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Revista mexicana de astronomía y astrofísica

Print version ISSN 0185-1101

Rev. mex. astron. astrofis vol.53 n.2 Ciudad de México Oct. 2017  Epub Oct 21, 2019



Absolute Nuv Magnitudes of Gaia DR1 Astrometric Stars and a Search for Hot Companions in Nearby Systems

Valeri V. Makarov1 

1US Naval Observatory, 3450 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington DC 20392-5420, USA (


Accurate parallaxes from Gaia DR1 (TGAS) are combined with GALEX visual Nuv magnitudes to produce absolute Mnuv magnitudes and an ultraviolet HR diagram for a large sample of astrometric stars. A functional fit is derived of the lower envelope main sequence of the nearest 1403 stars (distance < 40 pc), which should be reddening-free. Using this empirical fit, 50 nearby stars are selected with significant Nuv excess. These are predominantly late K and early M dwarfs, often associated with X-ray sources, and showing other manifestations of magnetic activity. The sample may include systems with hidden white dwarfs, stars younger than the Pleiades, or, most likely, tight interacting binaries of the BY Dra-type. A separate collection of 40 stars with precise trigonometric parallaxes and Nuv−G colors bluer than 2 mag is presented. It includes several known novae, white dwarfs, and binaries with hot subdwarf (sdOB) components, but most remain unexplored.

Key Words: binaries: general; Hertzsprung-Russell and C-M diagrams; stars; activity; white dwarfs


Se combinan paralajes del Gaia DR1 (TGAS) con magnitudes visuales Nuv del GALEX para obtener magnitudes absolutas Mnuv as´ı como un diagrama HR ultravioleta para una muestra de estrellas astrométricas. Se deriva un ajuste para la envolvente inferior de la secuencia principal para las 1403 estrellas con distancias < 40 pc, que no tendrían enrojecimiento. Se seleccionan 50 estrellas cercanas con un exceso Nuv considerable. Estas estrellas son principalmente de tipo K tardío y M temprano, frecuentemente asociadas con fuentes de rayos X, y con otras manifestaciones de actividad magnética. La muestra puede incluir sistemas con enanas blancas ocultas, estrellas más jóvenes que las Pléyades o binarias interactuantes de tipo BY Dra. Se presenta otra muestra de 40 estrellas con paralajes trigonométricas precisas y colores Nuv-G más azules que 2 mag. Esta incluye varias novas, enanas blancas y binarias con subenanas calientes como compañeras.


The first release of the Gaia mission data (Gaia DR1) includes two astrometric catalogs (Brown and Gaia Collaboration 2016). The smaller catalog, called TGAS, includes 2 million brighter stars with accurate proper motions and parallaxes and is based on a combination of astrometric data from Hipparcos and Tycho-2 (ESA 1997; Høg et al. 2000) and Gaia itself (Lindegren et al. 2016), while the larger catalog of 1.1 billion objects is derived from Gaia’s own observations and ICRF-2 radio source positions. I am using the TGAS in this paper, specifically, the parallaxes of brighter stars listed there. The formal errors of parallaxes are all smaller than 1 mas, which was the only requirement for an astrometric solution to be included in DR1. The entire set of 2 million Gaia DR1 stars was cross-matched with the GALEX DR5 catalogs by Bianchi et al. (2011), namely, the All-Sky Imaging survey (AIS) with limiting magnitudes 19.9/20.8 in FUV/NUV and the Medium-depth Imaging Survey (MIS) with limiting magnitudes 22.6/22.7. The search for Galex matches was performed with Gaia J2015 positions in a cone of 3.5σ of Galex positions, but not greater than 5′′on the sky. The total number of matched sources is 720622, which is a surprisingly high rate given that the GALEX catalog covers only a little more than half of the sky1. GALEX DR5 provides precise farultraviolet (Fuv; 1344-1786 ˚A) and near-ultraviolet (Nuv; 1771-2831 ˚A) magnitudes with errors generally about 0.02-0.03 mag. We thus obtain a large collection of astrometric standards with good parallaxes and UV magnitudes which can be used to compute absolute ultraviolet magnitudes:

Mnuv = Nuv - 10 + 5logϖ (1)

where ϖ is the parallax in mas. The uncertainty of absolute magnitudes is dominated by the error of Nuv magnitude for most of the stars, but distant objects (small parallaxes) can have the ratio ϖ ϖ close to unity, to the point that the observed parallax takes a negative value. To reduce the astrometric noise component in the subsequent analysis, the sample needs to be limited to the most reliable determinations with large ϖ ϖ or, which is almost equivalent in this case, with large parallaxes.


