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Revista mexicana de astronomía y astrofísica

Print version ISSN 0185-1101

Rev. mex. astron. astrofis vol.53 n.2 Ciudad de México Oct. 2017  Epub Oct 21, 2019



Analysis of Hansen’s Inferior and Superior Partial Anomalies and the Division of the Elliptic Orbit Into Two Segments

M. A. Sharaf1 

A. S. Saad2  3 

1 Astronomy, Space Science and Meteorology Department Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Egypt (

2 Department of Astronomy, National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics, Cairo, Egypt (

3 Department of Mathematics, Preparatory Year, Qassim University, Buraidah, KSA.


In this paper, a novel analysis was established to prove how Hansen’s inferior and superior partial anomalies k and k 1 can divide the elliptic orbit into two segments. The analysis depends on the departures of r (for k) and 1/r (for k 1) from their minima. By these departures, we can find: (i) Transformations relating the eccentric anomaly to k and the true anomaly to k 1. (ii) Expressions for k and k 1 in terms of the orbital elements. (iii) The interpretation and the intervals of definition of two moduli (X, S) related to k and k 1. (iv) The extreme values of r and the elliptic equations in terms of k and k 1. (v) For r ' and r '', the modulus X as a measure of the asymmetry of r ' (or r '') from r '' (or r '), and the modulus S 12 as a measure of the asymmetry of r ' and r '' from the minimum value of r. (vi) A description of the segments represented by k and k 1. (vii) The relative position of the radius vector at k = 0o and k 1 = 180o.

Key Words: celestial mechanics; comets; general; methods; analytical


Presentamos un nuevo análisis para demostrar que las anomalías parciales superior e inferior de Hansen, k y k 1, pueden dividir a la órbita elíptica en dos segmentos. El análisis depende de qué tanto se alejan r (para k) y 1/r (para k 1) de sus mínimos. Con estas diferencias podemos encontrar lo siguiente. (i) Transformaciones que relacionan a la anomalía excéntrica con k y a la anomalía verdadera con k 1. (ii) Expresiones para k y k 1 en términos de los elementos orbitales. (iii) La interpretación y los intervalos de definición para los módulos X y S relacionados con k y k 1. (iv) Los valores extremos de r y las ecuaciones elípticas en términos de k y k 1. (v) Para r ' y r '' el módulo X como una medida de la asimetría de r ' (o bien r '') respecto de r '' (o bien r '), mientras que el módulo S 12 como una medida de la asimetría de r ' y r '' respecto al valor minimo de r. (vi) Una descripción de los segmentos representados por k y k 1. (vii) La posición relativa del radio vector en k = 0o y k 1 = 180o.


The conventional methods of treating astronomical perturbations do not yield manageable series solutions for the motions of highly eccentric orbits (e.g. most comets and some asteroids) because they lie partly inside and partly outside the orbits of the disturbing bodies. Consequently, in applications of the conventional methods of expansion the disturbing force becomes a highly oscillating function, and results in divergent or at least very slowly convergent series expansions.

In an effort to overcome this situation, Hansen [1856] devised a method of computing the absolute perturbation of a periodic comet with large eccentricity based on the so called partial anomalies. This method involved division of the elliptic orbit of the perturbed body into segments. In each of the segments the classical variables (the true, eccentric or mean anomalies), were substituted by new ones: partial anomalies. The series representing the disturbing function was strongly convergent within the segment but invalid outside of it.

The first person to make full use of Hansen’s original method of partial anomalies was Nacozy (1969), who completed Hansen’s numerical example and compared the results with a numerical integration extending through 50 years. In his work, Nacozy utilized the pure harmonic analysis technique. In addition, the method was applied to the calculation of the general perturbations caused by Saturn on comet P/Tuttle (Skripnichenko 1972). All his analytical calculations were carried out by manipulating of Fourier series with numerical coefficients. In 1982, Sharaf proposed a regularization approach based on the idea of the orbit segmentation.

Originally, Hansen introduced two partial anomalies, the inferior anomaly denoted by k and the superior anomaly denoted by k 1. By means of these anomalies, the ellipse could be divided into two segments (as will be shown latter). Now one may ask: is it possible to divide the elliptic orbit into an arbitrary number of segments? The answer is yes, and can it be achieved firstly by a full understanding of the idea of the division of the elliptic orbit into two segments. The present paper is devoted towards this goal.

