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Revista mexicana de astronomía y astrofísica

Print version ISSN 0185-1101

Rev. mex. astron. astrofis vol.58 n.1 Ciudad de México Apr. 2022  Epub Jan 23, 2023 


Temperature Discrepancy with Photoionization Models of the Narrow-Line Region

Luc Binette1 

Montserrat Villar Martín2 

Gladis Magris C.3 

Mariela Martínez-Paredes4 

Alexandre Alarie5 

Alberto Rodríguez Ardila6 

Ilhuiyolitzin Villicaña-Pedraza7 

1Instituto de Astronomía, UNAM, México.

2Centro de Astrobiología, Departamento de Astrofísica, Madrid, Spain.

3Centro de Investigaciones de Astronomía, Mérida, Venezuela.

4Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Daejeon, South Korea.

5Département de physique, de génie physique et d'optique, Université Laval, Québec, Canada.

6Laboratório Nacional de Astrofísica, Itajubá, Brazil.

7DACC Science Department, New Mexico State University, USA.


Using published work on the narrow-line region of active galactic nuclei, a comparison is carried out among the [O III] λ4363Å/λ5007Å (ROIII) ratio observed in quasars, Seyfert 2's and the spatially resolved ENLR plasma. Using the weak [Ar IV] λ4711Å/λ4740Å doublet ratio observed by Koski (1978) among Seyfert 2's, we find evidence of a narrow-line region (NLR) populated by low density emission clouds (≲ 104 cm-3). After considering calculations of the [Ar IV] and [O III] ratios that assume a power law distribution of plasma densities, no evidence of collisional deexcitation is found. The plasma temperature inferred is 13 500 °K, which is problematic to reproduce with standard photoionization calculations. The simplest interpretation for the near coincidence of the ROIII ratios among the ENLR and Seyfert 2 measurements (ROIII ≃ 0:017) is that the low density regime applies to both plasmas.

Key Words: dust; extinction; galaxies; Seyfert; plasmas; quasars; emission Lines


Utilizando trabajos publicados sobre la región de líneas angostas de los núcleos galácticos activos, se compara el [O III] λ4363Å/λ5007Å (ROIII) observado en cuásares, Seyfert 2 y en el plasma espacialmente resuelto de la ENLR. Mediante el débil doblete de [Ar IV] λ4711Å/λ4740Å observado por Koski encontramos evidencias de una región de líneas angostas (NLR) poblada por nubes de emisión de baja densidad (≲ 104 cm-3). Tras considerar los cálculos de las relaciones [Ar IV] y [O III] que asumen una distribución de ley de potencia de las densidades del plasma, no se encuentra evidencia de desexcitación colisional. La temperatura del plasma que se infiere es de 13 500 °K, la cual es difícil de reproducir con los cálculos estándar de fotoionización. La interpretación más sencilla de la casi coincidencia de los cocientes de ROIII medidos en la ENLR y las Seyfert 2 (ROIII ≃ 0:017) sería que el régimen de baja densidad se aplica a ambos plasmas.


The physics of the so-called narrow-line region of active galactic nuclei (AGN) has been amply studied (cf. Osterbrock 1978, and references therein). AGN emission line spectra can be divided into two categories1: TypeI when the full width half-maximum (FWHM) of the permitted lines are significantly larger than the forbidden lines, and TypeII where both the permitted and forbidden lines have similar FWHM. The broad-line region (BLR) observed in TypeI objects originates from high density gas (> 108 cm−3) much closer to the black-hole (BH) than the narrow-line region (hereafter NLR), the latter being observed in both TypeI and II objects. The AGN unified model sustains that both types relate to the same phenomenon, with the differences being the visibility of the central engine. It proposes that the BLR is hidden from direct view in TypeII due to an optically thick dusty torus-like gas structure surrounding the central engine (black hole, accretion disk, and BLR) (Antonucci 1993). Whether the BLR is observed or not depends on the viewing angle of the nucleus. Seyfert2’s, QSO2’s and narrow line radio galaxies (NLRG) are classified as TypeII while Seyfert1’s, quasars, QSO1’s and broad-line radio galaxies (BLRG) are of TypeI because their BLR is visible.

While it is customary to assume for Hii regions the low density regime (hereafter LDR) when evaluating the plasma temperature using the [OIII[ λ4363Å/λ5007Å line ratio (hereafter labeled R OIII), this is inappropriate for the NLR, at least in TypeI objects. Osterbrock (1978) interpreted the relative strength of the λ4363Å line, which was measured to be higher in Seyfert1’s and BLRG than in Seyfert2’s, as evidence of densities in the range 106−107 cm−3 within the NLR of TypeI AGN. This interpretation was confirmed by the study of Baskin & Laor (2005, hereafter BL05) who compared the R OIII they measured in 30 quasars. Their singledensity calculations showed that the broad range of observed R OIII ratios implies high plasma densities, ranging from possibly 105 up to 107 cm−3, providing convincing evidence of the important role of collisional deexcitation in TypeI AGN, where the temperature cannot be directly inferred from the R OIII ratio. In the case of TypeII objects (Seyfert2’s and NLRG), the R OIII ratio is on average smaller (< 0.019) although selection effects may possibly bias such an assessment. Prevailing NLR photoionization models consider a distribution of clouds that extends over a wide range of values of densities and ionization parameter, whether the targets are TypeI (Baldwin et al. 1995; Korista et al. 1997) or TypeII objects (Ferguson et al. 1997; Richardson et al. 2014). With respect to the spatially resolved emission line component of AGN, the so-called extended NLR (hereafter ENLR), it consists of off-nuclear line emission from plasma at typically LDR densities (e.g. Tadhunter et al. 1994; Bennert et al. 2006a,b) where the R OIII ratio should provide a reliable temperature measurement.

The original element of the current work is the use of the weak [ArIV] λλ4711,40Å doublet to evaluate to what extent the R OIII measurements of our selected Seyfert2 sample is affected by collisional deexcitation. To cover the multi-density case, we developed an algorithm, OSALD, to calculate density and temperature line ratio diagnostics appropriate to isothermal plasmas in which the density follows a power law distribution rather than taking on a single value. This algorithm offers the option of including a foreground dust extinction component whose opacity, rather than being uniform, correlates with the emission plasma density. Our main conclusion is that (at least for the subset of TypeII objects where the [ArIV] doublet is observed) there is no evidence of significant collisional deexcitation. Hence, in those cases the R OIII ratio constitutes a direct temperature indicator. Oddly, LDR photoionization calculations result in temperature discrepancies with the observations, underscoring the so-called temperature problem (Storchi-Bergmann et al. 1996; Bennert et al. 2006a; Villar-Martín et al. 2008; Dors et al. 2015, 2020). In a follow-up paper, we evaluate different physical processes to address this issue.

Our reference sample is described in §2 and a comparison with single-component photoionization models is presented in §3. A modified interpretation of the NLR R OIII ratios observed near ' 0.017 in TypeII and some TypeI AGN is proposed in §4. These are subsequently compared with calculations made with the algorithm OSALD (§5), which considers a power law density distribution.


In what follows, the term NLR will be used exclusively in reference to the spatially unresolved nuclear component. For any line emission that originates beyond the spatially unresolved central component2 of the active nucleus, it will be referred as ENLR3 in all cases where the gas is deemed photoionized by the AGN rather than by hot stars.

In order to evaluate the impact of collisional deexcitation on the [OIII] emission lines among TypeI and II AGN, our data set consists primarily of the quasar sample of BL05 (excluding upper limits data), to which we added the four narrow-line Seyfert1 studied by Rodríguez-Ardila et al. (2000a, hereafter RA00) which were originally observed by Rodríguez-Ardila et al. (2000b). To have access to measurements of the λλ4711,40Å doublet, we relied on the Seyfert2 sample of Koski (1978, hereafter Kos78). Finally, to ensure that our sample covers cases where the emission plasma is negligibly affected by collisional deexcitation, we included diverse ENLR observations from the literature. Figure1 describes the behaviour of the dereddened [OIII]/Hβ (λ5007Å/λ4861Å) and R OIII (λ4363Å/λ5007Å) line ratios of our AGN sample.

2.1. Detailed Description of the Dereddened R OIII Data Set

The data set was extracted from the following sources:

  • A- NLR of TypeI AGN

    • (a) Based on the prominent work of BL05, the sample consists of 30 TypeI quasars with z < 0.5, mostly from the bright quasar survey of Boroson & Green (1992). Objects where only upper limits of [OIII]λ4363Å were reported have been excluded. The sample is represented by bluish open squares in Figure1. The authors used the [OIII]λ5007Å profile of each object as template for extracting the NLR Hβ and [OIII]λ4363Å line fluxes. Since the latter line is weak, its measurement required a proper subtraction of the underlying FeII emission multiplets. BL05 used the IZw1 Feii template provided by T. Boroson (private communication) to subtract the FeII multiplets. All the line fluxes were corrected for dust reddening and possible slit losses.