Figure 1 displays the “absolute Nuv magnitude versus Nuv−G color” (HR) diagram for 1403 stars selected with the logical and, or intersection, of the following criteria: ϖ ϖ > 5; ̟ϖ > 25 mas. Although observed BT and VT magnitudes are available for all Tycho-2 stars, as well as derived Johnson B and V magnitudes, I will use the more accurate broadband G magnitudes as observed by Gaia. For the sample under consideration, the distribution of formal errors of G magnitudes peaks at 0.0005 mag with a median of 0.0009 mag. This is much smaller than the uncertainty of Nuv magnitudes. The selection includes stars confidently within 40 pc of the Sun.

Fig. 1 Near-UV HR diagram of absolute Nuv magnitudes versus Nuv−G colors for nearby stars with parallaxes greater than 25 mas, matched with GALEX sources. The single dot far to the left represents the only single white dwarf in the sample, DN Dra. The line along the lower envelope of the main sequence shows the formal functional fit, see text. 

Most of the stars lie on a well-defined and narrow main sequence stretching between magnitudes 9 and 22 in absolute magnitude Mnuv and 5 - 12 in Nuv−G color. There is a rudimentary giant branch veering off to the right at the top of the main sequence, reflecting the scarcity of giants in the immediate solar neighborhood. The width of the main sequence is roughly 0.5 mag, likely to come from unresolved binaries. A regular MS-MS binary is shifted up and to the right of the main sequence because there is more additional flux in the G band than in Nuv. The largest deviation from the main sequence due to binarity is ≈ 0.75 mag for identical twin pairs. Interstellar reddening is not expected to have a significant presence in this diagram as there are no dense dust-molecular clouds within 40 pc.

Using a standard nonlinear fit algorithm (minimizing the residual RMS), this functional form is found for the lower envelope main sequence, represented with a solid curved line in Figure 1:

Mnuv(fit) = 15.339 + 5.708x - 1.653x2 + 1.029x3 - 0.915 cos[πx], (2)

where x = (Nuv−G−8)/3.3. This curve accurately represents the bluest magnitudes and colors of normal field dwarfs without any signs of activity or reddening. The presence of a cosine term is justified by the much better results achieved: the standard deviation of post-fit residuals over a set of nodal points goes down from 0.21 to 0.08 mag, and the observed wiggles of the lower envelope are much more truthfully represented. A median main sequence functional expansion can be obtained from Equation 2 by replacing the constant term 15.339 with 15.150.

The inverse main sequence fit, i.e., [Nuv − G](Mnuv) may be handy if we want to estimate the amount of observed “UV-excess” for a known absolute magnitude:

[Nuv-G](fit)=8.096+3.463y+0.786y2-0.120y3+0.482cos[πy], (3)

where y = (Mnuv − 15.5)/6.5.

A few dozen stars lie to the left of the lower boundary curve with either their colors too blue or absolute magnitudes too faint. The latter is unlikely because of the slope of the main sequence - a deficit of Nuv flux would shift the point to the right of the main sequence. Hence, the stars below and to the left of the main sequence envelope have ultraviolet excess with respect to normal luminosities. This is confirmed by Figure 2 which shows a similar HR diagram for the same set of stars, but with Fuv magnitudes instead of Nuv. The main sequence is not well defined in the far-UV, but the stars with a large Nuv luminosity excess occupy a specific area of the diagram with absolute Fuv magnitudes greater than 6.7 and Fuv−G colors less than 11.6. This confirms that the ultraviolet excess for a fraction of nearest dwarfs is real and present in a wide range of wavelengths.

Fig. 2 Far-UV HR diagram of absolute Fuv magnitudes versus Fuv−G colors for nearby stars with parallaxes greater than 25 mas, matched with GALEX sources. The single encircled dot in the lower left corner represents the only single white dwarf in the sample, DN Dra. Stars of significant Nuv luminosity excess collected in Table 1 are also marked with circles. 


