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vol.24 issue2Contenidos jurídicos en el relato de Cupido y Psique de ApuleyoBeys, K. E., Ωρα Απιἐναι. È tempo di andaré. Rossetti, L., Un Eutifrone interattivo. Tentazioni esegetiche dissociate author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Nova tellus

Print version ISSN 0185-3058


HERRERA ZAPIEN, Tarsicio. Benito Juárez, héroe de un poema de evocación virgiliana. Nova tellus [online]. 2006, vol.24, n.2, pp.263-291. ISSN 0185-3058.

The modern scholar Francisco José Cabrera made a remarkable contribution to the Bicentennial of Benito Juárez’s birth. He wrote an epic and lyric poem that emphasizes and comments the most important moments of Juárez’s life. It begins by Juárez’s studies of the Humanities, that led him from the Seminary to study law, then to the government of Oaxaca and then to be the President of Mexico. It describes the conflicts with the United States and Napoleon III’s army, and the victorious battle against the Archduke Maximilian. The poem is composed in brilliant latin hexametres wich reflect the most significant moments of the Eneid.

Keywords : Cabrera; Eneida; Juárez; latín; neolatín; poesía; Virgilio.

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