    • (b) The measurements of the four narrowline Seyfert1 nuclei (hereafter NLS1) from RA00 (yellowish open triangles) were annexed. As detailed in their study, the authors used their own spectrum of IZw1 to subtract the various Feii underlying features present in their NLS1 spectra. They compared different ways to extract the Hβ NLR contribution, favouring in the end the procedure of fitting a narrow and broad Gaussian component to the Hβ profiles. The broad to narrow Hβ flux ratios in these objects cover the range of 1.8 to 3.4.

    • (c)For comparison purposes, we included the measurements of two well-studied Seyfert1.5 galaxies (light-green open stars): NGC5548 (Kraemer et al. 1998a) and NGC72134 (Filippenko & Halpern 1984).

  • B- NLR of TypeII AGN

    • (a) To characterize the behaviour of high excitation TypeII objects, we adopt the pioneering work on Seyfert2’s by Koski (1978, hereafter Kos78), which provides the unique characteristic of reporting reliable measurements of the weak [ArIV] λλ4711,40Å doublet ratio, an essential density indicator for evaluating in §4.2 and §5.2 to what extent the observed R OIII is affected by collisional deexcitation. Table 1 lists the reddening corrected ratios of the high excitation subset of their sample (i.e. with [OIII]/Hβ ≥ 10), which consists of seven Seyfert2’s. Two objects, Mrk348 and 3C33, were left out of Table 1 since their measurement of the [ArIV] ratio unrealistically exceeded the low density limit value. They presumably indicate emission from LDR plasma. The average R OIII ratio from Table 1 is 0.0168 (i.e. 10 −1.77 in Figure1), which is represented by a large black disk whose radius of 0.088dex corresponds to the R OIII RMS dispersion. The average [OIII]/Hβ is 12.3 ± 1.1.

    • (b) As a complement to TypeII objects, we averaged the measurements of the four Seyfert2’s IC5063, NGC7212, NGC3281 and NGC1386 observed by Bennert et al. (2006b, hereafter Be06b). It is represented by a small black circle corresponding to a mean R OIII of 0.0188. Pseudo error bars represent the RMS dispersion of 0.042dex.

    • (c) The black diamond labelled a41 with R OIII = 0.0155 represents the high ionization end of the sequence of reconstructed spectra of Richardson et al. (2014, hereafter Ri14) which was extracted from a sample of 379 AGN. These were identified by applying the Mean Field Independent Component Analysis (MFICA) tool to their Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) sample of ≈ 104 emission line galaxies in the redshift range 0.10 < z < 0.12 (see also Allen et al. 2013). They meticulously reviewed each spectrum to ensure that no BLR component was present.

    • (d) Ground-based observations of the Seyfert2 NGC1068 nucleus by Kos78 is represented by the black open octagon while the black open triangle corresponds to the HSTFOS measurement of the nucleus at a much higher spatial resolution of 0.3 ^ (archive data Kraemer et al. 1998b, hereafter Kr98).

  • C- Spatially resolved ENLR emission

    • (a) The red filled dot stands for the average ratio from the ENLR of four TypeII AGN (two are Seyfert2’s: ESO362-G08 and MRK573, and two are NLRGs: Pks0349−27 and Pks0634−20) which were studied by Storchi-Bergmann et al. (1996, hereafter SB96). The mean R OIII ratio is 0.0169 ± 0.0029, which includes measurements on both sides of the nucleus, except for ESO362-G08 (Binette et al. 1996, hereafter BWS). Pseudo-error bars denote an RMS dispersion of 0.07dex.

    • (b) The Seyfert2 IC5063. The red pentagon represents the average ratio R OIII = 0.0188 (with dispersion of 0.042dex) from the extranuclear radial emission of the Seyfert2 IC5063 which Be06b observed with a S/N > 3 from 8^ NW to 5^ SE.

    • (c) The CentaurusA (NGC5128) filaments. The red square represents the average ratio of seven optical filaments studied by Morganti et al. (1991, hereafter Mo91) and situated along the radio jet at a mean distance of 490pc from the nucleus of the radio-galaxy CentaurusA (mean R OIII = 0.0145 with a dispersion of 0.13dex).

    • (d) Detached cloud emission aligned with radio-galaxy jets. The large red dot represents the well studied 8kpc distant cloud associated to the nucleus of radiogalaxy Pks2152−699 (Tadhunter et al. 1987, hereafter Ta87).

    • (e) Two detached emission line ‘knots’ of NGC1068 labelled 1 and 2 (red triangles) which were studied by Kr98 using HSTFOS archive data. The positions are off and centered from the nucleus by 0.2^ and 0.7^, respectively.


Seyfert 2
1 Mrk 573 12.12 0.0149 1.167 1.52 0.039 1.85 × 103 13 360
2 Mrk 34 11.46 0.0131 1.203 2.03 0.051 1.64 × 103 12 720
3 Mrk 78 11.94 0.0117 1.267 2.22 0.053 1.14 × 103 12 210
4 Mrk 176 14.36 0.0223 1.045 0.45 0.013 2.84 × 103 15 940
5 Mrk 3 12.67 0.0189 0.837 1.95 0.072 7.21 × 103 14 670
6 Mrk 1 10.95 0.0192 0.825 1.59 0.059 7.25 × 103 14 760
7 NGC 1068 12.42 0.0177 0.790 2.42 0.097 8.77 × 103 14 210

aThe line ratios from the 7 Seyfert 2's were reddening corrected by Koski (1978) using the observed Balmer decrement.

The measurement uncertainties were estimated at ±10% for the strong line uxes and ±20% for the weak lines.

bThe inferred fractional contribution of He I λ4713Å to the blended λ4711Å+ line.

cThe densities nsng were determined using the deblended λ4711Å/λ4740Å doublet ratio.

dThe temperature TsngOIII was derived from the ROIII ratio assuming the density nsng inferred from the deblended [ArIV] ratio (see § 5.1.5). The average temperature from Column (7) is TsngOIII= 13980 ± 1200 °K.

Fig. 1 AGN dereddened line ratios of [OIII]/Hβ vs. R OIII from: A- TypeI AGN with measurements of (1) 30 quasars studied by BL05 (bluish open squares), (2) four narrow-line Seyfert1 galaxies from RA00 (yellowish open triangles), (3) two Seyfert1.5, NGC5548 and NGC7213 (open stars), B-TypeII AGN represented by open black symbols consisting of (1) the average of seven Seyfert2’s from Kos78 (large circle), (2) the average of four Seyfert2’s from Be06b (small circle), (3) the high excitation Seyfert2 subset a41 from Ri14 (diamond), (4) the nucleus of NGC1068 through groundbased observations by Kos78 (black hexagon) and HST-FOS observations analysed by Kr98 (black open triangle), and C- ENLR measurements (all as red filled symbols) consisting of (1) the average from BWS of two Seyfert2’s and two NLRGs (red dot), (2) the long-slit observations of the Seyfert2 IC5063 by Be06b (pentagon), (3) the average of seven spatially resolved optical filaments from the radio-galaxy CentaurusA (red square) by Mo91, (4) the 8kpc distant cloud from radiogalaxy Pks2152−699 by Ta87 (large dot), and (5) the HST-FOS measurements of two ENLR knots from NGC1068 (red triangles). The colour figure can be viewed online. 


All our calculations will be presented in Figure 3 in which the reference data set is represented using the same symbols but coloured in gray. For an isothermal plasma at a fixed temperature, densities much above LDR would cause an increase of the R OIII ratio, shifting its position to the right in Figure 3 due to collisional deexcitation. The segmented cyan arrow describes the increase in R OIII expected from a 14000°K plasma slab whose density successively takes on the values of 102 (LDR), 10 4.5 , 105, 10 5.5 , 106 and 10 6.5 cm−3. It illustrates the density range implied by the BL05 and RA00 TypeI AGN if they shared the same temperature. For a 15000°K plasma, the critical densities5 for deexcitation of the [OIII] λ5007Å and λ4363Å lines are 7.8 × 105 and 2.9×107 cm−3, respectively, while for the[ArIV] λ4711Å and λ4740Å lines these are 1.7 × 104 and 1.5 × 105 cm−3. Let us compare the data with the values predicted by photoionization calculations.

Fig. 2 The four SEDs described in §3 and adopted in our LDR single-component photoionization models of Figure 3: (1) the SED assumed by Ri14 with T cut = 10 5.62 °K in their LOC model calculations (dot-dashed line), (2) a similar SED but with a higher T cut of 10 6.0 °K as explored by Fg97 (long dashed-line), (3) a power law SED with α FUV = −1.3 adopted by BWS (black continuous line), (4) the double bump thermal SED proposed by La12 (thick gray line). Each SED is expressed in νF ν units and normalized to unity at 5eV (2000˚A). In the X-rays, they all convert into a power law of index −1.0. 