Table 1 lists nearby stars (distance less than 40 pc) found in the TGAS-GALEX sample with significant Nuv luminosity excess. The latter was defined as MNuv(obs)−MNuv(fit)> 0.7 mag. This is a conservative limit possibly leaving out a number of genuine sources of enhanced UV radiation, but it results in a more manageable sample of 50 stars which can be individually verified. The columns of the table include: (1) RA J2015 in degrees; (2) Dec J2015 in degrees; (3) HIP number when available; (4) Tycho-2 identification when HIP number is not available; (5) parallax in mas; (6) standard error of parallax in mas; (7) G magnitude; (8) Fuv magnitude, if available; (9) Nuv magnitude; (10) formal error of Fuv magnitude, if available; (11) formal error of Nuv magnitude. Columns 1 through 7 are copied from TGAS, while Columns 8 - 11 are copied from GALEX.

Table 1 Nearby dwarfs (distance < 40 pc) with excess nuv luminosity 

RA J2015
Dec J2015
Fuv sig
Nuv sig
51.028 23.7845 15844 48.59 0.31 9.809 19.779 18.072 0.206 0.053
35.8615 22.7347 11152 36.86 0.34 10.291 19.432 17.723 0.152 0.041
37.4013 34.3948 2331-1138-1 26.29 0.91 11.46 20.888 19.081 0.298 0.079
10.7024 35.5491 3362 46.4 0.31 9.422 19.032 17.411 0.141 0.027
15.9179 40.8574 4967 30.33 0.52 10.008 19.864 17.654 0.192 0.043
168.974 55.3304 3828-36-1 35.03 0.29 10.332 20.206 17.82 0.239 0.029
169.016 52.7767 55043 25.69 0.25 7.842 12.165 0.003
158.462 49.1867 51700 26.44 0.28 7.313 19.071 12.214 0.111 0.003
97.7541 50.046 3384-35-1 49.58 0.24 10.119 20.14 18.239 0.163 0.032
108.118 45.4218 3392-2038-1 25.19 0.33 10.802 18.646 0.063
139.843 62.0531 45731 25.75 0.38 10.359 19.974 18.127 0.112 0.02
149.623 67.054 48899 33.47 0.29 9.769 20.563 18.078 0.218 0.023
159.943 65.7559 4150-1189-1 30.77 0.38 10.561 20.916 19.033 0.315 0.076
94.5296 75.1012 4525-194-1 32.23 0.42 10.35 19.641 18.104 0.115 0.033
230.471 20.9783 75187 86.81 0.38 8.948 18.809 16.897 0.084 0.019
233.155 46.8846 3483-856-1 38.11 0.7 10.559 20.912 19.025 0.205 0.066
252.108 59.0551 82257 91.04 0.5 12.288 13.606 13.443 0.007 0.004
332.877 18.4269 109555 85.75 0.3 9.112 20.599 18.624 0.228 0.06
274.354 48.3675 3529-1437-1 50.28 0.88 10.211 20.884 18.688 0.278 0.062
279.857 69.0518 4430-329-1 30.79 0.47 10.871 20.733 19.078 0.231 0.068
5.03554 -17.0614 1608 43.31 0.57 11.687 20.996 0.216
347.082 -15.41 114252 39.85 0.25 10.052 19.482 17.662 0.109 0.03
347.168 -16.3833 6395-1046-1 26.15 0.61 9.899 20.549 17.351 0.376 0.053
339.692 -20.6215 111802 112.68 0.38 8.035 17.996 16.175 0.051 0.014
353.129 -12.2646 5832-666-1 36.02 0.53 9.684 19.692 17.89 0.119 0.034
2.77028 -5.78394 897 41.88 0.91 11.129 19.772 0.06
340.293 -16.4196 6386-326-1 25.01 0.98 11.501 20.279 0.168
73.1023 -16.8236 5899-26-1 63.4 0.37 10.264 19.219 18.049 0.109 0.039
72.491 -14.2861 5328-261-1 27.87 0.32 10.527 19.141 0.072
110.931 20.4153 1355-214-1 36.12 0.31 9.369 19.668 17.089 0.139 0.028
203.679 -8.34242 66252 48.39 0.35 8.614 18.659 16.42 0.114 0.023
165.66 21.9669 53985 83.77 0.35 8.678 19.848 17.543 0.204 0.038
230.356 4.24718 344-504-1 36.44 0.84 10.872 22.411 20.118 0.453 0.107
259.975 26.5023 84794 93.18 0.49 9.951 20.271 18.794 0.197 0.063
38.5944 -43.7976 11964 86.14 0.32 8.052 16.892 15.238 0.03 0.009
0.614199 -46.0289 191 27.17 0.39 11.409 21.76 20.286 0.393 0.09
47.0292 -24.7591 14568 30.74 0.4 9.635 19.282 17.331 0.125 0.035
28.2985 -21.0951 5858-1893-1 31.85 0.6 10.336 18.88 17.382 0.086 0.03
25.8094 -21.6157 8038 32.35 0.85 9.566 19.518 16.956 0.101 0.016
45.6603 -18.1656 14165 52.47 0.31 10.586 20.261 0.107
117.301 -76.7027 9381-1809-1 92.06 0.49 9.975 19.797 18.101 0.15 0.035
130.385 -68.4272 42650 32.84 0.52 10.289 18.771 0.081
159.939 -44.5109 7722-1583-1 53.57 0.97 10.519 19.247 19.567 0.148 0.121
161.298 -26.1259 6638-293-1 30.3 0.6 9.965 18.249 0.038
139.085 -18.6252 6032-282-1 73.35 0.94 9.647 20.844 18.696 0.319 0.097
201.451 -28.3744 65520 65. 0.31 9.957 19.55 0.114
349.888 -39.6569 8006-520-1 25.59 0.77 11.103 20.095 0.105
341.242 -33.251 112312 48.17 0.57 10.547 20.203 18.209 0.142 0.036
311.291 -31.3424 102409 102.12 0.39 7.712 17.442 15.588 0.042 0.01
318.272 -17.4875 6351-286-1 26.91 0.53 10.087 20.148 18.092 0.171 0.035