The idea of the segmentation may be stated as follows. As shown in Figure 1, let r ' be the radius to a point on the orbit between periapsis and apoapsis on one side of the major axis, where 0oE ≤ 180o, and let r '' be the radius to a point on the other side of the major axis, where 180oE ≤ 360o.

Fig. 1 Segmentation of elliptic orbit. 

For the segment of the orbit containing the periapsis, we may consider the departure of r from r min = a(1−e).

This departure should satisfy the following conditions.

  1. To be a periodic function of one independent variable.

  2. To be positive ∀r between r’ and r’’.

  3. To attain its maximum values at r and r , and its minimum value at a(1 − e). This departure therefore can be written as

r - a(1 - e) = (M sink + N)2, (1)


M + N = (r - a(1 - e))1/2;

M - N = (r - a(1 - e))1/2 (2)

The variable k is called the inferior partial anomaly.

For the segment of the orbit containing the apoapsis, we may consider the departure of 1/r from r min = 1/a(1 + e). This departure should satisfy the following conditions.

  1. To be a periodic function of one independent variable.

  2. To be positive ∀r between r ' and r ''.

  3. To attain its maximum values at 1/r’ and 1/r’’ , and its minimum value at 1/a(1 + e). This departure therefore can be written as,

1r-1α1+e=M'sink1+N'2, (3)


M'+N'=1r'-1α1+e12;M'-N'=1r''-1α1+e12 (4)

The variable k 1 is called the superior partial anomaly.

By means of these departures, many findings are established for both k and k 1, namely: (i) A transformation relating the eccentric anomaly to k and a transformation relating the true anomaly to k 1. (ii) Expressions for defining each of k and k 1 in terms of the orbital elements. (iii) The interpretation and the intervals of definition of two moduli (X, S) related to k and k 1. (iv)The extreme values of the radius vector r and the elliptic equations in terms of k and k 1. (v) That for two radii vectors, r ' and r '', the modulus X appearing in definition of the k and k 1 is a measure of the asymmetry of r ' (or r '') from r '' (or r '), while the modulus S 12 is a measure of the asymmetry of r ' and r '' from the minimum value of r. (vi) A description of the segments represented by k and k 1. (vii) The relative position of the radius vector at k = 0o and k 1 = 180o.

In what follows, we shall consider that the above equations are given and derive various conclusions associated with the segmentation, as well as provide additional interpretations to the parameters M, N, M ' and N ' appearing in these equations.


2.1. The equation defining k

This equation is,

r = a(1 - e) + (M sink + N)2, (5)

where M + N and MN are defined in equations (2), r ' and r '' are any two radii vectors of the ellipse. The expression relating the radius vector and the eccentric anomaly for elliptic motion is:

r=α1-ecosE=α1-e+2αe sin2E2 (6)

Upon comparing equations (5) and (6) one obtains:

sinE2=12αeMsink+N; (7)

as the transformation relating the eccentric anomaly to the inferior partial anomaly k. Also, by equation(6) we can write equations (2) as:

M-N=2αesinE''2; M+N=2αesinE'2, (8)

from which we obtain:

M=αe2sinE'2+sinE''2, (9)

N=αe2sinE'2-sinE''2, (10)

where E ' and E '' are the eccentric anomalies corresponding to r ' and r '' respectively. Further, setting

M=M2αe=S12cosX, (11)

N=M2αe=S12sinX, (12)

equations (5) and (7) could be written in terms of S 12 and X as:

r=α1-e+2αeS122cosX sin k+sinX2 (13)

sinE2=S12cosXsink+sinX, (14)

Any one of the equations(5), (7), (13) or (14) could be used for the definition of the inferior partial anomaly k.

2.2. The equations defining S 12 and X in terms of r ' , r '' and in terms of E ' , E ''

From equations (11) and (12) we have:

S12=M2+N22αe12, (15)

tan45-X=M-NM+N . (16)

Using equations (2) we can write equations (15) and (16) in terms of r ' and r '' as:

S12r'+r''-2α1-e4αe12 (17)

tan45-X=r''-α1-er'-α1-e12. (18)

Using equations (9) and (10) we can write equations (15) and (16) in terms of E ' and E '' as:

S12=sin2E'2+sin2E''2212 (19)

tan45-X=sinE''2sinE'2. (20)

Equations (17) and (18) are the required equations defining S 12 and X in terms of r ' and r '', while equations (19) and (20) are the corresponding equations in terms of E ' and E ''.