Fig. 3 Same data set from Figure1 except that it now includes the Seyfert1 NGC4151 (c.f. §5.2.3) instead of NGC1068. The gray open symbols correspond to the NLR from TypeI objects, black symbols to TypeII and gray filled symbols to ENLR measurements. Four sequences of LDR photoionization models are shown (solid lines) along which the ionization parameter Uo increases in steps of 0.5dex, from 0.01 (light gray dot) up to 0.46. Some models fall outside the figure limits. The sequences are labelled according to the SED defined in §3.2: (A) Fg97 (magenta), (B) Ri14 (light green), (C) BWS (dark green) and (D) La12 (blue). The models are all ionization bounded, dustfree, isochoric with nHo = 100cm-3 and 2.5Z abundances. A square identifies the Uo = 0.1 model with a dotted arrow representing the shift when one adopts the 1.5Z abundances of Ri14. The gray dotted line represents a density sequence in which the densities of the BWS model with Uo = 0.1 are successively increased in steps of 0.5dex. The cyan segmented arrow at the top illustrates the effect of collisional deexcitation on the R OIII ratio from a 14000°K plasma at successively larger densities. The colour figure can be viewed online. 

3.1. Above Solar Gas Metallicities

The abundances we adopt correspond to 2.5Z ʘ, a value within the range appropriate to galactic nuclei of spiral galaxies. For instance, the landmark study by Dopita et al. (2014) of multiple HII regions of the Seyfert2 NGC5427 favour abundances significantly above solar. Using the Wide Field Spectrograph (WiFeS: Dopita et al. 2010), the authors could determine the ISM oxygen radial abundances using 38 HII regions spread between 2 and 13kpc from the nucleus. Using their inferred metallicities, they subsequently modelled the line ratios of over 100 ‘composite’ ENLR-HII region emission line spaxels, as well as the line ratios from the central NLR. Their highest oxygen abundance reaches 3 Z (i.e. 12 + log(O/H = 9.16). Such a high value is shared by other observational and theoretical studies that confirm the high metallicities of Seyfert nuclei (Storchi-Bergmann & Pastoriza 1990; Nagao et al. 2002; Ballero et al. 2008). Our abundance set relative to H corresponds to twice the solar values of Asplund et al. (2006) except for C/H and N/H, which are set at four times the solar values owing to secondary enrichment, resulting in a gas metallicity of Z tot=2.47Z by mass. For the He/H abundance ratio, we assume the solar value of 0.085.

3.2. Four Alternative Ionizing Energy Distributions

The four spectral energy distributions (hereafter SED) selected are shown in Figure 2. They are representative of published work concerning AGN photoionization models and can be described as follows:

  • A: the long dashed-line represents the SED used by Ferguson et al. (1997, hereafter Fg97) in their calculations of local optimally emitting cloud (LOC) models for the NLR. It is characterized by a thermal bump of the form

    Fν  ναUV exp(-hν/kTcut),

    with α UV = −0.3 and T cut = 10 6.0 °K.

  • B: the dot-dashed line represents the ‘optimized SED’ used by Richardson et al. (2014, hereafter Ri14) in their calculations of LOC models. It shares the same index α UV as the Fg97 SED above, but assumes a lower T cut of 10 5.52 °K to describe the thermal bump. It is significantly softer than the Fg97 SED, yet due to collisional deexcitation being important in LOC models, these qualitatively reproduces the R OIII and Heii/Hβ (λ4686Å/λ4861Å) ratios of their reconstructed Seyfert2 emission line spectra.

  • C: a power law of index α FUV = −1.3 in the far-UV domain (continuous black line) which was used by Binette et al. (1996, hereafter BWS) and Binette et al. (1997) in their matterbounded cloud calculations.

  • D: the thick continuous gray line represents the sum of two distinct thermal bumps as proposed by Lawrence (2012, hereafter La12) who postulated that the accretion is entirely covered by intervening thick BLR clouds, which would absorb Lyα as well as the softer ionizing radiation, thereby accounting for the observed UV steepening short-ward of 1050Å. The author proposed that the absorbed EUV energy is reprocessed into emission at much shorter wavelengths, which generates the second peak near 40eV.

Each SED converts in the X-rays into a power law F ν ν −1 and results in an α OX index6 of −1.35 except the BWS SED (α OX = −1.30).

3.3. Isochoric Single-Component Photoionization Calculations

Sequences of photoionization models are shown in Figure 3 corresponding to the four SEDs of Figure 2. LDR was assumed as it is the appropriate density regime for the ENLR plasma and for at least a significant subset of the AGN sample, as argued in §4. They were calculated using the most recent7 version Ig of the code mappings i (Binette et al. 2012) All models share the same density of nHo = 100cm-3 and each sequence includes up to six models8 along which the ionization parameter Uo increases in steps of 0.33dex, from 0.01 (gray dot) up to 0.46. A filled square denotes the Uo = 0.1 model. All calculations are ionization-bounded, dustfree and isochoric. The observational data set represented in Figure 3 uses only black or gray tones but with the same symbol coding as in Figure 1.

If we define the photoheating efficiency of each SED as the temperature of the plasma averaged over the region occupied by the O+2 ion, we obtain for the Uo = 0.1 model the following values of 11300, 9700, 8400 and 8320°K, assuming the SED which we labelled BWS, Fg97, La12 and Ri14, respectively (Figure 3). The BWS SED possesses the highest efficiency but it is more speculative as it excludes the possibility of thermal dump (or peak) in the far-UV. Such a feature is to be expected if the continuum originates from an accretion disk, which is widely accepted as being the primary mode of energy generation in AGN. The double-peak reprocessed SED of La12 presents the advantage of accounting for the ‘universal’ knee observed at 10eV. The position of the second peak at 40eV, however, would need to be shifted to higher energies in order to increase the photoheating efficiency.

It is currently not possible to determine which abundances are the most appropriate to the environment of active nuclei although it is generally accepted that metallicities above solar are most likely. If one assume the more conservative metallicity of 1.5Z of Fg97 and Ri14, a shift towards the right takes place, as shown by the dotted line arrows in Figure 3, assuming an ionization parameter of Uo = 0.1.

What is the origin of the gap between the photoionization models and AGN observations? The positions of models on the left of Figure 3 correspond to LDR conditions. It is a justified option for the ENLR, as argued in AppendixA. As shown by BL05 as well as by the density sequence using the BWS SED in Figure 3 (gray dotted line), all models can be shifted towards higher R OIII values by assuming plasma densities much above 10 4.3 cm−3. This is the main reason why direct measurements of the density governing the [OIII] lines are so important if we wish to determine the NLR temperature. Measurements of the weak [ArIV] doublet can give us access to this information, as explored below.


The work of BL05 presented convincing evidence that the quasars (open squares) with R OIII reaching ≈ 0.2 are the manifestation of collisional deexcitation from high density plasma. Their singledensity photoionization calculations suggest densities of ≃ 10 6.5 cm−3. Interestingly, the four quasars on the extreme left appear to clump at R OIII = 0.0195 with [OIII]/Hβ ≃ 10.5 in Figure 3. At this position, single-density photoionization calculations from BL05 suggest densities near 10 5.2 cm−3. If we consider an isothermal 14000°K plasma (c.f. cyan arrow), the density we infer is very close to LDR, at 10 3.3 cm−3. Our initial analysis of R OIII among Seyfert2 galaxies indicated that these show R OIII values similar to the leftmost quasars, which made us question whether collisional deexcitation is related to their position in Figure 3. Our analysis of the NLR data of Seyfert2 galaxies, however, lead us to question whether collisional deexcitation is related to the position of these quasars on the left. It is noteworthy that, for instance, a similar position is occupied by: (1) the sample of four Seyfert2 nuclei of Be06b (dark-green dot), (2) the reconstructed Seyfert2 subset a41 from Ri14 (black diamond) which is based on an ample sample of SDSS spectra, and (3) the seven high excitation Seyfert2’s of Kos78, as shown by the black disk, which represents the average R OIII. We would argue that the accumulation of AGN on the left is most likely representing a floor AGN temperature where collisional deexcitation is not significant. To support our hypothesis, we will make use in §4.2 of the density indicator provided by the λ4711Å/λ4740Å doublet ratios of Kos78.

4.1. Why do ENLR Observations Coincide with the Leftmost NLR R OIII Observations?

Because ENLR emission operates in the low density regime (c.f. AppendixA), it provides ideal measurements to compare TypeII objects with. In Figure 1, we added the following spatially resolved ENLR emission measurements: (1) the CenA filaments (red square, Mo91), (2) the average ENLR ratios of four TypeII AGN (red dot, BWS), (3) the radial ENLR emission from the Seyfert2 IC5063 (red pentagon: Be06b), and (4) the ionized cloud 8kpc distant from of Pks2152-69 (large red dot, Tadhunter et al. 1987). All gather relatively close to the leftmost TypeI quasars (open squares) as well as to the mean Seyfert2 ratio of the Kos78 study (large black circle). Interestingly, the Seyfert2 reconstructed subset a41 (black diamond) of Ri14 occupies a similar position. The simplest interpretation would be that collisional deexcitation is not significant, not only within the spatially resolved ENLR but among the leftmost objects as well, and that they all share a similar electronic temperature.