The single point far to the left in Figures 1 and 2 represents the well-known white dwarf DN Dra = GJ 1206 of spectral type DA4.0 (e.g., Fontaine et al. 1992). It is very luminous in the near-UV with an absolute magnitude Mnuv= 7.95 mag. The absence of other bright white dwarfs within 40 pc of the Sun in our selection is probably explained by selection effects in the Hipparcos, Tycho-2, and TGAS catalogs2. Other excess stars have much redder Nuv−G colors and cannot be isolated white dwarfs. An extensive literature and astronomical database search with VizieR and Simbad reveals that the sample includes predominantly dwarfs of late K to early M spectral types. Some of these stars are included in the study of the near-UV luminosity function of early M-type dwarfs by Ansdell et al. (2015), where the authors used Nuv fluxes relative to visual and near-infrared fluxes rather than absolute luminosities, which leads to a larger sample. Ansdell et al. (2015) find that up to 1/6 of all such M dwarfs show elevated levels of near-UV radiation, which may be inconsistent with a constant star-formation rate and commonly used age-activity relations. Here we find a much lower rate of dwarfs with excess Nuv lumnosities in absolute units (∼ 3.6%). It is possible that a relative-flux selection is biased toward more active M dwarfs from a larger volume of space.

3.1. Too Many Young Stars?

All of our late-type dwarfs satisfy the rather generous selection criteria for young stars of Rodriguez et al. (2013), their Fig. 1. Can they all be young? Assuming a constant rate of star formation over the 13 Gyr history of the Galaxy, the rate of overluminous dwarfs corresponds to a threshold age of 460 Myr. Hence, the existence of such dwarfs in the solar neighborhood can be explained if stars younger than the Hyades can retain the observed Nuv excess due to a high level of magnetic activity fueled by fast rotation. There are no star forming regions, OB associations, or young open clusters within the close solar neighborhood. However, some of the stars listed in Table 1 have been proposed as members of sparse young moving groups (YMG). Some interesting examples are:

  • TYC 5899-26-1, an M3.3 dwarf, was assigned by Shkolnik et al. (2012) to the AB Doradus YMG with an estimated age of 30-50 Myr (Makarov 2007).