2.3. The intervals of definition for S 12 and X

Since for any radius vector r of the ellipse we have:

max(r) = a(1 + e); min(r) = a(1 - e) (21)

Consequently, for the two radii vectors r ' and r '' we have:

max[r'- a1 - e] = max[r''- a1 - e] = 2ae, (22)

min[r'- a1 - e] = min[r''- a1 - e] = 0, (23)

max[r'+ r''] = max(r') + max(r'') = 2a(1 + e), (24)

min[r'+r]=min(r')+min(r)=2a(1-e). (25)

Equation (17) could be written as:

minr'+r''-2α1-e4αe12 S12maxr'+r''-2α1-e4αe12. (26)

Then, by equations (24) and (25) this inequality becomes:

0  S12  1. (27)

In addition, we can write equation (18) as:

minr''-α1-er'-α1-e12tan45-Xmaxr''-α1-er'-α1-e12 (28)

and then

minr''-α1-e12maxr'-α1-e12tan45-Xmaxr''-α1-e12minr'-α1-e12 (29)

Using equations (22) and (23), the inequality (29) becomes:

0  tan(45 - X)  , (30)

and then we have:

-π4Xπ4. (31)

Inequalities (27) and (31) are what we need to obtain.

2.4. The extreme values of the radius vector r and the elliptic equations in terms of k

Equation (13) could be written as:

r=α1-e+eS122+eS122sin2X+2αeS122sin2Xsink-αeS122cos2Xcos2k. (32)


drdk=2αeS122sin2Xcosk+cos2Xsin2k. (33)

The necessary condition for the extreme values of r is dr/dk = 0,

that is orsin2Xcosk+cos2Xsin2k=0,cosXcosk{sinX+sinkcosX}=0. (34)

Therefore, the extreme values of r when expressed in terms of k occur at

k=90o,k=270o,sink=-tanX. (35)

Differentiating equation (33) with respect to k, we obtain:

d2rdk2=2αeS122-sin2Xsink+2cos2Xcos2k (36)

Let us test the values of k given in equations (35) for the extreme values of r.

At k = 90o:

For this value of k, equation (36) becomes:

d2rdk2=2αeS122sin2X+2cos2X. (37)

Since −π/4 ≤ Xπ/4, it follows that:

2 sin2X + 2cos2 X  0 (38)


d2rdk2|k=90o0. (39)

That is to say, at k = 90o ∀ − π/4 ≤ Xπ/4, r is maximum. Let this maximum be r 1. By equation (32) for k = 90o, we get for r 1 the value:

r1=α1-e+2αeS122+2αeS122sin2X (40)

From equations (11) and (12) we obtain:

S122sin2X=MNαe. (41)

Using equations (9) and (10) in this equation yields:

S122sin2X=12sinE'22-sinE''22; (42)


S122sin2X=12r'-r''4αe. (43)

Using equations (43) and (17) in equation (40) it gives:

r1=r' (44)

This equation could be obtained from equation (5) for k = 90o, by comparing the resulting equation with equations (2).

At k = 270o:

For this value of k, equation (36) becomes:

d2rdk2=2αeS122sin2X-2cos2X. (45)

Again, since −π/4 ≤ Xπ/4, it follows that:

sin2X - 2cos2 X  0. (46)


d2rdk2|k=27000. (47)

That is to say, at k = 270o ∀− π/4 ≤ Xπ/4, r is maximum. Let this maximum be r 2. By equation (32) for k = 270o we get:

r2=α1-e+2αeS122-2αeS122sin2X. (48)

Using equations (43) and (17) in equation (48) yields:

r2= r''. (49)

This equation could be obtained from equation (5) for k = 270o, by comparing the resulting equation with equations (2).

At sink = −tanX = −N/M:

Equation (5) with sink = −N/M or equation (32) with sink = −tanX will give:

r = a(1 - e). (50)

Therefore, at sink = −tanX r is minimum.