4.2. Combination of the [ArIV] and [O III ] Diagnostics

To evaluate the NLR density, we will rely on the observations of Kos78 who measured the weak [ArIV] λλ4711,40Å doublet of his Seyfert2 sample, an unusual feature among AGN surveys. The observations were carried out with the image-dissectorscanner mounted on the 3m Shane telescope at the Lick Observatory. The integration times were typically 32min (A. T. Koski, PhD thesis 1976). In Columns(3-4) of Table 1, we present the reddeningcorrected line ratios of [OIII]/Hβ and R OIII. In the context of high excitation planetary nebulae, Kewley et al. (2019) pointed out that the [ArIV] and [OIII] emission regions significantly overlap and that their respective ratios can be considered representative of the high excitation plasma. A concern, however, is that the weak HeIλ4713Å line lies very close to the [ArIV] λ4711Å line. Given the much wider profiles of the NLR lines in comparison to planetary nebulae, both lines will overlap. Hence the need to apply a deblending correction. The procedure we adopted for the single-density case is described in AppendixB.1. It essentially makes use of the dereddened Heiλ5876Å line (Column6) to calculate a reliable estimate of the contribution of the HeIλ4713Å line to the blended9 [ArIV]+ λ4711Å+/λ4740Å doublet ratio (Column5). The estimated fractional contribution of the blended HeI line to [ArIV]+ is fblendHeI (Column7), which amounts to 5% on average. NGC1068 stands out at a higher value of 10%. For each object we iteratively determine which density n sng is implied by the deblended [ArIV] doublet ratio when it is calculated at the temperature TOIIIsng which reproduces the R OIII ratio. The inferred density values, n sng, given in Column(8), all lie below 104 cm−3. As indicated by the cyan arrow in Figure 3, the R OIII ratio is not significantly affected by collisional deexcitation at densities below 104 cm−3. Taken at face values, the densities of Table 1 indicate that R OIII is a valid temperature indicator for the Seyfert2’s of Kos78. The average temperature characterising the whole sample is 13980 ± 1200°K, which lies significantly above the predictions of the LDR photoionization models of §3.3. Rather than assuming a single density, in §5 we will consider the case of a smoothly varying density distribution.

4.3. Density Bias due to a Limited Spatial Resolution

In TypeI AGN, due to the favorable orientation of the observer with respect to the ionizing cone (Antonucci 1993), the densest NLR components are visible and possibly dominate the integrated line flux, causing the R OIII ratios to occupy values up to 0.2 due to collisional deexcitation, as proposed by BL05.

In TypeII AGN on the other hand, since the inner regions occupied by the accretion disk and the BLR are not visible, important selection effects take place. The NLR is likely not fully observed due to obscuration associated to the ionizing cone. Differences in spatial resolution as a result of the object distance and the size of the spectrograph aperture inevitably affect the sampling of the NLR volume. The angular resolutions characterising our Seyfert2 sample are the following. The reconstructed NLR spectrum of Ri14 was based on SDSS observations of Seyfert2’s of similar redshifts (0.10 - 0.12) with a fiber aperture size of 3^ . This corresponds to a NLR sampling that extends over 5.6kpc diameter. The nearest AGN of the Kos78 sample is NGC1068 at z = 0.0038, which is discussed in detail below. The other objects have redshifts in the range 0.0135 to 0.051 which, for an aperture of 2.7^×4^, result in angular sizes in the range ≃ 1 to 4kpc at the object distance. The Be06b sample presents the highest spatial resolution since its four Seyfert2’s are of low redshift (0.003 - 0.027) and were observed with a see- ing ≲ 1^ using longslit spectroscopy mounted on the NTT and VLT telescopes of the European Southern Observatory. The slit aperture was  1.1^ × 1^, which translates into a NLR angular size of 50 to 600pc. We might conjecture that such superior spatial resolution is possibly related to the position of the Be06b sample in Figure 1, which is slightly more to the right than the Kos78 and Ri14 samples.

Unlike the BL05 quasar sample where collisional deexcitation is the evident cause of the wide spread of R OIII values, the NLR of Seyfert 2’s appears relatively unaffected by deexcitation, at least among ground-based observations. The much superior resolution from HST observations, however, reveals the presence of much denser components within the inner nucleus. A case in point are the HST-FOS observations of NGC1068 (Kr98) with an angular resolution from of 0.3^ (i.e. 25pc). The nucleus (black open triangle), for instance, shows an R OIII ratio higher by a factor of two with respect to the groundbased observation of Kos78 (black octagon). The image of the nucleus in [OIII] light using the HSTFOC instrument shows a diffuse underlying emission component that extends beyond 200pc from the nucleus and which encompasses a number of emission knots of sizes ≳ 10pc. Two bright (EELR) emission ‘knots’, labelled 1 and 2 by Kr98 (red filled triangles) observed whit the 0.3^ aperture show R OIII values observed with the 0.3 that fall between those of Kos78 (octagon) and of Kr98 with HST-FOS (open triangle). A red dotted line connects the four measurements in Figure 1. The two knots are situated at distances from the nucleus of 0.2 and 0.7^, respectively (i.e. at 16 and 57pc).


We expanded the functionality of the R OIII temperature diagnostic by combining the latter with the [ArIV] density indicator, allowing us to evaluate the impact of collisional deexcitation among the observed R OIII ratios. To this effect, we developed the algorithm OSALD (see AppendixC for further information), which integrates the line emissivities from an isothermal plasma that extends over a wide density range, up to a cut-off density, n cut. At a given temperature, if n cut has a high value, the integrated R OIII ratio rises above the LDR value. Since our diagnostics depends on measurements of the [ArIV] doublet, we are limited to the Kos78 sample of Table 1.

We have explored two options concerning the nature of the density cut-off: (1) that it simply consists of a sharp cut-off, or (2) corresponds to a gradual cut-off due to a foreground dust extinction layer whose opacity correlates with plasma density. The calculations assuming the first option are summarised in AppendixE and result in essentially the same temperatures as derived from the single density case explored in §4.2. We will now consider the second option, where we explore the possibility that the NLR emission becomes gradually more absorbed towards the nucleus.

5.1. Components of the Dust Screen Approach with OSALD

One particularity of our proposed approach is that it implies fitting the observed R OIII ratios presented in Table 2 rather than the dereddened ratios of Table 1 and Figure 1.


Objects Target line ratios Blending corrections Parameter values
1 Mrk 573 3.62 0.0119 1.156 2.03 0.044 1.108 0.16 1.56 × 103 12 760
2 Mrk 34 4.10 0.0110 1.193 2.46 0.047 1.140 0.41 1.85 × 103 12 660
3 Mrk 78 5.31 0.0075 1.238 4.05 0.062 1.166 1.10 2.48 × 103 11 510
4 Mrk 176 6.55 0.0139 1.045 0.90 0.013 1.031 1.74 6.54 × 103 15 210
5 Mrk 3 5.31 0.0141 0.850 3.00 0.068 0.796 1.08 1.37 × 104 14 560
6 Mrk 1 5.00 0.0136 0.814 2.71 0.067 0.762 0.91 1.40 × 104 14 150
7 NGC 1068 4.47 0.0129 0.763 3.56 0.106 0.690 0.61 1.49 × 104 13 500

a The line ratios were not corrected for reddening. A foreground dust screen was assumed instead whose opacity increases exponentially: τij = τVo exp(n/nopa)A(λij)/AV , where A(λ ij )/A V represents the extinction curve evaluated at wavelength λ ij for the emission line ij considered.

bThe averaged temperature for the sample is 〈TOIII〉 = 13480 ± 1180°K.

5.1.1. A Density Cut-Off Generated by a Dust Extinction Gradient

The dust opacity is described by an exponential function of density n: τV = τVo exp(n/nopa), where n opa is the e-folding density that defines the gradual increase of the foreground V -band dust opacity towards the inner nucleus. This definition does not require us to distinguish between the Galactic extinction from that from the NLR dust screen (τVo includes both). Our interest in exploring an ascending extinction towards the denser NLR component is motivated by the accumulating evidence of the importance of the orientation of the NLR (and not just of the BLR) with respect to the observer, as reviewed in AppendixD, and which is presumably the result of a cone-like opacity distribution.

5.1.2. Extinction Curve and Line Transfer Algorithm

The line transfer algorithm implemented in osald fully takes into account the effect of multiple scattering across the foreground dust layers. Its characteristics are described in AppendixC of Binette et al. (1993). As for the extinction curve, we adopt the one inferred by Martin & Rouleau (1991) in their study of the Orion nebula, which differs from the standard ISM curve in that grains of size smaller than 0.05µm are absent, resulting in a flatter curve with less extinction in the UV (Baldwin et al. 1991; Magris C. et al. 1993). It is qualitatively in line with the evidence presented by Maiolino et al. (2001a,b) that small grains are depleted in the dusty medium which is responsible for the absorption of the X-rays and the reddening of the BLR lines. The V -band dust opacity τVo is determined by fitting the integrated Balmer decrement, assuming recombination CaseB at temperature TOIII. The values of TOIII, n opa and fblendHeI are set by iteratively fitting R OIII and the deblended [ArIV] λ4711Å/λ4740Å ratio.