  • TYC 5832-666-1, a rotationally variable M0 dwarf, was assigned by L´epine & Simon (2009) to the β Pic YMG with an estimated age of 20-30 Myr.

  • HIP 84794 = GJ 669A, a flaring M3.5 dwarf, was assigned by Shkolnik et al. (2012) to the Hyades MG with an estimated age of 600 Myr3.

  • HIP 112312 = WW PsA, an M1 dwarf, was assigned by Shkolnik et al. (2012) to the β Pic MG, but it is also a rotationally variable binary of the BY Dra type.

  • HIP 102409 = GJ 803 = AU Mic, a famous M1e young dwarf with a resolved debris disk, considered to be a member of the β Pic MG, but also an active binary of the BY Dra type.

  • TYC 6351-286-1 = HD 201919, a rotationally variable K6Ve dwarf suggested by Elliott et al. (2016) as a member of the AB Doradus YMG.

Shkolnik & Barman (2014) conclude that the median UV flux of early M stars remains at “saturated” levels for a few hundred Myr, and the decline in activity after ≈ 300 Myr follows a time−1 dependence, but their analysis is based on rather rough distance estimates and the relative FUV/FJ flux ratio. Often, the proposed membership of stars to the nearest moving groups is uncertain and suffers from considerable rates of interlopers. The earlier attempts at identifying such groups were based on proper motion and X-ray count rate data following the successful completion of the Rosat and Tycho-2 missions (Makarov & Urban 2000). But the census of nearby most luminous stars in X-rays shows that this criterion nets more active binaries of the RS CVn and BY Dra type than very young objects (Makarov 2003). Even though the majority of objects in Table 1 are associated with Rosat-detected X-ray sources, this does not guarantee their young age. Figure 3 presents an attempt to verify that the over-luminous dwarfs can be younger than the Hyades. Only 9 known Pleiades members seem to be present in the TGAS-GALEX sample, marked with open circles. These stars are solar-type or earlier, and they conform to the main sequence fit quite well. Unfortunately, small-mass dwarfs are missing, perhaps because they are too faint. The filled circles represent the proposed members of the nearer and possibly younger Tuc Hor MG (estimated age 27 Myr) from Makarov (2007); Kraus et al. (2014). They allow us to probe later spectral types down to the early K. These candidate young stars start to deviate from the main sequence at Mnuv≈14-15 mag. This may be interpreted as a “turn-on” point of very young stars, which is likely age-dependent. The absence of late-type dwarfs thwarts verification of this result. The preliminary conclusion is that stars younger than the Pleiades (≲100 Myr) that wandered by chance into the close solar neighborhood may be significantly over-luminous in the UV compared to older inactive field stars, but their number should be much smaller than what we find on the HR diagram.

Fig. 3 Near-UV HR diagram of absolute Nuv magnitudes versus Nuv−G colors for known members of the Pleiades cluster (open circles) and Tuc Hor MG members (filled disks) found in the TGAS-GALEX cross-match. The diamond in the lower left corner shows the data for the nearby white dwarf van Maanen 2. The solid line is the main sequence fit for nearby stars (Equation 2). The dashed line shows the computed loci of old inactive dwarfs in unresolved binaries with white dwarfs identical to van Maanen 2. 

3.2. Hidden White Dwarfs

The selection criteria adopted in § 3 are sensitive to unresolved binaries that include a cool main sequence dwarf and a hotter white dwarf (WD). Fuhrmann et al. (2016) speculated that binaries with WD companions should be quite common in the solar neighborhood but it is not easy to find them on account of their optical dimness. In principle, the near-UV HR diagram method should be capable of detecting hidden WD companions from the youngest and hottest (but rare) to objects as late as D8, or approximately 6300 K in effective temperature, but the prospects strongly depend on the spectral type of the main-sequence primary. The easiest and the most common target would be M dwarfs, and indeed, the prevalence of such objects in Table 1 can be explained this way. The dashed curved line in Fig. 3 shows the loci of M-WD pairs with completely blended photometry, where the cool nearby WD van Maanen 2 = GJ 35 = HIP 3829 is used as a WD template. GJ 35 is a very close Population II white dwarf which is missing in TGAS (but present in the main Gaia catalog) of DZ7.5 spectral type, marked with a diamond on the diagram. Blended MS-WD pairs cannot be bluer than the WD component or significantly redder than the MS component; thus, their positions are limited to the sharp angle formed by the main sequence and the horizontal line through the Mnuv of the WD. No WD companions have been identified in the literature for stars listed in Table 1 but their existence cannot be ruled out.