From the above analysis we have the following results.

Result 1:

The periodic representation of the radius vector r in terms of the inferior partial anomaly k [equation (5) or equation (13)] has two maxima, r '' and r ', when k = 270o and k = 90o respectively, and has a minimum a(1−e) when sink = −N/M or sink = −tanX.

Now we are in a position to obtain the elliptic equations in terms of k, and this is done as follows. We have already obtained the expression of r in terms of k as given in equation (32).


rsinf= α1-e212sinE=2α1-e212sinE2cosE2, (51)


sinE2=S12cosXsink+sinX, (52)

we can write

rsinf= 2αeS121-e212cosXsinK+sinXA,  (53)


A=1-S122 sin2X-S122cos2X sin2k-S122sin2Xsink12=cosE2. (54)

Also, since

rcosf=αcosE-e= α1-e-2sin2E2. (55)

using the expression of sinE/2 in terms of k we obtain:

rcosf=α1-e-2S122cos2Xsin2k+sin2Xsink+ sin2X, (56)

that is,

rcosf=α1-e-S122-S122sin2X-2αS122sin2Xsin k+αS122cos2Xcos2k. (57)

By equation (14) we have:

12cosE2dE=S12cosXcosk dk, (58)


dE=2S12cosXcoskA dk (59)

where A is given by equation (54).


ncdt=rαdE, (60)


ncdt=rα2S12cosXcoskAdk. (61)

where n c is the mean motion. Equations (51) to (61) in addition to equation (32) are the required elliptic equations in terms of k.

2.5. Some remarks concerning the inferior partial anomaly k

It is evidently shown by the above analysis that certain points need discussion. In the following, some important remarks are given.

2.5.1. Interpretation of X and S 12

From equation (32) we have;

r''= α1-e+eS122+eS122sin2X-2αeS122sin2X+αeS122cos2X. (62)


r'=α1-e+eS122+eS122sin2X+2αeS122sin2X+αeS122cos2X. (63)

By these equations, and equations (18), (31) we have,

r'+r''Xє0,π4,r'+r''Xє-π4,0,r'=r''α1-eX=0,r''=α1-er'X=π4,r'α1-er''X=-π4. (64)

By these equations, and the equations defining S 12, the interpretation of X and S 12 may be as follows.

Result 2:

The modulus X appearing in the definition of the inferior partial anomaly k is a measure of the asymmetry of r '(or r '') from r ''(or r '), while the modulus S 12 is a measure of the asymmetry of r ' and r '' from the minimum value of r, which is a(1 − e).

2.5.2. Description of the segment represented by k

Equations (51) to (61), in addition to equation (32), show the following

  • At r = r '' ,k = 270o. As r decreases, k increases.

  • After passing the periapsis, r increases as does k, until at r = r ' we have k = 90o.

  • If we allow k to increase beyond 90o we retrace the same segment of the ellipse in reverse order.

Thus, we can describe the segment of the ellipse represented by the inferior partial anomaly k as follows.

Result 3:

The inferior partial anomaly k represents the segment of the ellipse from the periapsis to r = r ' on one side of the major axis, where 0oE ≤ 180o, and from the periapsis to r = r '' on the other side of the major axis, where 180oE ≤ 360o.

As k is varied from 0 to 360o, equations (5) or (13) and equations (7) or (14) give the coordinates of the ellipse, r and E, only in the segment formed by r ' and r '' as indicated in Figure 2 (in which r '' > r ').

Fig. 2 Description of the segment represented by the inferior partial anomaly k

2.5.3. Relative position of the radius vector at k = 0

Let the value of r at k = 0 be r 0; then, by equation (32) we have

r0=α1-e+2αeS122sin2X (65)

From equations (62), and (65) we have;

r''-r0=2αeS122cosX cosX-2sinX, (66)


r'-r0=2αeS122cosX cosX+2sinX. (67)

Now we have to consider the following cases:

1. If r ' > r ''.

According to the first relation in (64), we have cosX < 2sin X, sinX > 0 and cosX > 0. Hence, by these conditions and equations (66) and (67) we have for this case;

r0 > r'';r0 < r'. (68)

2. If r ' < r ''.

According to the second relation in (64), we have cosX > 0 and sinX < 0. Hence, by these conditions and equations (66) and (67) we have for this case;

r0 < r'';r0 > r'. (69)

3. If r ' = r '' ≠ a(1 − e).

According to the third relation in (64) and equation (65) we have for this case;

r0 = a(1 - e). (70)

From equations (68), (69) and (70), we may conclude the following result.