5.1.3. Transposition to a Simplified SphericalGeometry

The algorithm consists in integrating the line emission measures10 of an isothermal multi-density plasma (MDP) of temperature T e . The calculations can be transposed to the idealized geometry of a spherical (or conical) distribution of ionization bounded clouds whose densities n decrease as r −2. The weight attributed to each plasma density component is set proportional to the covering solid angle11 Ω(n) subtended by the plasma shell of density n. In the case of photoionization models, such a distribution would result in a constant ionization parameter Uo and the integrated columns N Xk of each ion k of any cloud would be to a first order constant. For the sake of simplicity, to describe Ω(n) we adopt the power law (n/n low)ϵ, which extends from n low = 100 up to 108 cm−3. If we transpose this to a spherical geometry where both Uo and Ω are constant (i.e. = 0), the area covered by ionization-bounded emission clouds would increase as r 2, thereby compensating the dilution of the ionizing flux and the density fall-out (both ∝ r −2). In this case, the weight attributed by osald to each shell is the same; otherwise, when ϵ ≠ 0 the weight is simply proportional to Ω(n). MDP calculations are not a substitute to photoionization calculations. They are only intended as diagnostics that could constrain some of the many free parameters that characterize multidimensional NLR models, including those which might consider a non-uniform dust distribution.

5.1.4. Selection of the Distribution Index

To guide us in the selection of , we followed the work of Be06b who determined that, for a spectral slit radially positioned along the emission line cone, the surface brightness of the spatially resolved ENLR is seen decreasing radially along the slit as r δ (with δ < 0), where r is the projected nuclear distance on the sky. From their [OIII]λ5007Å and Hα line observations of Seyfert2’s, Be06b derived average index values of δ [OIII] = −2.24±0.2 and δ = −2.16±0.2, respectively. Let us assume that such a gradient extends inward, i.e. inside the unresolved NLR. For our assumed spherical geometry where the Hα luminosity across concentric circular apertures behaves as r-2ϵ (see §C.2), is given by −(1 + δ)/2. Hence we adopt ϵ≈ +0.6 so that a long slit projected onto our spherical geometry could reproduce the observed δ [OIII] value of Be06b. Out of curiosity, we have explored other positive values and found that changes in ϵ were not critical and did not affect our conclusions.

5.1.5. Importance of Deblending the [ArIV]+ λ4711Å+ Lines

As emphasized by Kewley et al. (2019), care must be taken when interpreting the [ArIV] doublet since the weak nearby HeIλ4713Å line is nearly superposed to the [ArIV] λ4711Å line, hence the need to apply a proper deblending correction to the measured [ArIV] ratios. The procedure adopted is described in AppendixB.1. Because of the relative weakness of the HeIλ4713Å line, there is no direct evidence of its presence in AGN spectra given its closeness to the [ArIV] λ4711Å line. To deblend the flux contribution from the Heiλ4713˚A line, we first evaluate its expected flux using the strong HeIλ5876Å line and then subtract it from the [ArIV] λ4711Å line. Since we are dealing with He recombinations lines, the dependence of the HeI ratio on temperature or density is relatively minor. Hence, obtaining a reliable estimate of the HeI fractional contribution, fblendHeI, to the observed [ArIV] profile is straightforward. The procedure is described in Appendices B.1 and C.4.

Another potential blending consists of the first two lines of the [NeIV] quadruplet which comprise the lines λ4714.36, λ4715.80, λ4724.15 and λ4726.62Å (García-Rojas et al. 2015). For convenience, we will refer to them as consisting of two doublets centered at λλ4715Å and λλ4725Å, respectively. Up to densities of ≈ 106 cm−3, the unblended λλ4725Å doublet is calculated to be on average 35% brighter than the λλ4715˚A doublet. In those cases where the λλ4725Å doublet is detected, we can reliably determine the blended λλ4715Å doublet flux and then subtract it from the blended [ArIV]+ λ4711Å+ lines. Further information about the deblending procedure is given in AppendixB.2. No detection of the [NeIV] λλ4725Å line was reported by Kos78.

5.2. Results from the Multi-Density Plasma Models

5.2.1. The Reference Seyfert2 Sample

The results from the calculations using osald are presented in Table 2, where we have assumed a power law index of ϵ= +0.6. In Column(7), fblendHeI represents the estimated blending contribution from HeI λ4713Å to the [ArIV]+ λ4711Å+ lines. The resulting deblended [ArIV] λ4711Å/λ4740Å ratios are presented in Column(8). The foreground dust screen opacities, τVo , inferred by osald from the observed Balmer decrements (Column3) are given in Column(9). The fitted dust distribution e-folding densities, n opa, and the inferred plasma temperatures are given in Columns(10) and (11), respectively.

To facilitate the evaluation of these fits, we show in Figure 4 how the parameters compare for each object between Table 1 (triangles) and Table 2 (stars). Panel(a) represents the target R OIII ratios, dereddened vs. observed, Panel(b) the deblending correction fblendHeI, Panel(c) the the cut-off density vs. dust drop-out density scale, and Panel(d) the temperatures inferred from the fits. The e-folding dust screen densities, n opa, derived by OSALD lie in the range 1500 to 16000cm−3. The average hTOIIIi for the seven Seyfert2’s is 13480±1180°K, being lower by only 500°K with respect to the single density case.

Fig. 4 Comparison between parameters and plasma temperatures shown in Table 1 (open triangles) and Table 2 (stars). An index number (1 - 7) identifies the object name in Column(2) of either table. Panel a: target R OIII ratios, dereddened (open triangles) vs. observed (stars). Panel b: deblending corrections fblendHeI applied to the [NeIV] doublet ratios. Panelc: sharp density cut-off (open triangles) vs. extinction density cut-off n opa (stars). Paneld: plasma temperatures inferred from the dustfree model (open triangles) vs. dusty screen model (stars).  

Having considered an explicit density distribution, with either dust obscuration (Column10) or without (see TableB1 in AppendixE), we derive temperature values that do not differ much from the single density case of Table 1. This supports our contention that collisional deexcitation is not affecting significantly the R OIII ratios observed by Kos78. Given the relative proximity in Figure 3 of the Ri14 subset a41 (black diamond) to the Kos78 sample (black disk), we might conjecture that LDR possibly applies to the a41 sample as well since, at a redshift of z = 0.11, the large projected scale of the 3^ SDSS aperture ensures significantly more dilution of the inner dense NLR component in comparison to the Be06b and Kos78 samples. We would need a larger sample of [ArIV] doublet measurements to confirm that R OIII translates into a reliable determination of the plasma temperature in TypeII AGN.

5.2.2. Probing the Possible Blending of [ArIV] by [NeIV]

We present complementary calculations in Table 3 where we have assumed the hypothetical case of the λλ4725Å doublet reaching 30% of the observed [ArIV] λ4740Å line intensity. The blending contributions from the Hei and [NeIV] λλ4715Å lines, that is fblendHeI and fblendNeIV , are presented in Columns(7) and (9), respectively, and the resulting deblended [ArIV] doublet ratios are listed in Column(10). The opacities τVo (Column11) inferred remain about the same, but the e-folding densities n opa (Column12) are typically larger with respect to Table 2. The average sample temperature hTOIIIi is lower by only 125°K. At least for the Kos78 sample at hand, not including the λλ4725Å doublet should not affect our conclusions concerning the Seyfert2 NLR temperatures.


Objects Target line ratios Dual blending correctionsa Parameter values
1 Mrk 573 3.62 0.0119 1.156 2.03 0.053 0.30b 0.203 0.921 0.15 3.59 × 103 12 710
2 Mrk 34 4.10 0.0110 1.193 2.46 0.056 0.30b 0.196 0.953 0.40 4.56 × 103 12 610
3 Mrk 78 5.31 0.0075 1.238 4.05 0.075 0.30b 0.190 0.979 1.09 6.45 × 103 11 470
4 Mrk 176 6.55 0.0139 1.045 0.90 0.017 0.30b 0.220 0.845 1.73 1.47 × 104 15 120
5 Mrk 3 5.31 0.0141 0.850 3.00 0.089 0.30b 0.307 0.609 1.08 2.76 × 104 14 390
6 Mrk 1 5.00 0.0136 0.814 2.71 0.089 0.30b 0.326 0.575 0.91 2.85 × 104 13 950
7 NGC 1068 4.47 0.0129 0.763 3.56 0.146 0.30b 0.373 0.502 0.61 3.11 × 104 13 250
8A NGC 4151c 5.29 0.0222 0.727 2.40 0.064 - - 0.684 1.07 2.16 × 104 18 050
8B '' '' '' '' '' '' 0.088 0.30d 0.377 0.496 1.07 4.64 × 104 17 610
8C '' '' '' '' '' '' 0.148 0.62e 1.32 0.294 1.08 1.49 × 105 16 180
9 Mrk 477 4.00 0.0215 0.693 7.05 0.295 0.30 0.35 0.535 0.34 22 200 16 350
10 J1653+23 f 4.08 0.0192 1.16 4.76 0.099 0.42 0.25 1.05 0.39 2 840 16 050
11 J1300+53 3.79 0.0257 1.13 3.21 0.070 0.38 0.22 1.06 0.239 2 200 18 320

aThe fraction of [ArIV]+ contributed by blending is the sum of fblendHeI+fblendNeIV.

bThe quoted [NeIV] doublet ratio of 0.30 is our estimated upper limit for the Kos78 sample.

cThe line ratios measurements of the Seyfert I NGC 4151, are from Boksenberg et al. (1975).

dEye estimate of the [NeIV] λ4725Å doublet from the Boksenberg et al. (1975) spectrum.

eValue of the [NeIV] λ4725Å doublet deduced from Table I of Boksenberg et al. (1975).

fObservations carried out with the spectrograph OSIRIS mounted on the 10.4 m Gran Telescopio Canarias.