3.3. Fast Rotation, Binarity, Flares

Most of the stars with excess Nuv luminosity in Table 1 are associated with X-ray sources. This is a necessary but not sufficient sign of stellar youth as active close binaries also possess elevated coronal X-ray emission (Micela et al. 1997). The nearest (within 50 pc) and the brightest X-ray emitters are phenomenologically separated into a few categories (Makarov 2003) dominated by (1) RS CVn-type binaries (with evolved components); (2) BY Dra-type active binaries (with MS components); (3) young stars; (4) contact binaries of WU UMa type; (5) rapidly rotating single evolved stars. Short-period binaries feature strongly in this census with RS CVn pairs being the most luminous X-ray emitters of all field non-degenerate stars. The fast rotation of components required to maintain high levels of chromospheric and coronal activity is fueled by the angular momentum transfer via tidal interactions (Hut 1980). The same mechanism relatively quickly circularizes tight orbits, but the presence of more distant, misaligned tertiary companions can be a source of excitation for the eccentricity of the inner pair via the Lidov-Kozai cycle (Eggelton et al. 1998). This probably explains the high rate of Rosat-detected sources associated with resolved doubles (Makarov 2002) - these may be the visual components of interacting hierarchical triple systems. A quarter of the sample have been detected as active binaries of BY Dra-type, often flaring and rotationally variable with structured photospheres. Some objects of note include:

  • TYC 2331-1138-1 = CK Tri is a variable mistakenly classified as RS CVn-type, but it is definitely a nearby pair of dwarfs of the BY Dratype.

  • HIP 3362 = FF And is a BY Dra-type variable consisting of two twin M1V companions, also an astrometric binary with an orbital solution by Jancart et al. (2005) with an orbital period of 2.170 d. Chugainov (1971) posited that the properties of the light curve are best explained by a large, cool spot on the surface.

  • HIP 51700 is one of the two F stars in the sample (F8), and possibly a short-period variable (Koen & Eyer 2002).

  • HIP 45731 = GJ 3547 is a flare M1.0V star, which is a SB2 according to Shkolnik et al. (2010) with an orbital period less than 20 d.

  • HIP 111802 = GJ 867A = FK Aqr, a wellstudied quadruple system of chromospherically active flare dwarfs. The primary which is listed in Table 1 is a pair of twin dM1e stars (Herbig & Moorhead 1965) with a period of 4.08 d.

  • TYC 1355-214-1 = V429 Gem is a K5Ve variable of BY Dra type, possibly including a brown dwarf companion (Hernán-Obispo et al. 2015).

  • HIP 14568 = GJ 3203 = AE For, an eclipsing binary consisting of two K7Ve dwarfs with possibly a brown dwarf tertiary (Zasche et al. 2012).

  • TYC 5858-1893-1 is one of the less studied stars of M2Ve type, detected as SB2 with a rotational and orbital period of 2.9 d (Shkolnik et al. 2010).


A broader search for genuine hot stars in TGAS can be made if we drop the small distance criterion and consider the entire population with statistically precise parallaxes and matching GALEX sources. Table 2 lists 40 stars found with the following criteria: ϖ ϖ > 5, and Nuv−G < 2 mag. The format of this table is the same as Table 1. Besides the previously found DN Dra, this selection includes one additional well-known WD of DA0.8 type, HIP 12031=FS Cet. With G = 12.177 mag, Nuv=12.371 mag, Mnuv= 7.95 mag, this star marks the top of the WD cooling sequence in the HR diagram. Between FS Cet and van Maanen 2, the range of absolute Nuv magnitudes of white dwarfs is ≈ [8,20] mag, and this should make the Nuv HR diagram a suitable proxy for the spectroscopic determination of type.