Result 4:

For r ' < r '' or r ' > r '', the radius vector r 0 corresponding to k = 0 lies on the same side of the major axis as the max{r ' ,r ''}, while for r ' = r '' ≠ a(1 − e), r 0 occurs at the periapsis. Figure 3 illustrates this result.

Fig. 3 Relative position of the radius vector r 0 for the three cases: r ' < r '' ,r ' > r '' and r ' = r '' ≠ a(1 − e). 

This section completes the analysis of the inferior partial anomaly k. In the following section we shall consider the superior partial anomaly k 1.


3.1. The equation defining k 1

This equation is:

1r=1α1+eM'sink1+N'2, (71)


M'-N'=1r''-1α1+e12, (72)

M'+N'=1r'-1α1+e12. (73)

The expression relating the radius vector to the true anomaly f for elliptic motion is:

1r=1+e cos fα1-e=1-e+2e cos2f/2α1-e2=1α1+e+2e cos2f/2α1-e2. (74)

Upon comparing (71) and (74) one obtains:

cosf2=α1-e22e M'sink1+N'' (75)

as the transformation relating the true anomaly to the superior partial anomaly k 1. From equation (74) we have:

cosf2=±α1-e22e 1r-1α1+e12. (76)

From the analysis of § 2.5 we have f ' ≤ 180o and f '' ≥ 180o, then we must have:

cosf'2=α1-e22e 1r'-1α1+e12, (77)


cosf''2=-α1-e22e 1r''-1α1+e12. (78)

Hence, by these equations, equations (72) and (73) could be written as:

N'-M'=2eα1-e2cosf''2; N'+ M'=2eα1-e2cosf'2, (79)


N'= 2eα1-e2cosf'2+cosf''22, (80)


M'= 2eα1-e2cosf'2-cosf''22, (81)


M'α1-e22e=S22'cosX', (82)

N'α1-e22e=-S22'cosX' (83)

By means of equations (82) and (83) we can write equations (71) and (75) in terms of S22' and X ' as:

1r=1α1+e+2eS22'2α1-e2cosX'sink1-sinX'2, (84)

cosf2=S22'cosX'sink1-sinX' (85)

Any of the equations (71), (75), (84) or (85) may be used for the definition of the superior partial anomaly k 1.

3.2. Equations defining S22' and X’ in terms of r ' , r '' , and in terms of f ' , f ''

From equations (82) and (83) we have:

S22'α1-e22eM'2+N'212, (86)

tan45-X'=M'+N'M'-N' (87)

Using equations (80), (81) we can write equations (86), (87) in terms of f ' and f '' as:

S22'2= cos2f'/2+cos2f''2212 , (88)

tan45-X'=-cosf'2cosf''2 (89)

where f ' and f '' are the true anomalies at r ' and r '' respectively.

Using equations (72), (73) we can write equations (86), (87) in terms of r ' and r '' as:

S22'2αr'+r''1+e-2r'r''4er'r''1-e12, (90)

tan45-X'= α1+e-r'r''α1+e-r'r''12 (91)

3.3. The intervals of definition for S22' and X '

For any radius vector r of the ellipse we have:

max(r) = a(1 + e);min(r)=α1-e (92)


max1r=1α1-e; min=1r=1α1+e (93)


max{a(1 + e) - r} = 2ae; min{a(1 + e) - r} = 0 (94)

Also for any radius vectors r ' and r '' we have:

max(1r'+1r)=2a(1-e);min(1r'+1r)=2a(1+e). (95)

Equation (90) could be written as:

minUS22'maxU, (96)


U=1-e4e12α1+e1r'+1r''-212 (97)

Then by equation (95) the inequality (96) becomes:

0S22' 1. (98)

In addition, we can write equation (91) as:

minα1+e-r'r''α1+e-r''r'12tan45-X'maxα1+e-r'r''α1+e-r''r' (99)


minV1tan45-X'maxV2 (100)


V1=maxα1+e-r'12.minr''12maxα1+e-r''12.maxr'12 (101)


V2=maxα1+e-r'12.maxr''12maxα1+e-r''12.minr'12 (102)

By equation (94) this inequality becomes:

0  tan(45 - X')  , (103)

which gives

-π/4  X'  π/4. (104)

The inequalities (98) and (104) are what we need to obtain.