5.2.3. Detection of [NeIV] in Nearby Seyfert1 NGC4151

The critical densities of the [NeIV] quadruplet lines all lie above 106 cm−3. Because the [ArIV] doublet emissivities at such densities are significantly reduced due to collisional deexcitation, a positive detection of the [NeIV] λλ4725Å doublet might relate to having plasma densities much above those deduced from the Kos78 sample. This might be the case in TypeI AGN. Interestingly, the detection of the [NeIV] λλ4725Å doublet was reported early on in the Seyfert1 NGC4151 by Boksenberg et al. (1975). The line ratios of interest for this object are shown in Table 3. A labeled star depicts its position in Figure 3. Eye estimates of the [NeIV] λλ4725Å doublet (from the published figure) suggest a value of ≈ 0.3 with respect to the [ArIV] λ4740Å line, while the measurements reported in their TableI would imply a higher value of 0.62. In Table 3, we present three osald fits in which the [NeIV]/[ArIV] ratio (Column8) successively takes on the values of 0, 0.3 and 0.62. The two [NeIV] deblending corrections result in n opa values higher by factors of 2.2 and 7.5 for models 8B and 8C, respectively, with the deblended [ArIV] doublet ratios dropping to 0.496 and 0.294 (Column10). The impact on the inferred temperature is significant, with TOIII from model 8C being 1870°K lower, at 16180°K, showing minimal evidence of collisional deexcitation being present. It would be interesting to repeat this exercise if we could obtain higher S/N spectra.

5.2.4. The Particular Case of QSO2’s

Through our literature search of TypeII AGN measurements of the λλ4725Å [NeIV] doublet, we came across three objects classified as QSO2’s, that is, TypeII quasars corresponding to the high luminosity counterpart of Seyfert2’s. They are Mrk477 (Villar Martín et al. 2015), SDSS J1300+54 and SDSS J1653+23 (Villar-Martín et al. 2017) at redshifts z of 0.037, 0.088 and 0.103, respectively. Their spectra were extracted from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey data (SDSS; York et al. 2000) and the line ratios relevant to our analysis are given in Table 3.

What stands out from these objects is their larger R OIII ratios. The deblended [ArIV] doublet ratios (Column8) do not imply significant collisional deexcitation, except at a reduced level in Mrk477 where n opa reaches ≃22200cm−3. Yet the TOIII values inferred (Column13) for the three QSO2’s are much higher than in Seyfert2’s, which questions the plausibility of LDR conditions. It is possible that AGN’s where the [NeIV] λλ4725Å can be detected might indicate the presence of a double-bump in their density distribution. We tentatively explored the addition of an additional denser plasma component (≳106 cm−3) to our power law. Our fit to the [ArIV] doublet was not very sensitive to this component since both λλ4711,40Å lines are affected by collisional deexcitation at the high density end. Even though the temperatures we inferred came out at values lower than in Column(13), the exercise was not convincing as the number of free parameters exceeded the number of variables. A possible interpretation is that the super-luminous QSO2’s scale up in size to the extent that their inner NLR become partly visible, as is the case of the high spatial resolution HST measurement of the nearby Seyfert2 NGC1068 (c.f. red triangles in Figure 1).


In conclusion, after integrating the emissivities of the [OIII] and [ArIV] lines over a continuous distribution of densities, we find that the impact of collisional deexcitation on the λ4363Å/λ5007Å (R OIII) ratio is not significant among ground-based observations of the seven Seyfert2 sample of Kos78 who provided measurements of the [ArIV] density indicator and, therefore, their R OIII ratio provides us with a reliable measurement of the NLR temperature. A comparison of the values of R OIII observed among quasars, Seyfert2’s and spatially extended ENLR plasma, as displayed in Figure1, argues in favor of a floor temperature for the NLR, which we situate at ≳ 13500°K. Our photoionization models using mappings ig and assuming standard SEDs and low densities predict R OIII values significantly below those observed in Seyfert2’s. This discrepancy defines what we would label the R OIII-temperature problem.

In the current work, we found complementary evidence that the orientation of the emission line cone with respect to the observer’s line-of-sight affects our characterisation of the NLR, whether in Seyfert2’s (Kos78 sample) or in quasars (BL05 and RA00 samples). We do not exclude the existence of a much denser NLR component being present in groundbased observations, but we would propose that, at least among Seyfert2’s with z ≳ 0.02, the latter would be strongly diluted by the much brighter low density NLR component, which we evaluate to have a density ≲ 10 4.3 cm−3. In quasars, where a larger fraction of this dense and luminous component becomes visible, the resulting R OIII ratio progressively increases up to values of z ≈ 0.2 due to collisional deexcitation, as proposed by BL05 using dual-density photoionization models. It would be interesting to investigate whether the [NeIV] λ4725Å doublet becomes intrinsically stronger in TypeI objects. A few luminous AGN in which we reported the detection of the [NeIV] doublet in §5.2.3 and 5.2.4 appear to favor a density distribution akin to a double-bump, such as the dual-density approach of BL05, rather than the single power law we have assumed.


This work has been partly funded with support from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad through the grant AYA2012-32295. G.MC is grateful for the support from the Centro de Investigaciones de Astronomía (CIDA). A.R.A acknowledges partial support from CNPq Fellowship (312036/2019-1 and 203746/2017-1). M.M-P acknowledges support by the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute for her postdoctoral fellowships. A. Alarie was funded by a postdoctoral grant from CONACyT. We thank the referee for his/her helpful constructive comments.

The discussion about the referred three QSO2’s is based on data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Funding for the SDSS and SDSS-II has been provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Participating Institutions, the National Science Foundation, the US Department of Energy, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Japanese Monbukagakusho, the Max Planck Society and the Higher Education Funding Council for England. The SDSS website is The SDSS is managed by the Astrophysical Research Consortium for the Participating Institutions.


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1The current study does not include BLLac objects nor extremely red quasars.

2Where the densest plasma of the BLR and inner NLR is located.

3When the line emission lies kiloparsecs or more away from the nucleus, some authors (e.g., Tadhunter et al. 1988) prefer the term extended emission line region (EELR).

4Initially associated to the LINER category, the presence of [Nev] lines indicates a high ionization plasma despite having [OIII]/Hβ < 1 due to collisional deexcitation.

5We define the critical density as the density where the line intensity, divided by both the ion and the electron densities, reaches 50% of the low density limit value.

6Defined by the flux ratio at 2keV with respect to 2500Å.

7This version includes the new algorithm osald (AppendixC.3). Other updates are described in a subsequent paper (Binette & Humphrey 2022).

8Some of the leftmost models of La12 and Ri14 fall outside the graph boundaries.

9The sub-index + sign denotes a line that incorporates a blended component from a different ion. The double λλ symbol refers to two separate but nearby lines of the same ion.

10Defined as the line emission coefficient times the electronic density.

11Ω(n) = A(n)/4πr2 where A is the area of a shell of density n exposed to the ionizing source at a distance r. For definiteness we set the electron density equal to that of H, n = n e = n H .

12Each of these measurements is associated to a Seyfert2 as we left out the fifth object, NGC526A, which is classified as Seyfert1.5.

13Stands for “Oxygen Sulfur Argon Line Diagnostic”.

14Terminology suggested by Murayama et al. (1998) to contrast those AGN from LINER.



Among the Seyfert galaxies studied (e.g. Bennert et al. 2006a,b), the ENLR densities inferred from the red [SII]λλ6716,31Å doublet are typically < 103 cm−3. Along the long-slit measurements, in most cases both the electron density and the ionisation parameter appear to be decreasing with radius. The authors proposed that deviations from this general behaviour (such as a secondary peak), when seen in both the ionisation parameter and electron density space, can be interpreted as signs of shocks due to the interaction with a radio jet. In what follows, we will consider those cases where the excitation mechanism is photoionization by the accretion disk. The red dot in Figure1 represents the average R OIII of the ENLR of four12 Seyfert2’s observed by SB96. If we assume a temperature of 9000°K for the [SII] plasma, the densities inferred by BWS from the λ6716Å/λ6731Å ratios from each ENLR are ≤ 250cm−2. Two other examples shown in Figure1 are: (a) the yellow filled dot, which corresponds to a deep spectrum of a 8kpc distant cloud from the nucleus of radio-galaxy Pks2152-699 (Ta87), and (b) the magenta dot which represents the average R OIII of seven optical filaments situated at ≈ 490pc from the nucleus of the radio-galaxy CentaurusA (Mo91). In both cases, the red [SII] doublet measurements indicate low electronic densities, with n e ≤ 250cm−3.