Table 2 Gaia stars with significant parallaxes and nuv−g colors less than 2 mag 

RA J2015
Dec J2015
Fuv sig
Nuv sig
57.3453 27.2266 1808 902 1 1.94 0.27 11.49 12.453 13.337 0.005 0.004
60.133 27.4278 1821 1013 1 2.43 0.3 11.425 12.827 13.321 0.005 0.004
26.1982 32.5499 2298 1538 1 2.79 0.43 11.871 12.505 13.146 0.005 0.004
16.1481 41.2993 2807 1623 1 5.41 0.55 13.128 13.489 13.859 0.009 0.007
143.672 30.561 46993 5.42 0.44 12.09 18.923 13.482 0.109 0.006
143.717 31.0274 2494 805 1 4.67 0.56 12.849 15.752 13.734 0.026 0.006
154.487 55.2755 3818 1084 1 1.68 0.26 11.656 11.903 12.634 0.004 0.004
111.785 26.9674 1918 1313 1 1.67 0.3 11.888 13.728 13.711 0.008 0.004
102.816 56.6469 3774 18 1 1.33 0.26 11.923 12.896 13.354 0.005 0.004
108.52 70.0716 4364 1209 1 4.93 0.29 12.061 12.178 12.991 0.005 0.004
107.051 78.0469 4530 502 1 1.35 0.23 12.052 12.719 13.075 0.004 0.004
246.563 23.0584 2043 1081 1 2.3 0.45 10.847 12.1 12.558 0.005 0.003
252.108 59.0551 82257 91.04 0.5 12.288 13.606 13.443 0.007 0.004
216.785 72.9638 4416 1269 1 2.04 0.33 11.126 11.737 12.195 0.003 0.002
350.178 38.1755 3230 1262 1 3.86 0.31 12.875 19.167 14.12 0.077 0.005
300.943 71.6068 4454 1229 1 3.23 0.3 10.434 12.039 0.002
13.0627 -10.6629 5270 1692 1 5.52 0.94 11.154 12.406 0.002
38.782 3.73248 12031 13.06 0.76 12.177 12.371 0.003
350.122 28.494 2249 1134 1 2.22 0.31 11.83 12.966 13.39 0.005 0.003
0.551579 32.9799 2263 1340 1 2.51 0.39 11.043 11.951 12.597 0.004 0.003
349.259 29.9058 2248 1765 1 1.91 0.36 11.962 13.966 13.869 0.006 0.004
80.3045 -24.7822 6479 610 1 1.73 0.28 11.283 12.949 12.67 0.005 0.003
65.4181 -6.01938 4733 1261 1 3.27 0.34 11.385 13.334 0.004
235.694 -7.72293 5597 9 1 1.61 0.29 11.74 13.454 13.601 0.006 0.004
246.831 12.5777 967 861 1 1.63 0.31 11.351 12.657 12.688 0.004 0.003
264.588 29.1466 86329 3.35 0.26 10.284 11.694 11.994 0.003 0.003
67.44 -50.5233 8075 508 1 2.68 0.25 11.758 18.242 13.599 0.094 0.006
75.8936 -28.4547 6485 79 1 1.66 0.28 12.249 12.812 0.004
27.1839 -26.6038 8435 2.96 0.33 12.22 11.985 13.112 0.004 0.004
159.874 -31.182 7186 829 1 1.91 0.3 12.15 13.751 0.007
98.9003 -62.6401 31481 2.45 0.44 12.348 12.906 13.351 0.004 0.003
95.8846 -37.8134 7613 283 1 2.2 0.28 11.203 12.529 13.006 0.004 0.003
294.23 -59.285 8786 1818 1 2.36 0.38 11.265 13.055 13.009 0.007 0.005
314.203 -45.4108 8408 609 1 1.63 0.31 12.314 12.532 12.925 0.006 0.002
349.927 -55.6115 8834 986 1 1.47 0.27 11.864 14.533 13.33 0.012 0.004
324.116 -45.6489 8424 668 1 8.2 0.3 13.304 22.525 15.158 0.405 0.009
325.129 -31.4509 7487 82 2 2.98 0.36 12.118 17.326 13.737 0.032 0.003
309.558 -39.9754 7954 1134 1 2.73 0.47 10.397 12.214 12.214 0.003 0.002
288.606 -42.8892 7926 1427 1 1.5 0.27 11.278 13.159 12.742 0.008 0.004
323.833 -30.517 7474 402 1 2.17 0.39 11.46 16.421 13.456 0.024 0.003