3.4. The extreme values of the radius vector r and the elliptic equations in terms of k 1

Equation (84) could be written as:

α1-e2r=1-e+eS222+eS'222sin2X'-2eS'222sin2X'sink1-eS'222cos2X'cos2k1 (105)

Differentiating equation (105) with respect to k 1 we obtain:


1-e2drdk1=2eS22'2r2sin2X'cosk1-cos2X'sin2k1 (106)

Since the necessary condition for the extreme values of r is dr/dk 1 = 0, then

cosX'cosk1sinX'- sink1 cosX'= 0. (107)

Therefore, the extreme values of r when expressed in terms of k 1 occur at:

k1 = 90o; k1 = 270o; sink1 = tanX'. (108)

Differentiating equation (106) with respect to k 1 we obtain:

α1-e2d2rdk122eS22'2r2-sin2X'sink1-2cos2X'cos2k1+sin2X'cosk1-cos2X'sin2k12rdrdk1 (109)

Now we shall test the values of k 1 given in equation (108) for the extreme values of r.

At k 1 = 90o:

For this value of k 1, dr/dk 1 = 0 and hence equation (109) gives:

d2rdk12|k1=90o=-2eS22'2α1-e2r2k1=90osin2X'- 2cos2 X' (110)

Since −π/4 ≤ X ' ≤ π/4, it follows that:

sin2X' - 2cos2 X'  0. (111)

By this condition, and the fact that 2eS22'2r2k1=90oα1-e2>0 , it follows that:

d2rdk12k1=90o 0. (112)

That is to say, at k 1 = 90o, ∀ − π/4 ≤ X ' ≤ π/4, r is minimum. Let this minimum be r1'.

By equation (105) for k 1 = 90o we get:

α1-e2r1'=1-e+eS22'2-2eS22'2sin2X' (113)

From equations (82) and (83) we get:

S22'2sin2X'= -M'N'α1-e2e (114)

Using equations (80) and (81) in this equation gives:

S22'2sin2X'= cos2f''/2-cos2f'22 (115)


S22'2sin2X'= α1-e2r'-r''4er'r'' (116)

Using equations (116) and (90) in equation (113) gives:

α1-e2r1'=1-e+2e αr'+r''1-e2-2r'r''1-e4er'r''+2eα1-e2r''-r'4er'r'' (117)


α1-e2r1'=1-e+α1-e2r'-1-e. (118)


r1'=r' . (119)

This equation could be found from equation (71) with k 1 = 90o, by comparing the resulting equation with equation (73).

At k 1 = 270o:

Since for this value dr/dk 1 = 0, equation (109) gives:

d2rdk12|k1=270o=2eS22'22α1-e2r2k1=270osin2X'+2cos2X' (120)

Again, since −π/4 ≤ X ' ≤ π/4, it follows that:

sin2X' + 2cos2 X'  0. (121)

From this condition, and from the fact that 2eS22´2(r2)k1=270oα(1-e2)>0, it follows that:

d2rdk12k1=270o0. (122)

That is to say, at k 1 = 270o ∀ − π/4 ≤ X ' ≤ π/4, r is minimum. Let this minimum be r2'.

By equation (105) for k 1 = 270o we obtain:

a(1-e2)r2'=1-e+2eS22'2+2eS22'2sin2X'. (123)

Using equations (116) and (90) in this equation, gives:

r2'=r. (124)

This equation could be found from equation (71) with k 1 = 270o, by comparing the resulting equation with equation (72).

