syndrome (a form of primary ciliary dyskinesia), which was ruled out because the patient did not present bronchiectasis or chronic sinusitis.


Situs inversus totalis can be associated with multiple conditions, including upper and lower respiratory disorders, as a consequence of primary ciliary dyskinesia, such as Kartagener syndrome.

Keywords : Situs inversus totalis; primary ciliary dyskinesia; Kartagener; pneumonias.

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