Most of the objects in Table 2 are relatively poorly studied stars that have remained under the radar of observers. It is only now with the combination of precise GALEX photometry and Gaia parallaxes that we begin to see them as very unusual objects. Several stars, on the contrary, have been studied in more detail, including:

The appearance of known novae and spectroscopic binaries with hot subdwarfs implies that more hidden WD and sdOB can be discovered among the relatively nearby objects listed in Table 2. Followup spectroscopic and photometric observations are perhaps the best way to find the nature of their excessive UV luminosity.


This study of nearby astrometric standards from the Gaia DR1 shows that stellar youth is only one of the reasons for field stars to have excess Nuv luminosities, and perhaps, not the main one. Dynamical and possibly magnetic interaction of low-mass dwarfs in close binaries is capable of supporting fast rotation rates and enhanced levels of X-ray and UV radiation for durations comparable to the main-sequence lifetimes. This is confirmed, for example, by in-depth investigations of stellar rotation rates in nearby open clusters. Douglas et al. (2016) find that almost all single members of the Hyades (age ≈ 650 Myr) with masses above 0.3M are slow rotators, while most of the spectroscopic binaries in this mass range are fast rotators. Many of the nearby stars listed in Table 1 with Nuv−G colors bluer than the main sequence are expected to be old binary systems of BY Dra type. In a wider sample of stars with extreme UV colors listed in Table 2, the presence of binaries with white dwarf and sdOB hot subdwarf components is conspicious, but many others remain hidden.

It is reasonable to expect that metal-poor Population II stars should also show mild Nuv excess compared with disk dwarfs. The weak absorption lines of metals in the near-UV region provide additional flux at short wavelengths. Since the fraction of Population II stars in the solar neighborhood is low, we expect few, if any, such objects to be present in our analysis. Using tangential velocities (computed from Gaia proper motions and parallaxes) as a proxy for population type, a search for high-velocity stars within 40 pc of the Sun resulted in 70 objects (out of 1403) with v tan > 70 km s−1. These fast moving stars comply with the main sequence quite well (not shown in this paper for brevity) with the exception of a few objects deviating to the giant domain and possibly three stars with mild Nuv excess, all with Mnuv around 15 mag. Only one of the three objects satisfies the strict selection criteria adopted here, namely, the previously discussed spectroscopic binary HIP 45731, but there is no evidence of metal deficiency in the literature.

It is also found that most of the field stars in the immediate solar neighborhood (distance less than 40pc) follow a well-defined and narrow main sequence on the “absolute Nuv magnitude versus Nuv−G color” HR diagram constructed with Gaia parallaxes and GALEX and Gaia photometry. This confirms the high quality of GALEX and Gaia photometric data and makes such a diagram a valuable method to detect more stars with unusual UV radiation properties.

The author is grateful to J. Subasavage and J. Munn for useful discussions of the topic. This work has made use of data from the European Space Agency (ESA) mission Gaia (, processed by the Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium (DPAC, Funding for the DPAC has been provided by national institutions, in particular the institutions participating in the Gaia Multilateral Agreement. This research has made use of the VizieR catalogue access tool, CDS, Strasbourg, France. The original description of the VizieR service was published in A&AS 143, 23.


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1There is a wide empty swath in GALEX along the Galactic plane due to the source confusion.

2 Gontcharov et al. (2011) find only 15 WD from Hipparcos and Tycho-2 using their astrometric and photometric criteria, but only 4 of them are present in TGAS with listed parallaxes and proper motions, namely, HIP 82257 = DN Dra, TYC 3953-480-1 = Eggr 378, TYC 8942-2593-1, and TYC 15381368-1, the latter two being false positives (not WD) because of gross errors in the Tycho-2 proper motions. The cause of this low representation rate is unknown.

3The existence of the Hyades moving group as a coeval aggregate of stars has been disputed, (e.g., Famaey et al. 2007).

Received: May 17, 2017; Accepted: June 19, 2017

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