At sin k1= −N′/M′=tanX′:

Equation (71) with sin k1N ' /M ' or equation (105) with sink 1 = tanX ' will give:

r = a(1 + e). (125)

Therefore, at sin k 1 = −N ' /M ' = tanX ', r is maximum. From the above analysis we can summarize

Result 5

The periodic representation of the radius vector r in terms of the superior partial anomaly k 1 [equation (71) or equation (105)] has two minima, r '' and r ', when k 1 = 270o and k 1 = 90o respectively, and has a maximum.

a(1 + e), when sink 1 = −N ' /M ' or (sink 1 = tanX ').

Now we are in a position to obtain the elliptic equations in terms of k 1. This is done as follows.

We have already obtained the expression of r in terms of k 1 as:

1r=D/a(1-e2), (126)


D=(1-e+eS22'2+eS22'2sin2X')-2eS22'2sin2X'sink1-eS22'2cos2X'cos2k1. (127)


cosf = 2cos2 f/2 - 1, (128)

then by using equation (85) we get cosf in terms of k 1 as:

cosf=(S22'2+S22'2sin2X'-1)-2S22'2sin2X'sink1-S22'2cos2X'cos2k1. (129)

Also, since:

sinf=2sinf/2cosf/2=2cosf/2(1-cos2f/2)1/2=2Ccosf/2, (130)


C={1-S22'2sin2X'+S22'2sin2X'sink1-S22'2cos2X'sin2k1}1/2 (131)

then by equation (85) we get sinf in terms of k 1 as:

sinf=2S22'2(cosX'sink1-sinX')C. (132)


r = a(1 - ecosE) = a(1 - e2)(1 + ecosf)-1, (133)

then we can write:

sinEdE=(1-e2)sinf(1+ecosf)2df=r2(1-e2)sinfa2(1-e2)2df=r2sinfa2(1-e2)df. (134)


rsinf=a(1-e2)1/2sinEsinE=rsinfa(1-e2)1/2. (135)

Hence, by using equation (135) in the left hand side of equation (134) we obtain:

dE=(ra)(1-e2)1/2df. (136)

Therefore, n c dt in terms of f is written as

ncdt=(ra)2(1-e2)1/2df. (137)

Again, by equation (85) we have;

df=-2S22'2cosX'cosk1/Cdk1, (138)

where C is given by (131).

Using equation (138) in equation (137) yields for n c dt in terms of k 1 the formula;

ncdt=-2(ra)2(1-e2)1/2S22'cosX'cosk1/Cdk1. (139)

Equations (126), (129), (132) and (139) are the required elliptic equations in terms of k 1.

3.5. Some remarks concerning the superior partial anomaly k 1

Corresponding to § 3.4, the following remarks are given for the superior partial anomaly k 1.

3.5.1. The interpretation of X’ and S 22 '

From equation (126) we have;

a(1-e2)r'=1-e+2eS22'2-2eS22'2sin2X'. (140)


a(1-e2)r=1-e+2eS22'2+2eS22'2sin2X'. (141)

Using these equations, and equations (91), (104) we get;

r'>rX'ϵ[0,π/4],r'<rX'ϵ[-π/4,0],r'=ra(1+e)X'=0,r'=a(1+e)X'=π/4,r=a(1+e)X'=-π/4. (142)

By these equations, and the equations defining S22' , the interpretation of X ' and S22' may be as follows:

Result 6:

The modulus X ' appearing in the definition of the superior partial anomaly k 1 is a measure of the asymmetry of r '(or r '' ) from r ''(or r ' ), while the modulus S22' is a measure of the asymmetry of r ' and r '' from the maximum value of r, which is a(1 + e).

3.5.2. Description of the segment represented by k 1

The elliptic equations in terms of k 1 show that:

  • At r = r ', we have k 1 = 90o. As r increases, so does k 1.

  • After passing the apoapsis, r decreases, k 1 increases until at r = r '' we have k 1 = 270o.

  • If k 1 increases beyond 270o, the same segment of the ellipse is retraced in the reverse order.

From these notes we can describe the segment of the ellipse represented by the superior partial anomaly k 1 as follows.

Result 7:

The superior partial anomaly k 1 represents the segment of the ellipse from the apoapsis to r = r ' on the side of the major axis where 0oE ≤ 180o, and from apoapsis to r = r '' on the other side of the major axis where 180oE ≤ 360o. As k 1 is varied from 0 to 360 , equations (71) or (105) and equations (75) or (85) give the′ ′′ coordinates of the ellipse , r and f, only in the segment formed by r and r’’ , as indicated in Figure 4 (in which r′′ > r′).

