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Revista mexicana de astronomía y astrofísica

Print version ISSN 0185-1101


RAGA, A. C.  and  CANTO, J.. Mildly Relativistic, Ballistic Corkscrew Jets as Rotated Spirals. Rev. mex. astron. astrofis [online]. 2022, vol.58, n.2, pp.301-307.  Epub Mar 20, 2023. ISSN 0185-1101.

Relativistic, corkscrew jets are produced by some Galactic compact objects (notably, the SS433 outflow) and by some of the central monsters of quasars or AGN. As the result of arrival time-delay effects, the projections of the outflow locus onto the observed plane of the sky are remarkably different for the (blueshifted) jet and the (redshifted) counterjet. In terms of a ballistic, precessing jet model, we show that for a range of outflow parameters these relativistic effects correspond to apparent changes in: the orientation angle of the precession axis, the opening angle of the precession cone and the flow velocity. This description is appropriate for outflows with v/c ≤ 0.5.

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