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On-line version ISSN 2395-8464Print version ISSN 0186-0348


SANTOS IBANEZ, Juliana. Memory as Educational Policy. Decisions and Tensions Surrounding the Origins of the National Education and Memory Program in Argentina (2005-2007). Secuencia [online]. 2024, n.119, e2167.  Epub June 10, 2024. ISSN 2395-8464.

This article presents an analysis of the National Education and Memory Program as a public policy implemented in Argentina to teach the recent past of state terrorism in the realm of educational. As a result of the debates in the field of social memory studies and the particular features of this policy, four tensions surrounding its implementation emerged: the formation of the work team, the tension between institutionality and militancy, and between public policies on memory and civil society, and the debates on representation. This is a systematic analysis of the original stage of a central policy within the universe of reparation policies in Argentina, and the first of its kind. It views the state through a theoretical-methodological lens as a complex actor embroiled in disputes over the meaning of the past.

Keywords : public policies; social memory; State; National Education and Memory Program; Argentina.

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