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Boletín mexicano de derecho comparado

On-line version ISSN 2448-4873Print version ISSN 0041-8633


PERINAN GOMEZ, Bernardo. Ius Globale 3.0: Towards the Reformulation of Individual Legal Capacity. Bol. Mex. Der. Comp. [online]. 2017, vol.50, n.149, pp.863-902. ISSN 2448-4873.

The idea of a Global law can be contrary to the legal traditions of peoples and, therefore, problematic. But it could also be seen as the totalitarian imposition of a single legal and economic model, collectivistic, in which big market players take the individual as a quantitative element. It is convenient to return on that argument, especially on the compatibility between the processes of legal globalization and the value of individuality. In this sense, the work shows the opportunity of a new concept, the “global legal personality”, in order to meet the demands of the new legal subjectivity.

Keywords : Global law; totalitarianism; legal traditions; individual person; global legal personality.

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