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vol.52 issue4Análisis de las barreras para la adherencia terapéutica en mujeres colombianas con VIH/sida: cuestión de derechos de salud author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Salud Pública de México

Print version ISSN 0036-3634


MUNOZ-DE BUSTILLO, Rafael  and  ANTON, José-Ignacio. Utilización de los servicios públicos de salud por parte de la población inmigrante latinoamericana en España. Salud pública Méx [online]. 2010, vol.52, n.4, pp.357-363. ISSN 0036-3634.

Objective. To identify patterns of public health care utilization by Latin American immigrants in Spain as compared to the local population. Material and Methods. This analysis is based on information provided by the 2006 National Health Survey on the frequency of visits to general practitioners, specialists and emergency rooms, as well as hospital stays. The study uses a descriptive analysis involving tests of equality of distributions, medians and proportions, and a multivariate analysis with binomial negative and probit models. Results. The distribution of Latin American immigrants show lower utilization rates of public health care services than the native-born population, with the exception of hospital stays. The pattern of health care use by Latin Americans and Spaniards is different, with the exception of hospital stays. The results of the multivariate analysis indicate statistically significant differences only in the case of hospital stays (the probability of staying in a hospital in the last year is 2.8% higher for Latin American immigrants than among locals) and utilization of emergency rooms (0.205 more visits than the Spanish-born population). Conclusions. There is no significant difference in utilization of public health care between Latin American immigrants and native-born populations in Spain, with the exception of a higher frequency of use of emergency rooms by the former.

Keywords : immigration; health services; statistical models; Spain.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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