High excitation ENLR lines such as [OIII] should similarly operate under LDR conditions for the following reasons. First, the geometrical dilution factor of the ionizing flux across the typical detector aperture does not vary significantly. For instance, if we define r in as the radial distance separating the UV source from the inner boundary of the observed ENLR, and ∆r as the radial thickness corresponding to the detector aperture projected on the sky, then the ratio (∆r/r in )2 represents the fractional change of the UV dilution factor across the observed ENLR. This factor is typically ≲ 1.5, indicating that the observed plasma is exposed essentially to the same ionizing flux. Line ratio variations across ∆r must be due to either variations in plasma density or to a progressive absorption of the ionizing radiation, but not to changes in the dilution factor. Second, if the [OIII] and [SII] lines originate from unrelated gas components, the densities of the low [SII] emission plasma must be orders of magnitudes higher than the [OIII] emission plasma in order to sufficiently reduce the ionization parameter to the point that the low ionization species dominate the spectrum. Third, if the [SII] emission corresponds to the partially ionized layer at the back of a photoionized (ionizationbounded) slab, the electronic density of the region that emits the [OIII] lines is denser by a factor of 2.5 to 4. The reason is that the [SII] emission comes from plasma that is partially ionized with an electronic density n e much lower than the local gas density n H . This factor is sufficiently small that for the typical [SII] densities of n e ≃ 250cm−3 as found in the ENLR, the density associated to the [OIII] lines would still be <<104 cm-3 and LDR conditions should therefore apply.


B.1 Correcting the [ArIV]+ Ratio for HeI λ4713Å Blending

One characteristic of ratios involving recombination lines of the same ion is their limited sensitivity to either temperature or density. A satisfactory prediction of the HeI λ4713Å line intensity can be derived from the measurement of the Hei λ5876Å line. First, we derive the CaseB Hei λ4713Å/λ5876Å ratio, which we label RHe, via interpolation of the emissivities from the supplemental table of Porter et al. (2013). For a 104 cm−3 plasma at a temperature of 12000K, RHe turns out to be only 4.78% of HeI 5876Å. Temperature variations of ±2000°K would cause a change in this ratio of +7.95-11.5%, respectively, while adopting density values of 100 and 105 cm−3 would result in RHe ratios of 0.0429 and 0.0489, respectively. Second, by defining R He/Ar as the observed Hei/[ArIV] λ5876Å/λ4740Å ratio, the product (R He/Ar × RHe) defines our estimate of the blending contribution from HeI λ4713Å to the measured (blended) [ArIV]+ doublet ratio. The relevant information is provided by the fractional contribution of the blended line, which is given by . The blendedcorrected [ArIV] λ4711Å/λ4740Å doublet ratio is given by fblendHeI=(RHe/Ar×RHe)/[ArIV]+. The blended-corrected [ArIV] λ4711Å/λ4740Å doublet ratio is given by 1-fblendHeI×[ArIV]+, which was used to explore the single density case discussed in §4.2 (see Column(7) of Table1). For the power law density distribution case, the procedure is described in §C.4.

B.2. Correcting the [ArIV]+ ratio for [NeIV] λλ4715Å Blending

The [NeIV] optical lines consist of a quadruplet at λ4714.36, λ4715.80, λ4724.15 and λ4726.62Å, respectively (García-Rojas et al. 2015). To simplify the notation, we will refer to the quadruplet as consisting of two doublets: the observed [NeIV] λλ4725Å lines and the potentially blended [NeIV] λλ4715Å lines. At typical NLR densities, the potentially observed [NeIV] λλ4725Å doublet is calculated to be ≈ 35% brighter than the [NeIV] λλ4715Å doublet (blended with [ArIV] λ4711Å). To our knowledge the [NeIV] λλ4725Å doublet has only been reported in a few AGN. However, it is frequently observed in planetary nebulae (PN). For instance, in NGC6302, where the stellar temperature is estimated to be in the range 224000 to 450000°K (Feibelman 2001), the observed [NeIV]/[ArIV] λλ4725Å/λ4740Å ratio reported by Aller et al. (1981) is 0.175. Since the emission lines of PN are narrow, the above mentioned lines can be resolved without any need of deblending provided high resolution spectroscopy has been carried out. For instance, the observations of the PN NGC3918 by García-Rojas et al. (2015) using the Ultraviolet-Visual Echelle Spectrograph (UVES, D’Odorico et al. (2000)) with a 1 a 1˝^ spectral resolution of 6.5km s−1. The observed emission profiles of each [NeIV] quadruplet line were well resolved, showing a FWHM of ≃ 20km s−1. Interestingly, the [NeIV]/[ArIV] λλ4715Å/λ4711Å and Hei/[ArIV] λ4713Å/λ4711Å ratios measured by García-Rojas et al. (2015) are 0.115 and 0.078, respectively. To correct the measured [ArIV]+ (λ4711Å+/λ4740Å) ratio for [NeIV] blending, the density integration by osald of the two doublets [NeIV] λλ4724,26Å and [NeIV] λλ4714,16Å proceeds as described in AppendixC.4 for the Hei λ4713Å and λ5876Å lines.


Using emission line atomic physics, OSALD13 explores temperature and density diagnostics in which an explicit distribution of the density is considered.

C.1. Line Diagnostics with a Power Law Density Distribution

Our goal is to explore which density distribution best reproduces a given set of line ratios, and to determine to what extent collisional deexcitation is affecting the observed R OIII λ4363Å/λ5007Å or R NII λ5755Å/λ6583Å line ratios. For the high ionization species such as O+2, Ar+3 and Ne+3, the temperature TOIII is set iteratively to the value which reproduces the target R OIII ratio. Although not considered in the current paper, other diagnostics can be modeled, such as the singly ionized oxygen [OII] λ6726Å/λ6729Å and [OII] λ3727Å/λ7325Å line ratios at the temperature that would reproduce the temperature sensitive R NII target ratio, or the singly ionized sulphur [SII] λ6716Å/λ6731Å and [SII] λλ4069,76Å/λλ6716,31Å line ratios at the estimated temperature T SII ≈ 9000°K.

C.2. Transposition of OSALD to a Spherical Geometry

The isothermal plasma considered by osald can be visualized as consisting of concentric shells of plasma whose densities decrease radially as r −2. These shells are given a weight which we associate to the covering solid angle of a putative ionizing source at the center. This can be transposed to the idealized case of photoionized shells that are ionization bounded and share the same ionization parameter Uo. To the extent that the low density regime applies, the line luminosities of each shell result equal if they share the same covering solid angle Ω of the ionizing source. osald basically integrates the line emission coefficient times the shell covering solid angle: jijk (n,T)(n)n, where ij corresponds to the transition from levels j to i evaluated at a temperature T and a density n, which takes into account collisional deexcitation. The integrated line flux for line ij of ion k reduces to the summation in density space of lΩ(nl) jijk(T,nl) Δnl, where n l is progressively increased in locked steps of size ∆n l /n l = 0.004dex from nHo = 100 up to the cut-off density n cut. When the fit incorporates foreground dust extinction, n cut is fixed at 108 cm−3 and the actual cut-off is set by the foreground dust extinction which increases exponentially with density. The e-folding density for the opacity in the V -band is defined by the parameter n opa(see C.3). The weight of each shell is given by its covering solid angle Ω, which follows a power law of index with density: Ω(n)=Ωo(n/n Ho)ϵ, where Ω o is an arbitrarily small constant that would ensure negligible shell shadowing. The density is postulated to decrease radially as nr −2. As a result, the shells’ luminosities behave as r −2Є since positive values of imply a covering solid angle that increases towards the ionizing source (along with the density n). A slit radially positioned along the ionizing cone would result in an Hβ surface brightness that decreases as r δ , with δ=-2(2Є+1).

C.3. Line Transfer Across the Cone-Like Dust Screen

In the context of TypeII objects, we propose in §5 that each emission line is seen through a dust screen whose opacity increases exponentially towards the inner denser regions. For each line ij, the opacity τ ij (n) is given by τVoexp(n/nopa)A(λij)/AV, where τVo is the V -band dust opacity at the lowest density nHo, n opa is the e-folding density of the exponential function, A(λ ij ) the selected extinction curve and A V the extinction value at 5500Å. When integrating the emission measures, the dust transfer function Tr(τ ij (n)) is applied to each emission coefficient jijk (n,T). The latter assumes a plane-parallel geometry and takes into account both absorption and scattering due to the dust grains, as described in AppendixC of Binette et al. (1993). In order to constrain the parameter τVo, the set of line ratios that are selected to be fitted must include one or more Balmer line ratios from H.

C.4. Blending of the HeI λ4713Å and [ArIV] λ4711Å Lines

To calculate the flux of any Hei line, the CaseB recombination coefficients are taken from the work of Porter et al. (2013). They cover the temperature range 5000 ≤ T rec ≤ 25000°K and density range 102n e ≤ 1014 cm−3. By default, the temperature assumed for Hei in the current work is T rec = 12000°K while it is the variable TOIII for [ArIV] and all the high ionization ions.