Fig. 4 Description of the segment represented by the superior partial anomaly k 1

3.5.3. Relative position of the radius vector at k 1 = 180 0

Let the value of r at k 1 = 180o be r0'; then, by equation (126) we have;

a(1-e2)r0'=1-e+2eS22'2sin22X'. (143)

From equations (140), (141) and (143) we have

a(1-e2)(1r'-1r0')=2eS22'2cosX'[cosX'-2sinX'], (144)


a(1-e2)(1r-1r0')=2eS22'2cosX'[cosX'+2sinX']. (145)

Now we shall consider the following cases.

1. If r ' > r ''.

According to the first relation in (142), we have cosX ' < 2sinX ', sinX ' > 0 and cosX ' > 0. Hence, by these conditions and equations (144) and (145) we have for this case

r0'>r;r0'<r'. (146)

2. If r ' < r ''.

According to the second relation in (142), we have cosX ' > 0 and sinX ' < 0. Hence, by these conditions and equations (144) and (145) we have for this case

r0'>r;r0'<r'. (147)

3. If r ' = r '' ≠ α(1 + e).

According to the third relation in (142) and equation (143)we have for this case

r0'=α1+e (148)

From equations (145), (146) and (147), we may state the following result.

Result 8:

For r ' > r '' or r ' < r '', the radius vector r’0 corresponding to k 1 = 180o lies on the same side of the major axis as the min{r ' ,r ''}, while for r’=r’’≠α(1+e), r’0 occurs at the apoapsis. Figure 5 illustrates this result. This section completes the analysis of the superior partial anomaly k 1. This analysis leads to the following conclusions.

Fig. 5 Relative position of the radius vector r0' for the three cases: r ' > r '' ,r ' < r '' and r ' = r '' =6 a(1 + e). 


In the present paper, a novel analysis is given to show how Hansen’s inferior and superior partial anomalies k and k 1 can be used to divide the elliptic orbit into two segments (see Figure 6). The first segment includes the periapsis and is represented by the inferior partial anomaly k. The second segment includes the apoapsis and is represented by the superior partial anomaly k 1. The main findings of this manuscript can be summarized as follows.

  • The periodic representation of the radius vector r in terms of the inferior partial anomaly k has two maxima r’’ and r’ when k = 270o and k = 90o respectively, and a minimum a(1−e) when sink = −tanX.

  • The inferior partial anomaly k represents the segment of the ellipse from the periapsis to r = r′ on one side of the major axis where 0oE ≤ 180 and from the periapsis to r = r’’ on the other side of the major axis, where 180oE ≤ 360o.

  • For r ' < r '' or r> r '' the radius vector r 0 corresponding to k = 0 lies on the same side of the major axis as the max{r’ ,r’’ }, while for r’ = r’’ ≠α(1 − e), r 0 occurs at the periapsis.

  • The periodic representation of the radius vector r in terms of the superior partial anomaly k 1 has two minima r’’ and r’ when k 1 = 270 and k 1 = 90o respectively, and has a maximum a(1+e) when sink = −tanX.

  • The superior partial anomaly k 1 represents the segment of the ellipse from the apoapsis to r = r′ on one side of the major axis where 0oE ≤ 180o and from the apoapsis to r = r’’ on the other side of the major axis, where 180oE ≤ 360o.

  • For r ' > r '' or r’ <r´’ the radius vector r’o corresponding to k 1 = 180o◦ lies on the same side of the major axis as the min{r’ ,r’’ }, while for r’=r’’≠α(1+e), r0' occurs at the apoapsis.

Fig. 6 Division the ellipse into two segments. 

The authors are grateful to the referee for valuable comments that improved the original manuscript.


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Table of symbols 

  • a: The semi-major axis of elliptic orbit

  • f: The true anomaly [rad]

  • n c : The mean motion [rad/s]

  • k: The inferior partial anomaly by Hansen

  • r: The rdius vector

  • e: The eccentricity of elliptic orbit

  • E: The eccentric anomaly [rad]

  • t: The time [s]

  • k 1: The superior partial anomaly by Hansen

Received: January 06, 2017; Accepted: March 14, 2017

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