In order to evaluate the blending of the weak HeI λ4713Å line with the [ArIV] λ4711Å line, osald integrates the emission flux of the following four lines: HeI λ4713Å, HeI λ5876Å, [ArIV] λ4711Å and [ArIV] λ4740Å, taking into account dust extinction at the corresponding densities. This procedure properly takes into account how the emission coefficient of each line is affected by density and collisional deexcitation, as well as by dust extinction, which may increase along with density. After assuming an arbitrary abundance ratio of the two ionic species He+ and Ar+3, the algorithm derives the integrated HeI/[ArIV] ratio labelled R 5876/4740 and rescales it to the observed value. The R 4713/4740 ratio represents a measure of the blending contribution from Hei and is derived from the ratio R4713/5876/R5876/4740. Deblending the [ArIV] R 4711/4740 ratio is achieved by subtracting the R 4713/4740 ratio from the observed blended [ArIV]+ ratio. The fraction of [ArIV]+ due to HeI blending is labelled fblendHeI in all our tables.

C.5. Minimumχrno2and Iterative Least Squares Fit

We used a non-linear least squares fit method to find the optimal input parameter values that succeed in reproducing as closely as possible the target line ratios. These parameters are varied in an iterative fashion until the minimum re-normalized χrno2 value is encountered, with χrno2 defined as

χrno2xj=i=1mwi(yi-y(xj))2MAX[yi2,y(xj)2]/i=1mwi, (c1)

where m is the number of line ratios simultaneously fitted, w i the weight attributed to each line ratio i, y i the observed target line ratios and y(x j ) the corresponding line ratios derived from the integration of the line fluxes. The quantity x j represents the various parameters on which the line integration depends, that is, the temperature T fit and density n, as well as the parameters describing the behaviour of the covering angle Ω(n), which are and n cut as defined in AppendixC.2. As detailed in §5.2 and Table2, we used the algorithm to fit the line ratios of the seven TypeII NLR of Table1. By trial and error we settled for weights w i of 2.0 and 1.5 for the [ArIV] λ4711Å/λ4740Å and R OIII λ4363Å/λ5007Å ratios, respectively.

OSALD’s basic goal is to evaluate whether or not there is evidence of significant collisional deexcitation affecting the R OIII ratio of any AGN whose λ4711Å/λ4740Å ratio is successfully measured. Any fit where χrno2 exceeds 0.05 is deemed unsatisfactory and of no use. The fits described in Tables1-3 all present a negligible χrno25×107. For this reason, the line ratios derived from the fits are, for all practical purposes, equal to the target ratios.


The geometrical set-up behind the unified model may apply not only to the BLR but to parts of the NLR that are gradually obscured in TypeII objects. This would explain why the NLR line emission observed in the Seyfert2’s correspond to a much lower density plasma than observed in TypeI’s. Examples of studies confirming the impact of the observer’s perspective on the NLR are:

  1. Using a data set of 18 Seyfert1 and 17 Seyfert2 of similar redshift from the literature, Murayama & Taniguchi (1998) showed the evidence of an excess of FeVIIλ6086Å emission in TypeI AGN with respect to TypeII. The Fevii/[OIII] (λ6087Å/λ5007Å) ratio in TypeI AGN turns out to be an order of magnitude larger than in TypeII. They proposed that it was linked to a region residing in the inner wall of a dusty torus, which they labeled the high-ionization nuclear emission line region (HINER14).

  2. Using a sample of 214 Seyferts, Nagao et al. (2001, hereafter NMT) confirmed that TypeI Seyferts show a statistically higher R OIII than Type II Seyferts. Using the work of De Robertis & Osterbrock (1984, 1986) who measured the line widths of 24 Seyferts, MNT found that the FWHM of [OIII]λ4363Å in TypeI spectra was larger than that of [OIII]λ5007Å, while in TypeII spectra the FWHM of both lines were statistically indistinguishable. Although with less statistical significance, two more results were presented by NMT: (1) the FWHM of [OIII]λ4363Å was larger in TypeI than in TypeII spectra, and (2) the FWHM of [OIII]λ5007Å in TypeI and TypeII spectra were statistically indistinguishable. The authors commented that these results suggest that the strongly [OIII]λ4363Å emitting region is located in a deeper inner region as compared to [OIII]λ5007Å and that it is fully visible only in TypeI AGN. MNT inferred that the dependence of R OIII on AGN types could be attributed to obscuration effects.

  3. Meléndez et al. (2008) favour a similar interpretation with respect to the mid-infrared coronal lines. They found that the mean [OIII]λ5007Å line luminosity is 1.4dex smaller in Seyfert2’s than in Seyfert1’s, while in the case of the mean [OIV]λ25.89µm line luminosity the difference between the two subgroups is only 0.2dex. Their linear regression in the log plane of each AGN subgroup reveals that the luminosity of [OIII] scales almost linearly as L[OIV]0.9±0.1 in Seyfert1’s, but much more steeply, as L[OIV]1.8±0.5 in Seyfert2’s. Both trends are consistent with strong dust absorption of [OIII] while [OIV] is relatively little affected by extinction. It confirms earlier reports of Jackson & Browne (1991); Cameron et al. (1993); Mulchaey et al. (1994); Keel et al. (1994); Rhee & Larkin (2005); Netzer et al. (2006) that a much higher dust extinction affects the optical NLR of Seyfert2’s than of Seyfert1.

  4. Finally, the work of Rose et al. (2015b,a) of Coronal-Line Forest Active Galactic Nuclei (CLiF AGN), which are characterized by a rich spectrum of optical forbidden high-ionization lines, suggests that the inner obscuring torus wall is the most likely location of the coronal line region.


In §4.2, we assumed a single plasma density to determine the plasma temperature of the Kos78 Seyfert2 sample. We present in TableB1 calculations from osald where the density is represented by a power law density distribution of index Є = +0.6 that extends from n = 100cm−3 up to a sharp cut-off density n cut. The blending corrected [ArIV] λ4711Å/λ4740Å ratios are given in Column(4) where we followed the procedure described in AppendicesB.1 and C.4 to evaluate the Hei λ4713Å fractional contribution fblendHeI to the blended [ArIV]+ line. The free parameters n cut and TOIII were iteratively varied until they reproduced the dereddened ratios of both R OIII (Column4) and (blended) [ArIV]+ (Column5) from data Table1. The inferred values for n cut and TOIII are given in Columns(5-6) of TableB1.

The plasma temperatures TOIII of TableB1 are essentially the same as those of Column(9) from Table1 that were derived assuming a single density.


1 Mrk573 0.039 1.12 3.07 × 103 13390
2 Mrk34 0.051 1.15 2.73 × 103 12720
3 Mrk78 0.053 1.20 1.87 × 103 12220
4 Mrk176 0.013 1.03 4.78 × 103 15930
5 Mrk3 0.072 0.78 1.27 × 104 14650
6 Mrk1 0.059 0.78 1.27 × 104 14740
7 NGC1068 0.097 0.72 1.56 × 104 14190

a Based on the reddening corrected line ratios of Table1. The fits to both the R OIII ratio and [ArIV] doublet assume a density distribution that extends from 100cm−3 up to the cut-off density n cut. The plasma covering factor follows a power law function of density with index Є=±0.6.

bThe target [ArIV] λ4711Å/λ4740Å ratios after the Hei deblending corrections have been applied to the observed values given in Column(5) of Table1.

cThe averaged temperature for the sample is 〈TOIII〉= 13380°K.

The main reason is that, insofar as the [OIII] lines are concerned, the line emissivities for the whole sample take place in the low density regime and, as a result, the density averaged over the whole distribution, n-, turns out to be very close to the single density value n sng from Table1 (Column8). For instance, for the object with the highest cut-off density of Column(5), NGC1068, the ratio R OIII increases by only 3% across the range of densities covered by the power law distribution and the average density, n-, is 9425cm−3, which is close to the single density n sng value of 8770cm−3. For the four objects where n cut < 104 cm−3, the mean densities n are proportionally closer to the corresponding nsng values.

We conclude that for a covering angle Ω that increases monotonically with density, there is no evidence of the ROIII ratio being affected by collisional deexcitation among the Seyfert2 sample of Kos78. We cannot rule out the existence of a double bump being present in the density distribution of some AGN. The cause could be the existence of a high density component above ≳ 106 cm−3 since such component would not contribute to the [ArIV] lines and, therefore, our modelling would not be sensitive to it. There are indications that such a component might be present in QSO2’s, as proposed in §5.2.4.

Received: December 28, 2021; Accepted: January 25, 2022

A. Alarie: Département de physique, de génie physique et d'optique, Université Laval, Québec, QC G1V 0A6, Canada.

L. Binette: Instituto de Astronomía, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, A.P. 70-264, Ciudad de México, C. P. 04510, México

G. Magris: Centro de Investigaciones de Astronomía, Apartado Postal 264, Mérida 5101-A, Venezuela

M. Martínez-Paredes: Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 776 Daedeokdae-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 34055, Republic of Korea.

A. Rodríguez Ardila: Laboratório Nacional de Astrofísica - Rua dos Estados Unidos 154, Bairro das Naçõoes. CEP 37504-364, Itajubá, MG, Brazil.

M. Villar-Martín: Centro de Astrobiología, (CAB, CSIC-INTA), Departamento de Astrofísica, Cra. de Ajalvir Km. 4, 28850, Torrejón de Ardoz, Madrid, Spain.

I. Villicaña-Pedraza: DACC Science Department, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM 88003, USA.

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